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中国民间的天地崇拜   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冯贤亮 《寻根》2004,(6):30-35
清代“小石道人”在《嘻谈续录》卷上讲了一个关于民间“天地”的笑话,说是有一个官好喝酒而耽误日常办公,而且贪财害民,遭到百姓的怨恨。当他任期到了,准备卸任时,当地绅士百姓送他一个德政碑,上书“五大天地”四字。  相似文献   

在中国古代,自马是一种具有特殊文化色彩的动物,人们往往对它另眼相待,这个传统起源很早.古文字学家裘锡圭先生认为殷商时期的人们就存在重视白马的意识,至于白马在当时的具体用途,还不大清楚.有人说可能是用来打仗了,然而,这仅仅是个推测而已,缺乏真凭实据.<周易>里有"白马翰如,匪寇婚媾"的说法,孔颖达疏:"但鲜洁其马,其色翰如.""翰"就是形容白马的颜色.在<周易>的哲学体系里,白马与婚姻等社会事务具有某种神秘的吉凶对应关系,人们重视它的存在,一个很重要的原因恐怕就在于此.  相似文献   

中國有着悠久的養生傳統,包含極爲豐富的經驗操作與理論探索,彌布於歷史文化長河之中,蔚爲大宗,綿延不绝.當前養生文化掀起新的熱潮,既不乏傳統養生資源的多方採掘和殊向詮釋,又廣泛结合現代醫藥保健、心靈診療、科學鍛煉的知識與技術,以身體照料和生命認知爲關注焦點,充分滲透到日常生活的方方面面.本文的關注域,主要是養生現象蘊涵着的意味和牽引着的路向.對於生命康壽、生活美滿的特别在乎,其中體現出來的文化意向,應該得到貼合實情的闡明;這樣的生命傾向與文化意向所受到的質疑,亦會給予有益的回應;進而要審視當前情勢下養生意願與身體消費的合流,加以辨析并有所撥正.  相似文献   

"They are inscribed as exceptional examples of a building tradition and function exemplifying a particular type of communal living and defensive organization, and, in terms of their harmonious relationship with their environment, an outstanding example of human settlement."  相似文献   

陈清硕 《寻根》2004,(4):51-52
“上有天堂,下有苏杭”这句民谚,原由北宋时期汴京(开封)的一句俗话“苏杭百事繁度,地上天宫”经过长期的转化演变才形成的。据所接触到的古代文献,最早在南宋诗人兼地理学者范成大写的(《吴郡志》中看到接近此谚的记载:“谚日:天上天宫,地下苏杭。”之后,在明代来华的天主教士Trigault的(《行在考))中记载为“上说天堂,下有苏杭”。  相似文献   


Where and how does arts activity drive neighbourhood revitalization? We explore the impact of arts establishments on income in US zip codes, nationally and across quantiles (from four to seven subgroups) of zip codes stratified by disadvantage (based on income and ethnicity/race). We focus on what is new here: how neighbourhood scenes or the mixes of amenities mediate relationships between the arts and income. One dramatic finding is that more bohemian/hip neighbourhoods tend to have less income, contradicting the accounts from Jane Jacobs, Richard Florida and others. Arts and bohemia generate opposing effects, which emerge if we study not a few cases like Greenwich Village, but use more careful measures and larger number of cases. Some arts factors that distinctly influence neighbourhood income include the number of arts establishments; type and range of arts establishments; levels of disadvantage in a neighbourhood; and specific pre­ and co­existing neighbourhood amenities. Rock, gospel and house music appeal to distinct audiences. Our discussion connects this vitalizing role for arts activity to broader community development dynamics. These overall results challenge the view that the arts simply follow, not drive, wealth, and suggest that arts-led strategies can foster neighbourhood revitalization across a variety of income, ethnic, and other contexts.  相似文献   

《Popular Communication》2013,11(1):65-72
The shift of the research gaze from First World concerns and research questions to the different imperatives of a small nation such as New Zealand enables scrutiny of many conventional assumptions made about globalizing processes, children's evolving public spaces, and commodified culture. New Zealand provides an invaluable site to explore the processes creating the postmodern cultural experiences of globalized popular communication. Children in New Zealand respond as joyously as children in San Jose and Sheffield to the pleasures of global popular communication, but we argue that the global can only be tracked in the ways it emerges in a variety of local/ities. Researching the particular experiences of children in a small South Pacific nation also highlights the range of challenges faced by public intellectuals in a period of rapid global technical, economic, and cultural change.  相似文献   

孙浩 《寻根》2003,(2):65-71
山东省章丘市圣井镇政府驻地南面有一座坡度平缓的孤山,因处于二十八星宿中的危星之下,故名危山。2002年11月23日,圣井镇寨子村的两位村民在危山上挖树坑。突然镢头“叮当”一声,像是砸到了块石头。他们弯下腰捡“石头”,一下子惊呆了——不是石头,是个马头!“石头”做的马头!出于好奇,他们继续挖了几下,又是一个“石马头”!两人赶紧跑下山去向有关部门汇报。省里市里的考古专家们闻讯赶来,一番探测勘查之后,断定这是一处全国罕见的汉代彩绘陶俑群!一经过两天的初步勘测,考古工作者在危山半山腰上划出一个长约九米半、宽约两…  相似文献   

董建辉 《寻根》2005,(4):76-83
福建土楼,在很多人的印象中是客家人发明的一种独一无二的建筑模式,殊不知在闽南人居住的传统区域,如漳州的漳浦、华安、云霄、漳平等县境内,也都可见到这类由泥土版筑成的夯土建筑。其中,有“土楼之王”美誉的华安二宜楼便是闽南土楼中极具代表性的一幢,  相似文献   

Two current biopic movies, Harriet and The Irishman, present the life stories of real people who have been involved with slavery and organized crime. These images contradict the virtuous image of America that is fundamental to our sense of national identity and patriotism. Could this contradiction lead to oppositional movements for social change?  相似文献   

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