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大卫·布鲁尔所提出的自然主义立场,本意是要在元科学研究中摒弃绝对主义视角下的规范性分析方式和目的论说明模式,从而经验性地反思科学的可信用性。然而,由于社会还原论和社会决定论的误导,强纲领并未能够彻底贯彻自然主义立场,从而一方面使得作为方法论策略的相对主义沦落为认识论层面的相对主义;另一方面方法论科学主义则使得强纲领误用其竞争对手逻辑实证主义的修辞——实证的研究方法和因果的分析方法,从而也并未能"深描"和"再现"活生生的科学实践流本身。最终,强纲领自然主义立场贯彻的不彻底性,使得其"反思科学"的初衷具有"反对科学"的现实效果。  相似文献   

庄子站在相对主义立场上,以怀疑主义为方法,从认识主体能力之局限性、认识标准之主观性、认识对象之变易性和言说之困境四个方面,对认识活动之障碍予以揭示并对其作了相对主义的消解,对最高本体"道"的认知则提供了神秘主义的"体道之方"。庄子的认识论是其逍遥人生理想的理论支柱,也是如何实现从安命向逍遥过渡的方法论。  相似文献   

相对主义者必须要解决的一个难题是,如何保证相对主义与科学之有效性的共存。认识论的相对主义(如社会建构主义)主张将科学建立在社会基础之上,从而导致了相对主义与科学有效性的矛盾。"相对主义和科学的有效性"之争便是这一矛盾的直接体现。要解决这一问题,必须要做到以下三点:(1)用实践建构主义取代社会建构主义;(2)用本体论的相对主义取代认识论的相对主义;(3)用本体论化的科学取代作为认识论概念的科学。  相似文献   

本文分析了教育研究中的相对主义现象.相对主义主张,教育研究的观点或思想是基于个人立场的,不同的观点之间具有相对性,而不具有普遍的理由判断真假.相对主义是知识论上“唯我论”者.这种“唯我论者”把思想、知识、真理也理解成私人的,从而造成教育研究的平面和平庸,造成理论思想的贫瘠,也造成教育实践的混乱.本文在反思相对主义的基础上,主张教育研究是一种基于普遍的理由而提出正确观点的认识过程,研究意味着客观、理性的认知,其目的是表达可辩护的论点,这是按照理据推论出有理由即合理的结论的过程.这意味着研究者要尽量排除个人立场、偏见、利益取向,基于普遍的理性、理由、理据判断自己的观点是否合理,并使自己的观点接受公共理性的检验.对于教育研究而言,超越相对主义是一个迫切的方法论任务.  相似文献   

关于维特根斯坦在确定性问题上是否持有一种相对主义立场,学术界存在一定争论。一些学者认为,对不同的世界图景的认同,表明维特根斯坦在确定性问题上坚持相对主义,应当将他视为一个相对主义者;另一方则主张,世界图景的可替代性所导致的相对主义不过是一种形而上学的可能性。事实上,维特根斯坦一方面肯定了枢轴命题和世界图景作为确定性所发挥的基础性作用,另一方面也承认这些作为确定性被接受下来的东西实际上都具有某种相对性。然而,承认确定的信念系统带有相对性并不等于在确定性问题上持有相对主义立场,更不能由此断定这种相对性会构成不同文化之间进行交流的障碍。相反,维特根斯坦认为,人类共同的行为方式为不同世界图景的交流提供了可能性。语言游戏和确定性的融合视角有助于摆脱相对主义问题的困扰。  相似文献   

有学者主张,从强纲领到社会学有限主义构成了爱丁堡学派的一次理论转向。但是,强纲领和社会学有限主义的倡导者和评论者都从未说明或暗示存在那样一个理论转向,并且强纲领和有限主义的内容从逻辑上说也不可能构成简单的竞争或替代关系。正好相反,从强纲领到社会学有限主义是爱丁堡学派理论的一次深度拓展,对这一拓展的完整论述有赖于以相对主义为中介对爱丁堡学派理论论证的合理重建。  相似文献   

爱丁堡学派是SSK的第一个学派,爱丁堡学派理论发展的脉络十分清晰,前期的论说核心是"强纲领",后期是"社会学有限主义",爱丁堡学派从强纲领到社会学有限主义的理论延伸,并没有使爱丁堡学派摆脱相对主义困境,反而加剧了这一困境,并最终导致爱丁堡学派的衰落。  相似文献   

"强纲领"作为支撑SSK学说的研究纲领,其所包含的四项原则对科学知识的成因进行了相对主义的说明.虽然SSK的相对主义立场遭到了-些批判,但其注重从社会维度考察人类的认知活动,凸显科学知识中的社会因素的做法,具有重要的理论意义.  相似文献   

“强纲领”是以布鲁尔和巴恩斯为代表的爱丁堡学派主张的核心理论.简而言之,“强纲领”的主旨就是主张对科学知识的成因进行社会学说明,其坚持的基本原则就是因果性、公正性、对称性、反身性.“强纲领”的本质是相对主义的,而且,它既具有哲学史上传统相对主义的一些共性,又具有其独特的内容和特征,即拒斥科学理性、消解科学真理、解构科学方法、彰显科学文化.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代,以布鲁尔、巴恩斯为代表的一批学者总结概括了科学知识社会学(简称SSK)中的“强纲领”,确立了SSK的理论核心。在接下去的理性主义与SSK的交锋中,“强纲领”自然成为了这场争论的风暴中心。文章从“强纲领”所包含的四个信条(因果性、客观公正性、对称性和反身性)入手,分析了“强纲领”作为一种方法论原则和认识论主张的理论地位和意义。  相似文献   

This article presents the epistemological paradigm in which Philosophy for Children (P4C) is embedded and the personal epistemological positions that are promoted by P4C, in order to address the concern that P4C might induce relativism in pupils. On the basis of theoretical considerations and empirical results, it is shown that P4C does not promote absolutism or relativism, either in its premises or in pupils’ personal epistemology. Rather, this method is related to a socio-constructivist and pragmatic paradigm and it promotes an evaluativist position. The relevance of promoting evaluativism (rather that absolutism or relativism) during RE lessons in pupils is then examined through a psychological perspective. The conclusion is that it is worth integrating P4C in RE because it stimulates an evaluativist perspective that is beneficial in terms of both personal need for meaning and social cohesion.  相似文献   

Classrooms are complex environments in which curriculum, students, and teachers interact. In recent years a number of studies have investigated the effect of teachers' epistemologies on the classroom environment, yet little is known about students' epistemologies and how these interact with those of teachers. The purpose of this study was to document students' epistemologies and their concurrent views about knowing and learning. Using a written essay, short-answer responses to statements, a preferred classroom environment inventory, and interviews, students' views on scientific knowledge and their own knowing and learning were collected from 42 students in three sections of an introductory physics course. Our rather broad, qualitative inquiry provides a dynamic view of students' understanding of knowing and learning in high school physics. Our analyses reveal a spectrum of epistemological commitments commensurable with positions from objectivism to relativism, most of them with experientialist coloring. Even within individuals, these commitments could be at once commensurable and incommensurable with the same epistemological position. We also find rather significant inter- and intra-individual differences with respect to the consequences of a specific epistemological stance to learning, the learning strategies employed, and the learning environment preferred. Students' views on knowing and learning in physics are presented in the form of an emergent theory. The findings are discussed in terms of their application to classroom environments.  相似文献   

Diverse forms of constructivism can be found in the literature today. They exhibit a commonality regarding certain classical positions that they oppose - a unity in their negative identities - but a sometimes wild multiplicity and incompatibility regarding the positive proposals that they put forward. In particular, some constructivisms propose an epistemological idealism, with a concomitant relativism, while others are explicitly opposed to such positions, and move in multifarious different directions. This is a potentially confusing situation, and has resulted in some critics branding all constructivisms with the charge of relativism, and throwing out the baby with the bath water. In addition, since the epistemological foundations of even non-relativist constructivisms are not as familiar as the classical positions, there is a risk of mis-interpretation of constructivisms and their consequences, even by some who endorse them, not to mention those who criticize. Because I urge that some version of constructivism is an epistemological necessity, this situation strikes me as seriously unfortunate for philosophy, and potentially dangerous for the practice of education.  相似文献   

This paper draws upon realist theories of knowledge and naturalised epistemologies in the philosophy of science in order to argue that databases around the school curriculum could benefit from such approaches. It is suggested that the traditional/progressive distinction that has structured much of the curriculum debate for a long time is both of little value in describing how schools actually work and outmoded in terms of understandings of knowledge. Realist approaches make a reappraisal possible because they begin from the understanding that knowledge is socially and historically constructed but do so in a way that avoids the relativism and reductionism that results when epistmology and the sociology of knowledge are seen as opposed rather than complementary. The paper reviews a number of ways in which knowledge has been conceived of as social in educational thinking and, from a realist perspective, criticises their reductive and relativist tendencies whilst outlining a realist epistemological alternative.  相似文献   

The crucial epistemological question for formulating the principles that underlie moral education concerns the status of rationality and objectivity in ethics and education. In this essay Katariina Holma argues that the intertwined understanding of the concepts of education, ethics, rationality, and objectivity is built into our language and our thinking. She begins by delineating epistemologically adequate interpretations for the notions of rationality and objectivity. In light of these interpretations, Holma contends that the two main contemporary philosophical arguments against the possibility of ethical objectivity — the argument that derives from cultural relativism and the argument that derives from the scientific worldview — fail to refute this possibility. The epistemological notions of rationality and objectivity, as Holma interprets them in this essay, prepare the way for a moral education that combines the appreciation of personal and cultural plurality with the possibility for critical thinking and the pursuit of better understanding in the ethical realm.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to probe the philosophical beliefs of instructional designers using sound philosophical constructs and quantitative data collection and analysis. We investigated the philosophical and methodological beliefs of instructional designers, including 152 instructional design faculty members and 118 non-faculty professionals. We used the Philosophy of Social Science Inventory, a 52-item questionnaire, to measure 20 beliefs within four categories. We probed four ontological beliefs (ontological realism, ontological relativism, physicalism, and idealism); five epistemological beliefs (epistemological relativism, fallibilism, epistemological objectivity, rationalism, and empiricism); three axiological beliefs (ethical realism, ethical relativism, and valueneutrality in research); and eight methodological beliefs (nomothetic, idiographic and critical methods, scientific naturalism, humanism, and quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods). Our research questions included (a) What are the predominant philosophical and methodological beliefs of instructional designers? (b) Do instructional design faculty and non-faculty instructional designers, identifying with different research methodologies, hold different sets of philosophical beliefs? and (c) What relationships exist between philosophical beliefs and age, gender, ethnicity, level of education, and/or years of service? Overall, the philosophical profile of instructional designers can reasonably be described as pragmatic. Belief characterizations of methodological subgroups (e.g., those identifying with qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods research) generally supported our hypotheses. Although demographic variables (except gender) were not singularly important, our analyses suggest that a combination of ethnicity, gender, research preference, and level of education can be used to predict philosophical and methodological beliefs.  相似文献   

How can philosophy exert its critical function in society and in education if any appeal to independent and even relatively ‘certain’ criteria seems problematic? The epistemological doubts that foundationalist models of justification encounter unavoidably seem to raise this question. In particular, the relativist implications that seem to result from rejecting such models seem to paralyse the critical potential of philosophy of education. In order to explore the possibilities of a conception of educational critique that avoids the pitfalls of foundationalism, I analyse the epistemological dimensions of this much‐feared relativism, illustrating this with some characteristic examples. Solving the problems raised will require an interpretation of critique that leaves our daily sense of critique intact, without literally adopting its—foundationalist—basic assumptions. After systematically developing such an alternative interpretation of critical usage, a non‐relativist but still non‐foundationalist and powerful conception of philosophical critique seems possible. I illustrate results with some examples from philosophy of education.  相似文献   

Counselors are sometimes disoriented by the massive variety of approaches to the helping process. This plurality of counseling methods often pushes both students and practitioners toward an epistemological crisis—“the crisis of relativism.” A developmental scheme outlined by William Perry in 1970 is employed to interpret some of the typical cognitive transitions that can occur among counselor trainees who struggle with diversity. Also, the authors offer suggestions that may meet the particular needs of counselors coping with this multitude of therapy options.  相似文献   


Radical constructivism has had a major influence on present‐day education, especially in the teaching of science and mathematics. The article provides an epistemological profile of constructivism and considers its strengths and weaknesses from the standpoint of its educational implications. It is argued that there are two central problems with constructivism: anti‐realism and individualism which, in turn, lead to difficulties associated with idealism and relativism which, together, prove fatal for the theory.  相似文献   

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