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本文采用文献资料法,专家访谈法和数理统计法研究分析了铁人三项运动项目的一般特征和部分训练学特征。经分析认为铁人三项运动是成人运动项目,运动员年龄普遍偏大,出优秀成绩时的年龄也较大。铁人三项运动训练学特征突出表现在3个方面,(1)铁人三项各单项贡献多少决定着训练安排侧重与比例,跑步对总成绩的贡献最大;(2)单项间的相关程度影响着训练安排与效果,跑步与自行车,游泳与自行车相关系数较大,而游泳与跑步相关系数不大;(3)单项成绩波动变化给选手带来机遇与挑战,跑步、自行车成绩波动较大,游泳总体波动不大。  相似文献   

对教练和体能教练员来说,解剖知识(尤其是专项运动的解剖知识)对训练的科学性和有效性非常重要。美国人体运动出版社最近出版的《铁人三项解剖》对铁人三项、游泳、自行车和竞赛项目的教练和体能教练员来说是一个福音。《铁人三项解剖》共包括11个章节:手部解剖,心肺功能训练,制订一个富有个性的训练计划,手臂训练,肩部  相似文献   

“铁人三项”运动医学研究现状(综述)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 铁人三项是自一九七八年才正式开展的较新的运动竞技项目。整个比赛过程包折游泳、自行车、长跑三个项目,全部完成需几个小时而且中途不间歇连续进行。近年来,此项运动竞赛日益增多,吸引了不少参加者。由于铁人三项属运动量极大的项目(甚至可以说是过于严酷),对该项目运动员人体机能的变化之研究也就更有意义。近年来,不少学者从运动医学的角度对参加铁人三项比赛的运动员进行了研究,取得一定的成果,但数量仍较少且结果也不尽一致。我国这方面的研究仍未开展,现就近年来公开发表之文献有关铁人三项在运动医学方面的研究结果综述如下,供参考。  相似文献   

铁人三项运动是由游泳、自行车和跑步三个项目组成的一项综合性运动项目。1972年美国夏威夷群岛的一个酒吧里,一群体育爱好者边喝酒边争论世界上究竟哪一种体育运动项目最具有刺激性、挑战性,最能够考验人的意志和体能?大家众说纷纭,有人认为是渡海游泳、有人认为是马拉松、有人认为是长距离自行车、还有人认为是足球等等,大家各持己见,争论不休。到底是哪一项运动最考验人的意志和体能、最具有挑战性和刺激性呢?美国海军准将约翰·柯林斯提出:谁能够在一天之内在波涛汹涌的大海游泳3.8公里,然后环岛骑行自行车180公里,最后再跑完42…  相似文献   

铁人三项在奥运历史上是较新的比赛项目,只有27年的历史,是最年轻的运动之一。这一体育项目要求运动员在三个分项--游泳、自行车和赛跑中都十分出色。整个项目的比赛和训练计划都异常艰苦。男子和女子的铁人三项比赛都是一次性的在同一个路线上分别举行。最棒的男子运动员要用1小时50分钟完成比赛游泳20分钟,骑自行车1小时,长跑半小时,而最好的女子运动员要比男子运动员多用12分钟。第一个完成全部三项比赛的获得冠军。游泳是三项赛的第一项,运动员可以用任何姿势游泳,但实际上所有的运动员都选择自由泳。从水里上岸后,运动员要马上转入自行…  相似文献   

铁人三项,听起来就是一项极具考验体力和意志的运动。奥运标准的铁三距离是1.5公里游泳、40公里自行车和10公里跑步,将世界最具魅力的有氧项目结合在一起,是技巧与体能、速度与激情、耐力与坚韧的完美结合。  相似文献   

显示人类惊人毅力和持久耐力的铁人三项马拉松运动,虽然诞生至今不到20年,但却逐渐显现出其旺盛的生命力,越来越引起人们的兴趣。目前,世界铁人三项比赛的形式主要有三大类:一是夏威夷锦标赛。游泳3.8公里,自行车179.2公里,马拉松跑42.195公里,全程225.235公里。二是尼斯世界锦标赛。游泳3.04公里,自行车120公里,长跑29.44公里,全程152.48公里.三是国际标准距离赛。游泳1.5公  相似文献   

目的:通过梳理世界优秀运动员竞技水平峰值特征,总结优秀运动员峰值年龄和峰值表现窗口期特征的研究进展。方法:主要采用文献调研法,在中国知网核心期刊和Web of science核心合集数据库中检索相关文献并系统归纳提炼。结果:游泳、铁人三项、网球和高尔夫项目男子运动员的峰值年龄晚于女子运动员,而自行车和田径项目的研究结果则与之相反;随着田径竞赛、自行车和铁人三项项目竞赛距离的增加,运动员的峰值年龄出现了显著性的增大,而在游泳项目运动员中则表现出与之相反的规律;游泳和网球项目运动员的峰值年龄出现最早,其次为冰球和除马拉松以外田径项目的运动员,马拉松、自行车、铁人三项及高尔夫项目运动员的峰值年龄出现最晚;有研究认为男子运动员的峰值表现窗口期略长于女子运动员,但也有研究认为男、女运动员的峰值表现窗口期长度无显著差异;田径相关研究认为田赛和长跑项目运动员的峰值表现窗口期长于短跑和跨栏项目运动员,而游泳相关研究表明随着比赛距离的增加,游泳运动员的峰值表现窗口期长度逐渐缩短。结论:峰值表现特征是当前国内、外的研究热点,但多数研究主要存在于游泳和田径项目,且研究对象的运动水平也没有明确划分,探索不同项...  相似文献   

目的:研究山东省游泳、铁人三项运动员心脏形态及功能的特点和规律;方法:对山东省游泳、铁人三项运动员进行心脏超声学检查;结果:游泳、铁人三项运动员在左室结构及功能等方面与普通人群有显著差异(P<0.05),两种运动项目运动员之间在心脏结构和功能方面也存在一定的差异,尤以男性运动员更为明显;结论:游泳、铁人三项运动员存在心脏左室重构及左室舒张功能增加,且表现出项目和性别差异。  相似文献   

铁人三项虽然包括游泳、骑车和长跑三个项目,但是跑步对总成绩的影响最大,我国男子铁人三项运动员在游泳和骑车赛段中并不逊色于国外的优秀运动员,但是跑步赛段中的差距却很明显。在本次高原训练中迫切需要建立科研与训练相结合的模式,发掘优秀队员的潜能,提高单项成绩,创造我国男子铁人三项最好成绩。  相似文献   

Determinants of success during triathlon competition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eleven male triathletes were studied to determine the relationships between selected metabolic measurements and triathlon performance. Measurements of oxygen uptake (VO2), pulmonary ventilation (VE), and heart rate (HR) were made during submaximal and maximal 365.8 m freestyle swimming (FS), cycle ergometry (CE), and treadmill running (TR). Submaximal workloads were 1 m/s for swimming, 200 W for cycling, and 201.2 m/min for running. The mean VO2 max (l/min) was significantly (p less than .05) lower during FS (4.17) than CE (4.68) or TR (4.81). Swimming, cycling, and running performance times during the Muncie Endurathon (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile cycle, 13.1 mile run) were not significantly related to the event-specific VO2 max (ml/kg/min): -.49, -32 and -.55, respectively. The VO2 max expressed in l/min was found to be significantly (p less than .05) related to cycling time (r = -.70). A significant (p less than .05) relationship was observed between submaximal VO2 (ml/kg/min) during TM and run performance time (r = .64), whereas swimming and cycling performance times were significantly (p less than .05) related to submaximal VO2 max (l/min), r = .72 and .60, respectively. The percentage of VO2 (%VO2 max) used during the submaximal tests was significantly (p less than .05) related to swimming (.91), cycling (.78), and running (.86) performance times. Time spent running and cycling during triathlon competition was significantly (p less than .05) related to overall triathlon time, r = .97 and .81, respectively. However, swimming time was not significantly related (.30) to overall triathlon time. This study suggests that economy of effort is an important determinant of triathlon performance.  相似文献   

研究目的:了解西安市婴幼儿游泳教育的发展现状,并对其进行分析,归纳出制约该地区婴幼儿游泳教育发展的因素,最终提出对策和建议。研究方法:文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查及数理统计法。研究结论:西安市所调查的婴幼儿游泳馆均具有不同型号的泳池,且泳池可以进行温度控制;参与游泳运动的婴幼儿年龄段在13-24个月和25-36个月期间的人数较多,婴幼儿每周进行游泳的次数多为2-3次,每次时间多维持在30min左右;婴幼儿游泳教学费用根据游泳馆环境及教练员水平、医护人员能力的不同进行划分,从40-80元/次不等;婴幼儿游泳教学者主要有专业游泳运动员、幼师及具有医护常识的护士或儿科医生。  相似文献   

We examined differences in anthropometry and training between 64 Triple Iron ultra-triathletes competing over 11.4 km swimming, 540 km cycling, and 126.6 km running, and 71 Ironman triathletes competing over 3.8 km swimming, 180 km cycling, and 42.2 km running. The association of anthropometry and training with race time was investigated using multiple linear regression analysis. The Triple Iron ultra-triathletes were smaller (P < 0.05), had shorter limbs (P < 0.05), a higher body mass index (P < 0.05), and larger limb circumferences (P < 0.01) than the Ironman triathletes. The Triple Iron ultra-triathletes trained for more hours (P < 0.01) and covered more kilometres (P < 0.01), but speed in running during training was slower compared with the Ironman triathletes (P < 0.01). For Triple Iron ultra-triathletes, percent body fat (P = 0.022), training volume per week (P < 0.0001), and weekly kilometres in both cycling (P < 0.0001) and running (P < 0.0001) were related to race time. For Ironman triathletes, percent body fat (P < 0.0001), circumference of upper arm (P = 0.006), and speed in cycling training (P = 0.012) were associated with total race time. We conclude that both Triple Iron ultra-triathletes and Ironman triathletes appeared to profit from low body fat. Triple Iron ultra-triathletes relied more on training volume in cycling and running, whereas speed in cycling training was related to race time in Ironman triathletes.  相似文献   

张强 《四川体育科学》2005,(4):63-65,74
高原训练作为提高运动能力的训练方法已有近半个世纪的历史,它己成为游泳、田径、自行车等项目高水平运动员在参加重大比赛前所采用的训练手段之一。本文分析总结了国内外游泳高原训练发展现状,结合国外先进经验,为游泳高原训练方法提出了一些可行性建议,旨在为游泳运动的科擘运动训练提供有价值的参考资料。  相似文献   

Current trends in swimming biomechanics are focused on accurate measurements. Nowadays, reliable calibration methods have been proposed to reach an accuracy of about 1 mm on rigid structure. But the question remains about the final accuracy for three-dimensional hand kinematics measurement during the underwater phase of front crawl swimming. Furthermore, most research is based on manual tracking with two or more cameras. In this paper we propose a protocol to acquire three-dimensional hand kinematics when swimming in a specific pool with a motion analysis system behind windows. Results highlight the benefits of using such a system in terms of accuracy and feasibility: the time allowed for post-processing is ten times lower and the quantified improved accuracy is better than with manual tracking.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to test the association of the rs1049305 (G > C) variant within the 3?-untranslated region of the aquaporin 1 gene, AQP1, with changes in body weight, post-race serum sodium concentration and performance in Ironman triathletes. Five hundred and four male Ironman triathletes were genotyped for the rs1049305 variant within the AQP1 gene. Change in pre- and post-race body weight was calculated for 470 triathletes and used as a proxy for changes in body fluid during the race, as well as to divide triathletes into biologically relevant weight-loss groups (0–3%, 3–5% and >5%). There were no rs1049305 genotype effects on post-race serum sodium concentrations (P = 0.647), pre-race weight (P = 0.610) nor relative weight change during the Ironman Triathlons (P = 0.705). In addition, there were no significant differences in genotype (= 0.640) nor allele (= 0.643) distributions between the weight loss groups. However, triathletes who carry a C-allele were found to complete the 42.2-km run stage faster (mean 286, = 49 min) than triathletes with a GG genotype (mean 296, = 47 min; P = 0.032). The AQP1 rs1049305 variant is associated with running performance, but not relative body weight change, during the 2000, 2001 and 2006 South African Ironman Triathlons.  相似文献   

运动对运动员月经周期影响的调查与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:旨在探讨不同运动项目运动员初潮年龄、月经失调情况,经期运动能力等的特点,为科学训练提供理论依据。对象与方法:采用问卷调查法对98名13-25岁上海市田径、自行车、游泳、排球和乒乓球等项目运动员的月经周期情况和经期运动情况进行调查。结果:运动员初潮年龄在正常范围内;运动员月经失调发病率较高;月经期对运动成绩的影响不大。结论:运动员月经期运动能力因人而异,训练计划应根据个人的不同反应科学制定。  相似文献   

影响浙江省普通高校游泳课程开设的相关因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、资料统计分析法等方法,对浙江省高校的游泳场地及开展情况进行综合研究。研究表明:影响浙江省高校游泳课开设前三位的因素是场馆的缺乏、师资的缺乏及安全保障问题。针对其存在的问题,提出一些建议,以便更好地开展浙江省高校的游泳运动。  相似文献   

Differences in gender and performance in off-road triathlon   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The aims of this study were: (1) to examine performance trends and compare elite male and female athletes at the off-road triathlon (1.5-km swim, 30-km mountain biking, and 11-km trail running) world championships since its inception in 1996, and (2) to compare gender-related differences between off-road triathlon and conventional road-based triathlon. Linear regression analyses and ANOVA were used to examine performance trends and differences between the sexes. Elite male performance times stabilized over the 2005-2009 period, whereas elite female performance times continued to improve, especially for the run leg. Differences in performance times between the sexes were less marked in swimming than in mountain biking and running, whereas differences in power output were more marked for mountain biking than for swimming and running. In addition, differences in cycling between the sexes were greater for off-road than conventional on-road triathlon. The specific aspects of mountain biking (e.g. level and terrain) may partly explain the significant differences between the sexes recorded in cycling for off-road triathlon. Future studies will need to focus on the physiological bases of off-road triathlon and how they differ from conventional triathlon.  相似文献   

对我国现代五项游泳训练的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
缪君 《湖北体育科技》2002,21(4):454-455,457
通过对我国开展现代五项运动的实际状况调查,分析了在早期从事游泳训练的苗子中选拔优秀人才从事五项运动是可取的途径,指出游泳在现代五项比赛中是获取高分潜力最大的项目,认真分析研究现代五项的游泳训练,对提高游泳成绩和保证5个项目的协调发展都会起到良好作用。  相似文献   

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