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近年来,国际上掀起了IT治理研究的热潮。早期IT治理的主体主要为私营部门,研究偏向于IT治理的实践。随着电子政务推进,IT治理的理念被公共部门所接受,尤其在电子政务中的跨部门合作,IT治理的积极作用逐渐显现出来。本文对目前国际应用比较广泛的多个IT治理模型进行比较性研究,分析已有的治理框架的侧重点和优势,认为组织的IT治理框架需要规避单一化,应从组织需要的特定重点或动力,综合选择适合组织的框架。  相似文献   

有效的IT治理能够确保IT投资真正产生业务价值,并降低IT实施过程中伴随的风险.IT治理设计的挑战在于,并不存在一种有效的通用治理模式适合所有的企业.把企业运营模式纳入IT治理模式权变因素的研究范围,通过联想、神华、李宁和小肥羊等4家公司的案例研究,对企业运营模式与IT治理模式的相关性进行了实证分析,对企业运营模式单个因素及多个因素分别进行了分析,确认了运营模式对IT治理模式的影响.  相似文献   

IT治理机制是企业IT治理的重要内容,有效的IT治理机制促进了业务与IT协同,从而实现了IT价值。在文献回顾基础上,提出中国企业的IT治理机制"结构—流程—关系"三要素模型。通过案例研究确认了中国企业16个IT治理机制。通过大样本问卷调研,对上述IT治理机制的有效性和实施难易程度进行了实证研究,并与西方企业进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

胡雯  刘笑 《科学学研究》2019,37(3):526-534
海外人才离岸创新创业基地建设计划的实施,为新形势下海外人才创新创业治理模式的选择提供了新思路。通过对上海和武汉基地的双案例比较分析,引入网络嵌入理论,探讨了海外人才创新创业治理模式的典型类型、主要特点和选择路径。研究结果表明:海外人才创新创业的治理模式包含政府主导型环式治理模式和市场主导型网式治理模式两种典型类型,其选择路径包括治理体系功能定位、治理主体性质选择、治理结构形成三个关键点,同时本地网络嵌入难度越大,越易形成政府主导的治理模式,并向环式结构发展。  相似文献   

2007年5月24日下午,《电子政务》杂志编辑部主任宋文好等一行三人,采访了《电子政务》杂志编辑委员会委员陈拂晓研究员。 陈拂晓,1981年毕业于北京航空学院(现北京航空航天大学)航空无线电工程系。1986年6月至2004年12月,在国务院办公厅从事政府信息化建设,曾任国务院办公厅正局级政务专员;作为技术总负责人,组织建设了国务院办公厅两代信息系统及全国政府系统二代数据通信网络系统,组织建设了国务院空间地理信息系统与决策支持系统,在此期间曾获得国家科学技术进步奖二等奖一次,国家科学技术进步奖三等奖两次,部委科技进步奖多次。1999年5月至2002年5月,陈拂晓受聘成为科技部865信息安全技术发展战略研究专家组专家。2000年受国务院信息化工作办公室(以下简称国信办)聘请.担任国信办信息安全体系研究专家组副组长;2001年,作为课题组长,承担了国家“十五”重大科技专项——电子政务试点示范工程中的第一课题“中国电子政务空间辅助决策示范工程”的建设任务;2005年该工程获得中国地理信息系统协会评审的“优秀工程金奖”。 从2004年起,陈拂晓开始担任中国信息化推进联盟专家顾问委员会副主席兼IT治理专业委员会主任,主要参与国际IT治理领域的研究,从事IT治理理念的推广和普及,促进IT治理在我国的应用与发展,以服务于我国的信息化建设。作为多年在一线从事政府信息化建设的实践者,他一直关注我国电子政务的发展,思考和总结“十五”期间中国电子政务建设中的经验与教训,以期能够引起各方的广泛关注和讨论,为我国“十一五”期间电子政务的发展提供参考借鉴。 陈拂晓极为关注电子政务建设和发展过程中出现的难点、焦点问题,并撰写了大量文章进行研究分析,其观点鲜明、分析透彻。采访期间,围绕电子政务管理体制这一主题,陈拂晓从电子政务的管理体制、电子政务与IT外包、电子政务与管理创新等方面系统地阐述了他的观点,并对《国家电子政务总体框架》进行了简要解读。  相似文献   

企业IT治理机制架构与模式设计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从IT治理研究历程入手,分析了IT治理的作用,设计由IT治理的决策机制、执行机制、风险控制机制、协调机制组成的企业IT治理的机制框架,并根据竞争环境变化的快慢和竞争策略2个指标,设计IT治理的4种模式即集中治理模式、协作式治理模式、集权治理模式、混合治理模式.  相似文献   

企业竞争策略与IT治理模式的相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IT治理是现代企业从IT技术中获取最大化商业价值,规避IT风险的重要手段,已经成为公司治理的一部分。但不同的企业所在行业不同,所采用的竞争策略不同,IT治理模式必然不尽相同。那么企业竞争策略与IT治理模式之间有怎样的相关性?结合企业可采取的三种不同竞争策略,从IT治理模式的三个具体方面出发,对相应的不同的IT治理模式进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

借鉴先进的IT治理工具COBIT4.1的理论知识,分析我国电子政务现状,将COBIT4.1监控与评估的思想与我国政府电子政务的实际情况相结合,剖析出几点构建我国电子政务监控模型的新启示.该思路可用于构建我国政府电子政务发文流程监控系统,不仅辅助完善政府绩效评估,而且可以促进政府决策支持系统的建立;不仅提高IT资源的利用率,而且可以为IT治理的相关理论研究、实践提供借鉴.  相似文献   

唐志豪  计春阳 《科研管理》2009,30(1):116-120
摘要:信息技术(IT)的普及使得企业对IT的投资快速增长,如何从IT投资中获取相应的价值回报成为企业董事会和高层管理者关注的问题之一。本文明确了IT投资治理的概念,总结出主要的治理组织形式,并依据企业总部,业务部门和IT部门的三个维度建立了企业总部负责制、总部与业务部门共同负责制,以及IT与业务主管共同负责制等五种治理模式,并结合案例进行深入分析,以期能对我国企业的IT投资实践提供参考。  相似文献   

选取CISR的IT治理框架,对中国企业的IT治理状况进行调查,引用《中国计算机用户》的调查问卷,提出关于CISR的三个假设。进行描述性统计和相关性分析,展示了中国IT治理的基本状况,通过实证来验证假设,得出:一流绩效的企业都有着精心设计的治理机制;IT治理绩效呈钟形的正态分布;注重利润率的一流绩效企业常采用集权的IT治理模式;注重增长率的一流绩效企业常采用分权的IT治理模式;注重资产利用率的一流绩效企业常采用集权与分权混合的IT治理模型,据此推断各行业的IT治理实践经验。  相似文献   

E-government holds enormous potential for improving the administrative efficiency of public institutions, encouraging democratic governance, and building trust between citizens/private sector and governments. However, most e-government initiatives to date have failed to attain their full potential, because they are increasingly plagued by usability issues. Consequently, there have been increasing calls for evaluating the usability of e-government websites, as they are widely considered to be the primary platform for government interaction with citizens. This study, therefore, seeks to contribute to extant knowledge by evaluating the usability of e-government websites from Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). This is particularly important as little is known about the usability of e-government websites in the region, and worst still, it is the least advanced region in terms of e-government development. This study evaluated a total of 279 e-government websites from 31 SSA countries. The findings showed that most e-government websites in SSA were characterised by poor usability. The average usability score for the websites was 36.2%, with the most usable website having a score of only 64.8%. The study also showed that the usability of e-government websites was positively associated with the E-Government Development Index (EGDI) and the E-Participation Index (EPI).  相似文献   

回顾梳理现有电子政务系统相关研究,讨论利益相关者理论在电子政务系统建设中的适用性,重点分析了教育电子政务建设项目——家校互动案例,设计并运用战略介入矩阵等利益相关者分析方法研究系统建设中出现的不足,得出电子政务发展至较成熟阶段,系统建设中受众权力不能得到重视、有效参与不足以及缺乏监督等问题是阻碍电子政务系统成功实施的主要原因;以受众为中心、有效参与、完善监督机制是电子政务项目成功实施的关键。  相似文献   

电子政务调节公共信息非对称性的作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
公共信息,因其具有公共物品的性质,政府理当担任提供者的角色。电子政务,以其快速、高效的优势成为各国政府发布公共信息的重要工作方式。本文从现代社会中公共信息不对称所产生的问题入手,通过建立不同政务模式下的信息传播模型。来研究电子政务调节公共信息非对称性的作用。  相似文献   

Despite increased interest and growing investments in web-based supply chain management (SCM) applications, firms face numerous challenges in successfully web-enabling their SCM activities. In this research, we focus on two main objectives – (i) to understand the key antecedents that affect the web-enablement of SCM activities; (ii) to document the performance impacts of web-enabled SCM efforts. Based on a large-scale, questionnaire survey of North American organizations, we assessed the influence of six factors namely – supplier synergy, information intensity, managerial IT knowledge, interoperable IT infrastructure, perceived IT returns on investments (ROI) and formal governance mechanisms – on the extent of web-enabled SCM. Our results revealed a strong positive influence of supplier synergy, information intensity, managerial IT knowledge, inter-operability and formal governance mechanisms on the extent of web-enabled SCM. We also found a negative association between relative cost–benefit perceptions and the extent of web-enabled SCM. Further, we also found strong positive association between extent of web-enabled SCM and the benefits realized from SCM efforts. We discuss the implications of our results for research and practice.  相似文献   

“电子政府”的内涵和架构   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
苏竣  孙国锋  柏杰 《科研管理》2001,22(6):21-27
本从介绍“电子政府”的发展背景入手,分析了“电子政府”的内涵及其带来的主要影响,然后章从六个方面提出构建“电子政府”的架构和主要任务。  相似文献   

孙道银  宋维翔 《情报杂志》2012,31(6):125-128,134
通过对126家企业IT员工的问卷调查,研究了自我效能、乐于助人、注重形象、互惠感等社会资本要素对员工知识共享意愿的影响.分析结果表明,乐于助人和互惠感对显性知识共享意愿和隐性知识共享意愿都产生了显著的正向影响,而自我效能对知识共享意愿的影响不显著,注重形象对显性知识共享意愿的影响是负面的,对隐性知识共享意愿则没有影响.研究结论对企业知识共享实践具有重要参考意义.  相似文献   

电子政务云安全风险分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜茸  张秋瑾  李彤  马自飞 《现代情报》2014,34(12):12-16
云计算作为IT界的一次新浪潮,为电子政务提供了新运行模式,它能弥补传统电子政务的不足,实现电子政务服务集约化、开放化的需求。鉴于安全风险问题已成为阻碍电子政务云发展和应用的主要原因,且相关理论研究较为匮乏。本文首先介绍了电子政务云建设现状,以及云环境下电子政务集约化的发展模式;接着在梳理前人研究的云计算的安全风险的基础上,重点分析了电子政务云面临的安全风险因素;最后提出电子政务云安全风险应对策略。  相似文献   

Utilizing the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) theory and the literature on citizen engagement, we formulated a multiple-mediation model examining (1) the TOE contextual factors affecting government’s willingness to implement electronic participation (e-participation) in form of e-information sharing, e-consultation, and e-decision-making in a country and its electronic government (e-government) maturity; and (2) the mediating role of government’s willingness to implement e-participation in a country on the relationships between its TOE contextual factors and e-government maturity. Specifically, we hypothesized that information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure (representing the Technology context), governance (representing the Organization context), and human capital (representing the Environment context) has both direct and indirect relationships with e-government maturity through the mediating roles of government’s willingness to implement e-participation. Based on archival data from 183 countries, results showed that while ICT infrastructure and human capital were positively associated with government’s willingness to implement e-participation and e-government maturity, governance was not significantly associated with them. Also, government’s willingness to implement e-participation had significant associations with its e-government maturity. Specifically, of three dimensions of e-participation, government’s willingness to implement e-information sharing and e-decision-making were positively associated with e-government maturity, and its willingness to implement e-consultation was negatively associated. Further, government’s willingness to implement e-information sharing, e-consultation, and e-decision-making partially mediated the influences of ICT infrastructure and human capital on e-government maturity. Results also indicated that the relationship of governance with e-government maturity was not mediated by government’s willingness to implement e-participation. Findings contribute to the theoretical discourse on e-government by highlighting the roles of the TOE contextual factors on government’s willingness to implement e-participation and e-government maturity, and provide indications for practice in managing e-government maturity by (1) enhancing government’s willingness to implement appropriate e-participation dimensions; and (2) leveraging the effects of the TOE contextual factors on government’s willingness to implement e-participation and e-government maturity.  相似文献   

Organizations considering green IT initiatives seek to reconcile two significant goals: environmental sustainability (“doing good”) and business profitability (“doing well”). These two purposes, however, are not necessarily aligned and can engender a dilemma in which investing to achieve environmental sustainability may threaten business profitability to some extent. Thus, this research builds on the theoretical perspective of corporate ecological responsiveness and proposes three types of strategic drivers for green IT initiatives (economic, authority, and moral drivers). How various types of organizations may be motivated by these green IT initiative drivers will affect whether organizations can reconcile the objectives of environmental sustainability and business profitability. We further deduce findings from multiple case studies of eight organizations in China and Singapore. The findings illustrate that the characteristics of any given organization influence why various driving factors affect their green IT initiative decisions. Additionally, “doing good” and “doing well” are reconciled when organizations consider the short-term investment and long-term benefit, design appropriate strategy, and receive severe external pressure. We also discuss contributions to research and practice.  相似文献   

Recent studies on IT outsourcing have examined the effect of contract specification and relationship strength on IT outsourcing performance in a separate manner. Previous studies, however, ignored the importance of the governance effectiveness that bonds contractual control and relationship strength together to deliver expected outcomes in IT outsourcing exchange. In this paper, we propose a model of IT outsourcing management where governance effectiveness mediates the effect of both contractual control and relationship strength on IT outsourcing performance. We collected data from 143 client companies of IT outsourcing and analyzed it using the PLS method. Our findings show that both contract specification and relationship strength significantly influence governance effectiveness, although contract specification carries the more effect on governance effectiveness than relationship strength does. The governance effectiveness in turn mediates the effect of contract specification and relationship strength on three sub-dimensions of outsourcing performance: cost efficiency, performance improvement, and overall satisfaction. The results and implications are further discussed.  相似文献   

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