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Many reports of achievements in developments in new information technology in schools lament the, as yet, unfulfilled hopes that they will radically change education. Those involved in new information technology sometimes seem to imagine that the problems of change that they face are somehow unique and have not been faced by others who have set out to change the curriculum.[l] I shall argue that the view of curriculum change employed by many policy makers and by some of those charged with implementing policy is inadequate.[2] While some acknowledge the need to change attitudes and practices in schools, national programmes have often failed even to include teacher training elements, and few have addressed the school as a focus of change, although the classroom has been addressed. My argument is that a better awareness of the common issues of curriculum change may make individual changes such as envisaged by the advocates of new information technology more effective, or at least less painful! Further I urge for a focus on the school, rather than individual classrooms, for both support and research efforts.

In a previous paper I traced the development of technology education in general (McCormick, 1991), this being a curriculum area that has some overlap with information technology. There are parallels to be drawn with this case of development, indeed there is direct overlap, and I will seek to illustrate this. In arguing for a more sophisticated view of curriculum change I will not be suggesting easy policy or programme changes, nor seeking to explain the lack of impact of new information technology, rather I hope to encourage (as I said above) an emphasis on the school and new directions for research. To facilitate my argument I start with a consideration of curriculum change in general, as it relates to national education systems, then consider the case of curriculum change in technology education, and then give an overview of development strategies in the new information technologies.[3] I then apply the evidence from these three sections to the fourth when I deal with curriculum change in the new information technologies, and end the paper by considering the implications for curriculum development in the new information technologies.  相似文献   

Based on case studies of China and Japan, this study undertakes comparative research on major aspects of university curriculum and instruction-teaching activities of academics, their role in curriculum development, and their perceptions of these activities—between a mass and a universal higher education system. Major findings from the APA (Academic Profession in Asia) surveys administered in the two countries in 2011–2012 with a similar questionnaire provide hard data. However, the study also explores other contextual factors and drivers which might have affected the teaching activities undertaken by academics, their involvement in curriculum development, and their views of relevant activities. The paper argues that, although differences can be found in some aspects of the curriculum and instruction and academics’ participation in these activities during the shift from the mass to universal phase of higher education, seen from the two case studies, it is less clear that the differences show the impact of transforming from mass to universal education. The national contextual factors, especially the origins of higher education and ongoing national policies in both countries, appear to play a significant role in how current academics perceived the curriculum development and instruction, and their participation in these activities. More importantly, as fundamental changes do not necessarily occur in all aspects of the curriculum and instruction, as well as the academics’ views across universal and mass higher education systems, Trow’s research can only be partly applied to the analysis of the curriculum and instruction in both countries.  相似文献   

随着电算化信息系统技术的不断发展,在高等职业教育的会计类专业中,有关会计电算化课程的教学方式和教学手段,与以往相比已经发生了较为深刻的更新与变化,同时也出现了一些新的问题。文章从会计电算化教学实践出发,对此进行了深入的分析并提出相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe the effect of the curricular reforms introduced in Latin America in the 1990s. Special emphasis is placed on the Argentine case. Therefore, this work initially makes a historical synthesis of the curricular policies in the region, from the creation of modern education systems by the end of the nineteenth century, up to the present. Secondly, the proposals for education reforms during the 1990s are put forward, with an emphasis on the Argentine experience. The search for some degree of decentralisation of the curricular policies and, at the same time, the emergence of centralised systems of educational assessment, are the issues treated in this section. Lastly, the work discusses the concrete effects that the reform policies have had in the Argentine case. The central hypothesis is that far from a decentralisation of decision-making responsibilities in terms of curriculum, the system is hyper-regulated as a consequence of the interaction of several factors, many of which are related to the centralised tradition which has characterised the development and management of curriculum in most countries in the region.  相似文献   

This paper describes development and delivery of the curriculum for a four-year undergraduate program in applied Information Sciences which comprises all the aspects of information systems security. After the first generation of students graduated in 2008, the program was evaluated by using multiple methods, including an exploration of the challenges and successes the program underwent in the process. By reflecting on the established need for such a program and how it evolved historically, the authors set up a baseline for comparing this program with other related programs in the field as well as with known information systems security curriculum models. While this curriculum continues to be modified in response to requirements from the job market and input from industry experts, some challenges for the program remain, such as scarcity of qualified instructors to ensure seamless program delivery, having students with varied educational backgrounds in the same class, and underrepresentation of females. Program curriculum details and useful experiential conclusions are also provided.  相似文献   

"信号与系统"课程教学中的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"信号与系统"是电子信息类专业的一门核心基础课,为了有效地上好该课程,需要进行教学改革。一方面,要组织好教学内容;另一方面,要针对教学内容采用相应的合适的教学方法。为此我们进行了教学改革,教学实践的结果表明我们的改革是有效的,本文总结了我们在教学过程中的几点思考。  相似文献   


Teachers and educationalists working together in curriculum development is still rather unusual. The article reports on a project of collaborative curriculum development and uses it as a case‐study that reveals more general insights. The authors describe and interpretatively analyse collaborative curriculum development as the encounter of different professional knowledge systems. This encounter implies certain tensions and specific difficulties, but at the same time it offers rich opportunities to benefit from the ‘complementary competence’ of the different collaborating professionals. The authors conclude that collaborative curriculum development not only improves the quality of the curriculum outcomes, but at the same time constitutes a powerful means for teachers' professional development. The article is intended to contribute to a more balanced understanding of collaborative curriculum development, by explicitly describing its positive potential and its eventual pitfalls.  相似文献   

This article presents a linear-analytical case study on the development of ICT within the educational systems of Chile and South Korea. Through a comprehensive meta-data analysis and bibliographic review, we collected information on both educational systems and their ICT adoption policies. Key differences necessary to understand how both countries have developed their educational systems by integrating ICT were analyzed, including the educational system structure, the organization of state entities responsible for educational ICT, cultural characteristics, the creation of policies regarding ICT in education, and the effectiveness of such policies for the expansion of infrastructure and the ICT curriculum integration. We analyze these key differences in order to understand two cases of ICT integration initiatives on a national level, so that we might better understand the primary factors that influence successful ICT integration, as well as those that may hinder progress in this area.  相似文献   

为了掌握我国信息技术与物理课程整合研究的现状和发展动态,促进整合的良性发展,运用文献计量法、内容分析法以及统计分析法,对中国知网上收录的近十年的相关文献进行了比较研究。经过分析表明,我国信息技术与物理课程整合的研究内容主要集中在理论探讨、案例分析方面,研究有待在实践探索和评价方面加强;信息技术与物理课程整合的研究队伍主要集中在师范类高校,且东西部发展不均衡,缺少交流,可以通过远程教育为中西部地区提供培训和资源方面的支持;信息技术与物理课程整合的基金课题项目很少,主要是缺少相关政策的支持;研究方法比较单一且偏重于理论思辨,在以后研究过程中应引入系统科学的思维方式,在理论研究的基础上加强实证研究和探索新的整合模式,使研究方法朝着多样化方向发展;信息技术与物理课程整合中缺少对教师的心理关注,可以通过人性化的心理培训加强教师的自我效能感。  相似文献   

This study forms part of a wider comparative research project investigating the mechanisms and outcomes of school-based curriculum (SBC) development in kindergartens between the two neighbouring cities of Hong Kong and Shenzhen, under the umbrella of ‘one country, two systems’. This comparison will help to clarify how sociocultural contexts may affect early childhood curriculum (ECC) innovations by comparing the kindergartens of socialist and capitalist China. Data are presented from qualitative case studies of four kindergartens—two in each city—corresponding to the three levels of curriculum analysis and comparison: intended curriculum, implemented curriculum and curriculum ideology. Comparative analyses revealed that the SBCs of the four cases were different but all tended to balance and integrate diverse approaches in terms of curricular and pedagogical practices. The commonalities of SBCs in Hong Kong and Shenzhen kindergartens were due to shared cultural values, propelled by both ‘modernization’ and Chinese traditions, while the unique characteristics of SBC practices in each society were shaped by different social contexts. The educational philosophy of progressivism has greatly influenced ECC innovations in the Chinese kindergartens to varying degrees and in different ways. Implications of this comparative study are also presented for future research and practice.  相似文献   

个体获取信息、应用加工信息的能力不但是评价其综合素质的一项重要指标,而且被看作是信息时代每个社会成员的基本生存能力。这体现在课程上,信息技术与课程的整合便是对信息时代的回应。但在整合过程中出现了"整合"概念偏狭、由"讲授"走向"演示和播放"的偏向、"整合"目的未整合的误区。解决这些误区的对策是加强理论学习,明确整合内涵、探索整合模式,优化整合过程、实现有效整合,达至目标双赢。  相似文献   

讨论了用交互效应矩阵理论与方法分析课程之间关系的算法,在此基础上给出了一个操作性强、可用于指导实际课程体系编制与课程管理的改进算法,通过对某高校计算机专业课程之间的关系分析,发现了针对该类课程的更简化的改进算法.探讨了反映课程关系的支撑指数与依赖指数两个重要参数.该研究及改进算法为课程体系的编制、特别是高校教务部门的课程管理提供了一种思路和方法.  相似文献   

我国高校在课程资源开发利用方面存在着教学时空封闭、教学手段单一、人文精神缺失等弊端。作为课程资源开发主体的高校教师,可以探索从以下几方面开发课程资源:转化教师的科研成果以拓展课程资源的深度;把学生作为课程资源开发的合作者以开发他们经验结构中业已存在的资源;寻找课程资源的原初形式以建设案例库。  相似文献   

民族地区"信息管理与信息系统"专业建设发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为适应人才市场需要,目前多数高校都开设了“信息管理与信息系统”专业,作为一个新专业,我们必须清楚地认识和分析该专业的办学特点和优势,结合地区社会经济的发展,认真分析专业办学思路,制定合理的课程体系,才能促进该专业健康良性发展。本文对民族地区该专业的办学思路、课程体系构建等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the development of an engineering curriculum for a new industrial engineering programme at a medium-sized private university in the northeast United States. A systems engineering process has been followed to design and develop the new curriculum. Considering the programme curriculum as a system, first the stakeholders have been identified, and some preliminary analysis on their needs and requirements has been conducted. Following that, the phases of conceptual design, preliminary design, and detailed design have been pursued during which different levels of validation, assessment, and evaluation processes have been utilised. In addition, a curriculum assessment and continuous improvement process have been developed to assess the curriculum and the courses frequently. The resulting curriculum is flexible, allowing the pursuit of accelerated graduate programmes, a second major, various minor options, and study-abroad; relevant, tailored to the needs of industry partners in the vicinity; and practical, providing hands-on education, resulting in employment-ready graduates.  相似文献   

盐城市第一小学近年来在校本课程体系上作了初步的研究和探索。进行了国家课程校本化、校本课程系列化的探索与实践,初步形成了以“四色文化”、“智慧数学”、“语文三轨教学”、“快乐足球”等为主要内容的具有学校自身特色的校本课程体系。在此过程中,教师的专业素养得到了全面提升。  相似文献   

信息技术与课程整合是我国新世纪基础教育课程改革的新视点。文章采用内容分析法对2000年至2008年间核心期刊中关于信息技术与课程整合的论文进行了分析,梳理了信息技术与课程整合的发展脉络,发现了研究工作中存在的问题,并为后续研究提供建议。  相似文献   

随着教育信息化的深入,博客作为一种新型的交流媒体被引入到课程教学,给个人学习、教学与管理等提供了新的发展思路。开放教育课程体系强调学生自主学习为主,教师引导为辅,在教师、学生、资源、平台的四维互动中,形成良好的交互作用。基于此,从课程博客的构建、模式和具体案例应用三个方面,对开放教育课程博客进行探讨,并对在开放教育课程教学管理过程中,如何运用好这一技术应做的几方面工作进行了一定的总结。  相似文献   

农村中小学校本课程开发需要课程政策、学校教育哲学与办学理念、教师专业发展、课程资源、行政支持、家长与社区参与六大方面的条件。从山西省农村中小学校本课程开发的支持系统的情况看,现在的农村中小学学校教育哲学与办学理念不符合校本课程开发的要求;师资水平堪忧,没有开发校本课程的能力;农村地区潜在的课程资源丰富但开发能力欠缺;校本课程开发缺乏行政支持;家长与社区不支持校本课程。因此,农村中小学要开发有效的校本课程,需要改变学校的办学理念,加强师资培训,加大行政支持力度,促进家长与社区的参与。  相似文献   

OECD发布学习框架2030致力于构建新的学习生态系统,它在原有关键能力的基础上提出新的关键能力,同时将学生学习与发展的研究从点到面,扩展至同伴、教师、父母、社区等多个社会支持体系。其核心理念是主体性,包括学生主体性和合作主体性,即充分发挥各利益相关者的协同作用,共同促进学生的学习与发展。作为OECD学习框架2030的应用案例,葡萄牙国家课程改革项目使用综合性的学生能力界定、坚持精简课程的设计理念与自主灵活的实施方式,在促进学生能力发展和学校改进方面取得较好成效。从价值立场、逻辑假设和实践应用等方面对该框架进行反思有助于我们的深入理解。  相似文献   

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