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本文对2000年欧洲杯足球赛16支参赛队的31场比赛中发生球点球判罚的10场比赛的技术统计与我国足球裁判的判罚比较分析,提出提高判罚水平的对策。  相似文献   

本文对2000年欧洲杯足球赛16支参赛队的31场比赛中发生球点球判罚的10场比赛的技术统计与我国足球裁判的判罚比较分析,提出提高判罚水平的对策。  相似文献   

A第八轮山东鲁能队主场3比0战   胜天津泰达队。在本场比赛中,泰达队在下半场被主裁判陈超连续判罚了两个点球。从判罚点球的数量上看,似乎多了点,但比赛事实并无误。一个点球是泰达队18号刘欣在比赛进行到55分钟时,从背后绊倒了持球的卡西亚诺;另一个,是比赛进行到75分钟时,守门员江津用手推倒了宿茂臻,两个判罚均无任何异议。 泰达队不冤,表现在比赛刚刚开始三分多钟时陈超漏判的一个点球上。 当比赛进行到三分多钟时,山东鲁能队卡西亚诺接8号李小鹏后场长传球,单刀直入泰达队禁区。在禁区左侧,卡西亚诺做了一个…  相似文献   

分析2000年全国女足超级联赛裁判工作的统计材料.结果表明,我国女足裁判员体力充沛,判罚距离平均12.13m达国际标准要求,判罚点球、进球准确率100%,严格控制比赛,三人配合密切.在对足球比赛技战术理解能力有差距、掌握有利、黄牌使用、9.15m管理、受伤队员护理、三人配合有偏差.  相似文献   

分析2000年全国女足超级联赛裁判工作的统计材料。结果表明,我国女足裁判员体力充沛,判罚距离平均12.13m达国际标准要求,判罚点球、进球准确率100%,严格控制比赛,三人配合密切。在对足球比赛技战术理解能力有差距、掌握有利、黄牌使用、9.15m管理、受伤队员护理、三人配合有偏差。  相似文献   

通过对第19届足球世界杯64场比赛中越位的整体判罚情况以及判罚失误情况进行统计与分析,能帮助我们全面了解南非世界杯比赛中裁判员的整体执法状况,同时,也有利于提高我国助理裁判员对世界大赛中越位判罚尺度的了解与认识,丰富越位判罚经验,提高判罚水平。  相似文献   

研究目的:分析足球比赛中罚球点球中有关影响环节,为教练员、球员在罚球点球过程中提供策略依据的目的。研究方法:采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法、录像分析法。研究结果:在足球比赛中罚球点球技术动作环节、策略选择、顺序排列、影响因素等合理的应用会大大提高足球比赛中罚球点球中取胜的机率。研究结论:教练员在平时训练中要加强队员心理素质的培养、实施对队员抗干扰意志力的培养、训练队员快速形成一套自己的罚球点球程序、运用意象法训练队员克服比赛中的各种压力等。  相似文献   

通过采用观察法、数据统计法,对第十二届欧洲杯足球锦标赛31场比赛中越位犯规判罚情况进行统计,并对越位犯规判罚的时间、地点、场区、成功与失败典型战例的分析研究。  相似文献   

网球裁判员是网球比赛场上的组织者和法官。裁判员的执法水平,直接影响着网球比赛的质量。对比赛准确性的判罚是衡量裁判员水平的重要标准。通过对影响裁判员判罚诸多因素的分析,找出形成影响因素的原因,提出克服一人制网球裁判员临场问题的办法,对提高我国网球裁判员临场判罚有着重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

一、罚球点球时,主罚队员不向前踢球而向后传给同队队员,如何判罚?答:规则规定罚球点球时,球必须向前踢出,否则比赛尚未恢复,应重罚球点球。二、执行罚球点球时,守门员双脚虽站在球门线上,但却背向场内故意不接球,如何处理?答:可以照常执行罚球点球,如球进门则有效。三、执行罚球点球时,主罚队员将球向侧前方踢出后,由跑上的同队队员将球射入,此进球是否有效,为什么?答:进球有效。因为规则规定,球向前滚动至圆周距离时,比赛即为恢复。进球队员是在比赛恢复后跑上将球射入球门的,完全符合规则规定。四、以互踢球点球决…  相似文献   

2008年全国跆拳道锦标赛暨奥运会选拔赛技战术统计分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用文献资料、现场统计和录像回放等研究方法,对参加2008年全国跆拳道锦标赛暨奥运会选拔赛半决赛、决赛运动员的技战术进行统计分析。统计内容主要包括每局的踢击次数、踢击类型、交手回合、交手时间以及防守的步法运用。分析结果显示:比赛中男、女运动员踢击次数第1局最少、第3局最多;交手回合和交手时间高度相关,男、女运动员的交手回合和交手时间随局数递增;横踢技术是运动员在比赛中使用频率最高的基本技术,男、女运动员在比赛中防守步法使用基本一致,后移防守比例最高。  相似文献   

The penalty shoot-out is used to break tied games in the knock-out stages of soccer competition. The shoot-out, which consists of an alternating series of penalty kicks, is won by the team with the highest goal tally after n kicks per team (n = 5). In the event of a tie after five penalty kicks each, the shoot-out progresses to 'sudden death' by increasing n in iterative fashion (i.e. n = n + 1) until one team obtains a higher goal tally than the other after an equal number of kicks per team. The team to strike first is determined at the end of extra time by the toss of a coin. As each on-field player can be awarded only a single penalty kick, the line-up order in which the penalty kicks are taken allows for the possibility of tactical influence on the final outcome. Consequently, we report a probability analysis of the penalty shoot-out in soccer from which we identify the following pre- and post-game strategies. The best five ranked penalty takers from the on-field players should be assigned to the first five penalty kicks in their reverse order of ability. That is, the fifth best penalty taker should take the first penalty kick, the fourth best penalty taker should take the second penalty kick, and so on. In the event of sudden death, the next highest ranked on-field player should be assigned to the next penalty kick until the shoot-out ends. For this tactic to be successful, players should be ranked a priori on their penalty-taking ability. Similarly, goalkeepers should be ranked a priori on their penalty-stopping ability. These findings indicate that the tactical substitution of on-field players for higher ranked penalty takers, including higher ranked penalty stoppers (i.e. goalkeepers), with a view to an impending penalty shoot-out should be given due consideration. These results are of practical importance in that they are shown to maximize the likelihood of winning the penalty shoot-out under certain initial conditions.  相似文献   

On winning the penalty shoot-out in soccer   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The penalty shoot-out is used to break tied games in the knock-out stages of soccer competition. The shoot-out, which consists of an alternating series of penalty kicks, is won by the team with the highest goal tally after n kicks per team (n = 5). In the event of a tie after five penalty kicks each, the shoot-out progresses to 'sudden death' by increasing n in iterative fashion (i.e. n = n + 1) until one team obtains a higher goal tally than the other after an equal number of kicks per team. The team to strike first is determined at the end of extra time by the toss of a coin. As each on-field player can be awarded only a single penalty kick, the line-up order in which the penalty kicks are taken allows for the possibility of tactical influence on the final outcome. Consequently, we report a probability analysis of the penalty shoot-out in soccer from which we identify the following pre- and post-game strategies. The best five ranked penalty takers from the on-field players should be assigned to the first five penalty kicks in their reverse order of ability. That is, the fifth best penalty taker should take the first penalty kick, the fourth best penalty taker should take the second penalty kick, and so on. In the event of sudden death, the next highest ranked on-field player should be assigned to the next penalty kick until the shoot-out ends. For this tactic to be successful, players should be ranked a priori on their penalty-taking ability. Similarly, goalkeepers should be ranked a priori on their penalty-stopping ability. These findings indicate that the tactical substitution of on-field players for higher ranked penalty takers, including higher ranked penalty stoppers (i.e. goalkeepers), with a view to an impending penalty shoot-out should be given due consideration. These results are of practical importance in that they are shown to maximize the likelihood of winning the penalty shoot-out under certain initial conditions.  相似文献   

The soccer "penalty shootout" in the knock-out phase of major international tournaments is one of the most dramatic events in international soccer. The outcome of these kicks is typically attributed to factors such as psychology (e.g. coping with stress), skill (e.g. kicking technique), physiology (e.g. overcoming the fatigue of 120 min play), and chance (e.g. in what direction the goalkeeper moves). The purpose of this study was to use internet game record data to estimate the relative importance of these performance components for the outcome of penalty kicks in international matches. Data were collected from soccer statistics internet sites on all 41 penalty shootouts and 409 kicks taken in the World Cup, European Championships, and Copa America between 1976 and 2004. The results showed that the importance of the kicks (indicative of stress) was negatively related to the outcomes of the kicks, whereas skill and fatigue were less, or not, related to outcome. It was concluded that psychological components are most influential for the outcome of penalty kicks. We recommend that practitioners work with players to reduce the perceived importance of each kick.  相似文献   

点球攻守是当今足球比赛中决定胜负的重要因素之一。本文通过大量数据分析推导得出,守门员在防守点球时的最佳扑救(反应)时机,应该选择在看到主罚队员最后一步助跑支撑脚上步离开地面的一瞬间,这样可以获得最佳的提前量。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、问卷调查法和数理统计的研究方法,对秦皇岛高校体育教学中运用体育游戏的现状展开了调查,对影响秦皇岛高校体育教学中运用体育游戏的因素进行分析,提出了相关的对策和建议。希望能对秦皇岛高校的体育课教学提高产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

针对运动员在足球罚点球时存在的趋避动机冲突进行了准实验。实验结果表明:(1)当罚点球风险性较大时,趋的动机强度大于避的动机强度,有利于罚点球成功率的提高。(2)趋避动机强度对罚点球成功率的影响存在着性别差异,专业熟练程度差异。  相似文献   

为了进一步探索江苏省体育经费投入对竞技体育人才发展的影响程度,采用文献资料法、数理统计法等研究方法。结果表明:经费收入以全运会为周期呈波浪式增长,二、三线运动队经费收入规律性变化与全运会举办时间的规律性关系不大;国家财政拨款所占份额较大,非财政拨款收入稳定性较差。一线运动队人数受财政拨款的控制,二、三线运动员人数与经费收入总额和财政拨款的相关性较大。  相似文献   


The location and outcome of all free kicks taken directly at goal in the 2007 women's football World Cup were assessed to identify areas with the most goal-scoring potential and assist with tactical decisions and training design. Video of all free kicks taken directly at goal in the 32 games was captured and the location of the ball on the pitch was calculated from pitch markings and image pixel coordinates using a customized curve-fitting method. The outcome of each free kick was determined and for those that resulted in a goal or were saved, information on ball flight time and the placement of the ball relative to the goal was reported. All seven free kicks that resulted in a goal were taken from a central area within 7 m of the penalty circle, placed at the edge of the goal within approximately 1 m of the goalpost, and had an average flight time of 1.09 s, which was significantly faster than for those that were saved. All free kicks directed towards the bottom and centre of the goal resulted in straightforward saves for the goalkeeper. It is recommended that teams should consider a direct shot from free kicks awarded within 7 m of the penalty circle. For free kicks from wide areas and areas further from the goal, players should be aware of their individual ability and only take a shot when they perceive the probability of scoring a goal to be high. Otherwise, alternative attacking strategies should be considered to avoid an easy turnover of possession.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、录像观察法、数理统计法等研究方法对CBA20112012赛季总决赛北京队对广东队5场比赛进行统计研究,并对双方教练指导、技战术运用能力、外援影响等因素进行分析比较。结果表明:北京队阵容安排合理、2分和罚篮命中率高、球队得分点多、外援作用明显,教练员指挥得当,这些都是北京队获胜的主要因素。  相似文献   

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