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随着我国国民经济的发展和人民物质文化生活的不断提高,钢琴普及教育也迅速发展起来,学习钢琴的人数也在逐年增加,钢琴教学中的启蒙阶段直接影响学生今后的发展,幼儿钢琴教学是钢琴教学的基础,是钢琴教学的重点,如何运用现代教育理念采取科学的方法全面对幼儿进行启蒙教育,激发幼儿兴趣,必须有规整的教学理论体系,因为幼儿有其特殊的心理表现,所以幼儿钢琴教师必须熟悉儿童心理与教育。本文从幼儿的心理特点出发,浅显的归纳总结了启蒙教育理论在幼儿钢琴教学中的作用及其影响。并发表了自己对幼儿钢琴教学的见解。  相似文献   

论幼儿钢琴教学中的启蒙教育理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国国民经济的发展和人民物质文化生活的不断提高,钢琴普及教育也迅速发展起来,学习钢琴的人数也在逐年增加,钢琴教学中的启蒙阶段直接影响学生今后的发展,幼儿钢琴教学是钢琴教学的基础,是钢琴教学的重点,如何运用现代教育理念采取科学的方法全面对幼儿进行启蒙教育,激发幼儿兴趣,必须有规整的教学理论体系,因为幼儿有其特殊的心理表现,所以幼儿钢琴教师必须熟悉儿童心理与教育。本文从幼儿的心理特点出发,浅显的归纳总结了启蒙教育理论在幼儿钢琴教学中的作用及其影响。并发表了自己对幼儿钢琴教学的见解。  相似文献   

国内3-6岁幼儿钢琴教学已经逐步普及并迅速发展。作为钢琴基础教学的起点,幼儿钢琴教学对教师、教材、教学方法以及家长辅助有着独特的要求。文章从钢琴教学规律出发,结合幼儿身心发展的规律特点,阐述幼儿钢琴教学中的教师、教材、教学方法以及家长等问题,以探索激发幼儿钢琴教学潜能的途径。  相似文献   

钢琴教育在当前教育背景下是不少孩子和家长的选择,而钢琴教育又是一个专业性强、学习周期长的教学活动。如何培养幼儿学习钢琴兴趣成为了教师和家长关心的问题。本文主要从幼儿缺乏兴趣的几点原因进行分析,提出幼儿培养钢琴兴趣的几点意见,通过选择合适的教材、创造良好音乐氛围、注重课堂教学质量与效果等各方面培养儿童学习钢琴的兴趣。本文就如何提高儿童学习钢琴的兴趣进行探讨,期望对幼儿钢琴教育理论的研究提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

在当今的中国,随着人们的物质生活的水平提高,艺术教育的普及,幼儿学习钢琴现象已是社会上艺术教育的一种热潮.学生、家长、老师的积极性普遍增加.面临着这种幼儿学习钢琴热,教师应当对幼儿钢琴教学进行深入的学习研究并且广泛地交流.然而,目前的幼儿钢琴教学中,大部分的教师在教幼儿弹琴时,只是一味地强调指法,手型,音高与节奏弹奏地正确与否等.笔者认为,儿童具备一定的音乐基本素对学钢琴之前有着非常重要的意义,特别是钢琴的节奏教学.  相似文献   

钢琴教育是教育体系中较常见的音乐教育体系之一,在幼儿音乐的学习中居于首位。学习钢琴可以提高幼儿音乐素养的同时,也促进他们的智力等方面均衡发展。所以,很多家长都很支持孩子学习钢琴,但是,在幼儿钢琴教育中也存在一些问题。本文研究分析了宜春市幼儿钢琴教学的现状,并针对现状分析中当下进行幼儿钢琴教学的不利因素,并提出改进的措施,在一定程度上可以促进当地幼儿钢琴教育的进展。  相似文献   

本文通过对边疆幼儿钢琴教育的访谈调查,阐述边疆少数民族地区幼儿钢琴教育的现状及其存在的问题,并提出相应对策,以促进边疆少数民族地区幼儿钢琴教育的发展。  相似文献   

本文从当今幼儿钢琴启蒙教育的意义及现状出发,剖析启蒙钢琴教育的现实情况及问题存在的根源,探讨启蒙钢琴教学的重要性及其在钢琴教学中的重要地位,研究未来幼儿钢琴启蒙教育的教学理念,阐述幼儿钢琴启蒙教育的发展方向和未来趋势。  相似文献   

从中国钢琴热兴起至今,越来越多的家长选择让自己的孩子学习钢琴,那么什么样的幼儿适合学琴,如何使学琴的幼儿都拥有良好的启蒙钢琴教育,就显得尤为重要.本文立足从兴趣、家长、教师这三个方面作为依据,浅谈幼儿钢琴启蒙不可缺少的这三个要素.  相似文献   

钢琴教学有其特殊的规律,具有自身独立的个性。在幼儿钢琴教学中,应立足于钢琴教学的特点,充分关照幼儿生理、心理的特殊性,通过教师的移情感化艺术、直观教学艺术、应急教育艺术的充分运用,可以不断提高幼儿的钢琴教学效果。  相似文献   

随着音乐素质教育的普及,学习钢琴的儿童与日俱增,家长责无旁贷地充当了陪练的角色,在给孩子聘请专业钢琴教师的前提下,家长对学琴的正确认识是儿童学习钢琴的重要心理基础。在辅导孩子练琴方面,家长所起到的作用往往比教师还重要,因此树立正确的陪练观念,掌握良好的陪练方法,是家长帮助孩子快乐高效学琴的重要保证。  相似文献   

对幼儿教师专业发展现状进行调查和分析,以期为幼儿教师教育发展提供最基本的理论依据,更好地促进幼儿教师的专业发展。在幼儿教师专业发展中存在很多问题:师资队伍建设没有规划,专业配置不合理;学历达标率较高但专业程度不够扎实;教育教学教研问题突出;家园合作还停留于表浅水平;园长管理水平不够成熟。笔者提出幼儿教师专业发展的对策:制定师资队伍建设规划,建立和完善幼儿教师任用制度;改革师范院校幼师教育,确保幼师生源质量;加强教师自主专业发展,提高教育教学教研能力;加大宣传力度,推进家园合作;发挥终身学习方式,翻新自身专业素养;提升幼儿园园长的管理理念,为教师创造支持性发展平台;加强与其它教师培训机构的联系,开展多渠道的培训。  相似文献   

农村幼儿教师队伍现状、问题及其发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村幼儿教育的发展不仅是全国幼儿教育事业发展的重要部分,也是我国社会发展的重要指标。农村幼儿教育发展的关键因素之一是师资问题。分析2001年—2008年以来教育部关于农村幼儿教师人数、学历、职称、师幼比等统计数据,发现农村幼儿教师队伍存在学历偏低、师幼比偏高、教师工作负担重等突出的问题,从政府、社会及农村幼儿教师等多角度出发提出了发展我国农村幼儿教师队伍的有效策略。  相似文献   

幼儿教师专业化是学前教育质量提升的关键,政府是促进幼儿教师专业化的主导力量。20世纪80年代以来的近30年间,美国联邦政府通过立法保障工资待遇与社会权益、规范并提高资质标准、加强在职培训等措施有力地促进了幼儿教师专业化发展,这些做法将为我国政府幼儿教师专业化发展策略的制定提供有益启示。  相似文献   

Every preschool age child in Finland has the right to child care. Well-educated staff consists of all-round experts who work in versatile contexts with various children in a multi-professional collaboration. This staff is one of the strengths of the Finnish child care system. The aim of this article is to clarify the expertise of those early childhood education teachers, who have the competence of kindergarten teachers (n = 80) and discuss how the development of early childhood education teachers’ expertise could be supported in a small country like Finland, and more specifically, in its northernmost part, the province of Lapland. This was a qualitative study. The data consisted of the early educators’ stories of their growth toward expertise. The analysis method was content analysis. Four themes emerged from the analysis of the early educators’ growth toward expertise. According to the informants, education, work experience, personal life history and personal attitudes toward work had been the most influential variables in the process of growth toward their expertise. This research showed that the development of early childhood education teachers’ expertise necessitates new kinds of working methods and measures for educational planning. In addition, there is need for individual development plans as the work has become more and more collegial and it is necessary to expand a notion of individual expertise into the realm of collaborative and socially shared expertise.  相似文献   

An assessment of the field's relationship with its dominant knowledge base is both timely and critical. The early care and education field is defining what it means to be an early childhood professional, demand for early care and education practitioners is soaring, and the demographic context for provision of early care and education programs is shifting. Furthermore, the discipline of child development and its research methodology are increasingly under attack. Such an examination has direct implications for the preparation of early childhood teachers. Yet realities of the early care and education field complicate the profession's capacity to respond. By listening to calls to develop its own paradigm of professionalism, the early care and education profession could elucidate, on its own terms, a more meaningful relationship between child development knowledge and early childhood teacher preparation.  相似文献   

Reform efforts in early childhood education include recommendations to adopt more family-centered approaches to practice, including greater family support functions. In this study the beliefs of 280 early childhood teachers regarding aspects of family-centered programming were assessed using the written Family Involvement Survey (FIS). Teacher beliefs were compared across public school, child care, and Head Start settings. Results revealed that public school early childhood teachers reported significantly less positive beliefs about parents' childrearing interests and abilities, along with lower self-perceived competence in relating to families, than either child care or Head Start teachers. As compared to Head Start teachers, both public school and child care teachers reported significantly more conflict about providing support services to families through their early education programs. These results were interpreted, in part, as evidence of the need for more in-depth knowledge about the separate professional cultures that characterize various sectors of the early education field.  相似文献   

The education of child‐centered early childhood practitioners involves issues of content, pedagogy, relationships and context. Recent insights on the nature of child‐centered teaching generated by collaborative research with teachers, has highlighted its complexity and suggests that new ways of thinking about teacher education are needed. But developing a more learner‐centered approach to early childhood teacher education will be difficult, given the instrumentalist orientation in many institutions and in societies at large. This paper discusses the broad issues surrounding the development of a more learner‐centered approach to early childhood teacher education and describes several initiatives the authors have been involved in, in Australia and the United States.  相似文献   

Environmental education represents a growing area of interest in early childhood education, especially since the inclusion of environmental principles and practices in the Australian Early Years Learning Framework. Traditionally, these two fields of education have been characterized by diverse pedagogical emphases. This article considers how teachers in particular see different types of pedagogical play, such as open-ended play, modeled play, and purposefully framed play as providing opportunities for young children and teachers to develop knowledge through experiences about environmental education in early childhood settings. As a result of findings based on our qualitative research study involving early childhood teachers and children, an emerging model for thinking about environmental education in early childhood is proposed as a way of integrating these pedagogical emphases traditionally associated with environmental and early childhood education. Avenues for future research associated with this model are also identified.  相似文献   

新时期的社会发展对教育提出了更高的要求,幼儿教育改革和新纲要实施的深入,都对幼儿教师的教育提出了新的挑战,而幼儿教师的职前培养对教师的专业化发展和教育水平的提高发挥着重要的影响作用。因此,通过对在职教师教育现状进行调查和分析,总结在职幼儿教师在职业态度、专业能力、专业观念、专业知识、专业技能和研究能力等方面的情况,可以明确不同类型幼儿教师培养机构在对幼儿园所需人才教师培养方面的优势和不足,为各层次幼儿教师的培养提供一定的参考依据,在制定新的培养方案时更加有的放矢,更加具有针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

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