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Technological and principles of people attempt to by means of tech science deals with general mechanisms "artificial nature," a process in which produce natural objects or processes nology. Based on natural science, it is a fundamental tenet offering common, core and key technologies for all engineering disciplines and industries. Closely following the development steps of our times, it increasingly shows practical significance, according to a recent report by the CAS Academic Divisions (CASAD).  相似文献   

 以培根的“要支配自然,就须服从自然”,老子的“道可道,非常道”与“天之道利而不害”为代表的欧洲和中国的传统自然观,曾导致技术从而导致社会的发展呈现出两种截然相反的类型,即欧洲的奋进型和中国的舒缓的传统维持型。人类掌握自然知识愈多,对自然认识愈深刻,改造自然的能力就愈强,人工自然或人造自然会更加丰富多彩,但是原始自然被破坏的就愈严重。人作为技术活动的主体,有责任有义务理智地能动地驾驭技术,克服不利于社会发展的因素,建立节约型社会,正确对待人的异化,以保证社会健康永续的发展。  相似文献   

Arguments for public involvement in science and technology are often based on ideas of developing a more capable public and the assumed effects this may have for science. However, such a relationship is yet to be sufficiently explored and recent work indicates that a more involved public may have counterintuitive effects. Using nationally representative survey data for the U.K. and Northern Ireland, the effects of the public's own beliefs about involvement are explored. Developing the concept of "belief in public efficacy," findings suggest those who believe that the public might be able to affect the course of decision making have less approving attitudes towards future applications of genetic science; however, an individual's political efficacy does not significantly influence these attitudes. Furthermore, political efficacy and belief in public efficacy have some distinct and opposing relationships with the principles of governance people prefer. Overall, findings provide support for suggestions that it is simplistic to consider increasing public involvement as a way of increasing the approval of risky new technologies.  相似文献   

余国辉 《科技通报》1992,8(6):321-325
21世纪将进入“海洋开发时代”,应当抓住改革开放的大好时机,增强全民海洋意识,利用科学技术的最新成就,发挥浙江省所处的区位优势和得天独厚的资源优势,大力开发和充分利用渔业、港口、能源、海涂、景观等海洋资源,以促进和推动浙江省经济的全面发展.同时阐述了在开发和利用海洋资源时应遵循的原则以及需要认真对待的诸如电力、交通、淡水等几个关键性的制约因素.  相似文献   

Smith PH 《Endeavour》2000,24(1):13-21
In about 1400, northern European artists suddenly began to depict the natural and human world in a 'realistic' or 'naturalistic' manner. At about the same time, new ideas about how to describe nature realistically emerged among scholars investigating the natural world. Over the next two centuries, this new approach to nature (which eventually became known as 'science') and the belief that it could provide a realistic depiction of nature transformed human attitudes to nature and the material world. Artisans or craftspeople were central to this transformation and thus more important than is usually recognized in forming the new attitudes that characterized the Scientific Revolution.  相似文献   

In spite of great expectations about the potential of nanotechnology, this study shows that people are rather ambiguous and pessimistic about nanotechnology applications in the food domain. Our findings are drawn from a survey of public perceptions about nanotechnology food and nanotechnology food packaging (N = 752). Multinomial logistic regression analyses further reveal that knowledge about food risks and nanotechnology significantly influences people's views about nanotechnology food packaging. However, knowledge variables were unrelated to support for nanofood, suggesting that an increase in people's knowledge might not be sufficient to bridge the gap between the excitement some business leaders in the food sector have and the restraint of the public. Additionally, opposition to nanofood was not related to the use of heuristics but to trust in governmental agencies. Furthermore, the results indicate that public perceptions of nanoscience in the food domain significantly relate to views on science, technology, and nature.  相似文献   

湖湘红色文化是湖南人民在革命斗争实践中形成的特色文化,蕴含着湖南人民心系天下、敢为人先的爱国精神,自强不息、不屈不挠的奋斗精神以及求真务实、善思笃行的创新精神,具有典型的先进性、革命性、群众性。今天,在全面建设小康社会进程中,研究湖湘红色文化内涵,弘扬湖湘红色文化精神,对于坚持社会主义核心价值观导向,推进社会主义文化强国建设,努力实现中华民族伟大复兴,具有重大现实意义。  相似文献   

Sixteenth-century Germany witnessed a tremendous flourishing of vernacular literature. An unprecedented number and variety of texts were produced for new groups of readers. This essay analyzes one underexplored genre of this vernacular literature: texts on the natural world. Numerous books on animals, plants, minerals, and natural marvels rolled off the German presses in this period, indicating a widespread curiosity about the natural world. These texts give valuable insight into the views of nature available to a broad lay audience, literate in German but not necessarily in Latin. They reveal a pervasive sense of nature as divinely created and a deep conviction that contemplation of the natural world would lead to greater piety. The divine and the mundane were thoroughly intertwined in vernacular natural histories. While other historians of science have seen the sixteenth century as a period of increasingly secular ways of thinking about nature, I argue for the persistence, and even the intensification, of profoundly religious attitudes toward the natural world.  相似文献   

人类过度依赖自然界决定了人类与自然灾害这一自然异化现象要长期共存,而这一异化现象必然会对人类的生存和发展造成巨大的威胁,所以提高国民整体的抗灾素质和能力,使民众拥有足够的灾难意识,成为应对不同自然灾害频繁发生的有效驱动力。其中包括:正确处理人与自然的关系;掌握预防及应对灾难的基本常识;提高抗灾心理素质和能力;重视灾后心理素质重建。  相似文献   

苏屹  王文静 《科研管理》2021,42(11):8-15
   全球范围内技术发展的变革性和复杂性在技术应用层面带来了一些创新伦理问题,许多高新技术的快速发展实际是双刃剑,创新在推动发展的同时,也会对自然和社会带来一系列不好的影响。负责任创新是一个让公众和所有利益相关者都参与创新研究并且重视社会预期与潜在影响的过程,开展相关研究能有效缓解人们对于技术安全的担忧。文章通过对以往文献进行梳理,将相关研究分为负责任创新参与主体、概念方法、案例应用及存在问题四个维度进行归纳总结。在此基础上,结合国家创新驱动发展战略、“双循环”战略,及现阶段中美技术脱钩问题,分别从宏观-国家,中观-行业、产业的角度对负责任创新的未来发展提出建设性意见。  相似文献   

对称是自然界一个普遍而重要的属性,它从自然界进入数学,再进入到自然科学,给自然科学特别是现代物理学发展以极大启示,并发展出对称破缺思想。通过具体实例分析了数学发展中对称破缺的几种表现形式及它在数学发展中的作用,认为对称破缺是对称性重建的必然途径,数学家在数学研究中都自觉或不自觉地运用对称破缺思想,从而,它是数学发展的内部动力之一。  相似文献   

中国可持续发展的理论与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
可持续发展的理论核心,紧密地围绕着两条基础主线:其一,努力把握人与自然之间关系的平衡,寻求人与自然的和谐发展及其关系的合理性。同时,我们必须把人的发展同资源的消耗、环境的退化、生态的胁迫等联系在一起。其实质就体现了人与自然之间关系的和谐与协同进化;其二,努力实现人与人之间关系的协调。一方面通过舆论引导、伦理规范、道德感召等人类意识的觉醒,另一方面更要通过法制约束、社会规范、文化导向等人类活动的有效组织,逐步达到人与人之间关系(包括代际之间关系)的调适与公正。归纳起来,全球所面临的"可持续发展"宏大命题,从根本上体现了人与自然之间和人与人之间关系的总协调。有效协同"人与自然"的关系,是保障可持续发展的基础;而正确处理"人与人"之间的关系,则是实现可持续发展的核心。本文在提取可持续发展理论内涵的基础上,对可持续发展理论的三维解释、可持续发展的临界阈值、可持续发展的数学模型、可持续能力建设方程、可持续发展下的绿色GDP度量,以及中国可持续发展战略的实践和行动,进行了综合性的归纳。  相似文献   

On the web, a huge variety of text collections contain knowledge in different expertise domains, such as technology or medicine. The texts are written for different uses and thus for people having different levels of expertise on the domain. Texts intended for professionals may not be understandable at all by a lay person, and texts for lay people may not contain all the detailed information needed by a professional. Many information retrieval applications, such as search engines, would offer better user experience if they were able to select the text sources that best fit the expertise level of the user. In this article, we propose a novel approach for assessing the difficulty level of a document: our method assesses difficulty for each user separately. The method enables, for instance, offering information in a personalised manner based on the user’s knowledge of different domains. The method is based on the comparison of terms appearing in a document and terms known by the user. We present two ways to collect information about the terminology the user knows: by directly asking the users the difficulty of terms or, as a novel automatic approach, indirectly by analysing texts written by the users. We examine the applicability of the methodology with text documents in the medical domain. The results show that the method is able to distinguish between documents written for lay people and documents written for experts.  相似文献   

Trust can be understood as a precondition for a well-functioning society or as a way to handle complexities of living in a risk society, but also as a fundamental aspect of human morality. Interactions on the Internet pose some new challenges to issues of trust, especially connected to disembodiedness. Mistrust may be an important obstacle to Internet use, which is problematic as the Internet becomes a significant arena for political, social and commercial activities necessary for full participation in a liberal democracy. The Categorical Imperative lifts up trust as a fundamental component of human ethical virtues – first of all, because deception and coercion, the antitheses of trust, cannot be universalized. Mistrust is, according to Kant, a natural component of human nature, as we are social beings dependent on recognition by others but also prone to deceiving others. Only in true friendships can this tendency be overcome and give room for unconditional trust. Still we can argue that Kant must hold that trustworthy behaviour as well as trust in others is obligatory, as expressions of respect for humanity. The Kantian approach integrates political and ethical aspects of trust, showing that protecting the external activities of citizens is required in order to act morally. This means that security measures, combined with specific regulations are important preconditions for building online trust, providing an environment enabling people to act morally and for trust-based relationships.  相似文献   

刘婧  王德庆 《科教文汇》2014,(31):149-150
黑格尔是德国古典哲学和美学的集大成者,美学是他艺术哲学思想的集中体现。本文围绕“理想,单就它本身来看”这一章进行阐述分析,通过对理想的概念,理想的个性和理想对自然的分析来了解“艺术美,或理想”的内容,进而说明艺术理想,即艺术美是拥有内在精神的,高于自然的东西,艺术家应该通过赋予事物他想表现的精神内涵,然后通过作品内容的外在形式表现出来。艺术美就是人们对于自然事物赋予精神内涵的再创造。  相似文献   

Scientists played a key role in the first systematic introduction of nature study into North American public schools in the late nineteenth century. The initiatives of Wilbur Jackman and John Merle Coulter, affiliated with the young University of Chicago, and Liberty Hyde Bailey and Anna Botsford Comstock, at Cornell University, coincided with the "new education" reform movement that found object lessons and experience-based education superior to textbook teaching. Educational psychologists and philosophers of the 1890s, including G. Stanley Hall, related curriculum methods to perceived developmental stages in children, with a focus on immediate experience. Putting these pedagogical ideas--gained in summer institutes, normal schools, and programs at Chicago and Cornell--into practice were administrators and classroom teachers in both urban and rural classrooms. By 1900, a consensus about the value of nature study among scientists, community leaders, and teachers established it as the recognized general method of studying the natural world in public schools across much of the United States.  相似文献   

韩汉白  崔明昆  闵庆文 《资源科学》2012,34(7):1207-1213
云南省迪庆藏族自治州维西傈僳族自治县叶枝镇同乐村是澜沧江流域典型的傈僳族村寨,也是联合国教科文组织命名的生态文化村。同乐村的傈僳族在长期的历史发展中,根据海拔差异创造了一套行之有效的垂直农业系统。该系统最大程度的利用了自然资源,保证了本民族的基本生活需要。本文应用生态人类学的适应理论,利用参与观察法、深度访谈法等人类学田野调查方法,对同乐村傈僳族的垂直农业系统进行了研究。研究表明,傈僳族对生态环境的适应不仅表现在最大程度的利用自然资源,而且形成了一套与之相适应的传统文化体系。但随着滇西北经济社会的发展,同乐村傈僳族垂直农业系统和传统文化体系受到了极大的挑战。只有正确处理经济社会发展与垂直农业系统及与之相适应的传统文化体系之间的关系才能实现经济发展和文化保护同步进行,走一条农业可持续发展之路。  相似文献   

During the first half of the twentieth century, the horticulturist Luther Burbank was largely considered an irrelevant figure by the scientific community, despite winning acclaim from the public as an eminent scientist. In examining the intellectual, social, and political claims embedded in texts by and about Burbank, this essay argues that consideration of the Burbank stories as they circulated in the vernacular realm can aid historians in understanding the dynamics of science in American life. Among the themes it addresses are how the Burbank stories directly engaged the question of who should legitimately count as a student of nature; the varied philosophical perspectives that derived from siting science within the deomestic sphere; and how these stories played with the possibility of a philosophy of nature based on the concept of "living matter," as opposed to one grounded on mechanistic principles. The essay also discusses how Burbank's views on evolution were mediated by the image of the child and the way in which his convictions regarding the power of the environment to release latent characteristics in physiological material presented a view of the future of the American "race" that was at odds with conventional eugenic thinking and assigned a central role to women in the drama of American evolution.  相似文献   

Most studies on O2O services have focused solely on the technological merits of mobile applications, overlooking the role of the value systems that underlie people’s lifestyles.In contrast, this research sheds light on how people’s value systems influence their decision to adopt food delivery applications. Particularly, it proposes that people’s moral obligation in meal preparation can change the mode of thinking that guides their adoption decision. Namely, moral obligation is assumed to restrict people from acting on their basic convenience orientation in meal preparation. Empirical results have supported this assumption by showing that people with a high moral obligation (or married people) are more reluctant to convert their basic convenience-seeking tendencies into actual adoption intention than those with a low moral obligation (or single people). The important theoretical and managerial implications of these results are also discussed.  相似文献   

超级计算能力是国家科技竞争力乃至综合国力的重要标志,也是经济社会发展、国防和国家安全的重要支撑。特别是在网络化、大数据、云计算和虚拟现实迅猛发展的背景下,超级计算不但是科技发展的利器,正引发科研模式的根本变革,也将成为重要的社会基础设施,并最终深刻地改变我们的生产和生活方式。但目前超级计算正面临应用效率低、能耗高、稳定性差和难以应用等严峻挑战。基于在复杂系统多尺度模拟方面多年的探索和积累,文章提出,按照计算对象、模型、软件与硬件的逻辑和结构一致的原理优化计算机体系结构,缓解和克服商品化通用硬件系统开发中的难点,可能是突破这些瓶颈的一条具有普遍意义的途径。  相似文献   

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