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刑事被告人的强制取证权在英美法系国家发端、发展和完善,在大陆法系及程序转向国家和地区也受到重视。比较研究典型法治国家强制取证权的内容、范围和限制,针对其基本规律和发展趋势,就我国刑事诉讼中确立强制取证权制度加以论证。  相似文献   

在一则单位被害人的刑事案件中,侦查机关只允许受害单位写了一份案件说明和一份损失清单,对被害人进行了一次调查询问,就被放置在一边直至案件整个程序结束。受害人后来在街头见到被告人时,才得知该案已被法院判决并且判决书已经生效,被告人被判处有期徒刑缓期执行。受害人虽有很多的不满与疑虑也都只能保留,没有其他救济措施。一则案件说明在刑事诉讼中,被害人的当事人地位实在不容乐观,特别是在侦查阶段,被害人没有程序参与权,导致被害人的合法权益不能得到有效保护。  相似文献   

加强被害人权利的保护,不仅可以抚慰被害人,而且也有助于和谐社会建设.因此,对被害人在侦查阶段拥有的权利范围进行界定很有必要.本文从法有权利、实有权利和应有权利的角度去认识被害人在侦查阶段的权利范围,既能够揭示被害人在侦查阶段的权利状态,也对立法的进一步完善和执法部门的实践操作起到借鉴作用.  相似文献   

被害人陈述是我国刑事诉讼法规定的独立证据种类,但关于被害人陈述的审前调查,刑事诉讼法却疏于规范。一般西方国家关于被害人陈述的审前调查,都作为证人证言进行,并且严格限制其证据效力。我国刑事诉讼法虽然将被害人陈述独立归类,但关于被害人陈述的审前调查,仍然与证人证言无异。从正当程序原理出发,应当对审前调查中的被害人陈述的证据效力进行合理的限制,并且应当在被害人陈述的审前调查程序中贯彻任意侦查原则、保障辩护方的调查权利。  相似文献   

从侦查、起诉、审判三个阶段对我国律师辩护制度的缺陷及完善作了深入浅出的分析:律师在侦查阶段的诉讼地位应定位于广义辩护人,而且应有效地保护其会见权;在起诉阶段应有广泛的阅卷权和平等的调童取证权;在审判阶段应重视辩护材料和赋予律师刑事辩护豁免权。  相似文献   

刑事诉讼中被害人的近亲属委托的诉讼代理人在被宁人尚在时是被害人的代理人,否则是其近亲属自己的代理人;接受指定辩护的被告人应当享有拒绝权;刑事诉讼法中规定的侦查中的羁押期限不能代替侦划期限,应在刑事诉讼法中明确规定侦查期限。  相似文献   

强制搜查是一种经常使用的侦查手段,对于查明案件事实、抓获犯罪嫌疑人有着重要的作用。然而,我国《刑事诉讼法》及相关司法解释都没有对强制搜查做出明确具体的规定,这导致了实践中很容易出现两个极端:要么因缺乏制度依据而使强制搜查行为无所适从,贻误侦查取证时机;要么因缺乏制度约束而造成强制措施的滥用,侵犯公民正当权利。强制搜查中引入比例原则,是解决上述问题的有效途径。按照比例原则适合性、必要性、损益均衡的要求,侦查机关能够选择出最具适当性的强制方式和手段,并使搜查行为得到有效的指引和控制。  相似文献   

新<律师法>对律师的会见权、阅卷权、取证权作了较大的扩增修改,给检察机关自侦案件查办工作带来更多不确定因素,客观上增加了自侦案件侦查的难度,使自侦案件工作面临新的挑战.检察机关应尽快适应新<律师法>的变化,积极寻找对策,迎接挑战.  相似文献   

律师调查取证权是当事人最基本的程序性权利之一。我国律师在侦查阶段自行调查收集证据的权利没有法律保障,申请调查取证的权利难以实现。完善我国侦查阶段律师调查取证权制度,应当赋予律师在侦查阶段申请辩护人身份的权利,完善立案侦查阶段检察机关(或法院)监督制度,以保障确立以律师独立调查取证和申请侦查机关取证并行、律师有权申请检察机关或法院以保障其调查取证权得以实现的基本程序制度,赋予律师与犯罪嫌疑人完全的会见权和通信自由,以及一定范围的在场权。赋予律师享有程序性调查取证的权利。  相似文献   

电子证据是与计算机以及信息技术相关的,能够证明案件事实但又不属于其他证据种类的材料。电子证据与载体的依赖性和可分离性、传输的迅速性和储存的隐密性、记录方式的特殊性等特征决定了电子证据取证和辨识的困难性。基于程序法定的要求和基本人权保障的需要,在刑事侦查中,应当进一步对电子证据的取证程序加以规范,不仅应尊重人权,保证取证主体适格、取证程序法定,而且要对网络服务提供者科以强制记录与保存信息的法定义务,还应规范现场勘查程序、完善搜查和扣押程序,规范技术侦查措施。  相似文献   

This investigation attempted to begin to quantify the extent to which children are helped or further victimized by sex abuse investigation and litigation procedures. Although there is virtually no research on the subject, frequent assumptions have been made that these procedures often further victimize children. Significant changes in state legislation have and are being considered which would protect victims from further victimization. A child victim questionnaire was sent to the presidents of all area child abuse and neglect councils in the state of Iowa as well as to other personnel working with sexually abused children. The somewhat surprising findings revealed that of the 48 questionnaires returned only approximately 21% of the victims perceived that the questioning and investigation was harmful, while approximately 53% saw it as helpful. Other analyses found that ratings of helpfulness were not correlated with the age of the victim, the presence of a supportive adult during questioning, the number of abuse incidents, whether or not the interviews were videotaped, and whether or not the perpetrator was a family member. Testifying in court and high numbers of interviewers were associated with more negative ratings. The limitations and implications of the results are discussed along with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

刑事案件撤销导致刑事诉讼程序终结,可能使被害人追诉请求落空,导致被害人"二次被害"。从被害人视角看我国刑事案件撤销制度,它完全就是一个由侦查机关按照行政程序作出刑事决定的过程,既剥夺了被害人的知情权、参与权,又限制了被害人获得救济权,有悖程序公正的基本要求。因此,应当借鉴域外先进做法,按照正当法律程序的要求进行改革,加强撤案过程中被害人的人权保障。  相似文献   

由于缺乏促使人们显示其主观估价的市场,而犯罪行为人又具有机会主义倾向以及受信息不对称的制约,被害人得到完美赔偿具有不可实现性。并且,我国目前关于被害人权利救济的法律在立法、司法、执法层面的供给均有所不足,因而建立刑事被害人国家补偿制度以救济被害人是客观必然的。同时,建立刑事被害人国家补偿制度收益大于成本,符合立法效率,因此是可取的。  相似文献   

充分保障侦查阶段律师辩护权是完善诉讼结构的需要,也是更好的保障犯罪嫌疑人各项权利的需要。2012年刑事诉讼法在保障侦查阶段律师辩护权方面取得了重大进步,但是仍存在一些不足,主要体现为侦查模式控辩双方不平等的结构性矛盾依然存在、律师会见权尚未得到彻底保障、律师调查取证权没有进步。由此,需要在思想观念上尊重辩护律师的主体地位、完善辩护律师的调查取证权、充分保障辩护律师的会见权,以确保侦查阶段律师辩护权的完整实现。  相似文献   

在被害人权利日益得到重视和保障的国际背景下,世界各国相继建立了犯罪被害人国家补偿制度。而在我国的立法及司法实践中,人们更多关注的是犯罪人,被害人的权益往往无法得到有效救济,在建立社会主义和谐社会的进程中,在我国建立刑事被害人国家补偿制度是完全必要的。  相似文献   

The present study aims at describing the psychological complaints reported, as a part of the criminal investigation process, by the victims of sexual abuse as a part of the criminal investigation process, without attempting at reaching a medical diagnosis; and it discusses the relation of these reports with variables such as victim's gender, age and relation to the offender, type and duration of abuse, and parental marital status of the victim. Data is obtained from the statements of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) victims under the age of 15, as taken by Istanbul Juvenile Justice Department between the years 2009 and 2012. The sample consists of 175 cases with a total of 202 victim statements. Through the use of content analysis, the main and sub-categories of themes of the statements were determined. By means of the evaluation of the psychological condition of victims, we evaluated them in two categories: psychological complaints including self-harm and risk taking behaviors and psychological complaints with no self-harm and risk taking behaviors. The statistical analyses yield significant relations between the psychological complaints and children's parental marital status. Analysis of initial statements of sexual abuse victims is important as it may greatly contribute to professionals diagnosing and treating psychological complaints of these victims. It is essential that victims of sexual abuse should receive immediate psychological support starting with the criminal investigation process.  相似文献   

本文以一个典型案例为切入点突出我国在保障被害人财产权益方面的不足,进一步分析完善被害人救助制度的重要性和必要性。通过评析我国现行法关于刑事被害人财产权利赔偿的规定,对比国际社会的通行做法,主张在我国亦应建立刑事被害人国家补偿制度,以期更好地保护被害人的合法的财产权益,从而避免被害人二次受害。结合我国的现实状况,对国家补偿制度进行了初步的设计。  相似文献   

刑事被害人国家补偿制度体现了国家对被害人权利的重视和保护,真正的实现我国法律所倡导的尊重和保护人权。在建立刑事被害人国家补偿制度成为世界各国共识之时,我国也完全有能力建立这一制度,文章从宪法依据、国际经验、国内实践、经济条件、社会观念五个方面论述了我国完全具备建立刑事被害人国家补偿制度的基础和条件。  相似文献   

Sexual harassment is a serious organizational problem. Despite the burgeoning of research over the past 30 years, there has been less attention provided to male victim voices. The current study qualitatively explores the experiences of two male victims of sexual harassment who were harassed by male perpetrators. The study explores the interplay of uncertainties, threats, and negotiation of masculine, heterosexual identities. We also highlight the differences and similarities between the men’s communication practices during what we call the build up, the realization, and others’ responses to the men’s narratives. Theoretical implications are offered for hegemonic masculinity and liminality in relation to the experiences of male victims.  相似文献   

BackgroundIn sexual assault cases, little research has examined differences in forensic medical findings and law enforcement response by victim age across the entire age range.ObjectiveThis study addressed this gap by comparing four victim age groups: adults, adolescents over the age of consent, adolescents under the age of consent, and children under 12.Participants and settingCases were randomly sampled from a statewide database of medical reports on sexual assault examinations conducted in hospital emergency departments, including only cases reported to law enforcement (N = 563).MethodsData were combined from a medical report database, from coding of medical documentation and crime laboratory reports, and from case data provided by law enforcement.ResultsRates for both younger and older adolescent victims and adult victims were comparable, with no statistically significant differences on most variables: penetration, perpetrator use of force, non-genital and genital injuries, presence of biological evidence, generating assailant DNA profiles, DNA match to suspect, hits in the FBI’s DNA database, and law enforcement unfounding (i.e., determining allegations to be false or baseless). Child victims were significantly less likely to have a non-genital injury, and their cases were significantly more likely to be founded by law enforcement. Arrests were significantly more likely when victims were under the age of consent.ConclusionsDespite significant differences by victim age, similarity between adolescent and adult cases was substantial. Both younger and older adolescents may be at higher risk of physical violence during sexual assault than previously recognized, and need greater attention in response systems.  相似文献   

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