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《三国演义》文本中的关索故事,显然不是来自三国正史,基本上是民间传说的产物。而且,在不同《三国》小说文本中叙述的内容并不完全相同。这种差异的出现,使得人们对关索故事的生成及其与三国故事的关系作出种种猜测。而这一故事的民间传播更见出正史与通俗文学之间的双向互动。  相似文献   

刘备是《三国演义》中争议比较大的人物形象之一。之所以争议大是因为三国故事在民间和文人中间流传时间比较长,并且成书的跨度时间也很长,使得三国故事和人物有了多角度的叙述与解构,从而造成了刘备这一人物形象的复杂。  相似文献   

三国果报故事首见于《五代史平话·梁史平话》,复见于《三国志平话》以及明代《喻世明言》,由只字片言逐渐发展为完整的话本小说《三国因》,呈现出系统的嬗变轨迹。在演变过程中,最明显的特点是文人性的加强,主要表现为议论性、准确性和个性化。三国果报故事一直被因袭,由三个因素共同决定:蕴藏商业潜能的题材,符合接受群体的审美趣味,满足编创者娱乐与劝惩的创作心理。  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the public school novel as represented by Thomas Hughes’s Tom Brown’s Schooldays (1857) and the boy’s sea story as represented by W. H. G. Kingston’s The Three Midshipmen (1873). The school novel and the sea story sometimes functioned as twinned forms enabling authors for boys to explore anxieties about male selfhood and relocating oneself in the larger community while growing up. As becomes especially apparent when they are read together, these novels address the boy’s relationship to home and empire, rootlessness and rootedness. The coming-of-age plot found in the boys’ books reveals a literature that embraces both rootlessness/mobility and rootedness/community and that posits an all-male version of something closely resembling domestic life as a way to navigate between the two.  相似文献   

This article compares the exemplar commentary put forward in the KS2 Mark Scheme, 2001, for a pupil's story produced in response to the invitation to “Write a traditional tale with the title ‘Three Wishes’” with the more interpretive response offered by Pat D'Arcy, in order to demonstrate the extent to which the meaning of the story is largely ignored when the SATs criteria are used.  相似文献   

Five-year-old children (n = 31) watched a brief videotaped segment from a movie with their mother, discussed the movie story with her, and then retold it to an experimenter. The quality of the stories the children told was related to the scaffolding strategies used by their mothers. Children whose mothers focused their own and the children’s attention on the story, prompted the children’s memories with questions and explanations, talked about the characters’ emotions, corrected the children’s mistakes, and engaged in extended exchanges about critical topics in the story during the preparatory discussion told significantly better stories than children whose mothers did not use such strategies and children in a control group (n = 14) who did not discuss the story with their mothers. Children’s recall of objective actions in the story was most strongly predicted by joint mother-child attention, extended exchanges on critical topics, and the mother’s correction of the children’s mistakes. Children’s comprehension of characters’ internal states was most strongly predicted by the number of questions the mother asked, extended exchanges, and correction. These findings have implications for how adults can promote children’s ability to understand, remember, and narrate a story.  相似文献   

本文在揭示"襄阳会"故事的史实依据,梳理故事传承积累的过程之后,对元杂剧、元平话作品中的"襄阳会"故事作了比较分析,进而论证《三国志通俗演义》对这一传统故事的继承与超越,说明这部长篇小说虽然是"世代累积型"的,但它的写定者罗贯中的艺术创新之功值得重视。  相似文献   

程明社 《运城学院学报》2011,29(3):25-27,41
貂蝉形象的形成过程以《三国志》为背景,《三国志平话》为出发点,《三国志演义》为归结点。《三国志》尚无貂蝉其人,故事粗具梗概;《三国志平话》中已有貂蝉、有了美人计;《三国志演义》中貂蝉形象更加饱满、美人计更加缜密。貂蝉形象的形成过程反映了人们的价值选择:美人计日益缜密说明从晋代到宋代再到明代,人们崇礼与尚智兼重但更为尚智;貂蝉逐步被人们认可和接受,证明女性价值逐步得到凸显;借助貂蝉,人们还阐释了对关羽这样英雄的理解,即英雄当不好女色。  相似文献   

This paper opens with two stories—about the “joking relationship” discovered by anthropologist Radcliffe-Brown Structure and function in primitive society. New York: The Free Press (1965), and an incident in the life of Rousseau—which illustrate that sometimes a story needs to be true, and that the opinion of an outsider can be preferable to that of the insider whose story it is. Recent papers by Carter and Polkinghorne Educational Researcher, 22(1), 5–12 (1993) and International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 8(1), 5–23 (1995) are analysed; it is argued that a clear and enticing plot is no indicator of a story's truth, furthermore the need to be true can hold both of “analysis of narratives” and “narrative analysis”.  相似文献   

3 experiments examined the ability of a group of 3- and 4-year-old children to make transitive relational mappings based on size. In the first experiment, the children were asked to map relative size from 1 array of objects to another when the absolute sizes of the stimuli were either identical or different, and when the spatial positions of the relationally similar stimuli in each array were also either identical or different. In the second experiment, the concrete representation of size relations between the arrays was varied by asking the children to map relative size to relative proportion. In this cross-representational mapping task, the spatial position of the relationally similar stimuli was again either identical or different. In Experiment 3, the children were asked to map relative size to a variety of different perceptual dimensions including temperature, pitch, and loudness. This more abstract mapping task required the use of mentally represented transitive relations. Each experiment presented the mapping task using the analogy of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The results are discussed in terms of theories of structure mapping and the development of logical reasoning.  相似文献   

Several researchers have shown that children’s ability to make inferences is related to their reading comprehension. The majority of research on this topic has been conducted on older children. However, given the recent focus on the importance of narrative comprehension in prereaders, the current study examined the relationship between inference making and story comprehension in 4- to 5-year-olds. We examined children’s online inferences while narrating a wordless book as well as children’s story comprehension of a different storybook. We found that children’s total number of inferences was significantly related to their story comprehension. Three types of inferences were significantly related to story comprehension—characters goals, actions that achieved those goals, and character states. In a hierarchical regression controlling for children’s age and expressive vocabulary, a composite of these three inference types significantly predicted children’s story comprehension.  相似文献   

Jokes and Humor     
不同之处 父亲非常忙碌,四岁的女儿却偏爱《三只小猪》的故事,并要他天天晚上念给她听。父亲暗自高兴,就把故事录了音。当孩子下次再要听时,他只需倒一遍录音带。  相似文献   

《三国演义》中存在着大量与酒有关的场面描写,这类场面描写中的酒,已经超出了饮食文化的范畴,作家有意而为之,使之成为作家推进故事情节、刻画人物性格、预示事件结局、揭示事物成败原因的重要元素。从借酒用计和酒误大事两个方面加以剖析,从而领略作家醉翁之意不在酒的绝妙手笔。  相似文献   

《三国地戏书》是安顺地区屯堡民众根据小说《三国演义》改编而来的地戏说唱本.作为民间文学文本,其叙事特色主要有三点:1、叙事节奏张弛有度;2、叙事结构简明、剧情主线突出;3、以典型场景和套语编织故事.这三个叙事特点使该说唱本很好地契合了当地口头文化传统和当地民众的文化趣味.  相似文献   

"孟母三移"故事代代相传,耳熟能详,这一故事也被戏剧家作为题材,演绎成各种戏曲作品。从南戏到当代,均有不同类型的"孟母三移"题材剧,现知的有六种。从已掌握的剧本来看,剧本情节越往后越简单,越容易演出,然而它所反映的主题依然很深刻。通过各个时代剧作家不同的改编,将孟母教子的精神通过戏曲这一特殊形式传播开来,不仅歌颂了孟母,而且教育着一代又一代人。  相似文献   

Three groups of 6‐ to 7‐year old children were used to compare the effects of stories read by a teacher with stories viewed on educational television. Weekly, for ten weeks, a story was read to Group A while the same story was seen on television by Groups B and C, Group B being prepared for the story by the teacher and given appropriate follow‐on. Questioning for understanding and recall showed that, at the end of the ten weeks, the largest gains were made by the Group B children, who showed improvement in their classification ability and in application of their understanding to domains beyond the confines of the immediate story structure. Television was preferred by the children for its pictures, movement and action, and generated more detailed understanding and recall, but only when the stories were interpreted and rationalised by the teacher. Video recorder replay is helpful, and teachers need to be taught how best to manage story‐telling with young children  相似文献   

本文对《三国演义》的故事时间与篇幅之间的关系作了多种抽样分析 ,指出 ,《三国演义》叙事速度的控制 ,体现了作者的道德伦理情感和审美理想 ,故事时间与叙事时间之间比例的变换与调节 ,实际上表达了作者对历史人物与历史事件的选择与评价 ,其间所遵循的尺度不仅是历史人物与历史事件的历史价值和故事价值 ,而且是历史人物与历史事件所体现出来的道德伦理价值和美学价值。因此 ,叙事并非纯形式问题 ,创作主体及其社会文化环境作为最重要的因素始终影响并存在于叙事之中。  相似文献   

Through the metaphor, “learning to teach in the ‘eye of the storm’”, a beginning teacher's experiences of teaching in one of America's diverse urban campuses become known. Three themes of global significance emerge: (1) the similarities and differences between professional learning communities and knowledge communities; (2) the morphing of ‘the eye of the storm’ into ‘a perfect storm’; and (3) the connections between shifting teacher identities and shifting school landscapes. The narrative inquiry foreshadows how the teacher's ‘story to live by’ became ‘a story to leave by’ as she worked in a urban school district riddled with massive change.  相似文献   


The authors investigated the effects of guided journal writing on students' understanding of themes and main characters in a complex novel. Three English 12 classes were randomly assigned to 1 no-writing condition and 2 writing conditions—character clues and general-response questions. The results from 2 posttests consistently indicated that students who wrote significantly surpassed students who did not write. Student self-ratings data indicated that the students believed that the writing activities helped them with story understanding. Student interview data indicated that students believed that the writing made them think more deeply about the story. The results support the contributions of writing to student literary learning and the research of J. Marshall (1987) and G. E. Newell (1994, 1996).  相似文献   

在纪念策.达木丁苏伦诞辰100周年的这篇文章中,作者首先介绍了1974年记录的东蒙古说唱艺人诺敏呼日德说唱的《三国演义》中描述关羽赤兔马的片段,将之与其他东蒙古说书艺人描述的关羽坐骑、汉族不同说书艺人描述的英雄坐骑进行比较,发现其间在描述形象、抒发感情、用词造句等方面的细微差别。本文的研究特点是从作品的最小情节单元或细节着手,进行系统的比较和探讨。  相似文献   

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