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Nontraditional college students (29 women and 37 men) participated in a career counseling workshop based on Bandura's (1977) self-efficacy theory. Participants were randomly assigned to either an experimental treatment group or a delayed-treatment control group. Results suggested that participation in the workshop had a significant, positive effect on the career decision-making self-efficacy of the participants (p < .05) across levels of age, sex, year in college, and family income. Results provide support for career self-efficacy theory and indicate that the career decision-making self-efficacy of nontraditional college students is amenable to change through counseling interventions.  相似文献   

Attrition, which courses in the humanities and social sciences particularly suffer from, is a major problem for universities and students. This paper investigates the reasons students give for prematurely discontinuing studying the Bachelor of Arts. This is a qualitative study that thematically analyses semi-structured interviews. The sample represented a cross-section of the population of students enrolled in the course. The reasons for attrition can be divided into course-related or personal reasons. Amongst course-related reasons, the most important relate to: career direction and purpose, subject range and peer bonding, as well as teaching quality. Personal issues that interfere with study relate to illness, finances and employment. Course-related and personal reasons also interact and reinforce each other, with students studying the humanities and social sciences more vulnerable to personal pressures due to course-related reasons. Student engagement with support services is also analysed, and conclusions drawn on how attrition can be addressed.  相似文献   

The present paper outlines the experiences reported by students from different social class backgrounds who have recently graduated from university. Students from manual skilled and partly skilled backgrounds were classed as disadvantaged, while students from professional or intermediate backgrounds were classed as advantaged. Data were collected from the same cohort of students on seven occasions across their university career. Students completed questions about their family background, paid employment, financial concerns, participation in recreational activities, perceptions of academic quality and perceptions of social support. Results showed that students from disadvantaged backgrounds were less likely to have parents that attended university, more likely to have been in paid employment, less likely to have participated in non‐academic activities and spent fewer evenings per week socializing compared with students from advantaged backgrounds. Also, there was some evidence of less positive perceptions of social support among disadvantaged students. However, there were no social class differences in ratings of teaching quality and all students reported high levels of financial concern. These findings are discussed in relation to proposed changes to the way higher education is funded in Britain and the implications these changes will have on recruiting students from disadvantaged backgrounds.  相似文献   

对我国社会转型时期职业女性角色冲突问题的几点思考   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在我国社会转型时期,职业女性所面临的双重角色压力增强,首先表现在社会角色方面,其次表现在家庭角色方面。其原因有:传统的家庭制度、价值观念的影响;社会中普遍存在的性别意识薄弱现象;职业女性中存在着的完美主义倾向。而现阶段,家庭、事业兼顾已是多数职业女性的选择。缓解她们面临的双重角色冲突,需要政府、社会、每个家庭共同努力。  相似文献   

Towards the end of their secondary education, students face significant pressures in their decision about their career plan. These pressures are internal and external, personal and social, individual and from the reference group. This paper aims at understanding the reasons driving engineering students’ choices, their perceived needs and aspirations. Moreover, it discusses how, in that process, students are constrained by family and friends and are conditioned by factors such as their socioeconomic and cultural background, employability prospects and gender. The construction of a career map/plan and the reasons and motivations for the option of an engineering career are reviewed, based on the qualitative analysis of students’ discourses. The data indicate the relevance of several criteria such as social status, intelligence, gender, competences, values and interests in the construction of career aspirations. All these levels are highly influenced by self-esteem, which is closely related to the social value of training options and career paths.  相似文献   

This study explored the relationships between faculty scholarly learning, faculty teaching learning, institutional support, faculty demographics, disciplinary groups, working conditions, and career outcomes such as retention, productivity, satisfaction, and career agency. We found that the stronger the scholarly learning faculty members reported, the more institutional and unit support they perceived for learning, the more satisfied they were, the less likely they were to intend to leave their institution, and the more career agency they reported. Similarly, we found that faculty members who reported more learning related to teaching reported a decreased intent to leave the institution and increased career agency. We draw implications for the development of work environments that support scholarly and teaching learning.  相似文献   

This study examines the motivating factors that prompted post-baccalaureate students to change careers and to pursue an initial teaching license. Researchers collected survey data from 346 nontraditional teaching candidates who were part of either an initial licensure master's degree program or a statewide nontraditional licensure program. Results indicated that most candidates chose to enter the education profession for noble causes such as the opportunity to share their love for learning or to make a difference in society or students' lives. More pragmatic motivators were also noted such as a need for a career change or the perceived benefits of the teaching career. Findings from this study have provided insights for program coordinators to recruit and support prospective and current candidates on the realities of the teaching profession.  相似文献   

The research investigated reasons for leaving study amongst a sample of 118 mature age female students with children who had been enrolled at one of three eastern Australian universities. Analysis of questionnaire data revealed three major types of motive for attrition. Firstly, a strong socio-economic class influence was found. Women whose own and/or whose husbands' social class indicators were low tended to leave study because of a combination of lack of support from family for the mother's study, lack of money, weight of domestic responsibility and lack of knowledge or skills expected at university. Secondly, women who had been enrolled in non-traditional subjects (economics/business/law) were relatively over-represented amongst the discontinuing students and were particularly likely to cite lack of academic support or staff hostility as a reason for leaving. Thirdly, reasons for leaving study were found to be connected to student's age, suggesting a life style interpretation. Younger women with younger children were likely to leave because of family, financial or child care related reasons. Older women were more likely to leave because of practical difficulties or course dissatisfaction.  相似文献   

The purposes of this research study were to document the current status of sex‐equity efforts in New York State two‐year colleges and to identify institutional and individual factors impinging on these‐vfforts. A statewide survey collected initial data (N = 37 colleges). At a sample of responding colleges, questionnaires and personal interviews were used to collect information from male and female students enrolled in programs traditional and nontraditional to their sex (N = 361), and from administrators, faculty and staff (N = 72).

Results showed that progress toward sex equity has been made, but continued efforts are needed. Achievement of sex equity as a total concept is no either/or situation; rather it becomes a matter of degree or comparative extent. Research results led to recommendations regarding the categories of leadership, support services, career information, materials and facilities, placement, and community service, which would promote sex equity in postsecondary career education.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to estimate a conceptual model of nontraditional student attrition. Data were gathered from 624 nontraditional (commuter, part-time) freshmen at a midwestern urban university enrolling 22,000 students. For these nontraditional students, dropout was a function of GPA and credit hours enrolled, as well as the utility of education for future employment, satisfaction with the student role, opportunity to transfer, and age affecting dropout through intent to leave. In addition, absence from class, age, high school performance, and ethnicity had indirect effects on dropout through GPA. These results suggested that nontraditional students dropped out of college for academic reasons or because they were not committed to attending the institution, but their reasons for leaving were unrelated to social factors at school. The findings helped validate the conceptual model.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, April 1986.  相似文献   

处于初级推广阶段的顺德社会工作服务呈现多样化的态势,具有政府推动力度大、发展迅速、服务效果显著、发展空间大等特征,同时还存在社会认同度不高、有效培育政策缺位、专业管理不到位等问题。因此,应从职业宣传、人才培训、行业规范管理等方面入手,努力打造社会工作服务共同体,才能更为有效地促进社会工作服务机构的良性发展。  相似文献   

针对地方高校教师心理问题的产生背景、发生机理以及应对策略进行了分析与思考,提出了地方高校教师心理问题的三个表现:工作缺乏积极性,承受众多压力,职业倦怠较重。四个产生原因是:更新知识的压力,承担家庭责任义务的压力,个人事业发展带来的压力,日常工作生活带来的压力。四种应对策略是:建立积极有效激励机制,多方面给予教师社会支持,定期开展心理保健活动,做好自我心理调整工作。  相似文献   

Pre-school children with special needs face a complex transition to school, requiring additional administrative, social and educational support. In this study, parents of 40 children with special needs reported on the transition to school experience of their 4–6-year-old child. They completed a measure of impact of the child’s disability on their family and an assessment of the quality of services experienced. Individual, semi-structured interviews contextualized these evaluations. Twenty children (pre-transition) were in preschool; 20 had already started school (post). Post-transition parents reported less average disability impact on family, generally lower perception of quality of care than pre-transition ones, and long waiting periods for school-based support. Most parents, however, reported satisfactory linkages between prior-to-school services and school. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that, despite the current climate of support for early child development, barriers for satisfactory transition to school still exist, and are largely due to low effectiveness of existing policies.  相似文献   

Effects of family support intervention: a ten-year follow-up   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The delivery to impoverished mothers of a coordinated set of medical and social services, including day-care for their children, had effects that were evident a decade after the intervention ended. Intervention mothers were more likely to be self-supporting, and they had higher educational attainment and smaller family sizes than did control mothers. Intervention children had better school attendance, and boys were less likely to require costly special school services than were corresponding control children. The financial implications of these results were considerable, totaling about $40,000 in extra estimated welfare costs and documented school service costs needed by the 15 control families in the single year in which these follow-up data were gathered. There were no indications that the intervention had lasting effects on the children's IQ scores. The results suggest that family support procedures, including quality day-care, have considerable promise as a general model for intervention programs.  相似文献   

采用开放式问卷对118名大学生进行调查,结果显示:(1)大学生职业生涯阻碍存在着显著的性别差异。男生更注意来自个人内在主观方面的阻碍,女生所知觉到的阻碍则更多的来自于外在,尤其是社会人际因素对女生造成的心理负担比男生更大。(2)与国外大学生相比,我国大学生十分重视人际关系、家庭经济和自信心水平对自身职业生涯发展的影响。  相似文献   

This article explores the experiences of male and female academics in China's higher education system concerning career progression and examines how they perceive the challenges faced by the opposite gender. Our analysis of interviews with 40 academics from a research university revealed that academics' experience of career progression is informed by gendered divisions of labour at home and work and by gendered role expectations that are prevalent in Chinese culture. Female academics reported performing a disproportionate amount of household work: some felt satisfied with having moderately successful academic careers, whereas others aspired to do more but grappled with the difficulties of doing so. In contrast, male academics mentioned great pressure to pursue promotion and career progression: they reported feeling less work–family stress but were fearful of failing in their role as breadwinners. Male and female academics showed mixed comprehension of each other's plight, but in general, female academics recognised that male academics faced higher career expectations but lower household burdens, and male academics felt that female academics had lower career expectations and many more burdens and constraints. Male academics tended to stress biological and societal reasons for gender differences in Chinese academia, whereas female academics highlighted the power of cultural and social beliefs. We argue that the challenges faced by Chinese academics can only be mitigated if gender-specific promotion paths that recognise men's and women's social roles and obligations are made available.  相似文献   

开放大学是英国高等教育的重要标志,其高质量的教学和良好的社会声誉与其发达的学习支持服务密不可分。目前,在我国大力发展继续教育的语境下,学习支持服务将直接影响着继续教育的发展质量和速度。分析英国开放大学学习支持服务的特色,结合我国继续教育发展实际,进而就构建我国继续教育服务支持体系提出相关对策,以期为更好地推进我国继续教育事业发展有所裨益。  相似文献   

People with dementia (PWD) and their family caregivers need an increasing number of diverse health and social services. A multidisciplinary person-centered approach to dementia services is required to meet the complex needs of PWD and their family caregivers. However, educational programs struggle to prepare health and social work students to meet the complex needs of PWD and their family caregivers. This study aimed to assess the self-efficacy, competence, target complaints, and attitudes regarding interactions with PWD and their family caregivers among healthcare and social work students who participated in a large community dementia-outreach research project. A one-group pretest and posttest design was used to collect data from 23 undergraduate students studying nursing, public health, or social work. Students participated in a community dementia-outreach research project as an extracurricular activity. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected using a pre- and post-participation self-report questionnaire. Students showed increased self-efficacy and competence after project participation. Students’ perceived barriers to interacting with PWD and their family caregivers decreased. In answering open-ended questions, students showed enhanced understanding of PWD and their family caregivers, positive attitudes toward dementia care, and a career preference for dementia care. Findings provided evidence of the benefits of community-research-project participation as an experiential learning tool to enhance dementia care among health and social work students.  相似文献   

Italy had traditionally been considered a family‐oriented culture where support from relatives is primary. The major purpose of this study was to clarify the benefits of social support inside and outside the family for schoolteachers in Italy, focusing on the teacher burnout and work engagement. Findings indicated that the family was by far the most significant source of support. School colleagues who felt close to each other resembled each other in terms of burnout and work engagement. Difficult interactions with colleagues were associated with burnout more extensively at later stages of the teaching career; supervisor support was linked with burnout at an early stage.  相似文献   

In this investigation we examine the relation between intensity, duration, and comprehensiveness of early intervention (EI) services and changes in three aspects of maternal well-being: parenting stress, social support, and family cohesion. Data on the hours, length, and types of services received by a sample of 133 children and families from EI programs in Massachusetts and New Hampshire were gathered from the point of entry into EI to the point of discharge around the child's third birthday. Hierarchical regression analyses were used to determine which measure of EI service intervention contributed significantly to the explained variance in changes in maternal well-being, over and above aspects of the child's functioning and prior levels of maternal well-being. Results indicated that, although greater service intensity was associated with improved family cohesion overall, mothers of children without motor impairment reported greater increases than mothers of children with motor impairment. Service intensity and comprehensiveness predicted significant increases in social support levels. EI services did not have a significant impact on parenting stress. Three practice and policy implications are discussed: building flexibility into EI service provision to be responsive to individual family needs; attending to the accommodations required of families raising a child with a motor impairment; and incorporating other aspects of family functioning into future studies of EI effectiveness.  相似文献   

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