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在国家助学金的评审过程中,如何提高大学生对国家助学金评审的满意度是国家助学金实施的核心问题。本研究以调查为基础,得出大学生对国家助学金评审的满意度较高;并找出有无国家助学金申请的准入制度以及有无国家助学金的量化评分标准是影响国家助学金评审满意度的两个因素。  相似文献   

李超  马岚 《华章》2012,(36)
高校大规模扩招以来,贫困大学生数量逐年上升,国家为了体现教育公平原则,出台了助学金政策.本文探讨了目前大学生评选助学金过程中出现的问题及产生的原因,引导学生树立正确的金钱观、价值观,促进助学金的合理分配.同时还提出了一些建议措施,主要包括:完善和制定相应规定;细化资助审查工作步骤;帮助学生通过相应的勤工俭学工作加强助学金的教育意义,让接受资助的大学生明白自身有责任通过努力学习,改变家庭贫困状况,来回报国家和社会.  相似文献   

国家助学金制度实施六年来,对缓解家庭经济困难学生经济压力和保持学校正常的教学秩序起到了非常重要的作用。但问题也在逐步暴露,如家庭经济困难认定难度大、精神贫困问题亟待解决等。通过对国家助学金制度沿革的梳理,从教育公平出发,分析家庭经济困难认定过程和国家助学金评审过程中各种矛盾,提出国家助学金评审发放地方化的建议,并初步探讨该制度改革的可行性以及高校如何开展配套工作。  相似文献   

近些年,随着政府持续加大对经济困难大学生资助的力度,贫困大学生人数急剧增加,高校贫困生问题日益突出,这些问题的存在也给高校学生工作增加了难度。国家助学金工作作为国家资助工作的重要举措,在实际工作过程中,在宣传教育、贫困证明的出具、评定以及后期监督管理等各环节都暴露出较多的问题。本文将对高职院校国家助学金工作进行深入的研究,针对高职院校设计国家助学金管理工作的改进和优化方案。  相似文献   

殷漫漫 《文教资料》2014,(32):105-106
国家助学金评定的实际操作过程中出现的一些问题,影响了国家助学金评定的效果。作者分析了评定过程的公开公正与学生的隐私自尊的矛盾、国家助学金档次评定的难度、国家助学金发放后的跟进不力等问题,并结合自身工作实践,提出了助学金评定的细化建议:细化辅导员评审工作,完善国家助学金发放跟进工作,旨在为高校贫困资助职能部门和广大辅导员解决实际操作中的问题提供建议和帮助。  相似文献   

国家助学金政策是国家关注教育公平、重视贫困大学生问题而采取的重大举措。但国家助学金在制度设定与实际操作中存在着一些矛盾,引发了许多困境,主要表现在效率与公平难以权衡,育人与助困难以兼顾,这些困境严重影响国家助学金资助的实际效果,因此必须对国家助学金制度进行改革,厘清国家助学金的性质,树立起以效率为中心的国家助学金资助取向,克服资助过程中的行政化趋向。  相似文献   

国家助学金政策是国家关注教育公平、重视贫困大学生问题而采取的重大举措。但国家助学金在制度设定与实际操作中存在着一些矛盾,引发了许多困境,主要表现在效率与公平难以权衡,育人与助困难以兼顾,这些困境严重影响国家助学金资助的实际效果,因此必须对国家助学金制度进行改革,厘清国家助学金的性质,树立起以效率为中心的国家助学金资助取向,克服资助过程中的行政化趋向。  相似文献   

国家助学金的推出是国家关注教育公平、重视贫困大学生问题所采取的重大举措。但国家国家助学金资助模式还存在很多问题,在高校中也引发了很多矛盾。这一方面缘于高校管理自身的缺陷,更多的是国家助学金资助模式先天设置的障碍,因此必须对其本身进行改进和完善。  相似文献   

高校助学金管理问题及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校收费制度的实行以及大规模扩招,使得贫困大学生数量逐年上升,国家为了体现教育公平原则,出台了助学金政策。本文主要针对高校助学金管理现状中存在的问题进行了总结分析,并提出了相应的建议措施,主要包括:完善和制定相应法规;细化资助审查工作步骤;建立完整的具有人文关怀的贫困生资助跟踪反馈机制;加强助学金的教育意义。最后进行总结,指出学校在资助贫困生的同时,更要进行思想教育;接受资助的大学生有责任通过努力学习,改变家庭贫困状况,来回报社会。  相似文献   

随着近些年高校总人数和贫困人数的日益增加,国家对贫困大学生的资助力度也进一步加大,同时许多高校在贫困生的认定和助学金的分配方式方面也暴露出很多问题.对邯郸学院生物系2008级学生在以往国家贫困助学金的发放过程中存在的问题进行了分析,并根据存在的问题在新一轮的贫困生认定方案制定时进行了新的探索与尝试,收到较好的效果.  相似文献   

近几年来,高校对国家助学金评定的“奇葩”规定有增无减,曾经有一则“因穿耐克鞋被取消助学金”的网帖走红网络,引起了网络舆论对“贫困生应该是什么样子”的热议。 国家助学金能否被高校通过科学评定而分配到贫困生手里,是一件事关教育公平的大事情。本文对国家助学金的设立宗旨、资助情况、评定质疑、评定尺度与评定温度进行了客观分析,认为对于贫困生的关注,需要的是尊重而不是怜悯。 因此说,高校需要掌握国家助学金的评定尺度、更需要传递评定温度。  相似文献   

国家助学金政策实施以来,由于对家庭经济困难学生认定及分级资助标准受主观因素影响,国家助学金政策与高校优秀学生奖学金、勤工助学工作存在着重合等问题。本文在调查基础上提出对国家助学金政策进行融合性重构,即"凭贷建库、以奖代补、学费代偿、特困专助、勤工专补、无偿限额"等设想,以期国家助学金政策更加完善。  相似文献   

The coordination of state finance strategies has been widely advocated as a means of maintaining affordability in public colleges and universities. This article examines the influence of state grants on equalizing opportunity for persistence among full-time resident students in Indiana's public system of higher education. The findings indicate that the state has maintained a commitment to a balanced approach to higher education finance, with increases in state grants that corresponded with tuition increases in the middle 1990s. This investment has been sufficient to equalize opportunity to persist.  相似文献   

随着国家助学金资助比例的提高以及资助金额的增大,高校助学金发放过程中存在的问题愈加凸显出来,贫困生界定困难、助学金发放程序上的公平掩盖了事实上的不公平,背离了国家奖助学金设立的初衷。应采取探索科学的贫困生认定方法、加强对助学金发放过程监督、按需分配助学金名额、调整助学金资助方式等对策,贯彻教育公平和资助育人的原则。  相似文献   

In New York, the state has responded to the student dropout problem, which is particularly acute in urban school districts, by enacting a number of new state aid programs to address this problem. However, because many of the program grants are awarded competitively, the benefits are not distributed equally to all school districts. There is also much duplication and overlap in terms of program purposes and activities. Dropout prevention in the schools might be better served if some of the various programs were consolidated and the funds distributed on a more equitable basis so that aid is directed to areas of greatest need and the administrative burden at both the state and local levels is reduced.The opinions expressed in this paper are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the State Education Department.  相似文献   

In 2009, the federal government committed over $3 billion nationwide to help states and districts turn around their worst-performing schools. The U.S. Department of Education intended for the School Improvement Grants (SIGs) to spur dramatic change.This report looks at the results of a field study of the first-year implementation of those grants in Washington State, which received $50 million in SIG funding over three years. Researchers hoped to see what school-level changes were underway, how they compared to the intent of the grants, and the early role that districts played in SIG implementation.The report provides findings from the state, district, and school level. Researchers found that, with some exceptions, districts and schools in Washington State are approaching the turnaround work in ways only marginally different from past school improvement efforts. Despite the hard work of administrators, principals, and especially teachers, the majority of schools studied show little evidence of the type of bold and transformative changes the SIGs were intended to produce.The report offers recommendations regarding the roles that federal, state, and local education agencies should play in support of school turnaround work. Those administering future grants targeted at the nation's lowest-performing schools could avoid the problems described here and improve their chances of affecting dramatic, not incremental, change.  相似文献   

本文运用艺术哲学和接受美学的方法,对文艺创作空白美产生的原因、空白美的表现形态以及空白美的建构进行了具体的考察和研究,并揭示了空白美在文学艺术发展进程中的独特作用和审美意义。  相似文献   

Using event history analysis, this study investigated to what extent differentiated forms of aid affected the educational attainment of various student populations with particular interest on the Latinos/as within this emerging settlement state: Indiana. Findings suggest that the effects of aid are moderated by race and ethnicity. State grants, primarily need-based, played a significant if not modest role in encouraging persistence among Latino students, more so than peers from other racial/ethnic groups. No significant direct relationship was found between federal grants and loans for Latino students with respect to graduation.  相似文献   

Little is known about how faculty at 2-year institutions secure grants. Although the mission of community colleges focuses more on teaching than research, many of the faculty desire to pursue grants and some actually engage in this activity. The purpose of this research was to better understand faculty at 2-year institutions regarding several issues: (a) the faculty profile for those who are securing grants, (b) the organization of their funding sources, and (c) the geographical area in which the faculty reside. The faculty in this study were located in 7 geographical areas and received funds from 7 different funding sources.  相似文献   

新国家助学金政策于2007年秋季正式实施。实证研究显示,尽管总体而言家庭经济困难学生更容易获得国家助学金,但学生在校学业表现好以及在校活动能力强均能提高学生获得国家助学金的概率。政府对国家助学金政策目标并未做明确清晰的界定,政府在如何向高校分配国家助学金资源以及高校在校内如何分配名额方面并未做到公开透明,现行高校国家助学金评定掺杂过多定性和主观因素。  相似文献   

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