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The adoption of Article V, Section 1 of the Montana Constitution, on November 6, 1906 initiated the process of initiative and referendum in Montana and it has been heavily used ever since. An initiative is a proposal by petition to enact a new law by a vote of the people on any matter except the appropriation of money, or local or special laws. If the petitions are signed by the required number of electors, the proposed initiative must be submitted to the qualified electors. A referendum is a proposal by which the people, by their majority vote, can approve or reject a previously enacted statute, except an appropriation of money. A referendum may be originated by the legislature that enacted the statute or by the people. The Montana Secretary of State Elections Bureau and the Montana Legislative Library are invaluable sources of information for initiative and referendum in Montana and have subject lists of all these measures attempted in the state.  相似文献   

Business students comprise a significant proportion of the Library's reference workload at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB). A literature review on business students and their use of libraries provided limited, dated material which indicated that business students are infrequent users of libraries and possessed minimal research skills. CSULB business faculty were surveyed to determine attitudes on student library use and learning. Students were surveyed to determine library attitudes, use, and skills. While library use has increased dramatically over the years, skills needed for independent research have not. Suggested solutions include the targeting of core business courses for instruction and increasing involvement of the faculty.  相似文献   


A generation of broadcasters has grown up without a firsthand knowledge of the now‐out‐of‐print FCC “Blue Book.” Mr. Meyer's personal overview of the content and effects of this document will be followed by a future article on “Reaction to the ’Blue Book’.” It is accepted that any one individual's summary of a controversial document will itself be controversial. Richard J. Meyer is Assistant Professor and Director of Educational TV at the University of Wichita, and wrote the MA thesis on which this article is based under the direction of Professor Stanley Donner at Stanford University. He also has worked in broadcasting at stations KZSU, KSAN‐TV and KQED (TV).  相似文献   

Do Type‐A individuals experience communication apprehension? Consistent with theoretical expectations, the data at hand suggest the answer is a qualified “no.” Individuals evidencing a Type‐A personality reported significantly less CA than their Type‐B counterparts. This pattern of findings was strongest for apprehension about communicating in “collective” contexts (e.g., public, group, meeting) but diminished for CA in more “intimate” circumstances (e.g., interpersonal).  相似文献   

In the changing landscape of libraries and the roles of librarians, the area of Research Data Management (RDM) is emerging with new opportunities and challenges. This literature review identifies the current levels of publication that deal with the relationship of the librarian and their role in the research data management process and provides an examination of institutional research policies supporting collaboration of librarians as part of the research team.  相似文献   

Split-screen tutorials are an appealing and effective way for libraries to create online learning objects where learners interact with real-time Web content. Many libraries are using the University of Arizona's award-winning, open source platform, Guide on the Side. In 2016, Springshare released a proprietary alternative, LibWizard Tutorials. This article reviews the advantages and limitations of this kind of tutorial. It also examines the differences between each platform's distinctive characteristics. These platforms create similar split-screen tutorials, but have differences that affect diverse aspects of installation, administration, authoring and editing, student learning, data management, and accessibility. Libraries now have the opportunity to consider and compare alternative platforms, and decide which one is best suited to their needs, priorities, and resources.  相似文献   

博物馆里正在举办一位著名老画家的国画展,观众熙熙攘攘,人流如织,气氛十分火爆。我夹杂在人群中,细心地观赏面前这些千姿百态的作品,仿佛走进了一片惬意的山水之间。突然,我看到地上有一枚一角钱的硬币,在光洁的大理石地板上,显得格外扎眼。  相似文献   

博物馆里正在举办一位著名老画家的国画展,观 众熙熙攘攘,人流如织,气氛十分火爆.我夹杂在人 群中,细心地观赏面前这些千姿百态的作品,仿佛走进了一片惬意的山水之间.突然,我看到地上有一枚 一角钱的硬币,在光洁的大理石地板上,显得格外 扎眼.  相似文献   

黄文 《湖北档案》2003,(4):22-23
一群9至13岁的孩子,由家长领着,从北京、天津、山东、上海等地来到北京中国戏曲学院附中,通过严格的考试,再交纳三万余元的学费,自费学京戏。 “我爸说,要是我学京剧学好了,他给我买好吃的”一个小家伙拖着长长的天津腔,讲得眉飞色舞。 “我爸小时候是一个京剧迷,可他自己没唱出来。现在,他看我学这个不错,就找亲戚借钱,让我来了。”一个北京工人的儿子告诉我。  相似文献   

In the introduction to a police audio recording of Bristol Palin describing her family’s involvement in an Alaska house party brawl, CNN anchor Carol Costello commented: “This is quite possibly the best minute and a half of audio we’ve ever come across.” The incident, however, involved an alleged assault—an act that mainstream journalism generally reports in a serious manner. Costello’s glib treatment of the event could therefore be seen as potentially breaching the boundaries of professional practice, which brought a widespread media response from both mainstream organizations and right-leaning blogs. Through textual analysis of these items, this study illustrates the challenge of conducting media boundary work—and the role strain that results—when the subject of a story occupies space within both entertainment and news spheres.  相似文献   

白锋 《新闻传播》2009,(8):81-81
改革开放初期,我国媒体处于新兴阶段,广播电视报是人们获得资讯和娱乐的重要渠道。在20世纪80年代中期广播电视报发展壮大起来.广播电视报是一份特殊的行业报.哈尔滨广播电视报的发行量曾经达到30万份.广受哈尔滨市读者的欢迎.在服务哈市市民声屏导视、生产生活等方面做出了不可替代的贡献。随着传媒格局的巨大变化.广电报在今天竞争激烈的传媒背景下.却处在一个很艰难的境地。全国约340家广电报.发行量在10万份以上的已为数不多.而且远低于这一底线的报社仍在持续增加;20万份以上的更是只有少数几家;广告创收普遍出现大幅下降;入不敷出的广电报社不在少数。创新和改革已势在必行.不创新就只有坐以待毙。美国著名的节目导视类期刊《TV Guide》之所以长盛不衰.其中最主要的因素是替电视观众对节目预告进行梳理.并且按照不同受众的不同需求进行加以归纳.真正起到了电视指南的作用。更为重要的是经营上,《TV Guide》买断了美国所有电视台的节目表,这被认为是其取得成功的重要原因.  相似文献   

The present study experimentally assesses the relative influence of visual and verbal exemplars on news readers’ judgments regarding use of emergency room health care services by undocumented immigrants and uninsured U.S. citizens. Assumptions from exemplification theory and theories of information processing guided the investigation. A series of two studies found that pictures and personal stories have comparable effects on perceptions of and attitudes about the issue. Furthermore, conflicting personal stories and pictures embedded in the same news item nullify each other's effect.  相似文献   

战争爆发的原因是多种多样的,但几乎完全是由于新闻记者的原因而引起一场战争的事例,历史上是鲜见的。十九世纪末的“美西战争”被人们称为“新闻记者的战争”,又因为《纽约新闻报》主办人赫斯特在其中的主要作用,此次战争又被称为“赫斯特的战争”。赫斯特的时代正是美国新闻史上所谓的“黄色新闻”时期。新闻界以各种各样耸人听闻的、虚构荒唐的新闻来吸引读者。他们对每一件新闻都要加以渲染,以  相似文献   

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