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运用史比较的方法,论述了《红楼梦》与《史记》、《离骚》之关系。曹雪芹在开篇中即表明,《红楼梦》在创作动机、目的以及方法等方面受司马迁的影响很深。《红楼梦》对各种花(女性)的描写及其态度。与屈原《离骚》中的“香草美人”都是主体对象化的结果,化符号的趋同,反映出对现实的怀疑与否定的思想。同时也寄托了作们的美好的理想。  相似文献   

《红楼梦》打破传统的思想和写法,其思想内容与艺术价值,鲁迅都给以高度评价。然而。人们并未能完全理解鲁迅在红学领域提出的美学思想的真谛。鲁迅在阅审《红楼梦》最早的话剧本《绛洞花主》后,撰有著名的《小引》,提出“《红楼梦》的神情”这一命题,亦未引起红学界的重视。《红楼梦》的神情,包括《红楼梦》情节结构主线、主题思想、人物形象塑造。这些都是研究《红楼梦》原著的主要课题,却历来存在纠缠不清的问题。鲁迅作《小引》的《绛洞花主》剧本,是我们探索《红楼梦》神情的珍贵史料;通过鲁迅指明的“神情依然具在”这座桥梁,比较研究、对照探索,势必得以揭示出鲁迅体味到的《红楼梦》的“奥秘”。  相似文献   

司马迁《史记》一书中蕴含的“人本”思想可以概括为:以人为本位来书写历史,以人为本位选取、评价历史人物,以人为本位衡量人生的价值和意义。“以人为本”是他思想的核心和写史的出发点。《史记》首创的以“纪传”为主的史学体裁,第一次以人为本位来记载历史。从“以人为本”的述史原则出发,他对历史进行了创造性的编撰。他在史书中第一次客观公正地对“利”作了叙写,体现了“以人为本”的价值取向。  相似文献   

司马迁创作《史记》的动因是多方面的。“究天人之际,通古今之变,成一家之言”是司马迁创作《史记》的终极目的,也是一个重要的创作动因。如果作进一步的考察,我们发现司马迁创作《史记》的直接动因是为了“事亲”、“事君”、“立身”而“以显父母”、扬名天下。本文试从司马迁“事亲”、“事君”、“立身”三方面来谈论司马迁创作《史记》的动因。  相似文献   

《史记学概论》是“史记学”建立的标志性论著和奠基之作。《史记学概论》有宏阔而严密的理论构架,开放又切实的学术视野,精细和准确的成果清理,积极且有效的指导性价值,将对《史记》研究的深入发展产生重要影响。  相似文献   

三.《左传》与《史记》之不合 《左传》与《史记》记事,时有不合。细考其不合的原因,当是多方面的.就多数情况而论,是司马迁失考误采.班固批评《史记》“采经摭传,分散数家之事,甚多疏略,或有柢梧”.其论并非诬罔太史公,这是一种情况.也有《左传》失误而《史记》正之者,这  相似文献   

前人关于《史记》中屈原、贾谊合传原因的讨论,多停留在现象总结的层面。从发生学角度,联系《史记》的全书体例和《屈原贾生列传》中对二人挫折人生的描述,可知该传创作的一个根本之因是寄托司马迁“士贤能而不用,有国者之耻”的“明世观”。同时,司马迁在该传中还欲呈示其所创设的“楚辞学”。为了展示此学派的完整和规模可观,于是只得选贾谊来与屈原“合传”,甚至不惜破坏全书中的时间体例以及贾谊思想的丰富性、深刻性。另外,立足司马迁的楚辞学,考察处于其前后的刘安、刘向编《楚辞》的相关议题,可发现刘安作了《楚辞释文》式的编纂,逻辑未密,而刘向作了《楚辞补注》式的编纂则颇为成理。  相似文献   

作为当代“史记学”的开山之作,张新科先生的专著《史记学概论》的问世。标志着“史记学”的真正建立.顺应了《史记》研究的现实需要,填补了一个学术空白。其主要价值包括:体现了对《史记》和司马迁正确的认识态度;构建了一个相对完整的“史记学”体系,为“史记学”确定了适当的学术坐标;对“史记学”的形成和发展过程进行了系统的综合和梳理:从本质论和方法论入手.明确了“史记学”在新时期的研究任务和方向。  相似文献   

李芳 《现代语文》2006,(12):119-119
鲁迅先生称《史记》是“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”。本试图以《项羽本纪》为例,从学的角度对其人物形象的塑造作一浅要的分析。在此基础上我们可以窥豹一斑,进而对《史记》的艺术特征作整体性的把握。  相似文献   

王磊 《现代语文》2007,(3):117-118
旷世奇作《红楼梦》问世200多年来让无数“红学迷”如痴如醉,鲁迅评价“自有《红楼梦》出来以后,传统的思想和写法都打破了。”而选自第3回的《林黛玉进贾府》就集中体现了曹雪芹在刻画人物上打破“传统的思想和写法”的精湛笔法。[第一段]  相似文献   

汉语名词、动词交融模式的历史形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴长安 《中国语文》2012,(1):17-28,95
汉语造词有两个特点:一是造词不关注词、语的区别,二是造词过程中类的改变的无意识。这两个特点也是汉语现有词类样态形成的前提,并与汉语形态不发达有着直接关系。在此基础上形成的动词、名词之间的关系主要有三个表现:1)单音词时期动词的指称和转指主要是构成性的。2)双音化时代实现性转指占主体,而指称则表现为:A.从原单音动词的角度看是实现性的;B.从双音词本身看是构成性的。3)这些双音词表指称:A.在原单音动词之上再添加一个音节而来;B.语义特点是陈述并能指称一个具体的动作或行为,也是单音动词意义的细化和实化;C.语法功能具有做主、宾语与谓语双重功能;D.这批词不仅数量大,而且还在不断产生,具有开放性的特点。我们把这批词称为表事词。汉语动词、名词之间交融模式的形成主要就是源于这批词的存在。  相似文献   

This research examines the beneficial effects of student‐generated diagrams versus student‐generated summaries on conceptual understanding in the domain of plate tectonics. Fifty‐eight Grade 5 students read a brief expository text about plate tectonics. During their reading of the text, students were asked to either draw diagrams, produce written summaries, or simply read the text (control). Conceptual understanding was measured by the diagrams and summaries which were generated during students' reading of the text, as well as by a posttest which assessed students' understanding of both spatial/static and causal/dynamic knowledge of the domain. Results indicated that the summaries generated during the reading of the text contained more domain‐related information than the diagrams which were generated during the reading of the text. However, on the posttest measures, the diagram group outperformed both the summary and text only groups in terms of understanding both the spatial/static as well as causal/dynamic aspects of the domain. Results are discussed with regard to the differential effects that generating diagrams as compared to generating summaries or simply reading has on both on‐line comprehension during reading and resulting conceptual understanding of the domain. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 36: 39–53, 1999.  相似文献   

5- and 6-year-old children made inferences about the spatial locations of animals and people in a series of 3 experiments. The tasks employed manipulable models to represent the spatial relations involved and were made as simple as possible. 2 levels of inferential behavior were found. The first constituted the ability to draw an inference consistent with information given, but with minimal understanding of the way in which inferences can assist in decisions between alternative outcomes. At the second level, children succeeded in discriminating inferences which were logically necessary from those which were merely consistent with the premises. Most 5-year-olds were at the first level, most 6-year-olds at the second level. 2 criteria for the identification of young children's behavior as inferential were established, and the results of the present study were discussed in terms of recent related work with both younger and older children.  相似文献   

汉代地方教育的发展经历了前后两个阶段,西汉时期是地方教育的形成阶段,以汉平帝元始三年立学官为标志,说明地方官办教育正式确立;东汉时期,地方官办教育在地方官的重视下无论在边域抑或在内地都发展起来。郡文学及其属员承担着地方教育的重任。  相似文献   

The power of various pictorial movement cues in eliciting a reading of movement was studied to determine the relationship between the ease with which a picture is interpreted and the degree to which the picture retains the structure of reality. Movement was indicated in 2 ways: pictorial conventions indicated movement by lines, blurs, and vibration marks; and pictorial postures indicated movement by figures which were isomorphic with the postures involved in real movement. Preschoolers, first graders, sixth graders, and college students were asked to label and sort pictures of human figures as "moving" or "still". Members of the 2 young groups did not classify pictures with conventional cues as "moving" as often as they did pictures with postural cues. Members of the 2 older groups classified both types of pictures as "moving". Since postural cues for movement are recognized at an earlier age than conventional cues, those that are more similar to reality may be easier to understand.  相似文献   

In this longitudinal study, 108 older individuals (M age = 70.58 years, SD = 6.94) estimated the extent to which their fluid and crystallized skills had changed over the previous three years. For each perceived change, individuals also estimated the extent to which numerous explanatory factors were responsible for such change. Crystallized skills were seen as unchanging, whereas fluid skills were perceived as having declined slightly. In both cases, self-initiated efforts to maintain one's skills were endorsed most frequently as explanations for the maintenance of one's skills. Variability in attributions in three-year changes in both fluid and crystallized skills was associated with individual differences in health, self perceived everyday cognitive failures, and state anxiety. The findings from this study suggest that it is important to identify factors over which older adults perceive themselves as having control as salient targets for educational interventions fostering a sense of self-efficacy, critical to feelings of enhanced competence in later life.  相似文献   

This article reports data from children aged about 5 years in their 1st year of schooling. Scores on tests of both literacy and numeracy at the start and end of the year were used to derive value-added measures of progress using both residual gain analysis and multilevel (ML) modelling. Results indicated that the school was more effective in explaining pupil progress than the class; that the schools and/or classes which add the greatest value in literacy tended also to be those which added the greatest value in numeracy; and that the numbers of classes and schools which were significantly different from the sample mean depended greatly on which method was used. It is concluded that while ML modelling is preferable to residual gain analysis for research, it may not be as suitable for feedback purposes.  相似文献   

通过语料的对比分析,对汉英中介语中英语副词的变异情况进行调查,研究发现:就高级英语学习者自身的发展而言,高频副词的使用数量和使用频数整体上趋于稳定,只有个别副词使用频数发生变化;中低频副词使用数量增多且使用频数整体上呈现出显著变化。就学习者与本族语者相比而言,最大的差异在于很多本族语者经常使用的副词学习者却使用不足,有些常用副词甚至不被使用;少数常用副词存在过度使用的情况,但这种情况随着习得的深入明显得到改善。  相似文献   

目的:探讨新生儿窒息母、脐血中红细胞参数及红细胞电泳指标的变化。方法:胎儿娩出后迅速进行1min的Apgar评分和脐血pH值检测,作为新生儿窒息的诊断标准;选择产后出现急性胎儿窘迫孕妇60例,其中出现新生儿窒息的30例为窒息组,娩出后胎儿正常的30例为窘迫组;另外选择正常足月孕妇30例为对照组。留取母血、脐血,检测红细胞压积(HcT)、平均红细胞体积(MCV)、红细胞体积分布宽度(RDW)等红细胞参数,并进行红细胞电泳等红细胞流变学指标检测。结果:窒息组脐血pH值显著低于其他两组,窒息组脐血与窘迫组和对照组相比MCV及RDW值明显增高,红细胞电泳时间延长,红细胞电泳长度与迁移率明显降低;母血MCV、RDW、红细胞电泳能力等红细胞流变学指标三组之间差异无统计学意义。结论:缺氧窒息可致新生儿脐血红细胞参数、红细胞电泳等流变性指标异常。  相似文献   

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