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英国足球球迷文化探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
英国不仅是现代足球的发源地,而且其足球球迷文化也历史悠久。文章对报纸的足球专栏、俱乐部队报、球迷对球队的支持和忠诚、球迷的地域特征、足球暴力和种族歧视等足球球迷文化现象进行分析,展现了英国丰富多彩的足球球迷文化,同时力求为中国足球球迷文化研究提供理论参考。  相似文献   

中国足球球迷文化探析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
中国足球球迷现象有着极其深刻的社会文化背景。经大量文献资料考证,中国足球球迷的产生、发展以及他们所发挥的功能均受到博大精深的中国传统文化之影响,在与现代足球这一外来文化的融合中所产生的中国足球球迷文化现象。从不同角度与层面进行分析,从而揭示出中国足球球迷经历了一个由个性逐步发展到群体,从自在走向自为的演化过程。足球球迷现象不是一种孤立的社会现象,它的兴盛衰落与社会的政治、经济、文化体育背景紧紧相连。  相似文献   

’98世弄坏这顿足球大餐在球迷日夜品味中散了席。尽管最后一道菜让不少球迷连连“打隔”:锋线糟糕的法国队竟以一个3:0把早被人们设定为冠军的巴西队收拾得服服贴贴,但是足球是圆滚滚的——没有恒定的上下高低之分,这也是让球迷着迷的地方。眼看着人家在策马扬威,就不免让球迷们为不争气的中国足球而着急。本届世界杯期间,有人在传媒上指点迷津,把中国足球的不振归于“没文化”:没文化的足球界,没艾化的球队球员以及没文化的球迷。从文化角度来审视中国足球,这种说法似乎有些道理。而让我这个球迷感到似乎没道理的是,怎么在一个…  相似文献   

“功利战队”是几大派系中既实在、同时又让人瞧不起的“卑鄙球队”,尤其作为全世界著名的大牌球队来说,成绩又不差,但却无法让人们欣赏到足球本身的内涵和足球比赛的真正意义。像意大利队和德国队功利色彩浓厚的球队越多,对足球运动的继续发展就越为不利,因为只注重成绩而忽略足球本身的欣赏性,只能让越来越多的球迷远离足球。  相似文献   

集体身份认同视域下中英足球球迷文化的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过文献资料和比较研究等方法对集体身份认同视域下的中英足球球迷文化进行比较,认为:集体认同是球迷产生自我区隔、群体效应以及球迷文化形成的基础;在集体认同视域下英国足球文化的表征主要集中在对骑士精神的继承、民族和国家的不同认同以及忠诚的球迷等方面;中国足球文化的表征主要集中在足球场上民族主义和战争隐喻的体现、功利性以及球迷认同的多元性等方面;球迷的情感个体与群体认同程度差异,足球文化的内涵与继承主体差异,球迷文化的倾向性差异,球迷构成的主体和认知差异是中英球迷文化的主要差异。研究进一步认为促进球迷文化的组织化、规范化、提高球迷的集体价值认同和整体素质,发展和繁荣足球文化,促使中国足球文化由过去的模仿、盲从走向自我回归和蜕变,繁荣足球文化产业提高足球文化赋值是未来中国足球文化建设的基本路径。  相似文献   

你的选择没有错 足球是圆的,而其中却充满着许许多多的酸与苦、愁与乐。 正如其它艺术一样,足球以它那不可抗拒的魅力征服了亿万球迷。在足球吏上诸如球迷为自己球队的失败而殉身,为自己的球队之振兴走遍山山水水者,不乏其人。“足球皇帝”罗西就是极好的例子。然而许多球迷无法处理足球与事业的关系,这同中国足球体制固然有关,但更重要的却是整个中国(除少数地区外)一直处于压制人才的状况。在此,我无意对此品头论足,因为这不是几个人所能解决的。  相似文献   

艺术球迷之所以会喜欢足球,盖因足球能给人以愉悦。不同的球队能提供给球迷的愉悦类型也各不相同,如德意志战车善于长传冲吊,体现力量之美,西班牙斗牛士喜欢短传渗透,展示细腻与精妙,但这两支球队的打法虽然纯粹,却也狭窄,以致球迷会有德国队战术单调、  相似文献   

球迷关心得最多的当然是足球队,但对球队后面的俱乐部了解得就相对少一些。作为球队的“家”,俱乐部不仅管理一线队而且管理二线、三线队,还负责经营、保障、球员培养、宣传等等工作,麻雀虽小、五脏俱全,俱乐部是职业化后的中国足球的一个缩影。中国足球的改革,中国足球的市场化、职业化,从宏观上是足协在推动,从微观上则是俱乐部在旧体制上的萌芽成长,二者的互相推动,共同把中国足球推向全面职业化。可以说,作为足球市场的主体,足球俱乐部是中国足球的基石,俱乐部的发育成熟是整个职业足球成熟程度的最重要的标志。从本期开始,本刊将陆续推出发展中的中国职业足球俱乐部介绍,以便读者对足球职业化有一些更多深入的了解。  相似文献   

教育部学生体育协会联合秘书处中国大学生体育协会中国中学生体育协会亲爱的《校园足球》杂志的读者朋友们,你们好:作为皇家马德里足球俱乐部主席,我十分荣幸地向这本中国大学及中学校园读物的所有读者们表示亲切的问候。皇家马德里在112年历程中成长为全球最优秀的球队,我们凭借着出色的球员阵容、热情的球迷支持,以及对重要价值观的坚持,赢得了众多中国球迷的喜爱。今天我满怀期待地向大家致辞,因为我深知中国这个伟大的国家正等待足球发展  相似文献   

四川的球迷对中国的足球文化是有贡献的,他们所独创的“雄起”和“下课”这两个有着鲜明四川语言特色的词,已成了中国足球领域里共用的、使用频率很高的词。四川足球从无到有、从小到大、从弱变强,这期间,球迷的“雄起”起了很天的作用。他们的定位很低,他们知道自己的球队还很弱小,于是他们只需求自己的球队有一种精神,这就是“雄起”。于是,四川的足球在球迷的呼唤中果然雄起,在中国的西部树起了一面大旗。打江山容易坐江山难,当四川的足球真正的雄起之后,我们的那些可爱的四川球迷心也野了,眼眶和定位也高了。在他们的心中,容不  相似文献   

Material objects and football fandom are intimately linked. As a repository of emotion, memorabilia holds value as a marker of identity. For many football fans, the conception of ‘home’ is integral to their identity. Despite its centrality to football fans’ construction of identity, the notion of ‘home’ has received little attention from sports scholars. Drawing on recent work in cultural geography, this paper employs concepts of home to explore the ways in which materiality holds identity for football fans. Evidence from New Zealand-based fans of European teams displays how material objects are able to collapse distance between fans and their club, acting as palimpsests for memory and narratives for significant emotional experiences. Embedded in the New Zealand home of the fan, memorabilia resides as an emotional bridge to their football home locality, stadia and supporters.  相似文献   

Traditionally, football and fandom have been male domains and celebrations of masculinity. So far there has been some sociological and historical research on women's football; however, little is known about women's fandom, in particular about its formation and development. This article focuses on the historical development of a Danish women-only fan group called ‘The Female Vikings’, which support a professional football club, Lyngby Boldklub (BK), in a city north of Copenhagen. The article explores the backgrounds and motivations of female fans, as well as their ways of staging femininity in a man's world. Drawing on available information about football and fans in Denmark, we have reconstructed the developments of both Lyngby BK and its supporters. Special focus was placed on the histories and cultures as well as the experiences of female fans in this club. Insights into the foundation of the women's fan group were provided by problem-centred interviews which also contained open questions. The foundation and activities of the Female Vikings show how women can perform gender in the fan's stands and how they play a significant role in the fan movement. The interviews also reveal the loyalty of the female fans during the club's ‘crisis’ and their ‘collective memories’.  相似文献   

The ‘club versus country’ debate, which refers to an individual’s allegiance to their respective club and national teams, has become an increasingly popular topic for debate in the context of English football. Whilst prior work in this area has focused on the tensions between club officials and national associations, this study investigated the attitudinal and behavioural loyalty of fans towards club and national teams. Data were collected from 647 football fans across 16 English club teams utilizing a survey approach. Findings suggest that those with high levels of loyalty to their club are more likely to be loyal to the national team, questioning whether this is a ‘versus’ debate at all from the fan perspective. In addition, Premier League fans display lower levels of attitudinal loyalty to the national team than lower league fans, which may reflect underlying concerns that club players may sustain injuries in national team matches.  相似文献   

Uncertainty is a fundamental component of spectator sport fandom. While it may draw some fans to an event, it can be frustrating for others, as fans have little control over how preferred teams perform. As a means to cope with this unpleasant state, some sport fans perform superstitions or create rituals. Little is known, however, how such beliefs and behaviors impact the sport fan experience. In the current study, the authors explored sport fan superstition within the context of mediated team sport spectatorship through a multi-study quantitative approach. The results of Study 1 validated a multidimensional model of sport fan superstition, and superstitious behavior positively impacted in-game mood states for fans of winning and losing teams. In Study 2, the authors tested the dimensionality of sport fan superstition through segmentation and uncovered consumption differences and attribution differences for fans of winning and losing teams. Superstitious behavior was once again an influential factor, as those who behaved more superstitiously were more likely to attribute outcomes to external sources such as referees and fate.  相似文献   

Why do Indians celebrate Brazilian football? Is it because Indians do not have local stars to root for? Why does it have to be Brazil? Why was a generation of football fans in Calcutta in awe of an exotic South American footballer called Pelé? This essay responds to these conundrums by analysing transnational football fandom from perspectives of cultural diffusion and image-making. It situates circulation of culture in a historical study of the impact of Brazilian football, with particular emphasis on Pelé, as borne out by fan culture in India. It examines if the similarities between India and Brazil in the global meridian of development had any bearing on football fandom. Next, it studies particularly how Pelé’s visit to Calcutta in 1977 was registered by the overlapping categories of fans, politicians and journalists. By doing so, it offers a model of understanding moral/cultural networks of transnational fandom in terms of hero/icon/legend worship.  相似文献   

This essay focuses on the contexts away from the stadium where fans congregate, organise, develop and learn to perform their fandom. I define the concept of performance and show how it applies to fandom. I describe how, in small to medium scale, face-to-face settings, fans are able to form bonds and validate each others’ fandom. For some, fandom is an extension of playing the game as in Holland, where one might play in the amateur ranks of one of the famous professional teams. In Italy, organised fandom follows from a history of neighbourhood social clubs. I describe the Roma Club Testaccio as the epicentre of Roma fandom, and how it serves to educate fans in Roman-ness. Hardcore fan clubs support the team home and away, and I describe one of my own intense experiences travelling on the bus with some of the most notorious hardcore fans in Italy. Italians can also visit the grounds at which their beloved team practices and where they can catch a glimpse of the players up close, and connect with other devotees. As these snapshots demonstrate, the social gatherings of fans away from the football stadium are where fandom takes shape.  相似文献   

FC Sankt Pauli is often portrayed as a rebel football club that represents an ideal manifestation of fan centredness. But whilst the club’s reputation is mostly well earned, there is much to distinguish the fans from the club and conflict between the two is prominent and ongoing. This research, based on more than 10 years of ethnography amongst the fans and questionnaires and interviews with key individuals, looks behind the scenes to reveal how fans challenge their club, the authorities and much more beyond. Authentic voices of fan activists tell a story of fervent sport activism, fan power and resistance, alive and well inhabiting a vibrant subculture. Political praxis and protest are prolific amongst Sankt Pauli fans. By illuminating the radical sport activism of Sankt Pauli fans, this paper offers a vision for other football fans to emulate and for sport more generally to realize a more transformative potential.  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(3):447-474
Sport is employed as a lens through which one can understand better the social and political inner workings of dictatorship. This paper treats sport as a cultural institution within GDR (German Democratic Republic) society and sets out to complement the two broad paradigms used to study East Germany: the first, a broad approach under the umbrella of ‘Cold War histories’ and ‘totalitarianism theory’, usually focusing on the few; the second, a so-called ‘histories of everyday life’ approach generally focusing on the many. Using an in-depth case study of the sport of football, the paper introduces a new paradigm: the ‘contested dictatorship’ approach. This approach rejects the broad totalitarian notion of dictatorship as applied to East Germany and shares many of the underlying assumptions of the ‘everyday history’ approach, in particular by allowing a far greater role for agency with much more room for manoeuvre for actors and institutions within the structures of an authoritarian state than ‘totalitarian’ understandings usually permit. Drawing on empirical archival material, the paper reveals the endemic rivalries between key personalities (and even large industrial enterprises expressing regional identities) in a struggle for influence over the game; rivalries between fans of GDR football teams; fan culture and hooligan behaviour as forms of self-determination; and how these issues contributed to the poor performance of football relative to other sports.  相似文献   

包括足球在内的中国男子三大球项目在最近一段时间出现了滑坡现象,其中足球成绩的下滑最为明显。足球是世界第一运动,在中国的影响也很大。自媒体时代,球迷在网络上发表了诸多意见,这些意见折射出了球迷们的质疑之情。从各方面反馈的信息来看,中国足球的成绩与中国球迷的心理预期相距较远,而造成如此局面的动因并未得到彻底的清理。与董路的对话围绕本主题展开,探讨了足球在中国发展的基本规律,并认为:完善并发展中小学足球体系,构建一种更为有益、有效、有为的中国式足球青训体系是中国足球发展的唯一出路。  相似文献   

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