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As the US federal civilian workforce is ‘graying’, knowledge management (KM) can play a critical role in the strategic management of human capital in a government organization. KM should probably be a key pillar of the human capital strategy, along with competency management, performance management, and change management. Even though the need is great for knowledge management in government organizations, many of these agencies do not have a clear vision or strategy as to how to implement KM in their organization. To help those in the federal sector in implementing KM, this paper will discuss components of the knowledge management implementation plan at a leading US government organization (using GOV as the pseudonym) following a KM pyramid framework.  相似文献   

Knowledge management (KM) impacts have typically been examined on the value of knowledge to organizations but not individuals. This paper uses survey data (186 employees) and qualitative data (300 + employees) at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to examine the effects of four KM mechanisms (social learning, learning from others through IT, learning from IT, and IT-based knowledge substitution) and common knowledge on the individual and organizational value of knowledge. The results indicate that common knowledge and the two interpersonal mechanisms (social learning, learning from others through IT) enhance the perceived value of knowledge at both levels, but both mechanisms that rely on IT for the knowledge (learning from IT, IT-based knowledge substitution) reduce the perceived knowledge value at one level and have no significant effect at the other level. Further, common knowledge strengthens the positive effects of both interpersonal mechanisms, and weakens the negative effects of IT-based knowledge substitution, on perceived value of knowledge at both levels.  相似文献   

The current literature regarding virtual teams (VTs) lacks outcomes related to intellectual capital (IC) and knowledge management (KM). Moreover, e-collaboration and VTs need the necessary metrics to assess the real benefits that KM derives from the use of new e-collaboration technologies. There is also scarce evaluation of the cause–effect linkage between a VT structural configuration and its creative performance. Following this lead, we propose an evaluation method based on social network analysis (SNA) and indexes referring to knowledge creation. The paper concludes with an application on a real case study that shows how this methodology can be used as a KM tool to increase the creative output of VTs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the level of knowledge management (KM) maturity of credit unions. The application of a maturity model to 15 credit unions in North America revealed that an overall level of KM maturity is at an early stage of development, but there are signs of future improvement. Credit unions operate in a highly competitive, knowledge-intensive financial industry and experience various pressures to increase their efficiency, which they can achieve through the implementation of KM solutions. Despite the absence of official KM strategies, KM projects were introduced locally in order to fill particular knowledge gaps. The availability of IT infrastructure and the implementation of KM-related technologies alone are insufficient to ensure universal success of organizational KM activities. Credit union managers periodically access and use academic research in their decision making. At the same time, they prefer accessing scholarly knowledge in translated form from books, practitioner magazines, and consultants. It was concluded that organizations competing in the knowledge-intensive sector have an inner need for KM solutions.  相似文献   

Tacit knowledge has long been considered instrumental to competitive advantage of organizations. However, whether knowledge workers will share their tacit knowledge may depend on the extent to which they internalize knowledge and the degree of a fit among certain task, technology, and individual factors. First, drawing from Adaptive Control of Thought theory, we develop Knowledge Internalization as the process an individual transforms his/her declarative knowledge into procedural knowledge. Second, based on the Task and Technology Fit theory, we propose a notion of Individual-Task-Technology Fit whose components include knowledge self-efficacy, preference for personalization knowledge management (KM) strategy, availability of appropriate KM systems, and task variety. The path analysis with a sample size of 259 confirms that both constructs positively affect tacit knowledge sharing.  相似文献   

This paper examines the current knowledge management (KM) research through the lens of Churchman's inquiring systems. These inquiring systems are ideal foundations from which to view KM and its associated research because knowledge creation and organizational learning are critical elements of KM. Churchman proposed that organizations should support knowledge creation and learning through emphasis on problem structure and appropriate inquiring strategies. This paper discusses the characteristics of Churchman's inquirers, the problem structure for which they are most appropriate, and presents examples of each. Then, examples of previous research that share characteristics of the most complex inquirers are discussed. Organizational benefits from the inquiring system approach and guidelines for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

Enterprises in both the public and private sector undertake knowledge management (KM) initiatives through which they hope to engender a new, more adaptive and flexible culture of learning and innovation in their organisations. Creative activities involving social learning and innovation are, however, more common in less formal entities such as communities of practice at work and community service organisations in civil society. This paper presents the results and implications of collaborative research into the understanding, development and evaluation of socio-technical systems (STS) designed to mobilise collective knowledge in diverse community settings. The research concerns information and communication technologies (ICT)-mediated activities of communities in the broader civil society and also those in formal organisations. The paper describes and critically evaluates a set of three STS that have the potential to support the collective knowledge of innovative groups, teams and networks, which can all be considered forms of community. The findings could be of strategic value to business, government and community service organisations initiating KM programmes aimed at using collective learning to support innovation.  相似文献   

郭文臣  陈安琪 《科研管理》2022,43(11):191-199
组织人力资本是组织获得可持续竞争优势的源泉,因此组织人力资本近年来得到持续关注。为了厘清组织人力资本的前因变量及结果变量,本文运用元分析的方法对比了147项研究、151个独立样本中的606个效应值。分析结果显示,影响组织人力资本的形成与发展的主要因素主要以体现在三个层面,即组织特征(包含组织战略、组织文化、组织支持),团队特征(招聘实践、培训实践、竞争性薪酬、绩效反馈、内部晋升、员工参与、共享机制),个体特征(知识经验、能力、态度);组织人力资本也从两个层面对组织和个体产生影响,即组织人力资本在组织层面推动组织绩效、组织创新、组织学习、竞争优势,在个体层面助力个体行为、个体绩效、职业生涯发展等。本研究旨在全面梳理组织人力资本形成、发展与转化的作用机理,由此推进个体与组织之间良好的正向动态循环,持续促进二者协同发展,为组织人力资本领域的深入研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

Drawing upon social capital theory, this research postulates cultural intelligence as a key driver of knowledge sharing through the mediation of social capital among employees from culturally diverse organizations. An empirical testing of the proposed model, by investigating Taiwanese professionals from high-tech foreign companies in Taiwan, reveals the applicability of social capital theory in understanding the relationship between cultural intelligence and knowledge sharing. The study’s test results show that cultural intelligence indirectly influences knowledge sharing through different dimensions of social capital. This research further provides managerial implications and limitations.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings from a survey conducted in Australia to explore current practices relating to knowledge management (KM) and intellectual capital (IC). A systematic approach in the form of the intellectual capital web guided the research. Findings revealed that KM was perceived to be more about developing knowledge culture than about managing organisational processes and structure. IC was perceived to be more about human capital than about customer capital and organisational capital. It can therefore be concluded that human capital holds the greatest importance for KM and IC. However, when facilitators for knowledge creation and knowledge sharing were rated, organisation structure was perceived to be more important than organisational culture and information technology. For KM practices, participants indicated that more attention was paid to training and developing employees and less to measurement and reward and incentive issues. The importance of aligning the management of IC and KM was perceived to be more important than the difficulty of doing so.  相似文献   

Phrases such as ‘knowledge-intensive organizations’ (KIOs) and ‘knowledge-intensive firms’ (KIFs), have recently found common usage, describing the distinct activities and attributes of some organizations. But a review of the literature reveals a lack of consensus among scholars and practitioners on the definition of KIOs. What is also absent from the discussion is an agreement on the factors that differentiate KIOs from non-KIOs, and how those factors affect knowledge management (KM) theory and practice. The objective of this paper is to extend a typology of KIOs as a preliminary step to conducting research on these types of organizations. With the typology of KIOs presented in this paper, we hope to provide a basis of distinguishing these organizations from other organizations, and also to allow one to perform comparative organizational analysis. The typology will also help researchers identify which of the organizations are knowledge-intense, and the nature of their knowledge-intensity, so that they help these organizations in designing appropriate KM tools.  相似文献   

陈耘  赵富强  周槿晗 《科研管理》2022,43(5):164-171
在行业边界日渐模糊和跨界竞争日趋激烈的移动互联时代,内部开发与跨界拓展并重的双元创新成为企业发展的现实选择。因而激发外部资源获取、内部资源利用与内外资源融合以实现双元创新的人力资源实践成为学界与业界关注的热点。鉴于此,本研究基于资源基础、依赖及拼凑理论,界定AUO-AHRP内涵构成,并探究其对组织创新绩效的影响机理和边界条件。425名企业高层的实证研究发现:(1)AUO-AHRP对组织创新绩效有显著正向影响;(2)知识转移中介AUO-AHRP与组织创新绩效间关系;(3)社会资本负向调节AUO-AHRP对知识转移的影响及其通过知识转移对组织创新绩效的间接作用。  相似文献   

Knowledge management (KM) has often been claimed to be an essential ingredient in building competitive advantage. Yet, KM adoption is relatively slow, especially in the Malaysian context. Most organizations are unsure if the promised performance improvement is just a passing fad. This study intends to provide empirical verifications to support the link between KM practices and performance outcomes for organizations. Responses from 180 knowledge-based organizations were analysed. The analysis indicated that knowledge acquisition and knowledge utilization positively influenced strategic and operational improvement in organizations, whereas the positive effect of knowledge dissemination was only evident in the case of strategic improvement. Organization size had some interesting moderating impact on the tested relationships.  相似文献   

吴光芸  赵昕宗 《学会》2014,(2):5-11
农村新型合作组织是农民走向协作、互助和共生的重要途径,其发展依赖于两种类型的社会资本:一是基于村庄社区成员之间相互认同的信念、价值理念、信仰而形成的关系型社会资本.二是由政府外部导入的制度型信任、正式规范及政府促成的组织网络等组成的制度型社会资本.目前我国农村合作组织面临的问题:一是制度型社会资本的不足.政府往往过多地介入到农村合作组织的日常经营决策中,忽视了为农民合作组织健康成长提供良好的政策和制度环境.二是关系型社会资本的弱化.乡村社会中尚存的传统社会规范、民间舆论、熟识信任、身份认同、父老权威以及乡村社会纽带等基于血缘和地缘而形成的关系型社会资本日趋弱化.因此,新型农村合作组织的长远发展依赖于关系型社会资本和制度型社会资本的有效融合:一方面,政府要培育制度型社会资本,加强制度供给;另一方面,引导和利用乡村社会网络、共同规范、信念等关系型社会资本促进关系型社会资本与政府外部导入的制度型信任、正式规范等制度型社会资本的融合,推动新型农民合作组织的发展.  相似文献   

Knowledge management (KM) is crucial for organizations to enhance competitive advantage. While the issues of KM have been widely discussed by numerous researchers, there is a paucity of studies pertaining to KM adoption and practice for the life insurance industry. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the main factors affecting the life insurance business in adopting and applying KM. An exploratory field study utilizing an inductive methodology involving a multiple-case study approach was undertaken by conducting interviews with 10 key knowledge workers from life insurance enterprises in various stages of KM development and use. We utilized content analysis techniques to identify the factors with their associated variables and further developed a research model. This study offers a comprehensive model for future KM research and provides managerial implications for organizations, particularly life insurance enterprises, to better realize the worth of KM and the possible impediments involved in the processes of adopting and implementing KM.  相似文献   

不同于以往农户借贷行为的研究,本文将贷款可得性性分解为有效借贷机会和贷款需求缺口两部分。运用西部11省1291户农户的调研数据,分别研究家庭特征、合同内容和社会资本对农户贷款可得性具体方面的不同影响。研究发现:合同内容无益于农户贷款可得性的提升;社会资本能显著提高农户的有效借贷机会,家庭特征则对贷款需求缺口有显著影响.两者分别是正规金融机构决策是否提供贷款和发放贷款的具体额度时所关注的重要指标。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to take an in-depth look, from a network perspective, at the role that social capital plays in improving knowledge exchange between organizations. To do this, we consider the three dimensions of social capital: the structural dimension, as measured by the position of firms bridging structural holes; the relational dimension, as gauged by the level of trust and friendship in each relationship; and the cognitive dimension, as estimated by the presence of a shared culture. We also evaluate the level of organizational and human capital present in terms of the firms in the network. Empirical evidence has been gathered from the Madrid Science Park in Spain by applying the social network analysis methodology. The results show that the three dimensions of social capital play a significant role in increasing knowledge exchange in this network, while human and organizational capital differences are only significant for a sub-sample.  相似文献   

While most of the research in Knowledge Management (KM) has focused on business communities, there is a breadth of potential applications of KM theory and practice to wider society. This paper explores the potential of KM for rural communities, specifically for those that want to preserve their social history and collective memories (what we call heritage) to enrich the lives of others. In KM terms, this is a task of accumulating and recording knowledge (using KM techniques such as story-telling and communities of practice) to enable its retention for future use (by interested people perhaps through KM systems). We report a case study of Cardrona, a valley of approximately 120 people in New Zealand's South Island. Realising that time would erode knowledge of their community a small, motivated group of residents initiated a KM programme to create a legacy for a wider community including younger generations, tourists and scholars. This paper applies KM principles to rural communities that want to harness their collective knowledge for wider societal gain, and develops a community-based framework to inform such initiatives. As a result, we call for a wider conceptualisation of KM to include motives for managing knowledge beyond business performance to accommodate community (cKM).  相似文献   

Knowledge Management: A Threefold Framework   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Based on a review of the reported theoretical advances that are affirmed by empirical works from published management practice, this paper finds that innovation is an outcome of an intentional and designed effort of the organization, and synthesizes the findings for enhancing creativity and innovation by developing three antecedents that positively influence innovation in organizations: (1) the garnered knowledge, (2) the presence of a knowledge-supporting culture, and (3) the accumulation of social capital. The paper also provides a summary of transferable management practices that organizations are employing to enhance innovation and productivity.  相似文献   

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