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This paper discusses what approaches to ‘lifelong learning’ should guide the post-2015 education agenda for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) which refers to a group of 49 countries that are off-track in achieving most of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Education for All goals. Reports prepared by major consultation groups such as the High Level Panel established by the United Nations and Global Thematic Consultation Group have proposed that ‘providing quality education and lifelong learning’ is an overarching post-2015 education agenda. It is an important breakthrough since ‘lifelong learning’ has been recommended; however, it is not clear what understanding(s) of lifelong learning has been articulated in those documents. How have those recommendations addressed the issues and challenges of the LDCs? In this paper, I review literature on lifelong learning and analyse major documents related to the post-2015 education agenda, especially the one prepared by UN High Level Panel. I conclude that unless the LDCs are given a leadership role for setting their goals—according to their contextual realities—the post-2015 millennium initiatives, such as ‘lifelong learning’ as a new educational agenda, will make no sense.  相似文献   

Lifelong learning has become a prominent fixture in educational policy in recent years in many countries around the world. In terms of teacher education, it is now widely accepted that initial teacher education is insufficient for the lifelong professional needs of teachers. From September 2012, initial teacher education in Ireland will be offered as a radically different four-year BEd degree programme. This reform of initial teacher education offers immense potential for teacher educators to re-imagine their programmes in light of a range of guiding paradigms and theoretical frameworks, including lifelong learning. This paper provides a rationale for developing programmes in initial teacher education in the context of lifelong learning. A number of recommendations for lifelong primary teacher education are offered in light of current reforms that are taking place in Ireland.  相似文献   

发展高等职业教育是世界各国教育改革和经济发展的普遍经验.以系统的观点,历史的、全面的研究高等职业教育发展的环境,有助于我们把握高等职业教育发展的特质,改善和优化高等职业教育发展的社会经济环境、心理环境、法制环境、科技环境以及高职教育在教育系统内部的运行环境.  相似文献   

Since the transition from industrial society to a knowledge-based society, the source of national competitiveness is also changing. In this context, lifelong education has become a new competitive strategy for countries. This study broadly consists of three steps. Step I features a theoretical review of global lifelong learning indices and a comparison of the indices with existing ones. Step II introduces the process of development of indices based on the previous studies. Step III compares the rankings of countries in the area of lifelong learning based on the indices. Indices developed through this study will be used to evaluate the lifelong learning level of a specific country and to compare that with the lifelong learning levels of major countries around the world. In addition, the strengths and the weaknesses of the lifelong learning system of a specific country will be identified based on the indices, and the efforts that the country should make as a priority to improve the competitiveness of its lifelong learning system will be identified. To sum up, these indices will be able to be used as a reference when countries evaluate policies related to lifelong learning and make decisions that aim to improve the competitiveness of lifelong education.  相似文献   

In this article, the late Jarl Bengtsson briefly traces the evolution of the concept of lifelong learning within the member states of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). He points out that on the one hand lifelong learning is accepted, in policy terms, by all OECD countries and many other countries, but on the other hand there is an uneven and slow pace of implementation of lifelong learning. He examines three main reasons for this, namely the lack of workable implementation strategies, the lack of a funding system and stakeholders’ resistance to change. Without denying that each country is different and has to develop its own strategy, Bengtsson identifies a certain number of policy and research issues common to all countries, which are relevant to the acceleration of the implementation of lifelong learning strategies and programmes. Based on a paper originally presented at the Asia European Meeting (ASEM) Conference in Beijing in November 2009, this article closes with a reflection about where lifelong learning might be in 40 years’ time. Jarl Bengtsson updated his seminal paper in 2012 for inclusion in this special issue on lifelong learning, taking into account recent developments such as the establishment of learning societies. Sadly, he died before publication was completed.  相似文献   

构建终身教育体系 ,推进终身学习已成为世界各国教育和培训政策的原则和目标。澳大利亚和新西兰作为世界上推进终身学习的领先国家 ,在发展各类学习组织和机构 ,满足个人和社会发展对学习的多样化需求 ,建立学习成就和资格认证框架 ,构建各类教育特别是职业教育培训与高等教育相互衔接和沟通的机制 ,实施终身学习政策 ,消除学习障碍等方面 ,有许多经验值得我们深入了解和研究。  相似文献   

当前,我们正处于构建终身教育体系、创建全民学习型社会的背景之下,中国远程高等教育由此面临着新的发展机遇。因此,我们需要了解国际远程高等教育领域发展现状及走势,并认清我们所处的新情境,从而探索中国远程高等教育的未来发展之路。因此,本研究基于八年来(2004-2011年)对国际远程高等教育领域48位知名学者的46篇访谈,从当前远程高等教育需求与理念的变化、政策与管理、课程的设计与开发、学习支持、经济与成本、质量保证、研究方法的创新、实践发展以及研究背后的故事等九方面剖析了当前国际远程高等教育的发展动态和趋势,希望能对终身教育背景下我国远程高等教育的未来发展有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

在终身教育的思潮下,世界各国都在积极调整本国的教育体制以适应学习化社会的发展,高等教育自学考试是一种有中国特色的新型的高等教育制度,这种独特的教育制度始终贯穿着终身学习的理念,很好地适应了终身学习的需要。论文从个人自学、社会助学和国家考试三大要素的角度对自学考试与终身学习的关系进行初步的探讨,这在当前提倡终身学习的背景下对自学考试的发展具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the relationship between international agendas for lifelong learning and financial aid for low income countries, especially those on the African continent. It argues that there are subtle differences in terminology written by policymakers respectively in Europe and South Africa for lifelong learning but that international development agendas reinscribe lifelong learning for countries in receipt of development aid. Taking a postcolonial perspective the paper provides a textual analysis of case examples from policy documents in two African countries to demonstrate how international aid priorities negatively affect government choices and policies for lifelong learning, in spite of more regional analyses of the role of education and lifelong learning for the continent's development needs. It argues that the inclusion of indigenous worldviews from the south have potential to enhance a global agenda for the social purpose element of lifelong learning.  相似文献   

This article describes and discusses the development of lifelong learning policy in two EU member states, Denmark and Portugal. The purpose is to show how different societal and historical contexts shape the development and implementation of lifelong learning policies, even though these policies have significant common elements. As a basis for the discussion an inventory of policy elements is presented. Denmark and Portugal have been chosen as examples of smaller EU member states with different historical, social and cultural characteristics. Developments and policies in the two countries, including the links with EU education policy, are described. The discussion includes comparison drawing on the inventory of policy elements. A main conclusion is that the different historical trajectories of the two countries remain very important for present-day education and for the advancement of lifelong learning policy. Early development of public primary education and popular adult education has provided a strong foundation for lifelong learning policy in Denmark while in Portugal not only institutional provision but also popular demand for lifelong learning has had to be built up relatively recently. EU education policy has had much more impact on lifelong learning policy in Portugal than in Denmark, because Portugal has had to depend much more on economic support from the EU social fund.  相似文献   

在终身学习理念的影响下,工作场所自然成为学习的重要空间。一般而言,工作场所学习的时间比学校学习的时间还要漫长,因此,对工作场所学习这一研究领域的重要性怎么强调也不为过。个体可以通过工作场所学习实现自我价值、促进其生涯的发展;组织可以通过工作场所学习提升整体的竞争力和实现其持续性发展;当社会的经济和结构处于转型阶段,工作场所学习更成为促进个体和组织适应环境变化和主动创新的重要措施。借在美国学习的机会,笔者访谈了人力资源开发领域的著名学者雅各布斯(Ronald L.Jacobs)博士,他在访谈中论述了多个与人力资源开发专业相关的问题,并认为工作场所学习与绩效咨询是人力资源开发重要的实践领域,他整合了在该领域的教学经验、研究主题和咨询项目,实现了三者的互动和连通,多维度地促进该领域的发展。雅各布斯博士,美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,简称UIUC)人力资源开发专业教授,另外还担任该校教育学院国际事务处主任一职,他在各类期刊发表了百余篇论文,出版了六本人力资源开发方面的书籍。1994年,雅各布斯博士获得了由美国培训与开发协会(ASTD)颁发的教学科技研究奖;1995年,人力资源开发学会(AHRD)表彰了他在学术上对人力资源开发领域的卓越贡献。从1998年到2001年,他担任《人力资源开发季刊》(Human Resource Development Quarterly)(SSCI来源期刊,且为人力资源开发领域的主要学术期刊)的主编,现在仍担任该杂志的客座编辑。雅各布斯博士还担任ASTD工作场所学习与绩效(Workplace Learning and Performance)认证机构的顾问委员,并于2012年当选为新一届人力资源开发学会主席。雅各布斯博士早在1987年就提出"结构化在职培训"这一概念,并著有《员工岗位培训手册》(StructuredOn-the-Job Training),该书成为很多人力资源开发实践者和培训师的参考书,且被翻译为简体中文、繁体中文、韩文与阿拉伯文等多种语言,他早期的研究着重于研究结构化在职培训的经济效益,协助组织做出与培训相关的决定。目前,韩国就业及劳动部已在全国范围内实施大规模"结构化在职培训"试行计划,以帮助本国中小型企业提高竞争力。雅各布斯博士在人力资源开发领域整合了系统理论、工作场所学习、绩效咨询等理念,并在ISO10015培训质量标准中完善了绩效分析与投资报酬率等概念。雅各布斯博士曾受邀至荷兰乌特列支大学、台湾师范大学、新加坡南洋理工大学、华东师范大学等高校担任客座教授或特聘教授。他有三十多位博士学生现供职于全球各大学人力资源开发及相关领域的教授。雅各布斯博士多年来积极参与对实践的指导工作,他为许多企业组织与政府机构提供过咨询,包括通用汽车、荷兰航空公司、雅培、现代汽车、希捷、莫顿盐业、科威特国家石油公司、沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司等。雅各布斯博士参与的咨询项目通过开发工作场所绩效系统来满足对员工的能力需求,擅长采用合作研究整合其咨询活动、学术研究和教学为一体。雅各布斯博士喜欢航海、高尔夫,以及他在伊利湖畔别墅的夏日时光。  相似文献   

提升学生的思维能力是教育教学的核心目标之一。作为思维能力培养重要手段之一的思维教学于20世纪初在美国萌芽,经历50-60年代的蓄势,70-80年代开始受英美两国思维教学运动的影响,从“潜学”成为“显学”,得到研究者和实践者越来越多的关注。教育哲学层面的理论关注、认知心理学的研究成果以及包括教育在内的实践领域的迫切需求是推动思维教学向前发展的三股核心力量。从思维教学的实践取向来看,思维教学起源于“授之以竿”的“思维技能”教学,发展于“授之以饵”的“思维倾向”教学,回归于“授之以渔”的“知识理解”教学。三种取向的思维教学并没有明显的界限,他们之间是相互重叠的。回归“知识理解”的思维教学并不意味着回归知识的机械学习,而是在提供娴熟思维技能和培育良好思维倾向的基础上,促进对知识的深度理解。我国要实现课程教学的实质性变革,思维教学不仅是有效手段,也是必经之路。如何学习、吸收、应用、创新国外思维教学研究成果,有效发挥后发优势是我国教育界需要认真思考的问题。  相似文献   

与国外发达国家终身教育法制化的现状相比,我国仍然处在滞后状态。即使有个别的地方性法规。也存在法律效应的局限性。因此。我国终身教育缺乏实质性的措施。研究和梳理国外终身教育立法经验,对我国国家层面终身教育立法具有重要意义。美国《终身学习法》没有刻意构建一个庞大而完整的终身教育体系,而是将“终身教育”的推动放置于某一个接近的范畴,以避免法规“空泛”的弊端,但此举削弱了终身教育在国民教育体系中的地位。日本《终身学习振兴法》被置于产业振兴的层面,但国家与政府为民众提供公益性的学习机会等涉及终身教育本质理念的内容,仍然没有得到应有的体现。韩国《终身教育法》是目前世界上比较完整的法规,但对于国民在终身教育中的主体地位重视不足。我国终身教育立法需要解决的主要问题是:保护公民的终身学习权,坚持以政府为主导,建立终身教育体系,架构终身教育“立交桥”,建设学分银行,设置终身教育机构和专职教育管理人员,将终身教育经费列入国家教育经费预算。  相似文献   


This paper argues that Non-formal Education (NFE) has seen a remarkable revival of interest across both developing countries and the more highly developed countries. Among the factors causing this revival is the search for alternative educations to meet the needs of different groups in society. But in the process, NFE has been relocated – not so much as ‘outside’ formal educational institutions but as a different kind of learning programme within a continuum of lifelong learning covering formal, non-formal and informal learning. It argues that the adult learning targets contained in every one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) cannot be met by formal learning programmes alone and require a much expanded non-formal education programme. To deliver this, the paper suggests that the current movement for community learning centres (CLCs) can provide a base for operationalising NFE for the SDGs. It takes a case study, the Folk Development Colleges of Tanzania, as an example of the kind of national system for NFE which can be built. It ends by looking at current redefinitions of NFE and at where such an NFE system might fit into the governmental architecture of educational planning.  相似文献   

远程开放教育条件下成人学习的策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学会学习、学会思考已经成为近年来世界各国关注的焦点问题.远程开放教育的出现和发展为成人的学习提供了丰富的资源和便利的空间.作为远程开放教育的成人如何利用这些有利的条件完成自己的学业,以及满足自己终身学习的需要,关键在于掌握适合远程开放教育学习的策略.  相似文献   

This paper begins by reviewing the progress which has been made over the past decade in the aim to reach targets such as Education for All and other Millennium Development Goals, especially as far as adult education and gender equality are concerned. While there have been achievements in some countries, universal primary education is not even likely to be reached by 2015. Giving a few examples of recent studies, this paper considers the measurement of lifelong learning and its effects on a country’s economy and its people’s health and well-being. While it is of course much easier to collect data about formal education than about non-formal and informal learning, the author stresses that the latter need to be included more in new strategies alongside formal education. The paper concludes by highlighting ten essential components for a lifelong learning target fit for purpose in a climate-changing society.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Lifelong learning is recognized as an important tool to reduce social exclusion, but out of the many investigations into the provision of lifelong learning in Europe none has yet sought to examine the specific situation of mental health care service users. This study examines the provision of lifelong learning for this disadvantaged group; it identifies current policies and explores the access to, and nature of, lifelong learning practices for mental health care service users in eight European countries. Data have been collected through a literature and policy review and through questionnaires completed by mental health practitioners in the eight countries. The study found broad compliance amongst the eight countries with the Lisbon policy goals on lifelong learning, but evidence of specific lifelong learning provision for mental health care service users is patchy and sporadic. The study identified the main benefits of, and the barriers to, the participation in lifelong learning for mental health care service users from the viewpoint of mental health professionals and practitioners. The implications for practice were described, and suggestions for actions were made for improving the lifelong learning provision for the target group.  相似文献   

台湾终身学习社会的营造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
台湾终身学习社会的发展,得益于社会各教育机构与组织的贡献,这些机构与组织涵盖各级正规、非正规及社会教育机构,为民众提供了多元化的终身学习资源与服务。"贯穿正规教育体制的终身学习"、"打破学校藩篱的社区学习"、"面向海外的远程学习"反映了台湾终身学习社会的起源与发展过程。空中教育机构及社区大学是台湾终身教育的两大支柱,台湾通过"非正规终身学习成就认证制度"、"社区大学与空中大学合作"、"两岸终身学习合作"、"融入国际的终身学习社会"等途径建设起终身学习体系。  相似文献   

发展终身学习需要探讨的问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着终身学习在我国的兴起 ,国民对终身学习重要性的认识也在不断地深化 ,但是 ,仍有不少可能影响终身学习普及、推广和深化的理论与实践问题亟待解决。本文拟探讨一些发展终身学习的观念问题 ,以及属于终身学习范畴的成人远程学习的实践问题。一、发展终身学习的必要  终身学习问题的日益突出 ,与我国社会改革开放的深入和科学技术水平的提高密切相关 ,因为它不仅是这二者发展的必然结果 ,而且还是推动二者进一步深入发展的必要条件 ,所以对终身学习的重要性怎样强调也不会过份。一般来说 ,在科学技术发展缓慢的条件下 ,传统的“一次学习…  相似文献   

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