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1.apologise vi. (1)向某人道歉不能说apologise sb.,而应是apologise to sb.,相当于saysorry to sb.。例如:  相似文献   

U nit4U nforgettable experiences1.on fire表示“正在着火”之意,侧重状态。catch fire表示“起火”(=start to burn)之意,侧重动作。例如:①The building caught fire last night.昨天晚上,那座楼房起火了。②Look!The house is on fire.看!那所房子着火了。2.hear som ebody doing som ething表示“听到某人正在做某事”。hear som ebody do som ething表示“听到某人做过某事”。例如:①She heard X iao Litalking with som eone.她听到小李在和一个人谈话。(小李正在和人谈话)②She heard X iao Litalk about it.她曾经听小李谈…  相似文献   

som ething等词的一般意义和用法在英语中有几个词som ething—nothing—anything—everything,som ebody—nobody—anybody—everybody,som eone—noone—anyone—everyone等,它们一般都用作合成代词,作单数看待,表示“某物”、“某人”等含义。这些词用途广泛,用法灵活,在句子中可做主语、宾语或表语。一般来说,som ething,som ebody等词用于肯定句中,而anything,anybody等词用于否定句、疑问句或条件状语从句中。例如:……H e couldn t hear anything,but he w as surethe knock was bringing som eone to the door.[1]他听不到什么动静…  相似文献   

知识与技能1.重点词组by the tim e到……的时候from now on从现在起;今后carry on经营;继续(工作)be pleased with对于……感到满意m ake a good footballplayer成为一名出色的足球队员lose to som ebody输给某人beatthem4∶34比3战胜他们deserve to win赢在情理之中deserve t  相似文献   

三、Aoologies,regrets,sympathies & responses 1.Making apologise(表示道歉) Please forgive me. I’m very sorry….It won’t happen again. I’m sorry I forgot. 2.Apologising(道歉) Excuse me. Forgive me. I’m(very/so/terribly)sorry.That's all right./That’s OK./No problem. I apologise for… Oh,well,that’s life. I’m sorry.I didn’t mean to… Oops.Sorry about that. 3.Making complaints and apologies(抱怨与道歉)  相似文献   

In every language there are w ords that have som e interesting storiesbehind them .The word “sandw ich”for exam ple,is very com m on in E ng鄄lish. If we want to know the story behind it, w e m ust know som ethingabout an English noblem an nam ed Sandwich who lived in the 18th century. Sandwich w as rich, but he liked to play card for m oney. H e oftenplayed for 24hours,and did not even stop to have his m eals.H e orderedhis servants to bring him som e m eat and bread and he played while eat鄄ing. H e put the...  相似文献   

一沁 《英语辅导》2016,(2):52-53
1.实际上,我的身体状况不适合喝啤酒. In fact,beer does not agree to me.(×) In fact,beer does not agree with me.(√) Why:此句中,食物+agree with+某人,表示“该食物适合某人的体质”.agree to表示“同意(或赞成)……(意见)”,to后多接表示“计划、建议、安排、决定”等意思的名词.该短语常含“愿意协助工作”之意,如:He agrees to my plan.(他同意我的计划).  相似文献   

【考点回顾】1.E veryone is here,butLily is not.大家都在这里,但莉莉不在。【考题再现】①In this sm alltown,knows else.A.anybody;som ebody B.everybody;nobodyC.everybody;everybody D.som ebody;anybody(广州市)②—Is here today?—N o,R ose and M ike aren there.A.nobody B.every oneC.anybody D.everyone(北京市东城区)③—The exam was very easy,wasn t it?—Y es,but I don t think could pass it.A.som ebody B.anybodyC.nobody D.everybody(安徽省)K ey:①C②D③D【考点解码】everyone是不定代词,意为“每个…  相似文献   

1表示“某人与某人结婚”“娶”时,marry是及物动词,不能和介词yith连用.如:He married a beaueiful girl2.表示结婚状况时,用加be married,如:Are you married?3.表示结婚时间时,用get married…如:She got married in 1994.4.表示已结婚多少年时,用have beenmarried for…不能说marry for….如:Tom and Mary have been marri- ed for five years .5.表示“某人嫁女给…”时用marry…to….如:They married their daughter to adoctor Their daughter was married to adoctor.6.表示“早婚”,“晚婚”,arry均用不及物动词.如:He married very early.  相似文献   

U nit51.我劝他学点法语,可他认为这不是一个好主意。【误】I persuaded him to learn som e French,but he didn t think itwas a good idea.【正】I tried to persuade him to learn som e French,but he didn tthink it was a good idea.【析】persuade指以道理、请求等“劝服”、“说服”。“劝说某人做某A School G arden Of English中学英语园地事”常用“persude sb to do sth”或“persude sb into doing sth”来表达。persuade sb to do sth只能表示“劝某人做某事”并取得成功,如果未收到说服之效,只可说“try to persuade sb…  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.reject【用法】用作动词,意为“refuse toaccept,believe,or m ake use of拒绝;拒绝接受”。例如:H e rejected their invitation.他拒绝了他们的邀请。W e rejected his idea for a m usic club,and decided to have an art club instead.我们没有采纳他关于成立音乐俱乐部的想法,而是决定成立艺术俱乐部。注意:只能说reject som ebody,rejectsom ething,不能说reject som ebodysom ething。【辨析】reject强调拒不接受,尤其是对没有价值或所厌恶的意见或请求;refuse是一个通用词,指坚决甚至无礼貌地拒绝做某事,包括拒绝请…  相似文献   

一、重点句型解析1.all与not连用构成部分否定【教材例句】N ot all ads are used to prom ote aproduct or to increase a com pany’s profits.【高考链接】W e haven’t enough books for鸦som e of you will have to share.穴2005豫、晋、黑雪A.som ebody B.any bodyC.everybody D.nobody【句型解读】all熏both熏every或every构成的合成词与not连用时表示部分否定。例如押N ot all people in China want to goabroad.并非所有的中国人都想到国外去。注意表示全部否定时应使用相应的形式:none熏no one熏nothing熏not...any熏以及no …  相似文献   

反身代词的用法一直是中考英语代词考点之一。如:Joan and Dicky are too busy tohelp us.Let’s do it.(2004年,山西)A.herself B.him selfC.them selves D.ourselvesH elp y to som e fish,Linling.(2004年,长沙)那么,什么是反身代词?英语中表示“我自己”、“我们自己”、“  相似文献   

一、介词、连词1.Japan is________the east ofChina.A.in B.to C.on D.at答案:B(in表示在范围里的,on表示紧挨着的;to表示在范围以外的)2.The postman shouted,“Mr Green,here isa letter________you.”A.to B.from C.for D.of答案:C(选择A的同学要注意to表示动作的方向,for表示有从属关系或者利益关系)3.We can’t doit________your help.A.with B.of C.under D.without答案:D.(选择C的同学要注意中文的干扰,借助某人的帮助要用with,反之用with-out)4.He hasn’t heard from his friend__________last month.A.since B.bythe …  相似文献   

问:Joe is so good at table tennis that I have never him.(A.hit B stuck C.beaten D.won)正确答案选哪个?(江苏 李斌奇) 答:正确答案应选C。表示“打败(某人)”、“赢(某人)”、“胜过(某人)”,用beat。  相似文献   

Unit 4本课讲述作者上大学前的一段求职经过,文章描写细致,很好地传达了一种压抑的气氛。文章语言结构较为复杂,在学习时需多加注意。1.…the author applies for a teaching job.Apply:申请,Apply for:申请…,Apply to sb.:向某人提出申请。如:You have to apply for a passport before you go abroad.(出国前得先申请护照。)I have applied to the school authority for a pay rise.(我已向校方申请加薪。)Apply 的名词形式为 application,例如:His  相似文献   

U nit6[原句]I prefer m usic thathas greatlyrics.(P44)[试题精选]1.W hile he w as on holiday,he(宁愿)doing som ething to doingnothing.(2005年烟台市)2.Lin Tao likes Beckham,buthis father likes Y ao M ing.(改为同义句)Lin Tao s father Y ao M ing Beckham.(2004年西宁市)K ey:1.preferred2.prefers,to[考点点拨]prefer意为“更喜欢”,后面可跟名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词及从句。常见的用法为:①prefer...to...用来表示“在两个人或物中更喜欢……”,to前面为要选择的人或物,后面为舍弃的人或物;②prefer to do sth…  相似文献   

英语中有许多习语都是由表示颜色的单词组成的,这些习语在一些完形填空或阅读理解题的原文中出现的频率很高,这给考生从中猜测词义带来了很多困难。本文提供的一些“颜色”习语,可帮助考生在考场上赢得更多宝贵的时间。1.R EDred cent一分钱be notworth a red cent[美口语]一文不值give som ebody a red-carpetreception隆重欢迎某人paintthe town red[俚]狂欢;痛饮;胡闹turn red in the gills发怒red alert(空袭)紧急警报see red发怒,冒火red ball[美俚]快运货车;特快列车;快车be in the red亏损;负债2.W H ITEa white war经济战争;不…  相似文献   

1.【原句】What are you going to bewhen you grow up?(P.59)【短语】grow up是固定短语,意思是“长大”。【考例】I have a dream.W hen I,I want to be a scientist.(2005宿迁市)A.m ake up B.com e upC.grow up D.turn up【解析】选C。从句意来判断,应用grow up。2.【原句】I’m going to m ove som ewhereinteresting.(P.61)【语法】形容词修饰不定代词时,要放在被修饰词的后面。【考例】There’s too m uch noise here.Let’s go to.(2004昆明市)A.quiet everywhere B.som ewhere quietC.everywhere quiet D.quiet som ewhere…  相似文献   

佚名 《高中生》2008,(10):55-55
一、开首语1.As I have not heard of you for long,I feel anxious.好久没有您的消息了,我为此感到不安。2.I must apologize for not having written to you previously.我必须为之前没有给您写信道歉。3.Please pardon my long not writing to you.请原谅我这么长时间没有给您写信。  相似文献   

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