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The sarcophagus containing the remains of Federico II, located in the Cathedral of Palermo (Sicily, Italy), was opened on 1998 to perform a multidisciplinary survey [1]. Next to the remains of Federico II and in close contact with them were laying two other skeletons belonging, according to historical records, to Pietro II di Aragona and to an anonymous person (“The Third Individual”), probably a woman. The bones appeared severely deteriorated. Chemical analysis performed on bone samples excluded that the bodies underwent some kind of embalming process. The analysis of mtDNA from bone samples taken from the three skeletons was successful in only one of the two labs involved. The HVR1-mtDNA sequence (region: from nt 16,035 to nt 16,395), obtained from the bone samples of Federico II and “The Third Individual” appear identical but bear double peaks at the same nucleotide positions, suggesting mixing (i.e. contamination) of different mtDNA types. The HVR1 sequence obtained from the bone sample of Pietro II di Aragona does not present double peaks and differ from the Cambridge Reference Sequence (CRS) at six nucleotide positions. Cloning experiment of the Federico II amplicon demonstrated that the mixed mtDNA types are only two: one identical to CRS, the other identical to the sequence of Pietro II di Aragona. A reconstruction of these data are proposed in the Discussion. Due to the problematic context in which this study was carried out (mixed and deteriorated biological material, failure to replicate results in two different labs), our results and reconstruction can only be offered on a tentative basis. It is hoped that the data presented in this study will reveal useful, for future comparison, if further molecular genetics research will be carried out on the royal dynasties that ruled Sicily in the early centuries of the past millennium.  相似文献   

The scientific approach to the restoration and monitoring of mural paintings, at S. Girolamo Chapel – SS. Annunziata Church in Florence, is reported as a fruitful example of the synergic collaboration between restorers and scientists in the planning and development of conservative interventions. Before restoration, the painting technique and the state of preservation of the pictorial cycle have been investigated firstly by close examination of the painted surfaces and then by optical and/or SEM-EDS microscopy and μFT-IR spectroscopy on appropriately selected samples. In particular, the original constituent materials and those belonging to subsequent restorations were characterized together with those originating from decay processes. In this mural painting cycle, a peculiar “fresco” technique has been used although an auxiliary binder for pigment distemper has been also employed. The use of this technique, sometimes in an improper way together with uncorrected restoration interventions, are the main responsible of the unsatisfactory state of conservation of many painted areas. Preliminary conservation trials and scientific studies were carried out to design the most convenient restoration intervention and to verify the correctness and non-invasive of the necessary operations. Special attention was devoted to cleaning procedures, continuously monitored by a physico-chemical methodology, mainly based on microinvasive, microscopic and spectroscopic investigations, to evaluate the efficiency, advantages and drawbacks of the proposed cleaning procedures and define the most appropriate ones. Finally, specific decay markers have been recognized, by a comparison of the results obtained from the detached samples with those deriving from artificially aged models, to be used for a correct future monitoring and maintenance of the wall paintings.  相似文献   

Laser cleaning has been used to restore the soiled terracotta statues and decorations of the tympanum of the portal of Palos of the Cathedral of Seville in Spain. A simultaneous laboratory study performed on a representative sample helped to identify the optimum laser conditions to remove the dark soiling layer produced by air pollution. It was found that irradiation at 1064 nm with a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser was more effective than the harmonic wavelengths of 532 or 266 nm. LIBS and Raman microscopy gave information on the composition of terracotta and identified the presence of a protective layer made of gypsum and calcite. As detected by Raman spectroscopy, laser irradiation caused the elimination of the carbon component of the soiling layer and the appearance of an anhydrite component in the laser irradiated gypsum layer applied over the terracotta substrate for protective purposes. Local heating of the surface caused by laser irradiation at 1064 nm, the laser wavelength used for restoration of the portal, might be responsible for a process of partial dehydration of gypsum into anhydrite.  相似文献   

Optical and SEM-EDS microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction and micro FT-IR spectroscopy investigations of the funerary klinai (couches) of Tomb 1 from Amphipolis and a stone sarcophagus from ancient Tragilos—two painted monuments made by Macedonian craftsmen of the Early Hellenistic period—identified the original materials and painting technique, as well as synthetic materials used as consolidants during past restoration treatments. The original organic binders and the superficial modern coatings have been identified by micro FT-IR spectroscopy applied directly to the sampled powders or tiny fragments and to their solvent—soluble fractions. The pigments identified on the couch of Amphipolis are: red and yellow ochre, cinnabar, Madder lake, paratacamite and antlerite, carbon black, calcium carbonate, kaolin and gypsum. The identification of egg and animal glue confirms the application of tempera and secco techniques. The detection of polymers such as polydimethylsiloxane, polyvinyl acetate and alkyd resins, is related to modern restoration products. The pigments attested on the paintings of the Tragilos' sarcophagus are: red and yellow ochre, Egyptian blue, malachite, carbon black, calcium carbonate and gypsum. The absence of organic binders combined with the constant presence of calcium carbonate in all the examined samples suggests the use of lime as the binding medium in the painted decoration of the sarcophagus. The presence of Paraloid B72 is related to recent conservation treatments.  相似文献   

There is little information in the conservation literature with respect to artists’ alkyd paints; thus, artists and conservators are somewhat at a loss about how to use and treat alkyds. Recently, analytical methods have been developed to identify the components in these polymers (oil modified polyesters), rates of cross-linking and mechanical properties. Presented in this paper are some of the characterization results of artists’ alkyd paints using THM (thermally assisted hydrolysis and methylation) gas chromatography– mass spectrometry (THM–GC/MS) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy–attenuated total reflectance (FTIR–ATR). Four brands of artists’ alkyd paints containing alkyd resin have been analysed; one containing a phthalic anhydride and pentaerythritol based alkyd resin, two containing isophthalic acid and pentaerythritol based alkyd resins, and the final one containing both phthalic anhydride and isophthalic acid and pentaerythritol based resins among the colours studied.  相似文献   

In all cultures, and in many different ways, man has searched for God, and architecture has been a fundamental element in this search. The cathedral-mosque of Córdoba is a unique example of this particular history of the search for God through architecture: first with its choice of a horizontal space on a human scale, adapted to the praying practices of the Islamic period, and then with a vertical space, symbolizing the grandeur and spirituality of the Christian period. The different religions that have been accommodated in this building in the course of its history have brought with them different conceptions of space and different liturgies. These needs, peculiar to each form of worship for the propagation of the faith, imply different acoustic conditions for the particular space. The aim of this study is to look at the sonic characteristics of the space and analyze the evolution of its acoustic characteristics and their adaptation to the different liturgical needs of each period.  相似文献   

The paper deals with financing the culture in Italy. The public expenses for the culture are shared as expenses of the government, of the regions, of the provinces and of the municipalities. The relationships of the cultural organisations with the public sector are very strong because they belong to the public sector, or they broadly depend on public funds.A specific attention is devoted to other forms of financing, about the role of the entrance fees and the entrances of the game “Lotto”, which subsidy the cultural goods and the Interministerial Committee for the Economic Planning (CIPE) allocations to the depressed areas. We will also be faced up to the examination of other sources of private financing as the sponsorships, the entrances of collateral services about museum visits (coffee and bookstore) and the supply of banking foundations. The fiscal incentives refer directly to the cultural institution or to the external financing of the nonprofit institutions by donations or sponsorships. Finally, the cultural institutions will have always to operate more and more by a strategic vision of financial and managerial field, on the basis of high qualitative standards. The activities and cultural projects will have to be able to attract additional sources of income in addition to the public one; the search of private financial resources is developed in a situation of increasing competition among the institutions, while tools of innovative finance have to be used to satisfy the increasing demand of culture. It is difficult nevertheless to define the possible best method of public–private financing, if you take consideration of the distinctive features of the different institutions and interests of the operators who are involved: artists, cultural institutions, public bureaucracy, besides the economic effects which follow alternative choices. The recent evolution of the institutional, financial and managerial models of the culture in Italy plans a larger integration between public and private sectors for a great involvement of individuals, enterprises and foundations about the financing of the cultural services offer.  相似文献   

Fifty crucible fragments and 10 fragments of the melting furnace of the forest glassworks of Südel (1723–1741, Ct. Luzern), were analyzed by petrographic, mineralogical and chemical techniques in order to assess the temperature reached in the melting chamber and to find out which raw materials were used to make the crucibles and the melting furnace. Since the crucibles were used in the melting furnace, the temperature estimations were based on both the crucibles and the refractory fragments, as they were parts of the same system. The temperature range in the melting chamber, estimated by the structural order of the new-formed cristobalite, points to a temperature range between 1350 and 1500 °C. However, three crucible samples recorded extreme temperatures as high as 1650 °C, suggesting very high flame temperatures for wood fuel. The analyzed red bricks were made with local calcium-poor clay. One of them was tempered with refractory fragments, demonstrating an in-house production and the recycling of such a material after its use. The crucibles and the refractory bricks were made with the same refractory clay. The former using unprocessed clay and the latter blending clay with chamotte. A comparison with Sidérolithique clayey sand samples from the Swiss Jura, shows strong affinities which may rule out the archaeological hypothesis of an exclusive provenance of such clays from Germany, suggesting an import from the Swiss Jura mountains.  相似文献   

During the restoration plan of the famous painting “Madonna col Bambino e S. Giovannino” by Sandro Botticelli, located in the Museo Civico of Piacenza (Italy), a study on painting materials was carried out. The pigments, the binders and the materials used for the application of ground and priming layers were studied using micro-Raman spectroscopy, gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS), optical and electronic microscopies. Gypsum and anhydrite were found in the ground layer, while carbon black and lead white were used in the priming layers. The precious pigments of the artist's palette and the binders used (egg and animal glue) were determined.  相似文献   

This work presents an account of the results of diagnostic analyses on the lesions that were first detected in Michelangelo's David in the mid-1800s. After summarizing the events that may have affected the statue's stability and the state of deformation, the authors present the results of the Finite Elements Method (FEM) tests conducted on the digital model of the statue's surface. The analysis of these results made it possible to identify the static conditions that generated the cracks in the lower part of the left leg and in the tree trunk of the David. Lastly, the current situation was analyzed from the perspective of both deformation and stresses, evaluating the statue's stability also as regards its structural response to the seismic activity at the level expected for the Florence area.  相似文献   

Laser cleaning was applied to remove aged and soiled oil paints of the 19th century from weathered, brittle sandstone surfaces. In contrast to other tested cleaning methods, the laser technique allows the removal of the oil paint layers with a minimum of material loss in brittle zones. The cleaned test areas have been investigated by optical and scanning electron microscopy as well as by colour measurements. The investigations have shown that the dirt and the oil paint layers can be removed by laser cleaning without affecting the original sandstone surface and that the pores can be opened again. The brown shade after cleaning is not caused by laser interaction with the sandstone surface but by historic impregnation with linseed oil. Immediately after cleaning, a treatment with chemical consolidants is necessary to preserve the brittle sandstone surface. Sustainable consolidation could be problematic in some areas, because the laser cleaning also preserves heavily damaged, crumbling zones of the carvings. For economic reasons, laser cleaning should be applied only in the most endangered zones of carvings and combined with classical methods (organic solvents and scalpel).  相似文献   

The procedures for making and applying a new family of high viscosity aqueous polymeric dispersions based on poly(vinyl alcohol)-borax (PVA-borax) matrices are presented. A specific system of this type has been used to remove an oxidized varnish coating from the surface of “Coronation of the Virgin with Saints”, a 15th century egg tempera painting on wood by Neri di Bicci (Florence, 1418–1492). FTIR spectra showed that the oxidized varnish was constituted of highly aged shellac resin. Good cleaning performance was attained when the liquid portion of the dispersion consisted of a mixture of water and acetone. Rheological investigations indicate that the acetone content does not affect the mechanical properties of the polymeric dispersion. Those mechanical properties permit easy removal of the cleaning agent simply by peeling it from the surface by means of a forceps or spatula once it has carried out its cleaning function. Optical microscopic and FTIR investigations show that the cleaning agent is able to remove the oxidized varnish coating from the surface of the Neri di Bicci painting without leaving detectable residues.  相似文献   

Due to the extreme fragility of paper-based artefacts, few techniques are available for scientific investigation and characterisation of ancient drawings or paper-based artefacts. Image reflectance spectroscopy represents an almost unique tool for scientific analysis on precious drawings, for which even micro-invasive techniques of analysis cannot be used. Indeed, beside the high fragility of the support, drawings and graphical works are typically characterised by a very limited number of artistic materials, which in principle could give information on the work of art. In this paper an interdisciplinary study on a set of drawings by Parmigianino (1503–1540), selected from the collection of the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, is presented. Non-invasive measurements of image spectroscopy (IS) have been employed to support the work of art-historians in the critical re-examination and interpretation of the graphical work of the artist. The multispectral analysis has been carried out over the extended spectral region (400–1700 nm), in order to provide simultaneous indications both on the pictorial materials and on possibly underlying hatches. The data processing has been performed by means of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and the elaboration of each case has been addressed to specifically respond to questions related to the art-historical problem.  相似文献   

Using inductively coupled plasma–atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES), atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) the concentration of Ag, As, Au, Bi, Cu, Fe, Ga, In, Ni, Sb, Sn, and Zn in 53 samples taken from archaeological finds dated to 4th–2nd century BC and found in the territory of ancient Thracia was determined. Additionally using inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and MS for determination of the lead isotope ratios in the samples was carried out. On the basis of these analytical results using cluster analysis for grouping the samples on the bases of the similarity in chemical and isotopic content and the available data from the literature for lead ore deposits in the Balkan Peninsula, the geological origin of the investigated archaeological finds was evaluated. That confirms the expectation that sources of lead might be almost all possible deposits of lead ores on the Balkan Peninsula—from Lavrion through Chalkidiki to the Rhodope mountain. The result indicates that the Thrace did not utilize one single lead source continuously but that lead was provided according to availability from different production centers.  相似文献   

This articles reports new discoveries relating to ground glass and silica in European easel paintings from the 15th to the 17th centuries that were created by various German, Italian and Netherlandish artists. The earliest known additions of these extenders date to the early 1430s. Glass powder of varying fineness, prepared from vessel or window cullet, is often found in red lake glazes as well as in other colours or preparatory layers of paintings. SEM/EDX analyses of the glass particles reveal a variety of chemical compositions (soda ash, wood ash, wood ash-lime, wood ash-lead, mixed alkali), which are discussed with respect to the provenance of the paintings. Historical sources on painting techniques mention glass additions most frequently to accelerate drying of oil paints, but also occasionally to facilitate grinding of pigments. Another possible function of powdered glass and silica, especially in oil-bound red lake glazes, is that of a transparent filler, as will be here discussed based on paint trials.  相似文献   

The application of total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) to the analysis of inorganic pigments used in five Albanian icons painted by Onufri Qiprioti, in the period from the end of 16th to the beginning of 17th century is presented. After removing the protective varnish with a solvent, a dry cotton-wool bud (Q-tip) was rubbed over the painted surface to collect the micro-samples. Samples, covering the main colors and their hues, were collected of each icon. A part of the small amount of the sample was transferred to a glass carrier and analyzed by TXRF. Main types of inorganic pigments used for different colors could be identified. The results indicate a palette which included white lead, calcium white, gold, orpiment, yellow and red ochre, vermilion, red lead; a cooper based green pigment (malachite or verdigris) and smalt.  相似文献   

The analysis of the amino acid (AA) content in fragments derived from a prehistoric rock pictograph (Lancusi rock shelter) at Tadrart Acacus, southern west Libya, revealed the presence of material containing peptides differing in solubility in hot acidic or alkaline solutions, as well as in AA composition and racemization. Water-soluble components were constituted of low molecular weight peptides with high racemization of aspartic acid and alanine, whereas the water insoluble material consisted of species of a more complex AA composition and a different degree of racemization. The proteinaceous materials were assumed to originate from matter that had undergone over time different diagenetic processes. The water insoluble peptide-containing material was separated from the rock substrate by acid hydrolysis, dried and the resulting residue submitted to radiocarbon analysis. Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) yielded an approximate age of 6145 ± 70 years B.P. (before present), which is consistent with archaeological inference and the climatic reconstruction of central Sahara. To our knowledge the present work represents the first attempt of direct radiocarbon dating of rock art in the Sahara desert.  相似文献   

Rock weathering is defined as the process of rocks alteration as a result of the adjustment of its internal constituents by the action of physical, chemical and biological factors, to the prevailing conditions of the atmosphere and in the environment. In humid polluted areas “red weathering” is one of the major deterioration forms that characterize most granitic rocks. Several intervention steps are required to remove and treat all surfaces affected by this form. It is one of the most aggressive forms of deterioration which are essentially composed of some complex species of clay minerals “Kaolinite, Illite, Montmorillonite and Tosudite”, in addition to some species of salts as “Gypsum” pigmented by “Hematite” as a colorant. After several investigatin techniques, these crusts need several intervention and conservation steps to remove and eliminate the aggressive effects resulted from the red crusts through three essential steps: “cleaning, gap filling and strengthening and stabilizing”. After evaluating all materials and methods that were performed by “DBN, SEM, EDX, and AAS”, the present study suggests that the most suitable cleaning methods are composed of three essential steps “dry and vacuum cleaning (DVC), ultra-sonic cleaning (USC), poultice cleaning (PC)”. Furthermore, the elected gap filling material composed of “Araldite AY-103” mixed with “Granite powder as petro-filler.” Finally, different evaluation methods proved that “Wacker H” is the most suitable strengthening and stabilizing material for consolidation purpose.  相似文献   

The efficiency of a recently described non-aqueous method for paper deacidification using Ca(OH)2 nanoparticles in isopropanol was evaluated by pH and colorimetric measurements and by the analysis of the degree of polymerization (DP). Samples of plain paper and paper with iron gall ink were tested. The results were compared with non treated samples and samples submitted to the traditional treatment with saturated aqueous Ca(OH)2 solution. By comparing the two conservation methods, the aqueous one shows higher neutralization reaction kinetics than the non-aqueous one. The iron gall ink samples maintain their coloration closer to the original after the non-aqueous Ca(OH)2 nanoparticles treatment, in contrary to the aqueous treatment that changes the ink aesthetics considerably. Artificial aging tests revealed a general increase in the aging stability of deacidified paper samples. The Ca(OH)2 nanoparticles treatment can be an alternative for papers who can not be treated by the classical aqueous treatment, e.g. papers with water soluble components.  相似文献   

The stained glass windows of the Pavia Carthusian Monastery are an important testimony of medieval glass making in which a wood-ash flushing component was used. Glass surfaces reveal alteration processes extending to depth, with evidence of microbial corrosion. Electron microprobe analyses coupled with EDS data allow the identification of different steps in the alteration process. Microbial attack occurs in an early stage and determines component leaching of the glass, with the development of reactions in which the crystallisation of gypsum is favoured.  相似文献   

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