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文章采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、数理统计法和系统分析法等研究方法,通过研究运动员在比赛中的技术运用特点,分析了摔法技术在散打比赛中的作用及相关的技术要求,并进一步探讨提高散打运动中摔法技术成功率的训练方法与手段,为散打教练员指导运动员进行摔法训练提供参考。  相似文献   

对于散打而言,腿法技术运用是散打运动员比赛中重要的得分手段,使用次数较多、成功率较高的腿法技术主要为鞭腿和侧踹腿,而正蹬腿及其他腿法技术在比赛中逐渐被淘汰.本文从散打的特性出发,对散打腿法技术进行一定的分析并通过分析找出适合的训练方法和技巧.  相似文献   

文章运用文献法、分析法,从竞技散打的发展历程谈起,梳理了其在当前的发展境遇,在此基础上,重点分析竞技散打运动的训练方法与训练手段,并对竞技散打运动的身体素质在竞赛中的作用进行了解读。期望为竞技散打运动训练手段与方法、身体素质与训练等方面提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、比较分析法等研究方法对散打心理活动特点及其训练方法进行了研究。文章针对散打训练中出现的不良心理状态,探索导致产生这种心理状态的原因,采用适当的训练方法,以及时解决训练中存在的问题,从而为进一步提高我国散打运动队的训练水平提供参考。  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、实地考察法、访谈法等多种研究方法,对沧州市竞技武术散打的发展现状予以分析。对沧州市散打训练基地的建立、场馆的地理位置、场地器材设施、政府部门的重视程度、教练员与运动员自身修养和技术水平、运动员选材、训练方法及传播途径等进行实地考察研究,找出存在的问题并提出相关对策建议,推动竞技武术散打在沧州市的发展,帮助沧州武术的散打水平进一步提高,推动这项运动在沧州发展的更好。  相似文献   

文章旨在对濒临消失的土家族宏门安定堂"梁拳"进行挖掘、探源,并与现代武术中的散打结合起来,把最原始的梁拳基本技法、训练方法等运用到散打运动之中,为现代武术服务。文章主要采用访谈法、实地考察法、文献法等方法对"梁拳"进行了研究。结果表明:"梁拳"技法手段众多,运动形式多样;有较高的技击与防御性;具有悦心健身、防身之价值。另外,从武术的健身、攻防、竞技等多个方面得出:"梁拳"具有良好的应用价值与发展前景,特别是其作为民运会项目武术中的传统拳与传统器械组别具有较强的参赛性。  相似文献   

散打比赛是同场格斗对抗性项目,对运动员的技术、体能、心理、智能都有很高要求.在基层训练中,很多教练过分重视技术和体能的训练,而忽视了对运动员智能的培养和训练.在技术和体能同等的情况下,运动员的心理和智能往往容易左右比赛的胜负.文章运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法对散打运动特点、散打运动智能的构成、运动智能在散打比赛中的重要性、散打运动智能的训练方法进行了论述,希望通过本研究为散打训练提供一定的借鉴,为散打理论的完善起到一定的帮助.  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料研究法、观察法等,分析了少年儿童身体机能、身体形态等发育规律,查阅了大量文献资料,梳理了少年儿童不同年龄阶段身体机能的发育特点,运用运动训练学、运动生理学等科学知识,结合当前儿童少年早期散打训练的研究成果,认为少年儿童散打训练应以散打基本技术动作为主,结合多种运动训练方法,使少年儿童能够健康成长,掌握散打基本技术动作,提高身体各项基本素质,为后续竞技散打成绩的提升提供保障。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、专家访谈和逻辑推理等研究方法,以丰富我国现代散打技术训练方法理论体系为研究视点,针对我国散打运动员在多次中外散打对抗赛中所表现出的攻击力薄弱、抗击打能力较差等问题,结合传统武术功力训练的特点和现代散打运动技术训练的实际,提出了将传统武术功力训练的方法有针对性地移植到对散打运动员的拳法、腿法、摔法及步法的训练之中,来最大限度提高散打运动员的攻击力和抗击打能力,有效提高其散打竞技水平。  相似文献   

散打是对抗性很强的徒手格斗项目,运动损伤是影响运动员运动寿命的主要因素。文章运用文献资料法、问卷法、数理统计法等研究方法,对专业散打运动员损伤部位及特征进行调查研究,从而为散打运动损伤的研究和散打训练提供帮助与参考。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法,录像观察法和数据统计法等研究方法,对跆拳道的推踢技术在比赛中的运用进行了分析和研究,旨在为教练员和运动员在训练和比赛中提供一些理论依据,因而加强教练员在平时训练中对推踢技术的重视和运动员在比赛中能很好的运用推踢技术的意识,从而来提高运动员比赛成绩。  相似文献   

Kinematic comparison of the preferred and non-preferred foot punt kick   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Kicking with the non-preferred leg is important in Australian Football and becoming important in the rugby codes. The aim of this study was to examine differences between preferred and non-preferred leg kicking in the drop punt kick. Seventeen elite Australian Football players performed kicks with the preferred and non-preferred leg. Optotrak Certus collected kinematic data of the kick leg and pelvis (200 Hz) from kick leg toe-off until ball contact. Foot speed, knee and shank angular velocity at ball contact, and pelvis range of motion were significantly larger for the preferred leg (P < 0.05). In contrast, hip and thigh angular velocity at ball contact and hip range of motion were significantly larger for the non-preferred leg. This indicates different movement patterns, with preferred-leg kicks making greater use of the pelvis, knee, and shank while non-preferred leg kicks rely relatively more on the hip and thigh (P < 0.05). Reasons for this difference might be due to locking degrees of freedom or sub-optimal sequencing in the non-preferred leg. The thigh-knee continuum identified by Ball ( 2008 ) was also evident in this study. Findings have implications for training non-preferred leg kicking for performance and injury prevention.  相似文献   

文章采用文献资料法、观察录像法、数理统计法等研究方法对运动员后手中段逆突拳法进行分析。研究结果表明:在空手道运动中有拳法、腿法和摔法这三种技术,在这三种技术运用中运动员更侧重于使用拳法技术中的后手中段逆突,拳法技术后手中段逆突是运动员的主要得分手段之一。在空手道拳法技术中,后手中段逆突技术是运动员实用频率最高拳法技术和成功率最高的拳法技术,也是运动员在比赛中实用的拳法技术中的主要得分技术;腿法技术的使用稍低于拳法,在腿法技术中,使用次数最多的是中段回旋踢,但是成功率相对较低。在战术分析方面,运动员的主要战术形式为直攻战术。  相似文献   

控制与反控制原理在散打比赛中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
散打是对抗性很强,技术比较复杂的运动项目。散打比赛中的踢、打、摔属于立体攻击、攻防瞬间转换、对抗激烈的竞技比赛项目。文章运用文献资料法、观察法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,根据平时训练的体会,观察队员在比赛中的表现,旨在探讨散打比赛中双方之间控制与反控制的基本规律,以及如何应对的策略,为散打训练与比赛提供参考。  相似文献   

踢球是决定比赛胜负的主要技术手段之一.其中,脚背内侧踢球、正脚背踢球、脚内侧踢球及脚背外侧踢球是4种最基本的踢球方法.4种踢球方法踢球腿的摆动具有相似性,运动生物力学手段对其进行研究比较发现,脚背内踢球摆动腿的大腿前摆角最大,脚内侧踢球小腿前摆角最小,脚触球时,正脚背踢球与脚背外侧踢球的小腿角速度最快,脚内侧最慢.摆动腿的摆动存在鞭打动作,但不仅仅局限于鞭打动作.  相似文献   

We investigated joint coordination differences between Taekwondo back kicks and jumping back kicks, and how jumping (in performing the latter) would alter engaging ground reaction forces (GRF) in executing kicking. Ten skilful athletes volunteered to perform both kinds of kicking within the shortest time for three successful trials. Three high-speed cameras and two force platforms were used for data collection, and the trial with the shortest execution time was selected for analysis. Movements were divided into the rotation and attack phases. With comparable execution time and maximum joint linear/angular speeds, back kicks and jumping back kicks differ mainly in larger GRF in the latter, and in greater target acceleration in the former probably because the support leg prevented athletes’ rebounding after impact. In addition, more prominent antiphase and in-phase coordination between the shoulder segment and knee joint, and elongated rotation phase were found in jumping back kicks. Larger GRF values in jumping back kicks were generated for jump take-off rather than for a more powerful attack. In back kicks although the support leg remained ground contact, greatly decreased GRF in the attack phase suggested that the support leg mainly served as a rotation axis.  相似文献   

Many studies try to understand fundamental soccer skills, most focusing on kicking. However, a full picture of an efficient kick remains incomplete owing to constraints of test designs and difficulties that arise in synchronizing and analyzing information generated by multiple assessment techniques. Previous scientific studies may be generally categorized as: two‐dimensional kinematic analysis using high‐speed cameras, muscle activity studies using electromyog‐raphy, three‐dimensional analysis of the kicking‐leg using a partial‐body model, and kinetic studies using force measurements and modelling. No existing inquiries have used full‐body three‐dimensional motion capture and modelling to examine kicking. The current study remedies this deficiency and defines a full‐body model capable of revealing more detailed characteristics of kicking. Additionally, it reveals effects of long‐term training by comparing novices with skilled athletes and explores new parameters that have potential to aid quantitative evaluations of skill. Results show effective upper‐body movement to be a key factor in creating better initial conditions for a more explosive muscle contraction during kicking. It permits a more powerful quasi whip‐like movement of the kicking leg. Finally, the timely change of distance between the kick‐side hip and the non‐kick‐side shoulder provides a quantitative means of measuring kick quality.  相似文献   

Many studies try to understand fundamental soccer skills, most focusing on kicking. However, a full picture of an efficient kick remains incomplete owing to constraints of test designs and difficulties that arise in synchronizing and analyzing information generated by multiple assessment techniques. Previous scientific studies may be generally categorized as: two-dimensional kinematic analysis using high-speed cameras, muscle activity studies using electromyography, three-dimensional analysis of the kicking-leg using a partial-body model, and kinetic studies using force measurements and modelling. No existing inquiries have used full-body three-dimensional motion capture and modelling to examine kicking. The current study remedies this deficiency and defines a full-body model capable of revealing more detailed characteristics of kicking. Additionally, it reveals effects of long-term training by comparing novices with skilled athletes and explores new parameters that have potential to aid quantitative evaluations of skill. Results show effective upper-body movement to be a key factor in creating better initial conditions for a more explosive muscle contraction during kicking. It permits a more powerful quasi whip-like movement of the kicking leg. Finally, the timely change of distance between the kick-side hip and the non-kick-side shoulder provides a quantitative means of measuring kick quality.  相似文献   

第十九届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段进球数下降的趋势继续维持,每场比赛进球的高峰时间段为60-90min,2、3区进球数接近进球总数的80%,直接完成进攻得分占所有进球数的2/3,定位球配合进球超过了所有进球数的1/4。中前场抢断球发动进攻是现代足球进攻得分的主要战术手段;前场定位球是射门得分的锐利武器;中路进攻和门前补射是射门得分的重要组成部分;中后场定位球和中后场逐步推进发动阵地战是射门得分的有益补充;中后场长传球发动快攻和边路进攻是射门得分的辅助手段。  相似文献   

散打运动是中国武术攻防格斗技术的一种形式。它是两个人互为对手,采取踢、打、摔、拿及其攻防等技术,相互击打以制胜对手的徒手技击格斗运动。在散打比赛中要求运动员有良好的技战术、心理和身体素质,而战术的灵活运用则是取得比赛胜负的关键,文章对散打战术进行分析,浅析散打的战术训练及其原则。  相似文献   

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