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作者以《英语专业八级写作指南》中的英语专业八级真题作文为语料,通过计算机二语句法复杂性分析器(L2Syntactic Complexity Analyzer),测量英语专业学生八级作文的句法复杂性特点,将作文评改分数和计算机评估获得的作文句法复杂性的数据进行对比分析.以此检验英语专业八级作文质量水平是否与句法复杂性呈正相关。通过研究分析。发现句法复杂性在很大程度上影响着作文质量。  相似文献   

句法复杂性是二语写作中句法的复杂程度和变化程度,它是衡量二语写作质量的主要指标之一。通过综述对比国内外用于衡量二语写作句法复杂性发展情况的相关参数、量化指标、研究成果,发现该领域的研究仍存在许多问题:语言发展指标的分类和使用比较混乱;句法复杂性测量指标的计算;哪些指标能有效区分学习者语言发展水平;各指标之间的关系;指标的效度问题。  相似文献   

作文自动评价系统已成为写作反馈一种不可忽视的形式。迄今鲜有论文专门探讨作文自动评价系统是否会影响学生写作中的语言复杂性以及如何影响的问题。该研究在较长的实验周期内检验了句酷批改网对学生写作中词汇复杂性和句法复杂性的影响。文章使用了双因素重复测量方差分析等统计方法,分析了三个水平组45名学生在32周的时间里在批改网上完成的作文,结果发现,基于批改网的作文自动评价有利于学生语言复杂性的发展,同时有无混合教师人工批阅对句法复杂性的影响大于词汇复杂性的影响。  相似文献   

沈悦 《英语广场》2020,(4):41-42
英语写作能力作为外语教学的核心目标,是衡量学习者第二语言能力的重要标准之一。本文根据研究对象,将句法复杂性的实证研究分为两大类,即关于大学英语第二语言学习者的研究和关于高级英语第二语言学习者的研究。在每个类别下,它们可以各自再分两个类别。具体而言,对大学英语二语学习者的研究包括跟踪和比较学习者语法复杂性随时间的发展的纵向研究,以及关于可能影响二语写作中句法复杂性的变量的研究。对高级英语第二语言学习者的研究包括对其学术写作的句法复杂性的研究和学术写作的短语复杂性的研究。本文的目的是帮助相关学者们了解句法复杂性研究的主要方法。  相似文献   

以某省独立学院内部的英语写作大赛决赛32篇议论文和课外完成的32篇议论文作为语料,以二语句法复杂度和人工标注为工具,考察不同的写作环境对中国EFL学习者写作句法复杂度的影响。研究发现,12项指标中有5项与作文分数相关,即C/T(T单位复杂性比率)、DC/C(从属子句比率)、adv clause(状语从句的数量)、obj clause(宾语从句的数量)及att clause(定语从句的数量)。从两种写作环境的作文高低分组统计来看,竞赛环境下的所有指标与课外环境下完成的并无显著性差异。总体来说,T单位复杂性比率C/T及每篇文章中定语从句的数量Att clause是最适合测量独立学院非英语专业学习者句法复杂度的指标。  相似文献   

写作回避是外语学习者常出现的现象。文章通过一次当堂作文练习,随机抽取30份非英语专业二年级学生的作文进行逐篇分析,对其中的各种词汇和句法回避现象分类和统计,发现学生较常用母语迁移和使用迂回说法、改述的方式来回避复杂词汇,而句法上最常用简单句替代复杂句,尤其是定语从句,并在此基础上提出教学应重视词汇复杂性和句法复杂性。  相似文献   

从114名学习者的隐喻能力及其2篇二语作文词汇使用丰富性的调查研究来看,可以得出以下3个结论:1、他们的莫、汉隐喻能力总体偏低;2、二语作文词汇变化性和复杂性总体上都不理想;3、英语隐喻能力与其两篇二语作文词汇变化性和复杂性都呈正相关,但其汉语隐喻能力仅与两篇二语作文词汇变化性呈正相关。积累常规隐喻词汇表达、引入解释隐喻的理论以及将拓展隐喻能力与读、译、写结合是改善二语词汇的教学思路。  相似文献   

杨洋 《文教资料》2006,(28):171-172
本文试图探讨在图式理论的指导下,对学生的作文中出现的错误进行定性定量分析。从词汇,句法,语篇三方面探讨了母语如何影响二语写作,最后得出导致二语写作中母语负面影响的真正原因在于他们没有能够建立和激活目的语表达体系和文化交际体系的相关图式。  相似文献   

二语写作既是第二外语教与学中的难点,也是二语习得研究领域的热点。国内学者对二语写作障碍的研究主要围绕普通高校英语专业或非英语专业学生展开,且多以个人经验总结等非材料性研究方法为主,而专门以开放教育环境下英语专业学生为研究对象展开二语写作障碍的实证研究较少。本文采用问卷调查的方法调查接受开放教育的英语专业本、专科大学生在二语写作过程中遇到的具体、典型的写作困难或写作障碍,以及本专科学生的二语写作障碍有何异同,并用EXCEL和SPSS统计软件对收集的数据进行分析比较。结果发现:1)词汇是这一群体进行二语写作的最大障碍,突出表现是词汇量不足;词汇限制了作文内容的表达,随着学习的深入,词汇不足严重束缚语义表达,成为该群体和普通高校英语专业大学生二语写作水平提高的共同瓶颈;2)接受开放教育的英语专业本科生认为:在二语写作中,语义障碍大于语篇障碍,而专科生则认为语篇障碍大于语义障碍;3)已修写作课的研究对象,其二语写作语篇障碍和句法障碍明显小于未修写作课的研究对象。  相似文献   

二语习者目的语的习得总会受母语的影响。本文便从母语迁移角度、结合语料库研究了中国英语习者写作中的指示语失误现象。研究发现中国英语习者指示语的使用在词汇层面与句法层面都存在失误;以上这些层面的失误主要原因是受到了母语迁移的影响。  相似文献   

了解和把握句法结构培养程度对中国学习者处理英语复句能力的影响是英语教学质量保障的关键。 本研究采用问卷调查和阅读行为测试两种方法, 选取60名所受不同句法结构培养的中国英语学习者和20 名英国本族语者为样本, 对其在四种罕见英语复句形态结构复杂性、 语义通达性的判断及复句理解准确度方面的处理能力进行研究。 我们发现, 随着句法结构培养水平的提高, 中国学习者在英语复句理解准确度及语义通达性判断方面表现为超过或接近英语本族语者的趋势 ; 而在复句形态结构复杂性判断方面却没有表现出随句法结构培养水平的提高而呈上升的趋势。 此外, 由于句法结构培养水平的不同, 中国学习者在英语复句的处理方法上受句法结构和语义因素的影响也有差异 。  相似文献   

Although nonstandard dialects of English are legitimate forms of spoken language used by many Americans, students in U.S. schools must acquire writing competence using Standard English (SE). Participants in this study were 3rd- and 4th-grade African-American students who exhibited Black English Vernacular (BEV) features in their written work. Six syntactic features differing in BEV and SE were targeted. Students received one of three treatments to increase their use of the SE features in their writing: (1) exposure to SE features in stories; (2) story exposure plus explanation of SE rules; and (3) story exposure, SE rule instruction, and guided practice transforming sentences from BEV to SE features. The third treatment proved most effective in enabling students to translate BEV sentences into SE forms and to employ the targeted SE features in their free writing. Results indicate that having students practice translating nonstandard sentences that typify their own writing and providing corrective feedback are effective for teaching them to use SE forms in their writing. Findings are interpreted to support a social-cognitive view of self-regulated learning. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.  相似文献   


Syntactic complexity has been recognized as an important construct in writing research, and for the past five decades, many syntactic complexity measures (SCMs) have been examined in numerous studies. This systematic review is the first study of its kind to synthesize 36 studies spanning from 1970 to 2019 by identifying and cataloging all SCMs examined during this period. An analysis was performed on how the use of SCMs varied by genre, grade level, students’ writing ability, and writing quality. Five online databases (Academic Search Premier, ERIC, PsycINFO, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, and PsycARTICLES) were searched. A total of 48 SCMs were grouped into six categories: T-units and sentences, clauses, phrases, words, combined measures, and other measures. Most studies examined three common SCMs: mean T-unit length, mean number of words per clause, and mean number of clauses per T-unit. The argumentative genre had the highest values for T-unit length and mean number of clauses per T-unit, which could indicate greater sentence complexity. Higher-grade-level students generally construct sentences that are syntactically complex, but comparison between studies was difficult because different studies investigated different SCMs. Although students with higher writing abilities generally construct sentences that are syntactically more complex compared to students with lower writing abilities, the findings are not conclusive, as only a few studies examined this relationship. A similarly inconclusive relationship was found between syntactic complexity and writing quality because only a few studies examined this relationship. More research is needed to examine the relationship between SCMs, writing quality, and genre.


复述写作中交际策略使用的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以限时“听后写”测试形式,通过对比学生书面复述的作文与例文之间的差异,考察学生交际策略的使用状况。学生在复述时,使用了回避策略、补偿策略和成就策略,频率较高的是换一种说法、话题放弃、内容缩减等策略。句子中的命题数量、命题之间的联系以及所处层面都对复述难度有所影响;学生使用可证性策略对故事进行有效复述;学生理解后形成的图式影响他们重组故事的表现。考虑交际策略的使用对评定学生汉语写作能力有一定的可行性。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to tap preschoolers’ conceptions about the representational meaning of writing via their notation of sentences having different syntactic and semantic relationships. 60 Hebrew speaking children attending nursery school and kindergarten were individually interviewed. Each child dealt with 10 different pairs of sentences; a written sentence and a spoken one. The semantic relationships between the sentences were different in each pair i.e., identity; total difference; redundancy; entailment and inconsistency. Each time the written sentence was read, first by the experimenter and then together with the child. Then, with the written sentence still in front of him, the child was presented with the spoken sentence and asked to write it down.

Children’s writing-procedures became increasingly differentiated reflecting the relationships between the written model and the spoken sentences. A link was found between the type of semantic relationships and children’s writing-procedures. Results are discussed in terms of level of metalinguistic knowledge involved in writing.


文章以母语迁移为理论依据,探索以布依语为母语的学生在学习第三语言(英语)的过程中所受到母语的影响。调查研究表明:布依语句法结构对英语四种句子类型习得既产生正迁移,又产生负迁移;同时,第二语言汉语也会产生一定的正迁移,从而降低母语负迁移的程度。此研究成果将会改变布依族学生将英语视为第二语言来学习的现状,为学生提高英语学习效果具有重要意义。  相似文献   

龚少英 《教育科学》2007,23(1):92-94
采用句法判断和句法修改任务,探讨了4-5岁幼儿把字句和被字句句法意识的发展特点。结果表明:(1)4-5岁幼儿把字句和被字句的句法意识有显著发展,这主要表现在5岁儿童的句法修改成绩显著高于4岁儿童;(2)句法错误句子的类型影响句法判断成绩,表明他们在不同句法规则的句法意识的发展是不同步的;(3)4至5岁幼儿的句法修改成绩受到个人生活经验和句子语义的影响,表明他们的句法意识还处于较低的发展水平。  相似文献   

We used an immediate recall paradigm to study the effects of list organization and semantic and grammatical features of printed stimuli on working memory capacity in deaf students with differing English language abilities. Thirty lists of five organizational types (random words, semantically related words, semantically paired words, scrambled sentences, and grammatical sentences) were presented to two groups of deaf students who differed in their proficiency in the English language. The students were required to recall the lists in writing. The results indicate that, overall, the students with higher levels of English language proficiency recalled significantly more than those with lower levels. Additionally, semantic and syntactic organization of the lists had different effects on the two groups of students. Semantic pairing aided the low-level group significantly more than the high-level group, whereas the syntactic organization of the grammatical sentences aided the high-level group significantly more. Implications for assessing language ability in deaf students are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explored the comprehension and production of sentences derived by syntactic movement, in orally trained school-age Hebrew-speaking children with moderate to profound hearing impairment, aged 7;8-9;9 years. Experiments 1 and 2 tested the comprehension of relative clauses and topicalization sentences (with word orders of OVS [object, verb, subject] and OSV [object, subject, verb]) using a sentence-picture matching task. Experiments 3 and 4 tested the production of relative clauses using two elicitation tasks. Experiment 5 tested the comprehension of relative clauses with and without resumptive pronouns. As a group, the children with hearing loss failed to understand object relatives and OVS topicalization sentences. In the production tasks they either avoided producing a sentence with syntactic movement, by using a relative clauses with a resumptive pronoun instead of a gap or by producing a sentence without a relative clause, or produced ungrammatical sentences. They understood correctly object relatives with resumptive pronouns, which are not derived by movement. Both comprehension and production of the hearing-impaired group was significantly different from that of the hearing control group. Individual performance was strongly correlated with the age of intervention: only children who received hearing aids before the age of 8 months performed well in the comprehension tasks. Type of hearing aid, duration of use of a cochlear implant, and degree of hearing loss did not correlate with syntactic comprehension.  相似文献   

Good sentence construction, the act of writing multiple words into sentence types that make semantic and syntactic sense, is needed for clear and meaningful written expression. The present study investigated the effects of a multi‐component writing intervention, sentence instruction and frequency building to a performance criterion, on the simple sentence construction of intermediate‐grade level students with high‐incidence disabilities. Four special education teachers delivered intervention to small groups of two students, a total of eight students, and assessed for retention. Overall results were positive but inconsistent across the small groups. Three of the four small groups improved their text writing within simple sentences during and following intervention, and moderate to large Tau‐U values for correct word sequences and for incorrect word sequences, respectively, were found. Results suggest that postinstruction writing fluency practice can be an effective part of writing intervention for intermediate‐grade level students with high‐incidence disabilities.  相似文献   

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