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查俊 《今传媒》2012,(2):86-87
本文以电视情感类谈话节目为研究对象,分析现阶段情感类谈话节目主持人在主持策略上出现的一些问题,并提出优化主持策略的方案,从而提高主持人对情感类谈话节目的整体驾驭能力,使主持人自身乃至情感类谈话节目得以长久发展。  相似文献   

对于电视谈话节目来说,主持人是决定节目成败的重要因素。不同的电视谈话节目因其类型不同,对主持人的要求也有所不同。如新闻类谈话节目主持人需要客观冷静,用词严谨;综艺娱乐类谈话节目主持人要自然活泼、思维活跃。情感类谈话节目鉴于谈话内容和嘉宾的群体特征,对其节目主持人也有一  相似文献   

作为电视谈话节目的主持人,其所应具备的素养主要体现在内在修养、情感表达、现场驾驭能力等方面,本文从这三方面对电视谈话主持人的素养进行了分析,并在此基础上,对如何做好电视谈话节目主持人提出建议。  相似文献   

电视谈话节目是一种主要以主持人的语言表述为进行形式的节目,在电视谈话节目里,主持人是“幕后”制片人、策划人、编导等所有人员的创意的实践者,是这个创作集体的总代表。作为谈话现场的组织者,主持人是话语的引导者、控制者,是参与谈话观众的倾诉对象,主持人又是谈话节目风格、节目个性的塑造者,是节目的总代表和“代言人”。主持人在节目中的言语表现对电视谈话节目的进程、节奏、内容、风格乃至节目的整体质量都起着至关重要的作用,可以说,主持人的语言表达与运用可以决定着一档电视谈话节目的成败。一、口语化电视谈话节目将人际传播…  相似文献   

如今电视谈话类节目很多 ,新闻的 ,文艺的 ,严肃的 ,或者是搞笑的 ,应有尽有。如果我们对这些节目进行一些分析的话 ,就会发现 ,电视谈话类节目成功与否一个重要的方面是节目的情感因素。本文希望通过分析电视谈话类节目主持人所必备的一些特质来探讨提高节目质量的问题。一、以情感人 ,调动嘉宾和观众的情感参与 ,引起观众的情感共鸣 ,是主持人的取胜之道。因为它可能被忽视或被错误地理解 ,因为它需要很高的技巧 ,所以在目前我们所能见到的谈话节目中 ,那种能够让观众酣畅淋漓接受情感洗礼的 ,确乎不多电视的特点是视听结合。作为谈话类节…  相似文献   

谢斌 《报刊之友》2014,(3):111-112
在广播、电视领域谈话节目常常备受关注,而随着社会的进步与经济的发展,人们越来越关注自身的心理、精神需求。情感访谈节目在这样的情况下应运而生。就访谈节目本身而言,对主持人有着很高的要求,而情感访谈节目因为其自身的特点和定位,对主持人又有着特殊的要求。笔者认为,在对情感访谈节目主持人的诸多要求中,“控场艺术”是最高的要求,也是最重要的方面。本文将从多个角度和方面,分析和描述当前情感访谈节目的定义、特性、当前情感访谈节目的现状及问题,阐明情感访谈节目对于主持人的素养要求,论述情感访谈节目主持人控场艺术的把握及其在具体节目实践中的运用。  相似文献   

牛利 《新闻世界》2013,(2):12-13
电视谈话类节目发展过程中,主持人情感因素对节目的影响越来越大,很多时候“不在于你说什么,而在于你怎么去说。”主持人能够恰到好处地运用情感,增加语言的穿透力、幽默感、影响力,比一味地“煽情、拍砖、流泪”更富有内在引力,节目才能更引人入胜。  相似文献   

邓海荣 《新闻记者》2007,(10):59-61
电视节目主持人的用语一般应剔除冗余,遵循"经济性"原则。但在电视谈话节目中,为了达到更好的传播效果,又必须容忍主持人语言冗余现象的普遍存在。所以我们认为,电视谈话节目主持人的语言是精练与冗余相辅相成、对立统一的辩证运用。  相似文献   

高敏 《声屏世界》2008,(6):43-44
电视谈话节目是由无数轮会话组成的,通过电视媒介传播的,主要是在真实环境中自然产生的会话语料。主持人就像是这个节目语篇的设计者,运用一定的语言手段,引导着嘉宾和观众共同完成这个节目的创作。本文将从角色原则、一致原则、礼貌原则及和谐原则四方面阐述关于电视谈话节目主持人语用原则。  相似文献   

<正>电视谈话节目是由主持人与相关嘉宾以及受众,围绕焦点问题,在轻松、平和的氛围中展开讨论的一种电视节目形态,节目采用直播或录播方式,诙谐自如、观点各异,讨论等方式是电视谈话节目的本质特征。电视谈话节目中主持人的作用极为重要,而电视谈话节目成败的决定因素大多取决于主持人个人的风格、魅力和自身应具备的素质。央视原《实话实说》的著名节目主  相似文献   

人文视野中的电视谈话节目   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张霆 《新闻界》2008,(3):125-126
让节目内容回归生活真实,将人际交流的意趣与大众传播手段巧妙结合,贴近受众生活以及以主持人为"核心"的人本化的节目特质,是电视谈话节目吸引受众的重要人文内核。  相似文献   

本文以《超级访问》和《康熙来了》这两档大陆和台湾持续热播的娱乐谈话节目为例,从嘉宾占有话轮、主持人把持话轮以及话语打断现象这三方面入手进行了比较分析,指出现今两岸娱乐谈话节目在话轮控制上存在的共性和诸多差异。随着萨克斯(H.Sacks)等人提出的话轮转换理论在电视娱乐谈话节目中的广泛应用,作者对当下娱乐谈话节目主持人在访谈中如何进行话轮转换作了尝试性的探讨。  相似文献   

This article applies the concept of stereotyped identification—the idea that cognitively and emotionally identifying with fictional minority characters can simultaneously increase acceptance of minorities while reinforcing stereotypes about how they look, act, and talk—to the context of Latina television characters. Specifically, we employed a national survey measuring participants’ exposure to Latina TV characters; levels of identification with TV characters; and attitudes toward, and stereotypes about, Latinas. Results are consistent with the prediction that through identification, exposure to Latina TV characters is related to more favorable feelings toward Latinas, as well as higher levels of stereotyped views of Latinas as sexualized and melodramatic.  相似文献   

This article reviews talk radio research and summarizes articles from the trade and popular press that document the phenomenal growth in talk radio since 1987, when the Fairness Doctrine was abolished. Anecdotal evidence suggests that talk radio can have a powerful impact on public debate, especially regarding “hot button “ issues that arouse emotion and address voter frustration with the status quo. Examples include the successful defeat of the proposed Congressional pay raise in 1989 and the election to Congress of a Republican majority in 1994. Talk radio is less successful in rallying listeners on complex issues such as campaign financing reform.  相似文献   

The current study examines how a politician's “active” or “passive” nonverbal behavior can influence recipients' perception of his/her image in TV talk shows. In addition, the effects of different host and studio audience reaction shots towards the politician were analyzed. To do so, an experiment with a 2 × 3 × 3 factorial design was conducted (n = 356). The stimulus material was produced in a TV studio. The results indicate a clear influence of a politician's nonverbal behavior style and the TV host's nonverbal reactions on the recipients' image-perception.  相似文献   

Subject faculty sometimes limit information literacy when they ask a librarian for “the library talk.” On the librarian’s end, this unimaginative request translates into a traditional one-shot, often focused on point-and-click skills rather than building deeper competencies. The authors developed a collaboration rubric to liberate librarians from this deadlock. The rubric uses nine lenses to focus the librarian-instructor collaboration on relevant sub-categories that display various instruction modes. These lenses include assignment design, the timing of instruction, librarians’ visibility in virtual class spaces, and librarians’ involvement in assessment. The rubric also outlines levels of collaboration, from None to Minimal, Healthy, and Superlative.  相似文献   

对于电视的实质所依据的新型文化域必须给予充分估计。电视媒体如何在新型有效的传播中对个体的言谈、生存方式有新的影响,如何成为“批判性思维、主动、民主以及质量的园地”而不是相反;这是对新语境中电视性质的一个测定。在全球化的全景下,中国电视本土语境的改观和对外来影响的本土化改造并足而进。中国电视很长时间内无理论与预见,在时代语境的大动静中,时而表现出“迷茫”。对此,与其说是节目制作质量的问题,不如说是观念与意识转型的困惑更为恰当。问题在于,这样的传统心理本身可能已与现代社会语境相悖。那么,到底由谁来监督与评估大众媒介的活动。我想,质疑会是不可遏止的。  相似文献   

王露露 《档案学研究》2019,33(2):99-103
档案类电视节目可以分为文献纪录类、历史揭秘类、调查访谈类和文化情感类四类,而《见字如面》《朗读者》等文化情感类电视节目的热播,一定程度上反映了社会文化意识和时代情感需求的转变。除了基本的记忆建构功能外,还可将档案类电视节目视为一种特殊的社会记忆表征体系,从集体和个体层面进行公众情感价值的社会再生产建构,而这一建构过程具体表现为档案内容源的选择、档案节目场景的营造和公众参与体验的情感再生产。  相似文献   

This study examined sexual content in American prime-time programs popular among the tween (9–14 years of age) audience on broadcast networks and programs aired on the most popular adolescent TV networks—an understudied area of media research. Consistent with past research, the majority of broadcast shows contained sexual talk and behaviors, as did adolescent shows. No significant difference was observed between the two types of shows regarding the frequency with which sexual behaviors were presented in a given hour of TV programming. The amount of scene focus paid to sexual themes varied, but studio audiences were almost always heard positively reinforcing these messages. The findings are discussed with respect to social cognitive and cultivation theories.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):303-332
The study of political mass communication information outlet effects has been dominated by two types of studies, those which focus on a single outlet and those which look at the comparative influence of multiple outlets. The current study seeks to advance a third study type by offering a theory of political campaign media connectedness. Three axioms are offered in this work. In addition, a series of hypotheses involving five political communication campaign information outlets (conservative political talk radio, FOX cable TV news, daily newspapers, national network TV news, debate viewing) are posited. This work emphasizes the need to understand how various information outlets function in coordination with one another to produce a potentially diverse set of direct and indirect political campaign media effects. Future lines of theoretical inquiry and empirical research are outlined.  相似文献   

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