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为了解家长对幼儿使用电子产品的态度,研究者采用自编问卷对重庆市158位幼儿家长进行问卷调查。结果发现:家长认为电子产品的主要缺点是会使幼儿视力下降.对其内容的适宜性不够重视;对幼儿使用电子产品,家长主要特权威观念。即可以适当满足,但必须严格控制;在幼儿使用电子产品时。家长的有效陪同行为较少;家长对幼儿使用电子产品所采取的措施类型主要为鼓励型、限制型与监督陪同型。这表明可能存在家长忽视时内容的监督,家长缺乏必要的自我约束。家长错误采用"保姆型"和"奖惩型"教育措施等问题。  相似文献   

谦让行为是幼儿的亲社会行为之一,是促进幼儿与他人良好互动的重要途径。研究者选取了武汉市某一幼儿园大班幼儿为研究对象,利用观察法与访谈法,重点考察了大班幼儿谦让行为数量、谦让者性别、谦让对象、谦让行为动机、谦让行为主题内容、表现方式等,进一步整理分析发现大班幼儿的谦让行为呈现如下特点:幼儿谦让行为的动机以非功利型为主;幼儿谦让行为的主题内容以玩具谦让为主;由女孩发起的谦让明显多于由男孩发起的谦让;幼儿谦让行为主要发生在关系较为亲密的同性同伴之间;幼儿谦让行为表现方式以非言语型为主。影响幼儿谦让行为的因素主要有幼儿自身因素、活动因素、教师因素。据此,研究者提出促进幼儿谦让行为发展的相关建议。  相似文献   

幼儿期是培养人良好的行为习惯的最佳时期。幼儿良好的行为易于塑造,不良的行为易于矫正。然而,教育者必须采用正确的教育方法,才能做到这一点。西方幼儿教育家和心理学家提出了几种改善幼儿行为的方法,值得借鉴。这些方法包括行为矫正法、示范法、心理动力法、疏导法和生态法。  相似文献   

<正>爱是一种崇高的内心体验,学会爱,是让社会更加和谐美好,也是幼儿做社会人的基础,五至六岁的孩子正处于"自我中心"的阶段,如何去重视对幼儿关爱行为的培养与研究?通过实践,采用以下策略:通过集体教育,培养幼儿关爱行为;借助游戏,观察鼓励幼儿的关爱行为;利用亲子活动、节日等培养幼儿关爱行为;在生活中,随机培养幼儿的关爱行为。只有这样,孩子才会主动去关爱他人、周围生活、社会环境,萌发初步的小主人意识。让"爱"的协奏曲更嘹亮响起来!  相似文献   

2~3岁是幼儿饮食行为形成的重要阶段。幼儿饮食行为的形成与家长喂养行为有着密不可分的关系。研究者采用问卷法对北京市城区359名2~3岁幼儿的饮食行为与家长喂养行为进行调查。结果表明:2~3岁幼儿已经表现出一些不良饮食行为,包括:吃饭不专心独立、吃饭慢、爱吃零食、挑食、爱喝饮料,这其中尤其以吃饭慢最为突出;家长使用最多的策略是平衡膳食型喂养和积极反应型喂养,较少使用放任型喂养和工具型喂养;家长喂养行为对幼儿饮食行为有显著影响,不同类型的喂养行为产生的影响也不同。尽早培养幼儿良好的饮食行为习惯,选择科学适宜的喂养行为是改善幼儿饮食行为和家长喂养行为的重要途径。  相似文献   

现在的幼儿大多都是独生子女,在"六带一"的教养下,幼儿普遍存在着一些诸如任性、攻击性行为、不合群、不善合作分享等心理问题。《指南》中指出:健康是指人在身体、心理和社会适应方面的良好状态。幼儿园应该为幼儿营造温暖、轻松的心理环境,引导幼儿行为、疏导幼儿心理,让幼儿不良心理夭折在萌芽期,使每位幼儿都能健康快乐地成长。都说,不读书的孩子不会怎么样,但读了书的孩子一定会不一样:他们的心灵会充盈起来,他们的眼睛里会多一些亮晶晶的东西,他们的脑子里会多几个问号,他们的脸上会多几丝笑容……阅读,在孩子的心理萌芽期有着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

为综合评价我国幼儿攻击性行为研究干预效果,进一步探究幼儿攻击性行为干预的调节因素,以"幼儿攻击性行为干预""幼儿冲突行为干预""幼儿欺负行为干预"为检索策略,运用Reva Man 5.3软件对我国幼儿攻击性行为干预实验结果进行元分析,并分析干预方式、干预对象、干预时间、测量工具等调节因素对干预效果的影响(纳入26个独立效应量,N=875)。结果表明:我国幼儿攻击行为干预整体上达到中等强度效果量〔SMD=-0.77,95%CI(-0.91,-0.62),P<0.000 1〕;行为干预比游戏干预更有效;干预时长与干预效果存在动态的关系;以家庭为对象的干预方式效果优于直接作用于幼儿的干预方式;测量工具的差异会对研究结果产生一定影响。  相似文献   

科学有效地幼小衔接可以帮助幼儿顺利过渡到小学。幼儿园大班教师可以在行为方式上帮助幼儿独立自主,指导家长辅助教师提高幼儿专注力,疏导情绪并引导幼儿形成集体观念,通过实地参观互动帮助幼儿形成入学期待。  相似文献   

受"全面二孩"生育政策影响,我国出现了"独生""准二孩""二孩"三种不同的家庭结构。为探索家庭结构的变化对幼儿亲社会行为意向的影响,本研究以6岁幼儿作为被试,运用艾森伯格亲社会道德两难情境范式,分别考察来自"独生""准二孩""二孩"家庭的幼儿在助人、合作、分享等亲社会行为上的意向表现,结果发现6岁幼儿的亲社会道德推理水平处于他人需求取向阶段,亲社会行为意向整体较高,其中助人意向最突出,其次是合作与分享;6岁幼儿的亲社会行为意向不存在性别差异;来自"独生"和"准二孩"家庭的幼儿的亲社会行为意向高于"二孩"家庭的长子女,可见家庭结构的变化会影响幼儿的亲社会行为意向。政府应为"全面二孩"生育政策启动全方位的家庭服务支持策略;幼儿园应大力开展亲职教育和同胞教育;家长应重视幼儿的家庭角色地位,把握"准二孩"家庭结构过渡阶段的教育契机,提高长子女照料二孩的参与度,发挥幼儿同胞竞争意识的正向作用。  相似文献   

以304名3-6岁幼儿家长为研究对象,通过结构方程模型方式构建幼儿进餐行为主体性(简称"主体性")与家长饮食营养教育行为(简称"教育行为")、家长对幼儿进餐行为的态度和评价(简称"态度和评价")以及家长自身饮食营养知识态度和行为(简称"知识态度行为")的关系模型,结果发现,教育行为对主体性产生显著的直接影响,其效果值为0.670;态度和评价可直接地或通过教育行为间接地对主体性产生影响,其总的影响力是0.710;知识态度行为通过三条途径间接地对主体性产生总效果值为0.533的影响力。三个预测变量,即教育行为、态度和评价以及知识态度行为,能联合解释主体性76%左右的变异量。因此,本研究认为成人是幼儿进餐行为主体性养成的重要支持者,幼儿自身则是幼儿进餐行为主体性发展的真正力量;作为幼儿生活中重要他人的成人,只有将自己的外在影响建立在幼儿生理需要和心理因素等基础上,帮助幼儿将这些外在影响转移或内化为幼儿自身内在的心理结构,才能在幼儿进餐行为主体性养成中发挥应有的积极引导作用。  相似文献   

This paper reviews an extensive sampling of the international literature on child abuse. The paper focuses on: (1) where the international research on child abuse is being conducted; (2) similarities and differences in definitions of abuse and violence; (3) the types of research methods and theoretical models used to study abuse; and (4) what we currently know about child abuse in other countries. The paper concludes with a discussion of how we can advance our understanding of child abuse by pursuing cross-cultural research. Awareness of child abuse, internationally, varies a great deal, often depending on the political, social, economic, and cultural milieu of the country. Also, despite noticeable trends within countries, the research techniques and theoretical models used to guide scientific investigations vary considerably from one country to the next. For these reasons, one must draw conclusions about the patterns, causes, and extent of child abuse around the world very tentatively. There is much variation as to the likelihood of children being abused, although western, industrialized nations report the highest rates of abuse. Explanations for the variation of child abuse from one country to the next emphasize cultural differences in attitudes towards, and values placed on children, and the cultural appropriateness of using violence as a means of social control.  相似文献   

称呼语一般是单独使用的、有定的,但称呼语因其所体现出来的人际关系温度计的作用,又使得它最富有创造性、最具灵活性。在这方面,“我的+称呼语”就表现出了一些颇耐人寻味的特点,它在具体的人际交往中体现了4种类型的语用含义:彰显自我、讨好对方;责备与撮哄兼具;赞扬、套近乎;厌烦、埋怨。  相似文献   

称呼语一般是单独使用的、有定的,但称呼语周其所体现出来的人际关系温度计的作用,又使得它最富有创造性、最具灵活性。在这方面,"我的 称呼语"就表现出了一些颇耐人寻味的特点,它在具体的人际交往中体现了4种类型的语用含义:彰显自我、讨好对方;责备与撮哄兼具;赞扬、套近乎;厌烦、埋怨。  相似文献   

早期干预是听力障碍幼儿康复成功的关键因素之一。该文从个案研究的角度,报告了一例成功的听力障碍幼儿早期干预的案例。研究结果表明,根据设定的阶段目标分步骤地对听力障碍幼儿进行早期干预是有效的。研究同时发现,尽早干预,在干预过程中充分利用游戏的价值,充分发挥同伴、家长的作用对听力障碍幼儿早期干预的成败意义重大。  相似文献   

Professionals who make decisions in child abuse cases often deny that their decision-making has a moral basis, claiming that they have a “non-judgmental” attitude, and that they only make decisions in the “interests” of their clients, reaching their conclusions on an assessment of the circumstances. This paper considers the implications of this for practice, and particularly for the ways in which cases are reported to the authorities. The study suggests that the general public are reluctant to report cases to the authorities, or even to suggest that professionals should intervene in an authoritarian way. This may arise from suspicion, often in effect justified, that the child will be removed and placed in an institution. Normally the decision to remove a child from home is taken in two stages: first professionals decide whether a child has been abused or whether he is in acute danger of being so; only if this is so can the second decision be taken, namely whether to remove the child or offer some less drastic form of help. This paper is primarily concerned with the first issue and with forms of abuse which are not in themselves life-threatening. Five types of criteria are considered for determining whether child abuse has taken place and the implications for each for public perception of professionals and for practice. The types are: legal, social norms, professional expertise, client subjectivity and no criteria. All present difficulties and may sometimes be in conflict with one another. The paper argues for standards to be clearer, criteria more available and for a shift of resources from therapy to education.  相似文献   

This article reports on a case study of a young child (aged five) at a very early stage of his journey as a writer, evidencing ‘pre-alphabetic tendencies’, who has not yet internalised the construction of his name. Analysis of a ‘baseline’ piece of Daniel's writing demonstrates his awareness that the production of random letters conveys a simple message. However, Daniel does not recognise yet the relationship between spoken language and the corresponding grapheme–phonemes. At present he is not making the connections between his aural, oral and visual concepts of how words as text are constructed. In addressing the development of early years writing, the practitioner should be aware of the learning needs of the child as the child develops as an emerging writer in a highly complex problem-solving activity. The complexity of the structural and developmental processes needed to become a writer requires that the child is taught not within a predominantly whole-class structure with its demands for completion within fast-paced time limits. The emerging writer requires sustained recursive opportunities to engage with the experiences, which take the child from the steps of ‘mark making’ to the abstractions of written composition. The decision was made to use the strategy of socio-dramatic play as the framework for the intervention with Daniel. The use of a play/literacy connection (socio-dramatic play) serves to unlock and support the child's writing/spelling development. The child is being supported in his development by the teacher strategically easing the cognitive load, i.e. in this case, through scribing for the child.  相似文献   

The most serious decision taken in child abuse cases is to formally separate the child and the family. There has been concern that the criteria for making these decisions should be made explicit. The consequences of the separation for the child, family, and society is one set of reasons for this concern. Another is that with the increasing number of cases being reported, there is a need for reliable, consistent, and efficient decisions across cases. This paper operationally defines a set of indicators for the separation decision. One hundred fifty-two cases of suspected child abuse from the Royal Children's Hospital were coded in terms of the indicators and the outcome of the case. The outcome was the court's decision to separate the child. The study investigated whether and in what way these indicators were related to the separation outcome. In addition the perceived risk to the child was operationally defined, and the relationship of the indicators and the court's decision to perceived risk was studied. Statistical analysis of the data showed that the indicators most associated with the separation outcome were severity of abuse, parenting, and the family social system. Two important implications for practice are that information on explicit indicators should be recorded for cases, and that they can provide a base for training of new child protection workers.  相似文献   

依据Trudgill等人的社会语言学理论,采用定量定性分析方法对电视连续剧《妯娌的三国时代》的对话进行分析,探讨婚姻中女性抱怨言语行为的差异。结论得出婚姻中女性的抱怨言语行为与社会地位、家庭角色、受教育程度、成长环境等社会因素密切相关;抱怨言语行为的差异反映了婚姻中女性之间不同的心理特征和心理需求,以及不同的价值观。  相似文献   

南京市砺志实验小学由三所薄弱小学合并、发展为受老百姓欢迎的省级实验小学,得益于学校坚持开展培养儿童砺志品质的校本研究。为了每位儿童,是砺志教育的生成基点,走向自我教育,是文化立校的目标取向。学校总结出儿童砺志的“六方面文化特质”和“六项引导与行动策略”,努力为儿童的一生成长播下“砺志文化”之种。  相似文献   

This paper draws on longitudinal data to examine the extent to which parents’ educational expectations shape academic development and changes in self-concept among young people with different types of disability. The analysis is based on the Growing Up in Ireland longitudinal study, which tracked 7423 children between the primary to secondary school years, 21% of whom were identified with one of four main disability types. Our conceptual framework assumes that parental expectations at age 9 will be influenced by both the child’s disability and child’s academic achievement at that stage, as well as being influenced by other factors such as parent’s own education, family economic vulnerability, family relationships and family structure. Therefore, we take these factors into account in tracing the consequences of parental expectations at age 9, on academic and social outcomes at age 13 after the transition to secondary education. Among young people with a disability, poorer self-concept at age 13 is partly explained by lower parental expectations, particularly for those with general learning and emotional/behavioural disabilities. Similarly, parental expectations are a significant influence on children’s academic outcomes and partly explain the effects of disability status on academic development. Parents’ beliefs about their children’s abilities have a strong influence on achievement and self-concept, raising important issues around the need to promote equality of opportunity, raising awareness of the educational opportunities available, promoting positive expectations and engagement with school and the importance of promoting a range of opportunities for achievement.  相似文献   

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