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本研究主要采用定性的方式,首先通过搜索引擎遍历辽宁各民族自治县的民族类网站,并记录每个网站的基本信息和特点,然后对个别网站管理部门进行问卷调查。最后综合两方面信息,梳理出民族类网站的特点:种类丰富,数量较少;民族特色较为浓郁,努力在网站框架中营造地域文化时空;政府主办的网站优于民间;个别地区发展缓慢,以及存在的问题:部分网站同质化现象严重;缺少强有力的总体规划;缺乏优秀的专业化团队;对与其他媒体联合体,态度不一。  相似文献   

何彬 《文化遗产》2008,(1):71-79
本文例举海外节日文化的两类事例,从不同角度阐述节日民俗与文化认同的关系。第一部分以海外华侨华人的事例,论述传统年节习俗与民族文化认同的关联,民族传统节日、传统节日食物与海外华侨华人的民族向心力的关联;第二部分通过分析日本传统节日今昔变迁的事例①,阐述传统节日习俗蕴含的民族文化教育功能。作者认为,传统的节日习俗行为和与之相配套的节日食物具有培育民族文化认同意识的无可替代的、巨大的潜在型教育功能。笔者欲通过两类海外事例的阐述和分析,指出传统的文化习俗的教育机能与民俗学研究的社会意义、现实意义以及民俗学者的使命所在。  相似文献   

新华社每天播发的国际、国内新闻稿件达数百篇,其中政治类、经济类、军事类、社会类、文化类等等,可谓包罗万象,除了关乎中央精神和国家政策的重要稿件,以及国际重大新闻事件等必登稿件外,作为地方报纸还有相当大的选编余地。我认为选编稿件时应把握住为读者服务,为地方所用这一原则。“他山之石可以攻玉”。借鉴国外的先进经验为地方服务,这就要求编辑准确把握新华社稿件,了解时代需要、群众需要,结合地方实际,细选精编国际新闻,使其为地方经济发展和群众生活服务。《陕西日报》在  相似文献   

文化是一个民族的灵魂和标志,一个没有文化、没有信仰的民族是可怕的。文化报道是一个与读者有着广泛联系的领域,拥有广大的读者群。加强文化报道,提高党报党刊稿件的可读性,已成为当前媒体竞争的一个重要方面。党报党刊如何搞好文化报道?本文试图就这一问题进行一些总结和思考。  相似文献   

随着报业市场竞争的日益激烈,都市报的特征也成为各报相继追逐的目标之一。而在都市报的诸多特征当中,文化新闻与娱乐新闻的偏重变化是其中主要的特征之一。那么,在研究都市报的特征,在探讨今后办报方向中,文化类内容的新闻制作应该是怎样一种走向时,对文化新闻和娱乐新闻做一下定性分析,还是有好处的。 笔者从事文化新闻和娱乐新闻的报道工作,从工作的实践当中经常要考虑“文化”与“娱乐”的区别,以求对稿件的处理有章可循。从实践中摸索总结出几种分类的原则,但是从传统思维的角度来说,我现在采用的对这二者区分的方法,只能…  相似文献   

<正>作为一种独特的报道形式,文化类深度报道在其创作技巧和表现手法上也有独特之处。四川《自贡日报》文化周刊推出的文化类深度报道封面版稿件,主要以“大文化副刊”的视觉,聚焦文化现象、反映文化事件、报道文化人物、介绍文化遗存,以此来折射当代自贡人对历史和文化的深刻认识、体验与反思,具有十分明显的文化意味。它有利于地域形象的塑造,有利于弘扬历史文化的恒久魅力,强化人类命运的共通感,引发人们对于文化的向往;也是让外界通过文字、图片认识一座城市或地区的途径。  相似文献   

我国的新闻事业正在发生着显著而深刻的变革,出现了八个方面的重大转变。1.由偏重自上而下的指导式报道向平等、开放的信息报道转变。2.由偏重结论性报道向注重过程性报道转变。3.由浓郁的地域、行业自守观念向突破条块分割、打破时空界限、强化信息集纳能力转变。4.由偏重政治、经济报道向政治、经济、文化(广义的文化,不仅指文化娱乐,也包括风土人情、名士传奇、内幕、世俗流变)和社会新闻并重转变。5.由满足于发通稿、处理常规新闻向注重独家采访新闻转变。6.由报道模式单一、互相重复和自我重复向注重报道形式的创新,注重报道艺术的变化转变。7.由不得渲染个人作用的集体办报向注重编采个性发挥,注重主持名人化、明星化转变。8.报道稿件在文风上,由模式、公文写作向美  相似文献   

分析新疆出版业图书选题存在的问题,指出新疆具有浓郁的地域特色和丰富的民族文化资源,图书选题策划应当充分发挥地域特色和资源优势,着力策划民族语言类、非物质遗产类、“一带一路”类选题,繁荣区域文化,打造有新疆特色的民族出版业。  相似文献   

加强民族语言、文化类出版物的数字化建设,可以为我国得天独厚的民族文化宝藏提供智能化的服务,增强其传播效果、增进我国民族文化与世界的沟通与交流,进而提升中国多元文化的国际影响力.本文试图从应用的层面探讨数字出版建设对少数民族语言、文化类出版物的意义和作用.  相似文献   

新疆日报改进少数民族文字报纸新疆日报除汉文报外,还有维吾尔文报,哈萨克文报和蒙文报。这三种少数民族文字报注意根据本民族的读者需要改进宣传:一、针对本民族读者读物少,大都只看一张本民族文字报的情况,多登科学文化常识;二、针对维吾尔文、哈萨克文拼音字长,占版面比汉字多一倍的情况,特别要求消息、文章短而精,为此总编室还专门成立一个组精选精编要翻译的稿件;三、多  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):155-180
A much speculated about, but not fully validated, role of communication in acculturation was tested in this study. The relationships between three sociological variables—occupational status, ethnic network, and family—and acculturation level are explained in a communication framework. The validity of the theoretical framework was tested in the form of a path model. The results generally indicated that significant portions of the effects of the three exogenous variables on an immigrant's acculturation level are mediated by intercultural and ethnic communication activities. Facilitating effect of intercultural communication and damaging effect of ethnic communication were more noticeable in the advanced stage of immigration. The study also tested a procedure for assessing acculturation level based on the cultural distance between an immigrant's original culture and the culture being assimilated. The procedure uses two cultural criterion groups and discriminant analysis.  相似文献   

The article deals with changes in the reading habits of Estonians in recent years. It includes overviews of studies conducted since the 1960's and discusses the impact of the printed word on Estonian national culture. Factors influencing this impact include the Lutheran cultural heritage and the Estonians' ethnic homogeneity. The article's main emphasis is on changes since the transition to the market economy. Under the impact of mass media, reading has become more casual and less frequent. The number of traditionally large Estonian home libraries is diminishing, giving to public libraries a more significant role in the delivery of printed materials.  相似文献   


The article deals with changes in the reading habits of Estonians in recent years. It includes overviews of studies conducted since the 1960’s and discusses the impact of the printed word on Estonian national culture. Factors influencing this impact include the Lutheran cultural heritage and the Estonians' ethnic homogeneity. The article’s main emphasis is on changes since the transition to the market economy. Under the impact of mass media, reading has become more casual and less frequent. The number of traditionally large Estonian home libraries is diminishing, giving to public libraries a more significant role in the delivery of printed materials.  相似文献   


Trustworthiness is key in journalism, yet some journalists intentionally deceive their audiences by fabricating sources or inventing news stories altogether. Earlier research suggests that deceitful news articles have characteristics that are different from trustworthy news articles. We aimed to confirm and expand on the existing literature by examining the case of Perdiep Ramesar, an esteemed Dutch journalist until it was discovered in 2014 that sources were non-existing in 126 of his articles for national newspaper Trouw (“Fidelity”). Using content analysis, we searched for systematic differences in source use and presentation comparing Ramesar’s deceptive news articles with two same-sized sets of reliable articles, (1) articles on similar topics from other journalists and (2) articles with verifiable sources from Ramesar himself. Results indicate that compared to real news sources, fictitious sources are more often secondary definers, who are presented in more stereotypical ways and through more and longer direct quotations. Furthermore, negations and self-references occur more often in deceptive news articles.  相似文献   

In the second half of the 20th century, scientific research in physics, chemistry, and engineering began to focus on the use of large government-funded laboratories. This shift toward so-called big science also brought about a concomitant change in scientific work itself, with a sustained trend toward the use of highly specialized scientific teams, elevating the role of team characteristics on scientific outputs. The actual impact of scientific knowledge is commonly measured by how often peer-reviewed publications are, in turn, cited by other researchers. Therefore, how characteristics such as author team seniority, affiliation diversity, and size affect the overall impact of team publications was examined. Citation information and author demographics were reviewed for 123 articles published in Physical Review Letters from 2004 to 2006 and written by 476 scientists who used the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory's facilities. Correlation analysis indicated that author teams that were more multi-institutional and had homogeneous seniority tended to have more senior scientists. In addition, the analysis suggests that more mixed seniority author teams were likely to be less institutionally dispersed. Quantile regression was used to examine the relationships between author-team characteristics and publication impact. The analysis indicated that both weighted average seniority and average seniority had a negative relationship with the number of citations the publication received. Furthermore, the analysis also showed a positive relationship between first-author seniority and the number of citations, and a negative relationship between the number of authors and the number of citations.  相似文献   

Surveys of academic staff in six universities in the UK provide insights for publishers into scholarly article and book reading patterns of academics and differences based on personal characteristics of readers. These surveys were part of the 2011 UK Scholarly Reading and the Value of the Library Study funded by JISC Collections and based on studies conducted by Tenopir and King since 1977. Scholarly articles, especially those obtained from the library's e‐journal collections, are a vital part of academic work. Reading patterns of books are quite different than articles; books most often come from personal print collections. Book readings are still important for research and teaching, however, especially for humanists. Academics come into contact with multiple sources of information every day and therefore, convenience and easy access are important factors. Knowing more about academic reading patterns helps publishers and librarians design more effective journal systems and services now and into the future.  相似文献   

创新论文属性界定及其审稿退修要则   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:16  
为提高对科研创新论文属性特点的认识,加强科技期刊对创新论文的编辑工作,结合审稿退修实践进行总结探讨。认为:创新论文具有交叉性、边缘性、前沿性的特点,评审难度高于一般论文;创新论文的初始性、开创性、首报性属性,使之存在一定程度的不完善和不成熟性。对此,评审应遵循科学发现的规律,重视文献查新,多方听取专家意见;掌握“严审宽发”的原则,合理分析结果资料,客观评价结论意义。坚持创新与质量并重、提高创新论文刊发质量和刊出比例、提升期刊的整体学术水平,是科技期刊工作的首要任务,也是科技期刊自身可持续发展的根本方向。  相似文献   

The paper presents a statistical and subjective review of the journal articles on various aspects of library and information services in Pakistan. Only the articles published in the journals outside Pakistan are included. Articles are selected from four abstracting services, i.e. LISA, ISA, LSA, and ERIC. Authorship characteristics of 97 articles are analysed and compared with the previous studies of LIS periodicals. Authorship details include collaboration, occupation, affiliation, and the author's country. Other publication details of the articles include year, language, journal, and the country of publication. The findings show that library science teachers write more than the other professionals and the most popular subject is the library and information science education. Library science faculty at Karachi University contributes more articles in international journals. The articles are mostly published in English language journals and in English speaking countries, i.e. UK and USA.International Information and Library Reviewpublished more articles on this topic. Problems in library research in Pakistan are discussed and recommendations are made. A brief review of the articles is given according to 16 major subjects. A bibliography of the articles reviewed is also compiled.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the characteristics of those who share news articles on social media influence the hostile media effect. In an experiment, participants read a news article shared by 1 of 4 Twitter users, 2 (Republican vs. Democrat) × 2 (21 vs. 503,000 followers). Consistent with the hostile media effect, both Republicans and Democrats believed that a news article shared by a Twitter user from an opposing political party was more biased than one shared by a Twitter user from the same political party. As the Twitter account had more followers, however, this effect was more prominent among Republicans and less prominent among Democrats.  相似文献   

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