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The goal of this article is to demonstrate and analyse how two public broadcasters with cultural and technical mandates to foster identity formation, the BBC in Britain and the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission (CRBC) in Canada, came to terms with the fact that the British and Canadian identities were different, and growing more so, in the 1930s. The focus is on how two BBC officials, Malcolm Frost and Felix Greene, assessed the public broadcasting experiment in Canada and gradually came to understand that the CRBC, while a Dominion broadcaster and potential distributor of the Empire Service, was also a North American broadcaster striving to gain legitimacy and credibility with Canadian listeners accustomed to the popular commercial programming of the large American networks. It concludes with a discussion of Greene's role in the creation of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and the appointment of Canadian-born BBC official Gladstone Murray as its first general manager.  相似文献   

The development of radio news broadcasting in Canada, as in the United States, was delayed by bitter conflict between newspaper and radio interests. This paper looks at news broadcasting in Canada between 1932 and 1936, during the era of the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission (CRBC), Canada's first public broadcasting body. It focuses mainly on authority, advertisers, and audiences with respect to the news broadcasting policy and practices of the CRBC itself, but it places these issues in the context of the mixed public/ private and Canadian/American environment in which the Commission operated and raises questions about the narrow margins of maneuver available to the public broadcaster then and now.  相似文献   

Nadine Kozak 《Media History》2013,19(2):163-182
Early Canadian radio broadcasting policy privileged private, commercial broadcasting enterprises above alternative broadcasting formats, including amateur and community radio. One station, 10AB, operated by the Moose Jaw Radio Association (MJRA) and owned by community members took exception to this policy and engaged in a decade-long dispute with radio authorities, first the Radio Branch of the Department of Marine and Fisheries and later the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission (CRBC). The MJRA ignored regulations with which it disagreed and challenged the radio authorities whilst requesting a private commercial broadcasting license. Absorbed by perceived discrimination, the MJRA failed to understand the complex situation the CRBC faced. I argue that considering transnational radio history can deepen our understanding of the dispute between the local station and national regulators in Canada.  相似文献   

Canada was the first country challenged by the massive inflow of American popular culture. The Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission (CRBC), Canada's first national public broadcaster, was created to provide an alternative to U.S. network and Canadian commercial radio. After analyzing the CRBC's programs, this article concludes that even the public network imitated or incorporated much American programming, but recontextualized it to Canadian locations, both real and imaginative, and supplemented it with more nationally oriented serious and symbolic content as well. The case study fits within the framework of the international literature emphasizing the hybridity and resiliency of national cultural identities.  相似文献   

Len Kuffert 《Media History》2013,19(3):303-319
In Canada during the pre-television era, the perception of radio as an intimate medium profoundly affected the way people ordered their listening, production, performance and discussion of programming. With evidence drawn primarily from Canadian archival sources, this paper contends that radio's perceived intimacy deeply troubled those who considered themselves responsible for the physical and cultural welfare of listeners, and that Canada's early broadcasting experience provided a particularly good example of how worry could become action. Though thinking about intimacy had helped broadcasters before the mid-1930s to understand the function of radio in relation to other media, it also led the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) after its formation in 1936 to scrutinize and control commercial and unsponsored programming, advertising and public service messages alike. The CBC's self-assigned stewardship role – a reaction to plentiful and popular American programming and an emulation of the British Broadcasting Corporation and European services – pushed it toward protecting children and other listeners thought to be gullible or sensitive from programmes that abused the intimate relationship by stepping beyond established boundaries of taste or threatening the Corporation's ‘civilizing’ role.  相似文献   

Major changes are pressuring the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). Its cultural centrality has been questioned as a result of these changes. The CBC was set up as a public, rather than a state, broadcaster with some arm's length characteristics. Recently, its mandate has focused more on increasing Canadian content as reflected in its own policy actions, the Broadcasting Act of 1991 and the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission. Despite the CBC's problems, federal appropriations have been held constant in real terms over the last decade, with most of this being devoted to television. Recent changes in programming include more Canadian content, more regional production, and more independent programming. The major threat to CBC's role is technological change, especially new delivery systems that will increase the number of television channels (i.e., channel capacity), increase the number of distribution systems, and change the location of some of the broadcasting signals reaching Canada. These changes alter both normative conclusions about ownership and regulation of broadcasting as well as the positive analysis of how public sector broadcasting is likely to fare in the new environment. The implications for Canada are that distribution is likely to become a competitive industry with reduced or zero excess profits and with greater programming diversity. Several rationales for the CBC will have been seriously undermined. The CBC's future will depend on its ability to meet Canadian content needs that will not be met by the private sector and yet generate sufficient audiences to justify major government support.  相似文献   

This article reports on ongoing studies of political satire in the seriocomedy genre produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and its French language counterpart, la Société Radio‐Canada (SRC). We compare and contrast examples of each network's way of imagining its respective society as well as each other's society. We situate the definition of seriocomedy in a discussion of the contrasting role of private and public broadcasting in the North American context. Then we present examples from programs produced in two historical periods. The definition of seriocomedy and the analysis of texts follows the dialogical theory of discourse developed by the Russian thinker, Mikhail Bakhtin. In the conclusion, we discuss how these examples of dialogical criticism help demonstrate the complex process in which the seriocomedy genre expands and reinstitutes the normative boundaries of what can be said or represented in public culture.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the evolution of community radio in postapartheid South Africa where a three-tier broadcasting system—public, commercial, and community—has replaced the monopoly of a state-run behemoth, the South African Broadcasting Corporation. The paper commences with an overview of South Africa's institutionalized culture of exclusion in the broadcasting sector and in other social spheres. A conceptual review of participatory communication precedes and provides foundation for the examination of the operations of two community radio stations located in two of South Africa's previously marginalized and disenfranchised communities. Although South Africa's adoption of community radio answers perpetual questions about the sustenance of community radio, the ongoing experience poses a few challenges.  相似文献   

沈志洋  胡颖华  杨闯 《出版科学》2016,24(3):122-124
以近现代重要的三家藏文媒体——《西藏白话报》《藏文白话报》以及中央人民广播电台藏语广播在西藏和平解放前重要历史拐点的表现为例,着重分析传媒对于维护国家统一的重要性,以透过纷繁的历史对所谓的“西藏问题”有更深层次的认识与思考。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to assess whether and how the CBC’s music radio programming reflects the corporation’s mandate of showcasing a diversity of music and culture. I argue that a program logic that privileges an international corporate music industry strategy persists (particularly during the peak morning and afternoon drive time programs) and limits the capacity for public radio to imagine and project alternative musical trajectories. My aspiration is to imagine CBC Music’s over-the-air radio as a residual broadcast service, one that presents novel opportunities at a time when digital and online streaming music is dominant.  相似文献   

A decade ago the regional programming of CBC Toronto successfully transformed itself with a new notion of community reflection that utilized a range of emerging digital platforms but put narrative radio storytelling at its centre. With the launch of CBC Hamilton in Spring 2012, as Canada's sole digital-only public broadcasting outlet (no over-the-air TV or radio), audio storytelling was conspicuously absent from the equation. Based on the only publicly available research conducted with CBC users and community leaders prior to and following both launches, the authors raise questions about audience conceptions and the enduring value of audio storytelling in an era of digital broadcasting and social media.  相似文献   

Offshore broadcasting pirates, transmitting radio shows from international waters back into the borders of nation-states, have been largely examined from a media-communications perspective. Drawing on pirate stations broadcasting into Britain I argue that new insights into the regulation of this phenomenon can be formed if it is considered not only as a media-communications venture, but likewise a maritime one. Following the Marine &c. Broadcasting (Offences) Act 1967, Section 42 of the Broadcasting Act 1990, and the surveillance missions which ensued, I contend that these were not only aerial strategies designed to deal with an aerial problem (that of broadcasting), but also sea-based strategies, designed to deal with a maritime problem (that of broadcasting from ships and forts at sea). I thus propose re-thinking the ways in which successive British administrations regulated the radio pirates, paving the way for an alternative understanding of this phenomenon in media history.  相似文献   

This article discusses how radio in Kazakhstan changed after the Soviet Union collapsed and market-oriented independent countries emerged. Since independence in 1991, the media, including radio, developed partly as a private enterprise and partly as a government entity with government radio operations controlled by the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Corporation. State radio stations in Kazakhstan are subsidized and operations do not depend on popularity or successful competition for audiences. Commercial stations have found support in advertising and continue to be successful. Although Kazakhstan has been independent for about 20 years and Kazakh stations are successful, the radio market in Kazakhstan is dominated by Russian radio. This article highlights the significant challenge for Kazakh radio as it continues to develop a uniquely Kazakh character that can promote Kazakh language and culture, and successfully attract a Kazakh audience.  相似文献   

Cable Television in Canada ((January 1971)

Public Announcement: The Integration of Cable Television in the Canadian Broadcasting System (February 26, 1971)

Canadian Broadcasting “A Single System”: Policy Statement on Cable Television (July 16, 1971)

Joseph Newman (directing editor), Wiring the World: The Explosion in Communications (Washington, D.C.: U.S. News & World Report, 1971—$2.95, paper)

Herbert W. Meyer's A History of Electricity and Magnetism (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1971—$10.00)  相似文献   

From 1934 to 1941, three British-governed radio stations were established in the Middle East: Egyptian State Broadcasting (ESB) in Cairo (1934), the Palestine Broadcasting Service (PBS) in Jerusalem (1936), and the Near East Broadcasting Service (NEBS) in Jaffa (1941). These three stations were modeled on the BBC and run as colonial or imperial stations—but they were also considered national stations. As a result, they operated as hybrid entities with overlapping and sometimes conflicting mandates. Through the three case studies—a contentious hire at the ESB, the PBS' ‘Jerusalem Direct News Service’, and the NEBS' Islamic broadcasts—this article charts the evolving relationship between Great Britain and its Arab-world radio stations, examining these three stations in tandem tension between national and regional broadcasting mandates, as well as the challenge that managing each station raised for British officials in the UK and in-country. It moves away from a focus on the disembodied spheres of ideology and propaganda, and toward the messy administrative decisions that reflected British officials' on-the-ground efforts to navigate the administrative control and programming decisions in the perplexing world of semi-independent radio broadcasting stations in the Middle East. It closes by noting that while UK-based British officials saw these three stations as operating under the aegis of British governance and on the model of the BBC, the ESB and the PBS, in particular, reflected and projected not a British imperial identity but an Egyptian and a Palestinian nationalist one.  相似文献   

The Canadian Radio‐Television Commission celebrates its fifth anniversary this year as the latest in the continuing Canadian experiment with different means of broadcast control. The following paper details the major programs of the CTRC in the past five years, and assesses their impact on Canada's self‐identity. The author, a Canadian himself with experience in the international service of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, wrote this paper while working towards an MA in communications at Purdue. He acknowledges with thanks the help of Dr. Norman Felsenthal of the Purdue faculty.  相似文献   

This introductory essay serves to frame this special public radio symposium that commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967, on November 7, 2017. Drawing from his earlier writings on public broadcasting history, the author tells the story of how educational radio got its start and continued to struggle for survival until the fledgling enterprise could be reborn as public radio, a result of what may be the most significant piece of communications legislation of the second half of the 20th century. The author argues that despite the enterprise’s marginalized roots and repeated political attacks that span a half century, public radio, in one form or another, will survive well into the future.  相似文献   

In 1928, the fledgling National Broadcasting Company hired Boston-based marketing consultant Daniel Starch to conduct the first wide-ranging survey of the national radio audience. Starch oversaw more than 5,000 interviews of U.S. radio families living in states east of the Rocky Mountains. The survey's findings provide a glimpse of the early network radio audience prior to the Federal Radio Commission's 1928 reorganization of frequency and power allocations and the industry's subsequent expansion. This paper examines Starch's findings and places them within the historical context of the developing radio industry.  相似文献   

By the mid-1970s, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and the Independent Local Radio (ILR) sector started catering to the local Asian migrant listener community in England, by producing Asian radio programming output in English and in Asian languages such as Hindi and Urdu. In the 1980s, the Greater London Council (GLC) came up with its own initiatives to cater to London’s Asian migrant community. This article describes GLC’s initiatives through its Community Radio Unit, which encouraged independent British Asian radio broadcasting in England.  相似文献   

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