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构建以问题、小组、活动和资源四要素组成的教育技术学研究方法课程的网络学习社区,并借助于数字化网络教学平台,针对各个要素设置若干个功能模块,为学生提供课堂学习资源及项目实践资源,同时为教师与学生提供互动交流空间。该网络学习社区促进学生个体及群体的知识建构,为实现教育技术学研究方法课程的人才培养目标发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

基于Claroline平台的网络课程学习社区的模型设计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文在建构主义学习环境理论、系统化教学设计理论以及认知学徒制和合法边缘性参与理论指导下,结合网络课程学习社区的组成要素,以教育技术学导论课程为例,探讨基于Claroline的网络课程学习社区模型的设计与构建.  相似文献   

高校虚拟学习社区的构成要素包括社会性存在要素、认知性存在要素和技术性存在要素.构建基于社会性的高校虚拟学习社区要构建网络学习平台,创设虚拟学习环境,开发网络学习资源,建立网络学习共同体.  相似文献   

知识社区既能作为社区成员知识管理的工具,也能够为学习者提供基于网络的虚拟学习环境。针对传统学习社区和知识管理的分离研究,本文基于Web2.0环境对二者进行综合研究,提出了网络知识社区的应用框架,并讨论了知识社区组成的三大子社区:知识管理子社区、知识学习子社区和个人信息管理子社区。  相似文献   

随着互联网的广泛应用,各类专业虚拟社区日渐增多,关于社区感的研究也越来越受到重视.为探讨中国内地文化背景下专业虚拟社区内成员社区感的结构,本研究以远程教育专业社区"开放学习实验室"为例,利用内容分析、小组访谈、问卷调查等研究方法,探索了专业虚拟社区成员社区感的组成要素,认为专业虚拟社区成员社区感的组成要素为社区认同、需求满足、情感支持和社区沉浸四个维度.本研究丰富了社区感研究的理论体系,为社区感的测量提供了相应的测量问卷.  相似文献   

多重互动的网络学习社区研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
基于Web的教学平台建构了一个虚拟的网络学习社区环境,这个环境以其时空的超越性为学习者提供了更为自由的开放空间。在网络学习过程中,教学信息的传播都是通过互动完成的信息双向交流,因此互动起着决定性的作用。网络学习中的互动主要包括三个要素:教师、学生和网络学习社区,提高网络学习社区的互动,不仅需要教师的积授参与和引导,还应鼓励积极的学习者成为建构学习社区的主要力量。建构多重互动的网络学习社区,研究和开发高互动、智能性的数字化教学资料和教学过程,是实现网培学习社区未来发展的根本途径。  相似文献   

提高网络学习社区黏度之策略研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Web2.0技术和SNS工具的引入促进了网络学习社区的发展也带来了一些问题,文章试图从提高社区黏度的角度来探寻建设网络学习社区的良方。参考商业模式下SNS社区的成功范例,并结合网络学习社区的核心要素,从知识黏度、社交黏度和技术黏度三个层面综合着手提出了一些具体的策略。  相似文献   

随着信息科学技术的发展。网络的虚拟学习社区给教育带来了新的契机,同时也使教育面临着巨大挑战。因此,对虚拟学习社区的研究,对于人们更好地利用它来创新教育、改造学习是非常必要的。从虚拟学习社区的构成要素及其特征入手展开分析和探讨,对于人们进一步深刻认识、运用、构建虚拟学习社区颇有启示。  相似文献   

在"大数据"时代,数据管理成为虚拟学习社区面临的重要挑战,而学习资源的数据安全是数据管理的核心。通过文献研究,得出目前大数据的规模和来源;从学习资源共享和保护两方面,分析了大数据对虚拟学习社区产生的新影响和大数据下虚拟学习社区呈现的新特点以及虚拟学习社区面临的安全威胁和挑战。随着大数据海量信息的爆炸式增长,传统的虚拟学习社区资源保护技术和方法力不从心,结合虚拟学习社区的特点和功能,提出了门限代理签名在虚拟学习社区的应用。协同学习作为虚拟学习社区的一种重要形式,成为人们学习、探索知识的有效方式之一;通过分析大数据时代虚拟社区协同学习的分布式特点、新的演变和组成要素,厘清了虚拟学习社区中协同学习的安全需求,提出了基于门限代理签名的协同学习安全保护方案,以期为大数据时代虚拟学习社区提供安全的网络学习环境做出理论的新探索。  相似文献   

在对目前国内外虚拟学习社区应用与开发研究现状进行简单综述的基础上,提出将虚拟学习社区应用于高等职业教育构想,目的是构建一个适用于高职教育的虚实结合的新型网络学习模型,为学生提供在线的CSCL环境、促进学生自主学习的有效性。虚拟学习社区的构成要素包括外围资源、学生支持服务系统、基于知识共享的虚实结合学习系统和学习监控与评价系统等,并引入了合作企业、行业专家、实训基地和企业项目等企业要素,来突显虚拟学习社区教与学的行业性、真实性和实用性的特点,健全高等职业教育虚拟学习社区的实践教学功能,为职业教育的网络化学习环境构建提供参考。  相似文献   

网络学习社区(NLC)作为现代学习型社会中的一种学习方式和学习组织形式,其人际传播特征具有独特性:社区成员的背景信息不再是阻碍学习交流的主要因素;社区成员能够最佳地表现自我;社区中人际传播的双向、互动和不平衡传播性质有助于学生知识构建和能力提高;社区中的传播反馈有助于强化教师与学生、学生与学生学习和交流的效果。交互工具能够一定程度弥补社区人际传播中非语言线索缺失。人际传播特征的分析能够为网络学习社区设计、构建和应用提供指导作用,使其体现社会性、技术性和学习性的统一。  相似文献   

Primary studentsa' perceptions of teacher practices and learning were investigated in two different classroom contexts: learner-centered (LC) and non-learner-centered (NLC). Sixty-six children in kindergarten, first, and second grades evaluated and explained teacher practices, reported self-perceptions, and expressed views on good teachers and learning in school. Results indicate that primary students value similar characteristics in teachers regardless of differences in classroom contexts or grade levels. In general, students reported that good teachers are caring, helpful (responsive), and stimulating. Furthermore, results showed that young children's interest in schoolwork and learning was lower in NLC classrooms than in LC classrooms, particularly for students who perceived their teachers as not being supportive and stimulating. Children's views of how learning occurs tended to be consistent with the practices in their classrooms (i.e. self-directed and process-oriented versus teacher-directed and basic skills-oriented). However, children who held contemporary views of learning that were inconsistent with practices in their NLC classrooms showed signs of becoming alienated from school. These results are interpreted in terms of self-determination theory, learner-centered psychological principles, and developmentally-appropriate practice. The importance of considering young children's perspectives for continuing motivation to learn is highlighted.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to describe the sources of information on foreign education systems and credentials by means of which the various higher education institutions of the United States reach decisions as to the admission of foreign students and the granting of equivalences for degrees earned abroad. The information is derived from a number of sources, particularly from such national volunteer and professional associations as the American Association of Collegiate Registrars (AACRAO) including a linkage which it maintains with the Agency for International Development (AID), the National Council on the Evaluation of Foreign Educational Credentials (The Council), the National [Association of Foreign Student Affairs (NAFSA), the National Liaison Committee on Foreign Student Admissions (NLC), and the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). The article further explains how each of these organizations reaches decisions as to the value of given foreign credentials and makes its judgments and recommendations known to those who, in general, need this information, and to specific institutions which request specific information for specific purposes. In the final analysis, the organizations in question are purely advisory; the specific decisions with regard to specific students enrolled in specific higher education institutions are the sole purview of the institutions in question.  相似文献   

Research on teachers’ professional identity integrates many constructs that are treated independently in most cases. This study described the associations between components of teacher professional identity and their association with teachers’ general pedagogical beliefs. Secondary teachers (n = 236) completed a survey about several components of their identity (self-efficacy beliefs, motivation to become a teacher, affective commitment and perceived type of expertise) and general pedagogical beliefs (constructivist and direct transmission). Multidimensional scaling revealed that the components could be mapped on two dimensions: form of motivation and degree of subject specificity. The resulting map revealed four meaningful groups of components. Furthermore, whereas direct transmission general pedagogical beliefs were found to be strongly tied to an identity grounded in the subject taught, constructivist beliefs were independent of identity components. This study provides new insight into the structure of teacher professional identity and its relevance for teaching.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the significant contents and concepts of the Biopsychosocial Assessment Method (MAB) as they relate to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) and the connection between the Geriatric Core Set (GCS) and the different issues of the MAB. We linked the 56 items of the MAB to ICF and GCS categories according to published rules. The most significant concepts included in the MAB enabled the connection of 83 items to the ICF's categories. It was possible to establish a connection with all the components of the ICF except the Body Structures component. Of the 123 categories in the GCS, about 30% did not establish connections with MAB items. The results of this study show that—much like the ICF—the MAB is a tool based on the biopsychosocial model, allowing for a comprehensive and integrated assessment of the different components of functioning. Now, the MAB is the most utilized tool for the evaluation of the geriatric population in Portugal. Thus, it is of the utmost importance that we analyze its results in order to enhance its capabilities. It can then contribute to the creation of a shortened Core Set by the World Health Organization (WHO).  相似文献   

The present study is predicated on the logic of interrelated functional information processing components as an approach to understanding reading and its difficulties in preadolescent readers. The structural equation modelling (and its variants) involved these three latent components: (a) orthographic/phonological component, (b) morphological component, and (c) sentence and paragraph comprehension component. These components were subserved by a total of ten measurable tasks, all administered on-line via the microcomputer under laboratory conditions with reaction time measures as indices of mental representation of word knowledge and sentence/paragraph comprehension. The latent dependent component of reading performance was subserved by standardized vocabulary and reading comprehension tests. The total sample consisted of 298 children in grades, 4, 5, and 6. Maximum likelihood analyses using LISREL show that the data in general do not disconfirm the proposed model for grade 4 readers. The three-component model, with some variables set free, provides a reasonable fit for the grade 5 data but less claim could be made about the goodness of fit for grade 6. The results show the mutually reinforcing and mutually facilitating effects of multilevels and multicomponents of reading. Word structure and word knowledge are particularly predictive of reading. The present Phase 1 work would be validated in a follow-up of another cohort of readers and would also lead to the systematic training of some of the components with poor readers. This study was supported by a grant (No. 410-86-0048) from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

英美澳分布式领导研究透视及其启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分布式领导是20世纪90年代提出的一种新的教育领导理论,倍受英、美、澳等国教育管理研究界的青睐.本文剖析了分布式领导的产生背景、组成要素、特征及类型,以期对我国学校的教育领导改革、学校权力的内部分布提供有益的启示.  相似文献   

Prevention in School (PS) is a comprehensive program which aims to improve the learning climate and reduce problem behavior in elementary schools. Core components are teaching of school rules, praise and rewards to support prosocial behavior, and a forum involving parents. This trial investigated the effects of PS on its intended outcomes, and includes 23 schools, 3,207 students, and 188 teachers. Multilevel regression analyses indicated no program effects two years after the start of the program. Problems with program components, implementation and study limitations may have contributed to the null findings. The lessons learned may be used to guide program revisions, and are important to consider in future attempts to implement and evaluate similar school interventions in a Swedish context.  相似文献   

过渡语与语用移情浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章首先简单地回顾了从1972年Selinker提出“过渡语”这一术语至今有关的发展状况,涉及到过渡语的合理性问题,过渡语与母语和目的语的关系问题,过渡语的不同构成成分(包括错误部分和正确部分)问题,过渡语的性质及其发展问题,指出过渡语是一种动态平衡,其次,论述了移情的概念,阐明了移情在跨文化差异敏感性中所处的最高层次,认为移情是相互的,应该有双方都可以接受的磨合点,提出移情是提高语用能力的关键之一。最后探讨了过渡语的可渗透性及过渡性与移情的关系,指明语用移情的培养是过渡语能力发展的一个重要方面。  相似文献   

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