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付岚 《海外英语》2012,(14):213-214
Ferdinand de Saussure and Leonard Bloomfield are two significant linguists in the world.Saussure is the"father of modern lin guistics"and Bloomfield is the founder of structuralist linguistics.This paper aims to compare and contrast their theories and find the similar ities and differences.  相似文献   

李艳 《海外英语》2012,(18):228-229
Long before,the research of form has already entered its heyday,but the study of function is a somewhat new branch of language study.This essay is an attempt to take a brief look at the most significant distinction between"form and function",and then aims at making clear the definition of"form and function"in discourse analysis.  相似文献   

The purpose of this chapter is to offer reflections on integration research. A plea is made for a more precise and careful use of the concept “integration” and, above all, a more careful and critical interpretation of results from studies and experiences of so-called integration endeavors. Some serious misunderstandings that result from an incorrect or imprecise use of integration are pointed out. Critical distinctions between integration and inclusion are made. Results from a longitudinal study in Sweden are summarized.  相似文献   

对于"语言是什么?这个问题的回答,不同的语言学派别有着不同的回答。目前,广为大家接受的一种观点是:语言是人们用于实现一定交际目的的符号系统。本论文作者从分析语言的本质特性入手,概要地论述了语言与社会的关系。一方面,语言是人们实现社会功能的重要手段;另一方面,语言功能的完成离不开社会这个大背景和特定的语言环境。文章糅合了社会语言学,功能语言学,功能语法研究等相关理论,构建出以下理论框架:语言并非一个单一独体,存在着不同的语言变体,即与语言使用者相关的语言变体和与语言使用相关的语言变体。前者指地域方言,会话方言和标准方言;后者则指包括语场,基调,方式这三个语域变体的语域。文章用了较大的篇幅,详细论述了语域理论的内涵、语域变体的特点及其在真实交际环境中的具体体现,并由此得出结论:语言应当被视为人们在特定的语言环境下完成特定的交际目的的一种社会符号资源,所有与语言使用者相关的或与语言使用环境相关的因素均应考虑在内。  相似文献   

Is spring your favourite season? Well, Amy likes it best. Spring is such a warm and beautiful season!  相似文献   

猫绷猛擞鬓舜篡夔奏鬃)}娜淤摹卿臻玫夔奥夔中续(卿孽坤娄道!续}蒸檬巍毅黝攫黝森蕊巍黔缨瞬簿歌礼物委瓣簿…莱璧乖舫奉蒙碳羹i(嘀羲)功毒(蓬蠢舜肠脚的硬鬓颇轰葬嫩淞释淤矫}彝薰簿籍)熬)瓣蘑攀夔Father and Son——The Christmas Presents  相似文献   

Hello,everyone!I am Steven.Do you like sports?I do.I like playing basketball best.Our school basketball team practices hard every day after class.And we won a champion(冠军)last winter.That was a very proud(自豪的)moment for everyone.  相似文献   

The dynamic behaviour of slab and ballast tracks was investigated using measurements and calculations. Hammer impacts and train passages were analysed and measurements were made using geophones(velocity transducers) which had been time-integrated to displacements. The calculations were carried out in the frequency-wavenumber domain for multi-beamon-continuous soil models. The characteristics of the different tracks and track elements were established in theory and by experiment. The frequency-dependent compliances(displacement transfer functions) showed clear rail-on-railpad resonances or highly damped track-soil resonances. Compared to the rail and sleeper, the track slab had much lower amplitudes. The slab track usually had the highest rail amplitudes due to soft railpads. Train passage yielded track displacements which were a superposition of the axle loads from the two neighbouring axles of a bogie and from the two bogies of two neighbouring carriages. This global behaviour was characteristic of the track slab of the slab track, whereas the rails of the slab and the ballast tracks behaved more locally with only one bogie of influence. The measurements agreed very well with the theory of continuous soil in the case of the six measured slab tracks and acceptably well for the six measured ballast tracks. The measurements allowed us to find appropriate model parameters and to check the models. For example, the Winkler model of the soil was found to be less appropriate because it reacted more locally.  相似文献   

①Fathershows his tieket to thec】erk,with a casec别汀led in hishand. 爸爸手提皮箱,剪票进站.②The cle浅比。ck吕the tieket_andlets仙n in. 检票员验过后便让他过去了。③Tho elerk suddenly、ays,“A moment,Please!‘’,“What,5 wrong‘2”Fatller turns baek,forgetting the eas。 检票员突然说道:“请等一下!”“啊,什么事?”爸爸转过身 去,竟忘了手中的箱子。④But rhe ease 15 still moving ahead by it-self!Father thinks“oh,ir’5 bad!I’m over!”箱子居然会自己走路?!老爸心里想:“糟r,全暴露一孔这下可完了!”Fa…  相似文献   

Romeo and Juliet is one of the best known and best loved of Shakespeare's plays. The play sings the praises of unswervingly loyal——Shakespeare loves this metrical——expensive song. It conforms rather to the simplest,most basic definition of the termtragedy. Called it a tragedy,it's according to the love of Romeo and Juliet and the death of them. But maybe we want to know more about their love than the tragedy.  相似文献   

孙扬 《海外英语》2012,(16):187-188,198
In Araby, Joyce’s well written style is exemplified, as well as his deep thoughts. From the perspective of literary devices, Joyce employs"impressionism"and"epiphany"which are special artistic devices he has applied in this story. The author discusses the plot, setting in Araby, and analyzes the characters in it. Through a thorough study of Araby, the thesis is in order to push forward the understanding of Joyce’s purpose in writing the story. The discussion of impressionism and epiphany in this thesis is an attempt to focus the discussion on the story alone, combing the inner unity and integrity of this device, providing better understanding of the functions and management of such new innovations, thus a better understanding of the work itself.  相似文献   

①Dinneris ready,butwhereisSon?晚饭做好了,可儿子哪儿去了?~Father seeshim readingaChrist- mas book interestedly.儿子正趴在地上津津有味地读着一本圣诞书哩。③“What are youdoing here?It’s time for dinner.Hurry up!”Fa- ther shouts.”还不快去吃饭,在这儿磨蹭什么7”父亲吼道。④Son comestothetable and sits theretoWaitforfather.儿子来到饭桌旁.和妈妈一起等着老爸。⑤Mother becomes angry and says, ‘‘Go and see what the hell Father is doing!”妈妈生气地对儿子说:”去看看爸爸在干啥!”⑥Why,Father is …  相似文献   

众所周知,近年来随着电视和电脑的日益普及,电影事业的发展举步为艰。章子怡,一个普通的电影工作者,怀着振兴祖国电影事业的使命,凭着对电影事业执著的爱和对广大观众的无限忠诚,在影坛上纵横驰骋,或刀光剑影,腥风血雨,或花前月下,小桥流水,其精彩表演呼唤着人间真情,洗涤着人类灵魂。影坛众星谁最俏,当数子怡领风骚!  相似文献   

The actual infrastructure of the information society sustains the globalization trend and increases the importance of the information and knowledge. The development of the knowledge society is the direct consequence of the mix of economic, social and cultural processes, which involve the knowledge creation and its equitable distribution, access and sharing. Universities, as poles of knowledge, creativity and innovation, play a key part in the regional development and the global competitiveness. The universities are active promoters of the innovation culture at the regional and international level, by increasing the synergy among education, research and innovation. The article focuses on the role of the academic area in the development of the learning and creative society at the regional level, contributing to the design of new knowledge and technology embedded products, services and organizational processes, which represent the premises of the global competitiveness. The most important challenge the academic environment faces in the new economy is to bridge the gap between the political decision, the governance and the labour market, offering innovative solutions and developing the intellectual capital to address the various issues of the knowledge economy. The article highlights the role of the universities as regional development drivers, by analyzing the economic performance of the Bucharest-llfov region and the direct influence of the trinomial equation: education-research-innovation.  相似文献   

Ahh... Fish, chips and mushy peas! There is nothing more British than fish and chips. Freshlycooked, piping hot fish and chips, smothered in salt and soused with vinegar, wrapped in newspaper and eaten out-of-doors on a cold and wintry day - it simply cannot be beaten!  相似文献   

l.Son waves his3TITls,ready to beat 2.“Oh,it’s bad.Father will surely 3,“Ah,yes!”Son finally thinks the ball。But unexPectedlythe mlror beatme up.u七队 what shalll do?” our a以cd idea。 is broken. 几介振僻挥。袱斋忐球。没“糟了、考爹;叫朱准得桧我-“啊,句了!”几子终-l‘偶出 叔到却把吓后的镜于打破了。顿。唉,怎么办呢?”一个好上意。4. He draws a Father in the mirror 5。 Father hots his tie In front of 6‘’why,how come my lie is d沫…  相似文献   

姜培茹 《海外英语》2012,(11):181-182
As an important part of cultural and ideological progress construction,the improvement of Chinese modern legal system has become a keynote in the process of constructing the harmonious society in China.In the course of the development of Chinese legal system,transplanting from western legal culture is becoming a trend.Therefore,it is necessary to study the difference between Chinese and western legal culture and its influencing elements so as to provide a cultural basis for this transplant.As for cultural factor,Confucianism is the dominated thoughts in traditional Chinese history and Christianity occupies the same place in western culture,accordingly,their influence on the difference between Chinese and western legal culture is great.This paper discusses the difference of the obligation orientation and right-based principle between Chinese and western legal culture influenced by Confucianism and Christianity aiming at provide some important inspirations for the transplant of western legal culture in improving Chinese modern legal system.  相似文献   

Based on the four famous theories of the relationship between language and thought,the author will endeavor to find out the nature between them and apply it to the kindergarten education in the dissertation,aiming at the concrete help to all nursery teachers.  相似文献   

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