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Two groups of goldfish were trained to strike an illuminated target for food reward. The experimental group was reinforced with 10 worms for response to one color and with 1 worm for response to a different color. The control group was reinforced with 1 worm for response to each color. The experimental group gave clear evidence of discrimination of reward magnitude and also of simultaneous negative contrast. These results bear on the relation of the mechanisms of simultaneous and successive contrast.  相似文献   

In this, as in two prior experiments, goldfish trained with small reward for response to one color and large reward for response to another color performed less well for the small reward than control animals trained with small reward for response to both colors. The results obtained in the present experiment (with liquid food as reward) cannot be explained in terms of postingestive inhibition (evidence from the prior experiments withTubifex worms as reward being inconsistent on this point) or in terms of within-sessions decrement in drive. The results bear on the phyletic generality of simultaneous contrast and on the relation of simultaneous to successive contrast, a phenomenon that has thus far failed to appear in goldfish.  相似文献   

In Experiment I, eight groups of rats (n = 20) were given shuttlebox-avoidance training. Two levels of shock (.3 and 1.6 mA) were combined factorially with two levels of reward (large and small) under both continuous and discontinuous (.75 sec on and 2.00 sec off) shock. Visual situational cues were absent after a shuttle response for the large-reward condition and present for the small-reward condition. Superior performance was obtained with weak rather than strong shock under both reward conditions and with large rather than small reward only under the weak-shock condition. Continuity of shock had no differential effect on performance. Experiment II allowed the conclusion that the reward effect was attributable to a reinforcement mechanism. The data were taken as support for the effective reinforcement theory, which emphasizes the importance in avoidance learning of fear conditioned to situational cues.  相似文献   

In Experiment I, rats which were both hungry and thirsty were given a choice between a food reward and a water reward. The animals preferred food to water when the reward was delivered immediately, but preferred water to food when a 30-sec delay was imposed in the goalbox before the reward was received. Experiment II replicated the results of the first experiment and showed, in addition, that when the delay was imposed in a separate delay chamber devoid of differential goalbox cues, subjects preferred food to water, similar to the immediate group. The results were discussed in terms of an incentive value process and a competing response hypothesis.  相似文献   

In two experiments, the principles of cognitive load theory were applied to the design of alternatives to conventional music instruction hypothesised to facilitate learning. Experiment 1 demonstrated that spatial integration of visual text and musical notation, and dual‐modal delivery of auditory text and musical notation, were superior to the spatially separated placement of the same visual materials, demonstrating the split‐attention and modality effects respectively. In Experiment 2 there were four conditions differentiated by the presence or absence of musical notation and the simultaneous or successive presentation of auditory music, written explanations, and musical notation. Results indicated that the presence of music notation had no effects, but that the simultaneous presentation of either two or three information sources was superior to successive presentation. These results provide further empirical support for the need to consider cognitive load theory when designing instruction in any domain.  相似文献   

In Experiment I rats were trained for 21÷2 days under partial (PRF) or continuous reinforcement (CRF) conditions starting at 18, 22, 28, or 36 days of age and were then subjected to immediate extinction. At all ages there was a strong partial reinforcement extinction effect (PREE), and absolute size of PREE was greatest in the youngest rats. Rate of extinction increased as a function of age following both CRF and PRF. In Experiment II the youngest and oldest age groups of Experiment I were run under the two reward conditions of Experiment I and in a third condition, PRF with number of rewards rather than trials equated to CRF (PRF-R). The PRF-R and PRF groups were not different in extinction, and both were more persistent than CRF. The youngest rats were again more persistent than the oldest, particularly after PRF training. In Experiment III it was shown that the well-known paradoxical effect, greater reward in CRF acquisition leads to faster extinction, operates in our youngest and oldest animals, but is more pronounced in the oldest. The results are discussed in terms of whether they require different explanations than those often applied to extinction data from adult rats.  相似文献   

In a repeated shifts experiment four independent groups of thirsty rats received the following treatments: LSLS, LLLS, SSLS, and SSSS, with each letter denoting the magnitude (large or small) of sucrose reward received in each of the four phases of the experiment. While no negative contrast effect (NCE) was obtained in Phase 2, a very reliable positive contrast effect (PCE) was found in Phase 3. Moreover, a significant NCE was obtained in Phase 4. The results were explained in terms of the relative rather than absolute effects of reinforcement.  相似文献   

In two experiments, the hypothesis that frustration mediates the production of schedule-induced polydipsia was tested. In Experiment I, a group in which reward was reduced from 6 to 2 pellets of food in an operant chamber was found to increase water intake compared to a group maintained at 2 pellets reward. In Experiment II, rats trained to approach food on a partial reinforcement schedule in a runway subsequently showed lower levels of water intake in the operant test for polydipsia than rats given continuous reinforcement during runway training. The results are interpreted as supporting a frustration hypothesis of schedule-induced polydipsia and are discussed within the context of persistence theory.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated the effects of magnitude and schedule of reinforcement and level of training in instrumental escape learning at a 24-h intertriai interval. In Experiment I, two magnitudes of reinforcement were factorially combined with two schedules of reinforcement (CRF and PRF). Under PRF, large reward produced greater resistance to extinction than did small reward, while the reverse was true under CRF. In Experiment II, two levels of acquisition training were factorially combined with three schedules of reinforcement (CRF, single-alternation, and nonalternated PRF). Patterned running was observed late in acquisition in the single-alternation extended-training condition. Resistance to extinction was greater for the nonalternated PRF condition than for the single-alternation condition following extended acquisition, and the reverse was true following limited acquisition. Experiment III confirmed the extinction findings of Experiment II. The results of all three experiments supported an analysis of escape learning at spaced trials in terms of Capaldi’s (1967) sequential theory.  相似文献   

In Experiment I, rats which had received six partially reinforced runway acquisition trials, with a reward magnitude of 60 sec access to wet mash on rewarded trials, showed less persistent responding over highly massed extinction trials than subjects which had received the same acquisition schedule but reward magnitudes of either 1 or 10 45-mg pellets. In Experiment II, rats which had received six partially reinforced placements into one compartment of a two-compartment box, with 60 sec access to mash on rewarded placements, jumped a hurdle faster to escape nonreward than subjects which had received the same reward schedule but 10 45-mg pellets on rewarded trials. The data supported a primary frustration analysis for reward-magnitude manipulations within brief partial-reinforcement schedules.  相似文献   

The literature relevant to incentive contrast effects is reviewed, with emphasis on the data published since the reviews by Black (1968) and Dunham (1968). Contrary to the evidence available for the earlier reviews, the current literature indicates that positive contrast is a reliable phenomenon. Its occurrence is facilitated by use of a constant delay of reward, use of a long runway, or possibly by a shift while a negative contrast effect, resulting from a previous shift, is still present in the animals’ behavior. Positive contrast also occurs in consummatory behavior when sucrose or saccharin solutions are shifted. Conditions that are ineffective in producing positive contrast are reviewed, as are the effects of numerous variables on both successive and simultaneous contrast. In addition, positive and negative contrast effects resulting from shifts in delay or percentage of reward, contrast resulting from shifts in sucrose, saccharin, or ethanol solutions, contrast in choice behavior, and transsituational contrast are reviewed. The relationship of the data to several theoretical interpretations of contrast is also considered.  相似文献   

Eight homing pigeons, trained to fly between two elevated feeders within a flight tunnel, were tested for their ability to discriminate between two magnetic field stimuli and two acoustic stimuli, using a unitary discrete-trials procedure with successive presentation of stimuli. Magnetic stimuli consisted of the ambient magnetic field and a reduced magnetic field in which the vertical component of the field was reduced to 50% of its ambient value. Acoustic stimuli consisted of an ambient white noise and the white noise plus a tone. Stimuli were paired with food reward and either a time penalty (Experiment 1) or electric shock (Experiment 2). Although subjects could discriminate sounds with our procedures, none of the subjects demonstrated discrimination of magnetic fields. The failure of pigeons to discriminate magnetic stimuli is discussed as a consequence of either the failure to provide conditions sufficient for such discrimination or the absence of a magnetic sense in these animals.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, rats received single-alternation training with 32% or 4% sucrose reward (Phase 1) followed by a shift in reward from 32% to 4%, and vice versa (Phase 2). In Phase 1, high reward facilitated alternation performance over low reward. In Phase 2, performance on rewarded trials increased as reward increased but was unchanged as reward decreased. Performance on nonrewarded trials showed negligible effects of shifts in reward. In Experiment 2, rats received goalbox placements with 32% or 4% sucrose alternated with nonreward in Phase 1; and in Phase 2, they received alternation runway training with the same or the opposite reward from that of placements. Performance on rewarded trials was faster, the higher the reward in runway training; performance on nonrewarded trials was slower, the higher the reward in placements. In Experiment 3, Phase 1 provided placements with 64%, 32%, 16%, or 4% sucrose or dry mash alternated with nonreward; Phase 2 provided alternation runway training with dry mash reward. Alternation prerformance developed more rapidly, the higher the sucrose concentration in placements. Only 64% sucrose produced performance superior to that for dry-mash placements.  相似文献   

Conditioned lick suppression by water-deprived rats was used to elaborate on recent evidence that the attenuated conditioned response elicited by an overshadowed stimulus may be enhanced by extinction of the overshadowing stimulus with which it had been trained in simultaneous compound. Using a modified serial stimulus arrangement in which a light coexisted with the last half of a tone that terminated with footshock, it was found in Experiment 1 that the tone overshadowed the light. Extinction of the tone-shock association resulted in a virtually complete recovery of the response to the overshadowed light. Using this serial overshadowing procedure, the possibility that the strength of a conditioned response to an element trained in compound covaries as a function of the strength of the response to the other element was tested in Experiment 2. Following overshadowing training similar to that of Experiment 1, independent reinforcement of the overshadowed light, that is, associative inflation, was found to have no deleterious effect on the response to the overshadowing tone. This suggests that the effects of postconditioning extinction and inflation of one element do not have symmetrical effects upon responding to the other element. The results of Experiment 2 were replicated in Experiment 3 using a simultaneous compound stimulus as opposed to the serial compound of the previous studies. These results are discussed in terms of various associative and cognitive models of learning and performance.  相似文献   

When rats receive a sequence of rewards of different magnitudes for traversing a runway, they learn to “track” the sequence, showing anticipation of the forthcoming reward by appropriate running speed. There is disagreement as to whether this behavior depends on rats’ encoding and recalling a complete sequence of foregoing hedonic events or just the immediately preceding one. The present experiments showed that rats can remember more hedonic events than the most recent one. In Experiment 1, when exposed concurrently to the sequences 10-1-0 (pellets) and 0-1-10, they were faster on Run 3 of the increasing than of the decreasing sequence, a discrimination which cannot be made on the basis of the preceding (1-pellet) reward alone. Experiment 2 showed that this behavior reflects genuine anticipation of the Run 3 reward, not simultaneous contrast or other simple aftereffects of Runs 1 and 2. It is argued, however, that these results, together with related findings by Capaldi and Verry (1981), show merely that rats can recall a hedonic event other than the most recent one, not that a sequence of such events is fully recalled in order.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we studied the consequences of ejaculation upon the frustrative or contrast response of male rats exposed to reward downshift situations (i.e., surprising changes from 32% to 4% sucrose solutions). Similar to what has been found after treatment with anxiolytic agents, consummatory suppression was partially reversed by previous ejaculations in a second postshift trial (Experiments 2 and 3), such a result not having been obtained in a first postshift trial (Experiment 1). Moreover, the effect of ejaculations upon males' behavior during a second postshift trial was transitory, disappearing when assessed during the third and fourth postshift trials (Experiment 3). These results are in accordance with both Amsel's (1958, 1992) frustration theory and Flaherty's (1996) multistage hypothesis of successive negative contrast; the diverse factors that are known to modulate contrast effects are considered, including an interpretation of the present data in terms of the anxiolytic-like effect of the ejaculation.  相似文献   

Two experiments with rat subjects in a conditioned punishment paradigm are reported. These experiments attempted to determine if the events entering into association with the CS following conditioning with informative (forward) and noninformative (simultaneous) CSs were comparable. In Experiment 1, exposure to intense shock alone following trace (ISI = 10 sec) conditioning with moderate shock enhanced the suppressive effects of a 2-sec CS. A similar manipulation following explicitly unpaired CS-US presentations (ISI = 2 min) had no effect. These data were taken as evidence that the CS and US were associated during trace conditioning. Experiment 2 showed that exposure to intense shock following simultaneous conditioning also enhanced suppression to the CS. These results suggested that simultaneous and forward conditioning procedures yield similar forms of associative learning.  相似文献   

The translational-symmetry hypothesis of abstract-concept learning was tested in a same/different (S/D) task with pairs of pictures. The translational-symmetry hypothesis proposes that subjects discriminate same trials by the simultaneous repetition of features in the two pictures (and different trials by the lack of feature repetition). Pigeons that had learned a simultaneous S/D task were tested with delays between the two pictures to remove emergent perceptual cues. In Experiment 1, we tested delays of 0 and 1 sec. The results did not show the accuracy decrease expected according to the translational-symmetry hypothesis. In Experiment 2, we expanded the delays to 2 and 6 sec. Even at the longest delay, there was no evidence of the precipitous performance decline or default strategy that would be predicted by translational symmetry. The results provide evidence against translational symmetry (or other perceptually emergent features) that might control these pigeons’ performance in our two-item S/D task.  相似文献   

Three experiments explored the link between reward shifts and latent inhibition (LI). Using consummatory procedures, rewards were either downshifted from 32% to 4% sucrose (Experiments 1–2), or upshifted from 4% to 32% sucrose (Experiment 3). In both cases, appropriate unshifted controls were also included. LI was implemented in terms of fear conditioning involving a single tone-shock pairing after extensive tone-only preexposure. Nonpreexposed controls were also included. Experiment 1 demonstrated a typical LI effect (i.e., disruption of fear conditioning after preexposure to the tone) in animals previously exposed only to 4% sucrose. However, the LI effect was eliminated by preexposure to a 32%-to-4% sucrose devaluation. Experiment 2 replicated this effect when the LI protocol was administered immediately after the reward devaluation event. However, LI was restored when preexposure was administered after a 60-min retention interval. Finally, Experiment 3 showed that a reward upshift did not affect LI. These results point to a significant role of negative emotion related to reward devaluation in the enhancement of stimulus processing despite extensive nonreinforced preexposure experience.  相似文献   

The present research tested the generality of the “work ethic“ effect described by Clement, Feltus, Kaiser, and Zentall (2000). In Experiment 1, we trained 10 pigeons on a pair of either simultaneous or successive discriminations. One discrimination followed a high-effort requirement (20 pecks to the center key) and the other followed a low-effort requirement (1 peck). Contrary to Clement et al.’s results, we found that preferences between the S+ and S stimuli in transfer tests depended on the event that initiated the trial: Pigeons preferred the stimulus from the baseline discrimination whose initiating event was most dissimilar from that preceding the test trial. Preferences were similar but less extreme in the successive condition. In Experiment 2, we investigated whether test preferences depended on the amount of training. A total of 12 pigeons were trained on a pair of simultaneous discriminations, except that test sessions were scheduled after every three baseline sessions. Preferences increased across test sessions but were similar to those in Experiment 1. Together with Vasconcelos, Urcuioli, and Lionello-DeNolf (2007a), our study represents a second failure to replicate Clement et al.’s work ethic effect. The finding that preference depends on the event that initiates the test trial suggests that choice probes may not provide unambiguous assessments of stimulus value.  相似文献   

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