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网络暴力行为,是指网民通过互联网平台,对尚未证实或者已经证实的事件、人物,发表具有侮辱性、伤害性、煽动性的言论、图片、视频,或公布当事人的个人信息、隐私,以对其进行现实生活的骚扰侵害,从而严重影响当事人的身心健康、正常生活的行为。网络暴力行为分为三类,即人肉搜索、网络语言暴力、网络谣言传播。网络暴力行为的刑事规制仍存在一些问题。为此,需要增加关于网络暴力行为的专项罪名,细化网络暴力行为的入罪标准,加快落实网络实名制。  相似文献   

一、校园暴力的界定 校园暴力的概念究竟是怎样的,各国学者众说纷纭。美国的Andson.M认为,凡是在公立或私立学校的校园内、学生上学或放学途中、学校举办的活动过程中所发生的暴力行为都可归结为校园暴力。从广义上来讲,校园暴力既包括老师与学生之间、学生与学生之间的暴力行为,也包括校外人员在校内与老师或学生之问发生的暴力行为。而狭义上的校园暴力一般仅指发生在学生与学生之间的暴力行为。日本法学家将校园暴力解释为三个方面:一是对教师的暴力事件(殴打教师);二是以集团或集团的威力为背景而发生的学生之间的暴力事件(如学生之间互相打群架,欺侮弱小学生等);三是毁坏学校设备等事件。  相似文献   

罗伯·尼克森融合后殖民与生态批评,在著作《慢性暴力与穷人的环境主义》中提出慢性暴力这一理念。就倡导环境正义、对抗历史记忆的风化而言,原爆文学与慢性暴力不谋而合。本文力图从慢性暴力的视角解读日本当代女作家林京子的原爆文学作品,通过对比早、晚期文学作品进而分析其文学创作的特点及思想历程的转变。  相似文献   

在伊犁州三地区九年义务教育阶段,教师对学生的校园暴力的现象十分普遍.随机抽样调查认为:受暴力行为伤害的学生比例,农村大于城市、汉族大于少数民族、差生大于优生、男生大于女生,其中受隐性暴力行为伤害的学生比例远大于显性暴力,而且初中大于小学,初三尤为严重;受显性暴力行为伤害的学生比例小学大于初中,小学高段比例更大.教师对学生施暴的主要原因是工作方法欠缺,法制观念淡薄,尤其是升学竞争压力大和学生被教师施暴后的沉默态度.要想制止校园暴力行为,必须改革我国现行的教育考试制度,树立对教师、学生新的评价观,全面提高教师、学生的素质,使每个学生在儿童、青少年时期健康而全面的发展,真正落实素质教育.  相似文献   

从我国刑事司法实践来看,暴力行为一直大量存在于犯罪行为之中。文章主要研究了当前经济形势下涌现的暴力索债行为,从理论上对暴力行为的内涵、索取债务行为中的暴力分类问题进行解读。  相似文献   

社会发展转型期,暴力伤害案件多发。传统上的故意伤害罪以"轻伤"为入罪门槛,加上治安处罚本身缺乏威慑力,客观上纵容了伤害程度相对较轻的暴力行为。为破解这一社会难题,一方面固然需要严肃处理类似案件,改善社会风气;另一方面也有必要借鉴其他国家和地区暴行罪的立法经验,扩大犯罪圈,进而考量在我国刑法增设暴行罪,使得轻微暴力行为也能得到刑法层面最明确的否定态度,以消弭社会戾气,加快我国刑法结构从"厉而不严"向"严而不厉"转变。  相似文献   

本文通过对三例不同家庭背景,不同社会环境下发生的典型青少年暴力事件进行分析,探求当今青少年暴力观念对其暴力行为的影响。三例事件具有如下共同特点:第一,青少年对暴力的肯定态度是导致其暴力行为的主要因素之一。而暴力观念不仅受其成长环境的影响,也受青春期本身人格上不稳定因素的影响;第二,社会暴力文化的蔓延直接影响青少年暴力观的形成,是青少年暴力行为不可忽视的社会心理背景;第三,新形势下青少年暴力行为的特点为个体暴力行为增多、暴力程度更残酷。青少年的暴力行为不仅断送自身,更危及社会安定,应该引起包括家庭、学校、社会等多方面的重视。  相似文献   

校园暴力是—个全球性的现象,如何将暴力行为赶出校园,已经成为各国和各地区面临的刻不容缓的挑战。本文分析学生的暴力心理,在此基础上,重点介绍应对校园暴力的一些积极有效的策略,希望通过对国外校园暴力行为的分析,能够引起我们对国内教育的深刻反思。  相似文献   

目前日趋严重的大学生暴力倾向与暴力行为问题对校园和社会构成了很大威胁。大学生校园暴力具有复杂的社会心理背景,家庭、校园、社会以及大学生自身都潜伏着暴力倾向与暴力行为的心理诱因。我们可以通过心理咨询、心理预防教育与法制教育、思想政治工作和净化校园环境等方法来预防和矫正大学生暴力心理倾向。  相似文献   

校园暴力归因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从古至今,学校一直被视为学生健康成长的学习乐园,而非充斥着暴力和冲突的场所。然而不知从何时起,触目惊心的校园暴力已悄然侵袭了宁静文明的校园,层出不穷的暴力事件在各类学校屡屡发生。本文拟就学校这个角度对校园暴力作一初步探讨,以期抛砖引玉。 所谓的“校园暴力”是近年来在教育界提出的一个新概念,主要是指侵犯师生人身、财产等权利的暴力行为。它大体分为:校外人员对师生的暴力行为、师生间的暴力行为和学生  相似文献   

暴力文化是记载、描述暴力行为人实施暴力行为的具体过程及主观故意心理状态的一种亚文化,具有载体的多样性、内容的丰富性、表现行为的凶残性等特征。而暴力犯罪是行为人以暴力或以暴力相威胁的手段侵害他人人身、财产权的应受刑罚处罚的行为,具有突发性、残酷性、冒险性等特征。暴力文化与暴力犯罪关系相当密切。暴力文化在一定程度上滋生了暴力犯罪,严重影响了社会主义经济建设。暴力文化和暴力犯罪必须从刑事立法、行政立法上予以区分遏制,才能保障社会主义市场经济正常运行,构建和谐、法制的社会主义国家。  相似文献   

A comparison of government action in the areas of broadcast violence and sexually offensive materials can provide the basis for stricter control of that televised violence. The Federal Communications Commission has been reluctant to deal with violence, citing First Amendment considerations, but historically has shown little such concern in the regulation of “sexually offensive” materials. Precedents and arguments are offered and examined and the stricter control of violent and aggressive program content is urged.  相似文献   

Campus violence is strongly determined by our increasingly violent American culture. National increases in violent crime, weapon carrying, drug dependency, eating disorders, and youth suicide rates in recent decades are both reflected by and promoted by commercial interests. Addiction cultivation, wheter to cigarettes, alcohol or other drugs, diets, or violence per se is extremely profitable for its purveyors. The large and small screens, magazines and various forms of advertising sell ever more ways to be violent toward oneself and others. Colleges and universities show generally lower rates of violence than the surrounding culture, but they are inevitably heirs to the culture of violence, especially as it has trained youth both to victimize and to be victimized. Children and adolescents are being subjected to depictions of violence at record rates. Thus colleges and universities must do more to deconstruct and counter the training for violence. Our academic institutions can help by emphasizing their greatest contribution: the cultivation of critical thinking which can be an antidote to the mindless violence promoted by addiction pushers.  相似文献   

Several theories assume that the approval of violence is related to deficits in moral reasoning. However, this assumption has rarely been empirically tested. This inquiry examined violent and nonviolent children's moral reasoning about violence in family and peer situations. 108 subjects (54 violent and 54 nonviolent, aged 8–1, 10–2, 12–2) selected from 2 inner city schools were asked to evaluate unprovoked and provoked violent situations. All the children condemned unprovoked violence using moral reasoning. With provoked situations, the violent group focused more on the immorality of the provocation and perceived "hitting back" as a form of reciprocal justice. The nonviolent group perceived "hitting" worse than the psychological harm of the provocation and condemned the violence. The results suggest that both the approval and disapproval of violence were justified by moral reasoning. It was proposed that the violent children's greater focus on psychological provocations may be due to experiences and self-perceptions of victimization.  相似文献   

强迫交易罪是指以暴力、威胁手段强买强卖商品,强迫他人提供服务或者强迫他人接受服务,情节严重的行为。正确分析强迫交易罪的罪与非罪以及该罪与其他相似罪名界限和罪数问题,在司法实践中有着重要意义。  相似文献   


In the United States today, reports abound of violent acts committed by children and adolescents. Once considered safe havens, schools can no longer ensure the safety of their students or faculty. This article presents (a) the public health model of prevention as it applies to the problem of youth violence, (b) causal factors known to be associated with violence and aggression, and (c) practical strategies, which can be incorporated into existing teacher education programs, for addressing violence in the school and classroom.  相似文献   

FIONA LEACH 《Compare》2003,33(3):385-400
This paper examines the role of the school, and of the peer group culture in particular, in constructing male and female identity among adolescents within the context of high levels of gender violence. It draws on a DfID-funded study into the abuse of girls in schools in three African countries (Zimbabwe, Malawi and Ghana). This study documents incidents of male teachers and older male pupils aggressively propositioning female pupils for sex, 'sugar daddies' preying on schoolgirls in the vicinity of the school, and generally high levels of corporal punishment and bullying. The abusive behaviour of boys towards girls (and also towards younger or more vulnerable boys) in school is in part the product of a peer culture which stresses male competition and sexual prowess as part of the process of learning to 'be a man'. Alongside other studies (Wood & Jewkes, 1998; Leach & Machakanja, 2000; Human Rights Watch, 2001) it reveals a worrying sexual socialisation process in which male violence is accepted as the norm in adolescent relationships while obedience and tolerance continue to be expected of girls. This can lead to aggressive male behaviour being normalised and perpetuated in adulthood. Schools and education authorities are guilty of contributing to this socialisation as long as they fail to take vigorous measures to stamp out all forms of violent behaviour and to actively promote constructive adolescent relationships. Lessons can be learnt from those few innovative programmes with adolescents which provide genuine examples of the promotion of equal gender relations, personal responsibility, respect for others and cooperation between individuals. It is part of the school's mission not just to foster academic learning but to teach life skills which include supporting adolescents in developing constructive relationships.  相似文献   

Educational institutions are becoming increasingly concerned about school violence. This review of the literature on violent behavior focuses on two general issues that can be used to guide community college administrators and faculty in their attempt to counteract the damaging effects violent behavior has on the well-being of their students. First, it is important to be aware that the majority of students have at least some experience with violence. There is considerable evidence that students' exposure to violence is associated with bothantisocial behavior and psychological trauma (e.g., depression, anxiety, anger, post-traumatic stress disorder). Community colleges can help students who may be experiencing the negative effects of violence by, for example, establishing student support groups and taking accusations of harassment seriously. The second issue addressed provides some of the steps that community colleges can take to ensure the safety of their students. Violent threats should be addressed and employees need to become knowledgeable about the warning signs of violent behavior. In addition, it is recommended that community colleges develop a security plan based on the unique needs of their campuses as well as establish a Crisis Intervention Plan. The article concludes by stressing the importance of evaluating the violence prevention programs that are implemented.  相似文献   

Prior research suggests violent narratives can transport viewers, affecting attitudes and beliefs. This research project explores whether a factor related to a media text —vividness—affects the degree to which audience members become transported into a violent narrative. Furthermore, this study focuses on the various subcomponents of the transportation experience (e.g., attention, emotional involvement, and mental imagery processes) to see if vividness affects some components more than others. In an experiment, 179 participants were exposed to vivid or non-vivid versions of violent television programs. Findings reveal that viewers of vivid violence exhibited stronger emotional reactions and higher attention levels. Vividness did not impact mental imagery processes or excitation levels, however. Implications for transportation, vividness, and media violence research are discussed.  相似文献   

BackgroundGlobally, the use of violent discipline methods by teachers to manage child behavior is still highly prevalent despite enactment of laws that prohibit school violence. In the case of Uganda there is a dearth of accurate prevalence statistics on school violence and factors associated with the use of violence by teachers.ObjectivesTherefore, the current study examined the prevalence of and attitudes towards violence. The study also explored the association between teachers’ stress, positive attitudes towards violence and the use of violent discipline management methods.MethodsA representative sample of 291 teachers and 702 students from 12 public secondary schools in southwestern Uganda responded to anonymous self-administered questionnaires. Data were collected from April to November 2017.ResultsFindings indicated that 86.5% of the teachers reported having used violent disciplinary methods on students in the past month while 91.5% of the students reported experiencing violence by teachers. Teachers (88.3%, n = 256) endorsed positive attitudes towards violent discipline. Teachers’ stress was related to higher levels of violent discipline (β = 0.20). This relation was mediated by positive attitudes towards violence (0.06, SE: 0.01, 95%-CI: 0.035–0.092).ConclusionsOur findings indicate that teacher reported stress was associated with their use of violent behavior and positive attitudes and that positive attitudes reduced the association between teachers’ stress and violent behavior. Therefore, interventions aiming to reduce violence by teachers may need to integrate effective stress management skills, in addition to nonviolent discipline strategies, and fostering attitudinal change towards the use of violent methods.  相似文献   

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