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Bunge  Mario 《Science & Education》2003,12(5-6):587-597
The commentators on my target article (Bunge 2003) have pointed out some gapsand controversial points in it. However, we all agree that (a) although the quantum theory is basically correct, its orthodox or Copenhagen interpretation, particularly the claim that quantum events are mind-dependent, is false; and (b) quantons – the referents of the quantum theory – however strange, exist on their own, even if some of their properties depend partially upon their environment. I only differ from some of my commentators on whether the quantum theory has no precursors at all; on whether it can explain everything physical, including the universe as a whole; and on whether the quantum theory of measurement is relevant. In this collective reply I will (a) emphasize the peculiarities of quantons by contrast to classons, while at the same time rejecting the hypothesis of absolute novelty; (b) show why the standard quantum theory of measurement fails to explain how measuring devices work; and (c) state that quantum cosmology, which claims to know the state-vector of the universe, is so far just a fantasy.  相似文献   

Pospiech  Gesche 《Science & Education》2003,12(5-6):559-571
Research in physics has its impact on world view; physics influences the image of nature. On the other hand philosophy thinks about nature and the role of man. The insight that philosophy might indicate the frontiers of human possibilities of thought makes it highly desirable to teach these aspects in physics education. One of the most exciting examples is quantum theory which v. Weizsäcker called a fundamental philosophical advance. I give some hints to implementing philosophical aspects into a course on quantum theory. For this purpose I designed a dialogue between three philosophers – from the Antique, the Enlightenment and a quantum philosopher – discussing results of quantum theory on the background of important philosophical terms. Especially the views of Aristotle are reviewed. This idea has been carried out in a supplementary course on quantum theory for interested teacher students and for in-service training of teachers.  相似文献   

Quantum theory’s unusual predictions stem from its basic formalism which involves concepts like the wavefunction or probabilityamplitudes instead of probabilities. Many serious doubts have been raised about quantum theory’s connection with perceived classical dynamics. How does quantum mechanics, with all its strange ideas, unfold to give us the ‘reality’ of the familiar physical world? What is the connection between theclassical and thequantum! If quantum mechanics is, indeed, the fundamental theory of nature, as is widely accepted, then how does it explainclassicality! In the following, some of the fascinating conceptual problems of quantum mechanics are highlighted. The ‘environment-induceddecoherence’ approach is then discussed as one practical attempt at explaining the emergence of a classical world from an underlying quantum substrate  相似文献   

游阳明  王炳章  马茹 《沧州师专学报》2009,25(4):102-105,108
根据量子规范场理论,阐述对称性破缺机制,揭示了质量产生的根源,肯定了标准模型的重要意义和作用。  相似文献   


Bourdieu carved out a distinctive analytical niche for his reflexive sociology. His epistemological tool of field analysis, sometimes coupled with statistical correspondence analysis, is particularly powerful when deciphering the matrix of objective structures and subjective structures within social spaces (field) where agents vie for positions (capital), strategise dispositions (habitus), and negotiate practices. When grappling with the inner workings of the social world and the logic of practice within the social world, Bourdieu favours his field theory over network theory and considers correspondence analysis to be superior to regression analysis. In this paper, I argue that Bourdieu’s canonical theory-laden analytical framework does not exclude other methodological approaches. Indeed, Bourdieu himself argues against ‘methodological monotheism’. I therefore make an attempt to develop a Bourdieusian approach to Social Network Analysis (SNA) and regression analysis, despite Bourdieu’s explicit rebuttal to these methodological schools. To this end, I first review Bourdieu’s rebuttal to network analysis and regression analysis. I then tentatively incorporate SNA and regression into Bourdieu’s analytical framework. This is followed by an example of using SNA and regression in Bourdieusian research conducted in a Chinese educational context. In this vein, I engage with a Bourdieusian rebuttal to Bourdieu’s rebuttal.  相似文献   

本文中,首先概述了超导体的概念。然后,按照超导体的微观模型,用量子场理论得到超导体激发态。最后,指出该方法满足的条件。  相似文献   

I begin by examining the natures of science and religion before looking at the ways in which they relate to one another. I then look at a number of case studies that centre on the relationships between science and religion, including attempts to find mechanisms for divine action in quantum theory and chaos theory, creationism, genetic engineering and the writings of Richard Dawkins. Finally, I consider some of the pedagogical issues that would need to be considered if the science/religion issue is to be addressed in the classroom. I conclude that there are increasing arguments in favour of science educators teaching about the science/religion issue. The principal reason for this is to help students better to learn science. However, such teaching makes greater demands on science educators than has generally been the case. Certain of these demands are identified and some specific suggestions are made as to how a science educator might deal with the science/religion issue.  相似文献   

本文将量子复合时空理论,量子力学交易解释和量子力学曲率解释结合起来,而且将它们推广到广义相对论的弯曲时空框架中,不仅解决了量子场论中的一些重正化问题,而且以黑洞和白洞的时空度规作了新的理解,初步解决了霍全和彭罗斯的量子黑洞问题上的争论,对天体演化和宇宙演化提出了新的观点,有助于量子引力论的进一步发展。  相似文献   

相对论和量子理论只是20世纪以来尚未完成的物理学革命的第一步,引力量子化是21世纪物理学中最大的难题。从突破量子场论中点粒子模型框架得到的超弦理论,尽管引入了新的对称性有助于统一四种基本相互作用,但量子超引力的重整化问题并没有彻底解决,目前也没有超对称与额外维的可靠实验证据。随着宇宙暴涨证据的发现,人们被迫重新引入爱因斯坦一度放弃的宇宙学常数,弦论很难解释为何宇宙常数是非常小的负数。从引力规范理论可以延伸出圈量子引力理论,它一开始就假定时空由离散元素构成,而且时空的离散性是结合量子理论与狭义相对论的结果。而扭量理论以因果关系为基本要素,重新构造事件的时空图。目前最成功的量子引力方法结合了三个基本思想:空间是突现的,空间的最基本的描述是离散的,这些描述都以因果性为基本要素,但这些构想如何与粒子物理、量子场论结合仍然是个未解之谜。  相似文献   

矢势(A)在量子物理中具有磁场(B)所不能替代的重要作用,然而在经典物理的电磁理论中矢势(A)却只是磁场(B)的辅助矢量,且无直接观测的物理意义.从经典物理与量子物理的不同视角全面认识矢势(A)具有的作用,对于正确理解矢势(A)的意义、更好地掌握电磁场理论以及对于分析和解决实际的电磁场问题都具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

经典量子力学中粒子的基态场值,对应于量子场论中的真空期待值,场值的非零和零值,直接与背景空间的平坦性有关.当我们把坐标系建于运动的微观粒子之上时,坐标系的运动状态,又刚好与时空的平坦性相联系.匀速动的坐标系时空均匀而对称,加速运动的坐标系时空不均匀、不对称,有了这种联系,我们对量子场论中规范不变化的时空特征和真空对称性破缺机制就可做出合理的解释.  相似文献   

文章根据多模压缩态理论,对强度不等的非对称两态叠加多模叠加光场的等幂次N-H最小测不准态出现的条件进行了详细分析与讨论,从而得出:(1)在qN的积取偶数时,若各对应模的强度及初始相位都相等,态恒处于等幂次N-H最小测不准态;(2)当各对应模的强度和初始相位不等,但在一定条件下,态亦可处于等幂次N-H最小测不准态.  相似文献   

随着广义相对论的兴起,以及微分几何在物理学中的广泛应用,曲率的概念已经贯穿于理论物理的各大分支.赵国求提出的量子力学曲率解释,不仅有助于协调量子力学与相对论,而且可以帮助人们以更接近广义相对论的思维方式来理解量子规范场论.赵国求认为在弱电统一理论的规范势与广义相对论中的引力势一样,代表着某种空间几何形态的弯曲.爱因斯坦在1927年,就根据赫兹在《力学原理》中的“最小曲率原理”,把薛定谔波动力学原始文献在有关量子波包具有曲率半径的思想,采用广义非欧线元的数学表述,提出了“ψ-曲率张量”的构想,但因为没有把握好深层次的量子关联,即后来玻姆提出的量子势的物理意义而误入歧途.  相似文献   

量子密钥分配技术是信息安全中最热门的研究课题,它起源于量子力学中的测不准原理和未知量子态的不可克隆定理。本系统阐述了量子密钥分配的物理学原理,并给出了其严格的数学证明,对名的BB84协议的密钥传输机制,尤其是其安全性作了全面的剖析。  相似文献   

在分析的形而上学视域下,近20年来,奠基(grounding)理论得到当代分析哲学家们的广泛关注,这一理论要回应的核心问题是“何物基础”。本文梳理了分析哲学传统中形而上学问题的转变,阐明了奠基理论的类型和逻辑特征,分析了奠基理论在何种意义上维护了形而上学解释的可能性。  相似文献   

My aim in this paper is to show the relevance of an ‘effective semiotics’; that is, a field study based upon Peirce's semiotics. The general context of this investigation is educational semiotics rather than semiotics of teaching: I am concerned with a general approach of educational processes, not with skills and curricula. My paper is grounded in a field study that I carried out in a school, L'Ecole de la Neuville, implementing Institutional Pedagogy in France. I first investigate the relevance of Peirce's semiotics in such a context. I then propose several definitions for the word ‘institution’, referring to the core concepts of this particular pedagogy, before describing the concept of ‘institution‐sign’, which is considered a useful tool for making effective connections between several aspects of semiotics. I finally assert that an institution constitutes a tool that allows teachers to favour semiosis in educational contexts.  相似文献   

在近20年,介观物理已经变成凝聚态物理中最引人瞩目的领域。在介观结构中的电子输运验证了量子的本质。在电子的量子波导理论基础上提出了一个在狭窄的介观结构中对空穴输运的一维量子波导理论,并把这个理论方法应用在量子干涉装置中,得出了一个在狭窄线路中的空穴输运的解析理论。  相似文献   

The major events in the discovery of the Dirac equation and its interpretation are traced. The subsequent role it has played in the development of quantum field theory culminating in the Standard Model of present-day high energy physics is discussed. Rajasekaran is a theoretical physicist at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai. His field of research is quantum field theory and high energy physics. Currently he is working in the area of neutrino physics.  相似文献   

In light of the Ф-mapping method,the contribution of disclination linges to the free energy density of 2-dimensional liquid crystals is studied in the single-elastic constant approximation.It is pointed out that ,compared with the previous theory ,the free energy density can be divided into two parts.One is the usual distorted energy density of director field around the disclination lines.The other is the free endrgy density of the disclination lines themselves which is centralized at the disclination lines and topoligically quantized in a unit of 1/2kπ .The topological quantum numbers are determined by the Hopf indices and Brouwer degrees of the director field at the disclination lines,i.e.,the disclination strength.From the method of Lagrangian multipliers,the equilibrium equation and the molecular field of 2-dimensional liquid crystals are also obtained.It is shown that the physical meaning of the Lagrangian multiplier is just the distorted energy density.  相似文献   

混沌控制是非线性科学应用的新研究领域,被誉为是继相对论和量子力学问世以来,二十世纪物理学中的第三次革命。  相似文献   

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