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在西方性别研究的影响下,国内的性别研究呈现出蓬勃发展的势头,其中性别与传播的研究更是一枝独秀.性别与传播研究"以传播学和性别研究为理论基础,既是用社会性别的视角研究媒介、传播和大众文化,也是通过传播理论和文化研究的范式解读社会性别的发展".  相似文献   

代雅赤 《传媒》2018,(12):83-85
新闻传播学教育的供需矛盾日益突出,主要表现为高校培养的新闻传播学人才就业难与媒介化社会对传媒人才需求日益上升、用人单位猎寻优秀传媒人才难之间的矛盾.当前社会进入公共传播时代,传播关系由原来的强主体性特征转变为主体间性的对话关系,传播过程中的公共理念与公共精神成为基本的传播伦理要求,传播目标的公共利益取向日益突出.与之相对应,新闻传播学教育的公共传播范式转向成为必然,高校在培养新闻传播人才时应转换原来的"新闻传播"范式为"公共传播"范式.  相似文献   

发展传播学在二战结束后逐渐受到了西方学界的重视,并由欧美国家扩散到世界各地。亚洲地区为发展传播学的学术进步作出了重要贡献。本文梳理了近年来有关亚洲发展传播学的文献资料,从研究国别、研究议题、理论范式概括了亚洲发展传播研究的学术动态。从研究国别来看,南亚和东南亚地区的成果较为丰硕。从研究话题来看,经济发展的“软要素”、健康传播与公共卫生、性别平等与家庭生活、农业与农村发展、媒介技术与边缘化社区和传播的权力问题等议题是近年来学者们关注的主要对象。从理论范式来看,包括社会营销、娱乐教育、健康促进、参与式传播等主流理论范式仍然占据主导地位。亚洲地区既提供了丰富的发展传播实践案例,也在方法模型层面实现了创新,但在理论范式层面缺乏具有挑战“西方中心主义”的“亚洲中心的”理论群。  相似文献   

上世纪70年代中期,现象学和社会批判理论的引入促使了发展传播学向以参与式传播为中心的多元范式转型。随着资助主体及其关注重心的改变,发展传播学的研究焦点逐渐从个体变革转向社会变革,从信息扩散转向公民参与,从国家、国际转到社区,权力问题突显并日益中心化,发展传播的理论和实践呈现出多元策略聚合的态势。在此背景下,行动研究应成为当下中国发展传播学的研究和实践取向。  相似文献   

论拉扎斯菲尔德的传播学思想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由拉扎斯菲尔德创建的"两级传播理论"破除了"魔弹论",使深入探讨传播的效果及其机理成为可能,开创了以研究个人行为为研究重点和以定量分析为研究方法的传播学研究范式以及以大学为基础的研究机构的原型。由于最初的解释不够充分,"两极传播理论"也受到了一些研究者的批评。  相似文献   

21世纪下半叶以来,围绕着社会发展与传播学理论的关系进行讨论,是学者讨论的热点话题。各种各样关于二者的理论开始兴起,而发展传播理论是关于二者的理论范式。如今世界经济一体化,科学与技术开始向世界化模式发展,全球传播学领域逐步扩大。作为传播学的分支,发展传播学在全球化的大潮之下,自身的理论范式在不断地变换中,以适应社会发展的需要。站在全球化的角度来看,发挥大众传播的功能,如何将建设小康社会与大众传播学相结合,发挥传播媒介的作用,是本文需要阐述的。  相似文献   

本文以传播学理论为出发、以社会文化学的角度考察唐代诗歌与邮驿传播之间的交互及相生关系。以《全唐诗》、《唐会要》等文献为研究蓝本,探索邮驿系统在唐诗发生、传播等过程中的作用,即以传播学研究范式观照文学发生的物质载体及基础。  相似文献   

国际知名社会学家、英国兰卡斯特大学约翰·厄里教授致力于流动性理论研究,力图超越交通研究与社会研究之间的二元对立,探讨流动产生的资源和信息再分配以及社会差异。这涉及流动与非流动的关系、虚实空间的接合、流动的物质性等议题,此外还发掘流动与地域、性别、阶级、种族等因素之间的关系。本文通过对约翰·厄里“新流动范式”的细读和阐释,以及对戴维·莫利教授的半结构访谈,试图在不同理论的交光互影中探查新流动范式与传播物质性研究之间的隐显关系:一方面,新流动范式成为传播研究重返物质向度的理论支撑,建立超越媒体中心主义研究视角,拓展传播研究议程;另一方面,在交通学、社会学以及传播学等跨学科研究视角下,重新审视流动性理论与日常流动实践,使传播学研究与社会现实在更多问题上有桥接的可能,拓展传播研究新的面向。此外,厄里的流动性理论对传播学的影响也有赖于戴维·莫利、杰瑞米·帕克以及保罗·亚当斯等学者在这一过程中扮演连接者和转化者的角色。  相似文献   

认知传播跨越认知科学和传播学两大学科的知识系统,其理论建基于两大学科知识结构关系的耦合处,这种耦合体现于传播学在社会实践经验方面与认知科学自然科学知识体系中关注对象即主体人的心智活动这一交汇处,带来了当前传播学研究的"认知转向"以及认知科学研究的"传媒语境化"考量。当前广播电视研究面临现实层面和理论层面双重变革,认知传播理论体系作为一种方法路径,以本体理论、内部关系理论和外部关系理论三大框架予以广播电视理论研究整合视野,推动广播电视理论研究从传统偏重形而上转而突出广播电视本体的专业化分析,拓展广播电视理论研究的科学化空间。  相似文献   

传播学研究的物质性转向是在传播观念二元对立的学术背景下提出来的,它回应了传播学研究"重精神、轻物质"的学术反思,重塑了传播过程在社会系统中的连接与中介作用。本文基于芝加哥学派的经验哲学思想,把作为经验的传播作为本次研究的逻辑起点和理论预设,力图在二元对立的传播观念当中寻找一条中间路径,并据此来审视传播学研究物质性转向的底层架构、逻辑进路、范式转换与价值取向。传播学研究之所以要进行物质性转向,其根源在于走向先验的传播观念与社会现实之间出现了经验的断裂。传播学研究的物质性转向对原有的传播观念做出了实质性的改变,必然要在时空构造、现实图景与观念形态三个层面上经历漫长的逻辑进路,这也推动了传播研究不断从身份角色走向身体观照、从符号文本走向经验语境、从仪式参与走向群落生境、从秩序维系走向社会互动。传播学研究物质性转向对现实社会的潜在影响主要体现在它的价值取向中,具体表现为基于实在互动的建构主义、基于操作可控的实用主义和基于主体自觉的存在主义。  相似文献   

Gender categories and gender fluidity can be explicitly performed and demonstrated in sexually explicit media such as pornography. In this class lesson, a rhetoric/performance studies class on pornography focuses on trans* performers in scenes. A critical communication pedagogical approach is used to encourage dialogue and intersectional analyses of trans* identities and erotics in the scenes.

Courses: Media Studies, Porn Studies, Popular Culture, Critical/Cultural Communication, Gender in Communication, LGBTQ Studies in Communication, Sex Communication

Objectives: Students will (1) gain knowledge about gender identity, sexuality, and sex work; (2) increase their skills in critical thinking on the fluidity of gender and sexuality; and (3) demonstrate the capacity to be more attentive to trans issues in conversation.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(4):194-198
Courses: Media Studies, Gender and Communication, Communication Research Methodologies

Objectives: Students will develop a complex understanding of the critical/cultural media studies concepts of “polysemy” and “encoding/decoding” used in audience research and apply their knowledge of these theories in writing.  相似文献   

This self-reflexive activity acts as an introduction to how we talk about and express gender identity, as well as the assumptions we may have about gender identity norms and expression. The activity illuminates student’s subconscious behaviors and understandings of gender, pushing them to sit self-reflexively with their own understandings of gender as an identity, expression, binary, and potential locus of shame/freedom.

Courses: Introduction to Women and Gender Studies, Intercultural Communication, Media Studies, Gender and Communication, Performance Studies

Objectives: Designed to introduce students to their own understandings and embodiment of gender, this activity asks students to be honest about their preconceived notions regarding gender that they bring with them into the classroom. The activity utilizes predesigned components that test students’ subconscious knowledge of the gender binary. This is a one-time activity that can be conducted in one 50- or 75-minute class period.  相似文献   


Courses: Introduction to advanced classes in Media Studies, Women’s Studies, Gender Studies, Race, Communication, and Advertising.

Objectives: In this unit activity, students critically assess advertisements that co-opt female empowerment and then identify ways they can resist such strategies.  相似文献   

Recent debates between scholars representing political economy and cultural studies are reminiscent of exchanges between administrative and critical researchers in the 1970s and 1980s that produced no clearly opposing valuations undergirding their respective paradigms. Little real dialogue seems likely from the current debates between cultural studies and political economy, particularly as represented in the "colloquy" between them published in Critical Studies in Mass Communication. A close reading of that colloquy reveals stereotypes at work, which contrasts sharply with scholarship applying more integrative approaches, particularly the work applying critical research and theorizing on media artifacts, media institutions, and media audiences.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(4):304-308
Courses Health Communication, Gender Communication, Communication and Food, Communication and Diversity, Ethnography, Critical/Cultural Studies, or Qualitative Methods

  • Explain, assess, and critique the social, cultural, and political discourses related to food.

  • Analyze how communication about food reflects and influences issues of inequality.

  • Examine and alter damaging racist, sexist, and classist stereotypes of low income people and SNAP recipients.

  • Practice composing scholarship informed by communication theories and personal health behavior.


《Communication Teacher》2013,27(3):72-76
Objective and Course: To break down defensive barriers in the Gender Communication class so as to facilitate an open learning environment  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(3):141-145
Courses: Introduction to Communication, Gender and Communication, Rhetoric and Criticism, Intercultural Communication, Organizational Communication

Objectives: Students will develop a basic understanding of how femininity and masculinity are distinct, constructed, and culturally enforced. Students will investigate how gender roles are reinforced by children's games and toys.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(2):69-73
Objectives: Students will understand perception and apply step-by-step skills in a personally relevant way by rethinking taken-for-granted proverbs related to gender stereotypes

Courses: Gender and Communication, Intercultural Communication, Interpersonal Communication  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(4):100-104
Goal/Objective: The overall goal is to allow students to discuss their perceptions of sex and sex education, and realize the importance of these issues as a communicative topic within the family; students will identify and articulate their perceptions about, and experiences with, sex education in family communication interactions

Courses: This activity can be used primarily in Family Communication, but may apply in other applicable courses such as Gender Communication  相似文献   

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