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代玉萍 《海外英语》2011,(11):273-274
The short story "The Swimmer" is representative of John Cheever’s suburban stories,which shows the vivid pictures of middle class people’s "happy life" mode.The question is that is such a "happy life" really happy.After analyzing the protagonist Neddy Merril’s Odyssean journey,the author concludes that so-called a "happy life" is no more than an illusion.  相似文献   

Cats can live for many years-sometimes for 16 years or more-so it is crucial that you find one that will grow up to be healthy and happy and one you will be happy with.Do not be tempted to buy a cat  相似文献   

【基本用法】直接引语是陈述句,变成间接引语时,由连词that引导。例如:She said,"I am very happy to help you."→She said that she was very happy to help you.  相似文献   

1.A.The little girl is too happy tospeak.那小女孩高兴得说不出话来。B.The little girl is only too happy to speak.那小女孩非常乐意讲话。析:A句可转换为The little girl is so happy that she can't speak.B句中的only too=very。  相似文献   

Why Birds Sing?     
Have you ever wondered why birds sing? Maybe you thought that they were just happy. After all, you probably sing or whistle when you are happy. Some scientists believe that birds do sing some of the time just because they are happy. However, they sing most of the time for a very different reason. Their singing is actually a warning to other birds to stay out of their territory.D o you know whata “territory”is?A territory is an area that an an- im al,usually the m ale,claim s(声称)as its ow…  相似文献   

Happiness pays off, studies show. Psychologists' seeking the real secrets of happiness report that very happy people tend to be more extroverted and agreeable than less happy people. Our findings suggest that very happy people have rich and satisfying social relationships and spend little time alone relative to average people, "write psychologists Ed Diener and Martin E. P. Seligman in the journal Psychological Science.Solid social relationships do not guarantee happiness, but they are a significant contributing factor. The very happy people whom the authors studied all said they had good quality social relationships. However, the authors write, there is no single key to high happiness. High happiness seems to be like beautiful symphonic music-necessitating many instruments, without any one being sufficient for the beautiful quality.Diener defines happiness as "subjective well-being"-in other words, the person evaluates his or her own quality of life. The question to ask is, "is my life going well, according to the standards I choose to use? "If the answer is "yes, "then that person is judged to be happy.  相似文献   

Many people are not happy about big business and financial institutions in Britain today. But one person that they admire a lot is an entrepreneur.  相似文献   

一、当that从句为肯定句时,可用enough to将其转换为简单句。1.当主句与从句的主语一致时,转换句型可直接用enough to。如:She Was so happy that she danced.→She was happy enough to dance.He worked so hard that he got the first in the examination.→He worked hard enough to get the first in the examination.2.当主句与从句的主语不一致时,需用enough for sb.to进行转换。如:The jacket was so cheap that he decided to buy it.→  相似文献   

Last Saturday my cousin(表兄)came to myhome.We were very happy to see each other.Wedecided that the next day we went to fish.We got upvery early that day.When we left home,the mooncould still be seen in the sky.  相似文献   

My name is Peng Yuliang.I’m a happy girl.I would like to tell you something about pajama Day(睡衣节)in the USA.Pajama Day is a funny day.On that day,students and teachers can wear pajamas to school.Look!These are my friends Sarah and Caryne,my teacher Mrs.Hagan and me.We are so happy!  相似文献   

As a child,I was generally happy,singing and dancing to my favorite songs,smiling and laughing with my friends and family.But as far back as second grade,I noticed a "darkness" about me.I didn't enjoy engaging in many things.I didn't 1)relate to my peers in 2)elementary school because they appeared so happy,and I didn't have that ability to achieve happiness so easily.  相似文献   

本练习每组句子仅一字之差,答案迥异。请同学们看清题目,弄清结构,再进行选择。1.(1)We will never forget the days____we spent together.(2) We will never forget the days____we worked together.A.that B.where C.on which D.when2.(1)Tom got the first place,made his parents happy.____(2)Tom got the first place,and made his parents happy.____A.as B.which C.that D.this3.(1)____is well known to all, the earth is round.(2)____is well known to all that the earth is round.  相似文献   

姜群山 《初中生》2002,(3):80-80
Last Saturday my cousin (表兄) came to my home. We were very happy to see each other. We decided that the next day we went to fish. We got up very early that day. When we left home,the moon could still be seen in the sky.  相似文献   

一、表达高兴 Wow! Yeah!哇!呀!棒极了! I'm so happy.我高兴极了. I'm glad that...我很高兴…… I feel like a million dollars.我感觉好极了. I've never been this happy.我从没有这么高兴过. That's good news.真是个好消息. I feel great!感觉好极了! Sounds/Looks great!听起来/看上去不错! I'm in a good mood today.我今天的心情很好. You look happy today.今天你看上去很高兴.  相似文献   

Last Sunday was mybirthday,I was just fourteen.It was a fine day,I got upvery early in the morningand put on the newclothes that my parents bought me as my birthday presents.I felt happy,  相似文献   

<正>Observe a child; any one will do. You will see that not a day passes in which he does not find something or other to make him happy,though he may  相似文献   

HAPPINESS Linda:You look happy today! Frank:I am happy.I just heard I passed my physics exam. Linda:Congratulations ! I'm glad somebody's happy. Frank:Why? What's the matter? Linda:Oh,I'm just worried,I guess.I have to take a history exam next week. MISTAKES Bruce:Where did John go? Laura:He went to the drugstore (杂货店). Bruce:To the bookstore? Laura:No,I said he went to the drugstore. Bruce:Oh,I misunderstood you.I thought you said bookstore. Laura:How could you make a mistake like that? Weren't you paying attention?  相似文献   

What is the best thing in life? In my view, the best thing consists1 of happiness, health, love and friendship. These are things important to one.  Happiness is the good feeling one has to life and to work and study. If one is happy, that is the most desirable2 thing in the world.  Health is equally3 important to us. One who is ill all the time can not be happy. With a healthy body, one can do things he likes.  Love and friendship are the feelings one has towards parents, teachers and friends. One can not be happy unless one loves and is loved by people.  相似文献   

that可以引导主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句、宾语从句、定语从句和状语从句.有的从句可以省略that有的不能省,有的必须用that引导,有的不能用,下面分别论述:一、that引导主语从旬在这种用法中,that不充当从句的任何成分,但不能省略.例如:1.That she was chosen made us very happy.她被当选,使我们很高兴  相似文献   

Happy Halloween     
Halloween is really a children's day in America On that day, we are so happy to have a lot of fun and candy. Look, I dress up as(装扮成) a black cat. My mum and I made a jack-o'-lantern.  相似文献   

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