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公正观是人们协调人际关系和社会秩序的行为准则,其表现形式是人们用相对统一的价值观念来衡量社会的公平正义。从本体论、认识论、方法论和价值论四维角度,梳理和剖析老子思想中的社会公正观,可以得出老子的社会公正思想主要包括以下几个方面:以"道"为实现社会公正的本体依据;以"自然"为社会公正的客观标准;以"无为"为社会公正的实现方法;以"天下将自正"为社会公正的价值取向,最终以实现"小国寡民"的理想社会。  相似文献   

以社会及其责任为教师教育研究之聚焦,是多重因素影响的必然结果。社会责任的厘定,应正视社会构成的复杂性以及不同群体行为力量的差异,对政府、社会普通公民、家庭、教师教育研究人员的责任指向和内涵分别进行阐释。社会责任的履行,必须充分彰显方法论意义,以形象重构为目标,以文化建设为主线,以"成事"与"成人"的双向互动为动力,以"他律"与自律为手段。  相似文献   

在知识生产模式1向模式2的转型中,产学研协同创新是大学发展的必然途径。文化是大学的独特气质和精神意志,高水平大学需要以文化的力量推进协同创新、站在文化的高度省思自身发展。大学学术的社会培育、大学精神的社会认同、大学战略的社会依存、大学优势的社会引领等的深刻变化,使大学对社会有着更深的依赖和更多的责任,并要求作出文化回应。协同文化是大学对社会的依赖、责任之文化诠释,它坚持以"优势"为条件的生存方式、以"依存"为认同的主流价值、以"合作"为惯习的行为准则、以"协调"为追求的战略视野。高水平大学要培育协同文化,致力打造协同精神、坚持协同创新、提升协同自觉,积极回应社会对大学的文化期待。  相似文献   

传统的民俗学将向何处去?这是民俗学界普遍关注的问题.本文认为,新时期民俗学要想走出困境,对社会和学术做出自己独特的贡献,必须树立新的学术品格,对社会有所担当.从"历史学"转向"当代学",将民俗研究导入当代社会,直面当下社会的变迁;从追溯历史、重构原型、回归传统,转向关注现实、关心人生、阐释社会、服务当今社会.让以研究"古代遗留物"为开端的学问转向以研究当下现实社会习俗为主的与时俱进的学问;让以"民间文学"、"口头传承"为主体和"历史考据"、"原型重构"为主要研究方法的民俗研究传统,转向以"当代民俗"、"现代传媒"为主体,以"整体研究"、"综合研究"为主要方法的新民俗研究.民俗学的这种当代性建构需要民俗学学者们具有敢于突破传统的勇气和不断创新的精神.  相似文献   

加强以改善民生为重点的社会建设,必须正确理解和认识社会建设的确切意涵。我们要认识到:在社会建设的对象上,社会建设中的"社会"在当前并非落位于公民社会,而是一个以"人与人之间交往为纽带的,以公益、保护、帮扶作为运行原则"的中义社会;在社会建设主体上,社会建设的主体并不仅是政府一家,党委、社会团体、公众都有相应的责任,人大、政协、民主党派、工会、共青团、妇联都能发挥相应的作用;在社会建设途径上,并不能简单地认为社会建设就是要政府还权于社会,从社会退出,对社会"一放了之",而是在许多地方和领域要明确和强化政府干预和介入的责任,以体制、机制创新解决公众反映强烈的社会问题;在社会建设的重点上,要认识到当前的社会建设是以改善民生为重点的社会建设,而不是以其他内容为重点的社会建设。  相似文献   

孔子将夏、夷置于儒家的社会伦理体系中认识,把华夷的存在编织在"差序性平等"的社会体系之中.孔子以朴素的人性论为出发点,以有教无类为途径,主张通过以夏礼教化夷狄,从而实现"华夷无别"的社会理想.  相似文献   

大学生是青年公益性微组织的中坚力量,他们在公益活动中面临着社会认可度不高、社会资源、资金、人员不足以及服务内容上缺少机制保障等困境。可通过大学生直接参与的方式,以"微组织"为载体,以"自媒体"为拓展渠道,以"社会化"为模式等途径,创新青年公益性微组织参与社会公益活动。  相似文献   

OECD成员国高等教育多样化发展路径及其繁荣,是与它们合理选择符合自己国情的投入模式密不可分的。其典型模式主要有:一是以美国为代表的财政投入、社会投入和个人投入都较高的"三高模式";二是以韩国为代表的"以社会投入为主,政府投入为辅"的"社会主导"模式;三是以法国为代表的"政府投入为主的中央集权制"模式;四是以丹麦等北欧国家为代表的"国家买单"模式。它给我们的启示是:在社会快速发展时期,必须保证高等教育投入总量的增长,同时要重视社会投入的作用。  相似文献   

本文将护理学专业的特殊性与社会需求充分融合,围绕"精简基础、突出护理;增加人文、强化实践;注重能力、面向应用"的原则,构建了"以社会需求为导向,以体现专业特色课程体系为主线,以实践能力培养为特色"的应用型本科护理人才培养模式,为高等护理院校培养符合社会所需要的护理人才提供指导。  相似文献   

过去,由于各种历史原因,图书馆基本上是"以书为本"。现在,随着信息社会的发展,图书馆应该"以人为本"。图书馆"以人为本"的创新服务策略主要有:树立"以人为本"的主动服务理念、创新"以读者为本"的服务内容和方式、注重社会满意度综合评价等。  相似文献   

This article presents a synthesis of the theoretical and research literature on facilitating asynchronous online discussions effectively. Online courses need to be designed so that they provide motivation for students to engage in productive discussions and clearly describe what is expected, perhaps in the form of a discussion rubric. Additionally, instructors need to provide discussion forums for socio-emotional discussions that have the goal of nurturing a strong sense of community within the course as well as group discussion forums for content-and task-oriented discussions that center on authentic topics. In order to facilitate discussions effectively, instructors should generate a social presence in the virtual classroom, avoid becoming the center of all discussions by emphasizing student–student interactions, and attend to issues of social equity arising from use of different communication patterns by culturally diverse students [e.g., Garrison, D. R., Anderson, T., and Archer, W. (2001). Critical thinking, cognitive presence, and computer conferencing in distance education. The American Journal of Distance Education, 15(1), 7–23; Rovai, A. P. (2003). Strategies for grading online discussions: Effects on discussions and classroom community in Internet-based university courses. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 15(1), 89–107].  相似文献   

BackgroundCollaborative small-group discussions have the potential to promote reading comprehension, critical thinking, and argumentation. However, few studies have gone beyond cognitive processes to understand the social characteristics of dialogue and their potential contributions to students’ cognitive processing in turn-by-turn dialogic exchanges.AimsThis study closely examined dialogues between speakers and addressees regarding their levels of cognitive processing (i.e., cognitive dialogue patterns) and social processes reflecting social cohesion (i.e., social dialogue patterns). The aims were to understand, first, the relations between students' cognitive dialogue patterns and their social dialogue patterns, and second, the relations between students' cognitive dialogue patterns and peers’ social dialogue patterns.SampleThis study included 4070 speaking turns generated by 120 fifth-graders in 60 small-group discussions.MethodsStudents participated in small-group discussions, called Collaborative Social Reasoning. Dialogue between pairs of group members formed social networks, based on which Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGMs) were specified.ResultsFindings showed that speakers' social dialogue patterns were associated with their cognitive dialogue patterns. However, receiving social dialogue patterns from peers did not always predict students’ advanced types of cognitive dialogue patterns.ConclusionsThis study demonstrated that cognitive and social aspects of small-group discussions are intricately linked, and that encouraging social cohesion does not guarantee that students will engage in collaborative and critical discussions.  相似文献   

In an attempt to examine dialogue within a second grade classroom, students were encouraged to participate in whole-class mathematics discussions without raising their hands before speaking. Beneficial social and sociomathematical norms developed in place of this traditional social norm. Effects of this change on the dialogue and written mathematical explanations of a class of second grade students are described. Focus was placed on student participation in whole-class discussions. The study helped to determine the effects of student-centered dialogue on students' mathematical explanations and justifications as demonstrated in the students' discussions, participation, and written expression related to their mathematics learning.  相似文献   

Intellectual, social, managerial and technical are four commonly reported categories of facilitation in online discussions. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether these four broad categories of facilitation were equally applied in online discussions and which specific skills were perceived to be more important. In this study, students were facilitators of online discussions. Each student-facilitator led a group discussion and participated in two additional discussions moderated by other student-facilitators. Three groups of students were selected for data collection. Results indicated that the intellectual, social and managerial categories of facilitation were highly applied, while technical facilitation was less used in the online discussions. Also, summarising discussions was perceived to be the top facilitation skill. This paper presents findings of the study and discusses issues involved in the study.  相似文献   

Recent discussions on social work education increasingly have drawn attention to doctoral education. The purpose of this article is to consider these discussions that debated some of the ways of improving doctoral student education and professional development, using professional socialization as a conceptual framework. Issues such as research, teaching, and research assistantship, and conferences are considered as key components of the process of preparing doctoral students for knowledge building through teaching and research. Finally, the paper discusses some implications for social work education.  相似文献   

Teacher candidates' transformative thinking on issues of social justice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examined how teacher candidates' thoughts shifted regarding social inequity in a sophomore-level Foundations of Education course located in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. First, we described in detail the teacher education program and course, as well as class simulations, school observations, course readings and class discussions. Then, we examined the narratives of our teacher candidates' transformation. We found that the afore-mentioned experiences successfully supported transformative thinking regarding social justice. By the end of the course, many teacher candidates began to take ownership over their learning and started viewing themselves as responsible change agents. They began to examine education as embedded in larger social contexts, scrutinized their own schooling experiences and stepped outside of their own conceptions of education to initiate discussions of social justice.  相似文献   


For youth in disadvantaged schools, university expectations and participation are often limited by access to social and cultural capital that support expectations. This study investigated the utility of creative arts outreach initiatives (CAI) in supporting students’ university expectations and building cultural capital in homes, schools and neighbourhoods in the southwest corridor of Perth, Western Australia. Cultural capital was operationalised as discussions about university with parents, teachers and friends as important socialisers. The CAI provided task-based programs that connected students with industry professionals and university academics to access new social and cultural capital, develop skills that satisfied learning objectives and increase navigational capacity for higher education participation. Multi-group latent growth models were estimated for university expectations across 3 time points and university discussions with important socialisers at time 3 using a propensity-score matched sample comprising 176 students aged between 11 to 18 years from eight high schools (program group?=?88, control group?=?88, females?=?64%). Results indicated stability in levels of university expectations for program participants and increased discussions about university with parents, teachers and friends. Findings support the inclusion of people-rich, co-curricular creative arts programs such as CAI in disadvantaged schools to build social and cultural capital that supports and potentially widens higher education participation in this region.  相似文献   

依据建构主义、社会互动理论关于协作学习的观点,文章提出了在线协作学习的框架模型.在此基础上,文章主要用定性的研究方法对影响在线讨论效果的因素进行了探讨,结果显示影响网络课程中在线讨论效果的主要因素有:讨论的风格、组的大小、讨论的主题.  相似文献   

Social support and stress have previously been found to be predictors of health among students. In this study, we investigated whether methods of teaching and class participation were related to social support and stress via questionnaire responses from 947 Norwegian adolescents aged 13-15. Linear associations between the variables were assessed in univariate and multivariate analyses of covariance. Highly significant overall effects were found with the amounts of group work, class discussions, and verbal activity. Borderline significant effect was also seen in relation to the amount of independent work. An increasing amount of group work increased the perception of social support from teachers and peers, but showed no significant association with stress. Increasing amounts of class discussions were significantly related to increasing perception of social support, in particular among boys. Class discussions also seemed to reduce the experience of stress, although somewhat inconsistently. Increasing amounts of independent work increased stress, but also increased the perception of social support from peers among boys. No significant associations with traditional teacher instruction were found. Verbal activity was strongly related both to increasing perception of social support and decreasing experiences of stress. In view of the present results, participatory learning activities may promote health by preventing stress experience and promoting social relationships.  相似文献   

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