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体现为教育服务特色办好大学出版社北京师范大学出版社□常汝吉北京师范大学出版社成立于1980年,是我国较早建立的高校出版社之一。15年来,在贯彻党和国家的出版方针,推动高校的社会主义精神文明建设;探索为学校教学、科研服务,致力国家教育类读物繁荣等方面曾...  相似文献   

研究型大学不仅在人才培养和科研工作中发挥着重要作用,而且在为政府提供决策咨询、推动社会进步中也发挥着重要的思想库作用。研究型大学的这种作用主要体现在丰富的人才、科研资源,浓厚的学术氛围以及在信息、学科、图书资料等方面具有的独特优势。因此,发挥研究型大学的独特作用,完善运行管理机制,强化自我完善意识,对加强政府思想库建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   

论大学的社会引导功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨科正 《高教论坛》2003,(5):12-13,22
随着知识经济时代的到来,大学的职能除教学、科研、社会服务外,其社会引导作用也日趋突出,这也是现代大学的责任和义务。因此,大学应树立科学远大的教育理念,更好地为人类社会的可持续发展服务。同时社会也应重视和发挥大学这方面的作用。  相似文献   

大学出版社是我国出版界的一支重要力量,其办社宗旨是为高校的教学、科研服务,大学出版社应立足于本交,面向高教事业,应服务于高校全体师生院为高校教学、科研提供多方面的服务。  相似文献   

研究型大学在江苏"高教强省"创建中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
江苏正经历从高教大省到高教强省的历史性发展时期。研究型大学不仅要在培养创新人才、提高学术地位、加速成果转化、直接服务社会和国际交流等方面,而且要在坚持教育创新、提高办学水平、保障教学质量等方面发挥率先和示范作用。研究型大学要集中力量优化学科与师资结构,提高教育质量与科研水平,要在高等教育大众化的平台上形成新的“精英教育”格局,成为真正的“高原上的山峰”。  相似文献   

针对我国大学科研管理泛行政化的趋向,本文提出构建以大学学术研究为服务内容,以为学术研究提供有效服务为职责,以实现教师学术发展为目标,以实现教师学术自由为特征的服务型科研管理模式的设想,并从树立以人为本理念、转变服务职能、正确处理行政权力和学术权力关系等方面探讨构建服务型科研管理模式的路径。  相似文献   

大学教师专业发展是时代发展的必然,从大学教师专业发展的三个方面“教学、科研和社会服务”来说,其关键是重新思考教学的意义,确立教学的学术地位,使它拥有与科研和社会服务同等的地位。在具体实践中,它需要加强理论研究,理清“教学学术”的内涵,并研究教学本身,将其应用于实践,以促进大学教师专业发展,最终促使大学教育质量的提高,推动我国高等教育的蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

论大学教师学术创新力基础内涵   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学教师在教育创新与创新型国家建设方面发挥着重要作用。大学教师创新力有其自身特定内涵,学术创新力是大学教师的核心创新力。学术创新力基础主要包括洞察想象能力、综合交叉能力、知识谱系能力、反思批判能力、学术自主能力、合作分享能力。  相似文献   

"以学生为中心"是开放大学办学的核心理念,更多地关注学生需求,满足学生发展需要是体现开放大学优质教学服务的根本。学生信息服务作为开放大学非学术支持服务的新职能,在推进开放大学改革、优化服务功能、提升支持服务水平等方面发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

大学心理服务是大学教育工作的重要组成部分。目前我国大学心理服务宏观管理体制在认识观念、机构体系建设、管理队伍专业化、管理政策与法律环境以及发展规划制定等方面还存在诸多问题。我国大学心理服务宏观管理体制改革需要明确主管部门的管理职能.制定和完善大学心理服务机构及人员的准入制度,健全大学心理服务专业评价与监督机制.充分发挥心理学专业学术组织在推动心理服务工作中的专业服务和引导作用。  相似文献   

随着高等教育的发展,大学教师专业发展在高等教育领域已然成为被关注的焦点。而教学学术的研究则为大学教师专业发展研究开辟了一个崭新的维度。在教学学术和教师专业发展的引领下可以有效推进教师的职业专业化、平衡大学教师教学与科研的矛盾关系、完善大学教师专业发展理论体系和外部评价环境。在基于教学学术的大学教师专业发展策略生成中应该着力于教学学术理念与教师角色、评价与激励制度、教师专业发展策略以及教师教学学术研究等方面的建设,可以促进教师教学学术水平的改善并且有效地提高大学的高等教育质量。  相似文献   

This article describes EXCEL, a program that encourages youth underrepresented in higher education to enroll in higher education, specifically at the sponsoring university. Eighty-three eighth grade students with GPA of B and above and standardized test scores at grade level or above were randomly assigned to the program or to a control group. The program guaranteed a scholarship to the sponsoring university and provided enrichment activities throughout high school. Program students were more likely to enroll at the sponsoring university than were control students. However, program and control students enrolled in higher education at rates that did not differ significantly. No differences were detected in self-esteem or high school GPA. Program students desired more education than control students. The results suggest that scholarship incentive and support programs that target average to above average achieving students in the eighth grade may not raise the overall number of aspiring minority youth attending college, but may be useful to specific universities to raise their minority enrollment.  相似文献   

新闻侵权的频频发生给高校新闻学教育提出了更高的要求,提高学生的法律素养势在必行。虽然,国家教育部门已将新闻法列为大学新闻学专业的必修课,但是,许多高校新闻学专业还没有足够重视新闻法课程的开设。文章论述了高校新闻学专业开设新闻法课程的必要性、重要性以及新闻法教学的主要内容和教学方法。  相似文献   

品德优良大学生是指品学兼优、自觉遵守社会主义道德准则和国家法律、具有良好道德行为习惯的大学生。学校教育的目的就是使更多的学生成为品学兼优者。因此,研究品德优良学生心理特点及其培养途径,是品德学习中的一项重要内容。  相似文献   

钱穆是中国现代著名的国学大师、教育家。他高度重视对中国传统教育思想的研究和实践,在西方高等教育思想占主流的背景下,他在教育实践中深刻地揭示了中国传统教育的精粹,即“为学与做人同属一事”,这是对知识(专业或学问)至上论的反动。在他看来,教育实际上是德育,更为确切地说应是“中国人”的教育,而新亚书院时期,是他实施这种教育的最重要时期。他认为培养一个真正的中国人,要进行使命教育、理想教育、人格教育、挫折教育、事业教育、师道教育。他的大学德育思想对克服当前大学德育中的弊端,提供了十分有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

The study presents information on why teacher educators in deaf education move from school classrooms to universities. These educators' priorities as university faculty are examined in regard to teaching, scholarship, and service; their scholarly productivity and perceptions of workplace conditions in school and university environments are studied. Findings show that these schoolteachers moved to higher education for various reasons, but primarily to pursue research and a scholarly life, and to have a greater influence on deaf and hard of hearing children and deaf education. As faculty, they are most interested in and committed to teaching; they publish at a modest rate. These educators perceive workplace conditions that support autonomy, flexible schedules, collegiality, and decision-making opportunities as more evident in university environments than in school environments. The researchers discuss the need for teacher educators in deaf education to pursue scholarly interests and to consider working with colleagues at the university and in schools to design collaborative research. Universities' need to support these efforts is also discussed.  相似文献   

This 2005 conference dialogue does not attempt to review the formidable A History of the University in Europe, 1800–1945 edited by Walter Rüegg. But it does use this magnificent piece of scholarship to open a discussion of the scholarship on the university, worldwide. The precipitating event was a book session at the Social Science History Convention in Portland, Oregon (2005). The participants are scholars of the higher education discourse and sought to reflect upon the conceptual patterns that have produced our higher education canon. They have found both foundational bedrock and time‐bound, limited assumptions about the ‘university’ in this volume’s 16 major essays. The central issue of this critique addresses the methodological problem of how another discourse, say, American higher education, might conceive a different version of the history of the university. In the course of the discussion the participants try to lay out the conceptual guidelines for a new history of higher education.  相似文献   

In contemplating about the quality of higher education needed for today, this paper reviews the changing concepts and expectations towards higher education. It does so by delineating the changing setting of the higher education sector, the changing understanding of scholarship, the changing economy that leads to the emergence of entrepreneurial university, and the growing globalization and internationalization of higher education. It concludes by suggesting an integrative role to be taken by the university that takes into account all the changing expectations towards higher education under new economic and social circumstances.  相似文献   

Faculty members at state-related comprehensive universities (SCUs) are ‘caught in the middle,’ caught between the demands of a research university model of higher education and other models such as that of the liberal arts or community colleges. They are caught in the ambiguity of not having determined their own identity. The SCUs are a major for?e in higher education that resulted from historical trends and the demands of parents, students, and state legislators for services. But the emerging form of these institutions has yet to complete its metamorphosis. During their transformation, the SCUs have emulated the high-status research universities as their own low status forced a search for an identity different from their origins, commonly as teachers colleges. The unfortunate consequence of the SCUs' quest for status has been low faculty satisfaction and additional loss of institutional self-esteem. Furthermore, an emphasis on published research has led to a disparagement of scholarship as it is manifested in teaching and service. As faculty members focus more on disciplinary research, their involvement with students and in university governance and other campus affairs diminishes. What can SCUs do? Five alternative approaches that SCUs could use to develop distinct identities appropriate to their constituencies are examined. The concept that connects these different approaches is ‘scholarship,’ in its traditional sense. A broader definition of scholarship could enable the SCUs to achieve excellence in ways not dictated by the research university model. There is some reason to hope that there is increasingly effective internal and external pressures for SCUs to develop and enact such distinctive identities.  相似文献   

教学学术是在大学教学不作为大学教师的工作重点的反思中提出来的,其根本旨趣在于通过教师的教学研究、合作交流、反思实践等活动促进学生的学习。为此,文章提出大学自身应采取相应的策略,为教师从事教学研究提供各种支持。目前,教学学术运动已轰轰烈烈地在国外大学展开,这将为我国大学教学学术运动提供理论和实践的指导。  相似文献   

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