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This paper explores knowledge transfers inside University–Industry collaborative research as the objective and scope of R&D activities vary. First, we contribute to a dynamic perspective on inter-organizational knowledge transfers by providing a new typology of University–Industry collaborative research. Second, we provide propositions related to contingent knowledge transfers, i.e. alignment between the nature of a project and the expected transfers. If such an alignment should ideally be built starting in the design phase, we demonstrate that a lack of alignment can be corrected as the collaborative research is iterated. Those iterations are experienced by partners as highly emotional events, influencing the rest of the collaborative work through what we call the pivot complex.  相似文献   

Alice Lam 《Research Policy》2011,40(10):1354-1368
This paper employs the three concepts of ‘gold’ (financial rewards), ‘ribbon’ (reputational/career rewards) and ‘puzzle’ (intrinsic satisfaction) to examine the extrinsic and intrinsic aspects of scientists’ motivation for pursuing commercial activities. The study is based on 36 individual interviews and an on-line questionnaire survey of 735 scientists from five major UK research universities. It finds that there is a diversity of motivations for commercial engagement, and that many do so for reputational and intrinsic reasons and that financial rewards play a relatively small part. The paper draws on self-determination theory in social psychology to analyse the relationship between scientists’ value orientations with regard to commercial engagement and their personal motivations. It finds that those with traditional beliefs about the separation of science from commerce are more likely to be extrinsically motivated, using commercialization as a means to obtain resources to support their quest for the ‘ribbon’. In contrast, those identify closely with entrepreneurial norms are intrinsically motivated by the autonomy and ‘puzzle-solving’ involved in applied commercial research while also motivated by the ‘gold’. The study highlights the primacy of scientists’ self-motivation, and suggests that a fuller explanation of their commercial behaviour will need to consider a broader mix of motives to include the social and affective aspects of intrinsic motivation. In conclusion, the paper argues that policy to encourage commercial engagement should build on reputational and intrinsic rather than purely financial motivations.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to evaluate the levels of serum lipid peroxide, nitric oxide end poducts, erythrocytic superoxide dismutase activity and serum α 1-antitrypsin in smokers. Total 90 active cigarette smokers were subdivided into Group I (subjects with smoking habit of less than 10 cigarettes per day) and Group II (with smoking habit of more than 10 cigarettes per day). In both groups lipid peroxide and nitric oxide end products were significantly increased with significantly decrease in erythrocytic superoxide dismutase activity and serum α 1-antitrypsin as compared to controls. Our findings show enhanced oxidative stress and reduced α 1-antitrypsin in cigarette smokers. Further increase in number of cigarettes per day exacerbates the oxidative stress with decrease in α 1-antitrypsin.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori infection stimulates strong local inflammatory and specific IgA antibody production. The influence of antibodies on the bacterial colonization is not clear. Here, we have analysed the association between the mucosal IgA level and IL-1β in various manifestations of the infection seen endoscopically. Antral biopsies of 57 dyspeptic patients were taken for culture, histology and estimation of mucosal levels of anti-H. pylori IgA and IL-1β. Mean mucosal IgA level was higher in patients with normal mucosa compared to all other groups and lower IgA level was associated with higher bacterial density. IL-1β was higher in ulcer patients and suspicious malignancy group as compared to normal group and higher level of IL-1β was associated with higher grades of metaplasia. Present study indicates that local immunity seems to have a protective role against H. pylori infection and higher level of IL-1β induced by the pathogen may be associated with metaplasia and carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Dengue fever (DF) is characterized by systemic inflammatory response including neutrophil activation leading to uncontrolled elastase activity. This study was aimed to measure the activity of plasma neutrophil elastase (NE), its endogenous inhibitors α1-antitrypsin (α1-AT) and α2-macroglobulin (α2-MG) and elastase in complex with α1-AT (NE–α1-AT complex) in DF. 50 dengue patients [39 DF and 11 dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)] and 52 healthy subjects were included in the study. NE was measured using N-succinyl-tri-alanine-p-nitroanilide as substrate. α1-AT, α2-MG and NE–α1-AT complex were estimated by ELISA. The result analysis indicated that the dengue patients had significantly higher elastase activity with significantly reduced inhibitor levels compared to controls. Between DF and DHF patients, DHF group had significantly higher elastase activity. In conclusion, significantly elevated NE and reduced inhibitors level in dengue fever indicate these parameters could be of significance in DF particularly for the assessment of progression of inflammatory processes.  相似文献   

This article aimed to identify the effect of university-industry (U-I) collaborations on the innovative performance of firms operating in the advanced materials field, and by doing so, it proposed an original classification of the research organization partners. The main contribution resides in the estimation of the role played by collaborations with differently experienced scientists. In contrast with previous studies, whose empirical setting was the life science industry, in the advanced materials industry the most effective collaborations are not with “Star scientists”, but with “Pasteur scientists”. The latter concept was empirically tested first by the authors of this article, to deepen the present understanding of industrial heterogeneity in innovation processes and to offer new insights for the formulation of corporate innovation strategies. The results of the estimation of a negative binomial regression model applied to a sample of 455 firms active in the photocatalysis in Japan confirm the idea that engaging in research collaborations, measured as co-invention, with “Pasteur scientists” increases firms’ R&D productivity, measured as number of registered patents. In contrast, we found that firms’ collaborations with “Star scientists” exert little impact on their innovative output.  相似文献   

<正>The CAS-TWAS Centre of Excellence on Space Technology for Disaster Mitigation(CAS-TWAS SDIM),which is hosted by the CAS Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth(RADI),was formally established in 2013.It aims at demonstrating cooperative research,providing application training,and offering technology transfer,team development,strategic studies,and advisory services to other developing countries for advancing  相似文献   

This study aims to evaluate whether firms located in clusters invest more intensively in research and development (R&D) than their non-clustered counterparts. Specifically, it proposes a model of firm R&D and tests empirically its implications for the effect of being located in a cluster on firm R&D intensity. The key ideas underlying the theory are as follows: (1) due either to natural excludability or to a high degree of stickiness of R&D-opportunity-bearing technological knowledge, geographical proximity per se is limited in the (automatic) spillover of knowledge with promising R&D opportunities to nearby firms; (2) geographical proximity may, however, help enhance the effectiveness or efficiency of knowledge exchange through market mechanisms (e.g., through contract R&D, R&D collaboration); (3) potential advantages (or disadvantages) in firm R&D of being located in a cluster also depend on the degree of asymmetry in technological competence among firms located in the cluster. The key ideas are supported by an empirical analysis of a multi-industry, multi-country data set compiled by the World Bank. In particular, the results show that being located in a cluster per se actually has a negative effect on firm R&D intensity, which is in contrast to the conventional wisdom of pure or automatic localized knowledge spillovers, as far as firm R&D intensity is concerned.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) plays an important role in the development of Breast Cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of polymorphisms in the VEGF gene on prognosis of Breast Cancer patients. This study comprised 200 patients with histologically confirmed cases of Breast cancer and 200 controls. Genotyping of the VEGF gene polymorphisms at +405G>C,−1154G>A, were performed by PCR-RFLP analysis. Preoperative plasma VEGF levels were determined by ELISA. Amongst both cases and controls, the genotypic distribution of the individual SNPs were all in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. Mean VEGF level was significantly elevated in cases compared to controls (t = 8.248; P < 0.001). No significant association was found between +405G>C,−1154G>A VEGF polymorphism and Breast Cancer. Logistic regression analysis revealed that 405GG & 1154GG were associated with higher levels of VEGF.  相似文献   

一个女孩 听啊,听啊,在废墟中,在瓦砾下,传来阵阵清脆读书声。一个压在废墟下的女孩,打着手电筒在忘情读书。她忘记了危险,忘记了伤痛,忘记了饥饿,用读书声驱赶着恐惧,与死神抗争,同时也召唤着生的希望。废墟下是黑暗的,但你心中有阳光,因为知识会带来勇气,文化会带来光明。临危不惧,从容镇静,在你身上,显示了广大灾民的不屈精神,体现着我们民族的光辉未来。你是最优秀的“读书种子”,你也是最出色的抗震勇士,向你致敬,为你祝福!  相似文献   

This paper reports on the findings from a longitudinal case study exploring Kuhlthau’s information search process (ISP)-model in a group based academic setting. The research focus is on group members’ activities and cognitive and emotional experiences during the task process of writing an assignment. It is investigated if group members’ information behavior differ from the individual information seeker in the ISP-model and to what extent this behavior is influenced by contextual (work task) and social (group work) factors. Three groups of LIS students were followed during a 14 weeks period in 2004/2005 (10 participants). Quantitative and qualitative methods were employed, such as demographic surveys, process surveys, diaries and interviews. Similarities in behavior were found between group members and the individual in Kuhlthau’s ISP-model with regard to the general stages of information seeking, the cognitive pattern associated with focus formulation and the tendency towards an increase in writing activities while searching activities decreased. Differences in behavior were also found, which were associated with contextual and social factors beyond the mere search process. It is concluded that the ISP-model does not fully comply with group members’ problem solving process and the involved information seeking behavior. Further, complex academic problem solving seems to be even more complex when it is performed in a group based setting. The study contributes with a new conceptual understanding of students’ behavior in small groups.  相似文献   

稍息、立正、跨立、齐步走、正步走……一样的动作,一样的要求,一样的口号将我的思绪带回到初中军训的时光。三年前的军训见证了我的成长:从初一的懵懂到初二的张扬再到初三的沉稳。经历鲜花簇拥时的快乐,也有身处荆棘时的痛苦,但无论处境如何,总有父母的双手为我导航,总有朋友的身影与我并肩,总有老师的目光陪我前行。  相似文献   

翻译活动是个极其复杂的过程,其中,作者、译者和读者的身份不同,然而彼此联系紧密。斌从信息交流的角度讨论翻译活动中这三类不同的主体,揭示其重要的地位和作用,对有关评判译作标准的问题抒一己之见。  相似文献   

如果说农民耕田是所谓“汗滴禾下土”,那我们今天应该也能略微地体验一下“汗滴脚下土”的感觉。  相似文献   

2006年9月13日.欧盟创新峰会在比利时布鲁塞尔召开,会议讨论通过了《欧盟全面创新战略》报告,并提出了10项鼓励创新的措施;2006年11月26日,欧洲第一届再创新(Re-innovating)会议在西班牙巴伦西亚召开,会议讨论了传统产业的创新问题,旨在增强欧洲工业的基础创新能力.……  相似文献   

Wilson’s disease is a disease of abnormal copper metabolism in which free serum copper level is raised. The objective of the study was to determine, whether in Wilson disease, l-cysteine/l-cystine influx into RBC was decreased or not and the specific amino acid transporter affected by copper in normal human RBC. For l-cysteine/l-cystine influx, ten untreated cases, ten treated cases and ten age and sex matched healthy controls were recruited. To study the effect of copper on l-cysteine/l-cystine influx in RBC, 15 healthy subjects were selected. RBC GSH and l-cysteine/l-cystine influx were estimated by Beautler’s and Yildiz’s method respectively. In untreated cases, l-cysteine/l-cystine influx and erythrocyte GSH level were decreased showing that elevated level of free copper in serum or media decreased l-cysteine/l-cystine influx in human RBC. Copper treatment inhibited L amino acid transporter in normal RBC specifically.  相似文献   

诺贝尔奖这一代表世界创造力与创新能力的最高奖项,从1901年至今已经走过了107年,它见证了科技创新的原动力,浓缩了20世纪以来科技发展的历程.……  相似文献   

宋源 《今日科苑》2010,(2):12-12
宋代大儒张载说过,文人的责任是“为天地立心,为生民请命,为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平”。高校教师作为现代“文人”,主要是通过“教书育人,管理育人,服务育人”来培养社会主义的建设者和接班人来达到这个责任的。  相似文献   

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