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This article explores the British and West German public service radio’s abilities to reflect on and to address the specific needs and expectations of migrant groups in their programmes between the 1960s and 1980s. Mechanisms of social inclusion and exclusion alike can be investigated here. Empirically, it is based on comparisons of radio broadcasts on and for different immigrant communities, produced by BBC Radio Leicester on/for the post-war Asian migrants in England and by West German public service broadcasting on/for ‘Gastarbeiter’ (foreign workers) as well as for ‘Spätaussiedler’ (German repatriates from East Europe). Radio is studied as an agent of identity management and citizenship education. Not only did radio talk about migrants and migration to introduce these topics and the newcomers to the local population. It also offered airtime to selected migrant communities to cater for their needs and interests as well as to facilitate their difficulties of adjusting to an unfamiliar environment.  相似文献   

Comrades at War     
Peter Busch 《Media History》2019,25(4):479-492

This paper reports on in-depth interviews with seven women leaders working in U.S. public radio, conducted from November 2017 - March 2018. Through the frame of organizational culture, respondents noted a gap between public radio’s egalitarian ideals and the structure to support those values. Respondents indicated an overall historical inclusion of women in the industry, yet shared personal stories of gender discrimination while working in public radio. They expressed feelings of shock and grief at allegations of sexual misconduct by prominent men in public broadcasting. The findings reveal that masculine values remain embedded in public radio’s culture.  相似文献   

There is no doubting the influence and impact of (Lord) John Reith on the shape of British broadcasting, both radio and television. As one cultural historian argues: ‘he occupies an important place in the social and cultural history of twentieth-century Britain.’ The most commonly-accepted view in television histories is that John Reith disliked television, would have nothing to do with the medium, viewed those involved with establishing and running the BBC's television service with contempt, and refused to watch television programmes. However, drawing on both archival and secondary resources, together with Trine Syvertsen's notion of ‘media resistance’, I argue that Reith's relationship with television was far more complex than has been understood thus far and that his attitude towards the new technology was shaped by a combination of personal and professional factors.  相似文献   

This article reexamines the Federal Communications Commission’s investigation into monopoly practices by the “chain” or network radio broadcasters in the late 1930s and early 1940s. The FCC targeted NBC and CBS and eventually succeeded in forcing NBC to sell its Blue radio network. But the Commission ultimately failed to prevent network domination of affiliates. I argue that the Commission missed an opportunity to recognize that the Mutual Broadcasting System offered an alternative, cooperative model for organization of the industry that could have better served the FCC’s goals of harnessing the power of chain broadcasting and promoting localism in broadcasting.  相似文献   

Seen as a whole, Brazilian radio allows for the identification of six distinct kinds of use: commercial, educational, cultural, communitarian, religious, and political. Subsequent to the educational and cultural broadcasting stations of the 1920s, commercial radios are established as the standard, as from the 1930s. During the trajectory of 9 decades of this means of communication in the country, Getúlio Vargas emerges as the politician who most influenced the national broadcasting industry, with laws and decrees that still apply today and are at the base of technological, legal, and content evolution.  相似文献   

Kate Newbold 《Media History》2013,19(2):208-223
This essay explores the diverse field of audio records manufactured as tie-ins to popular American radio programs of the postwar period. Little has been written on such products as meaningful artifacts of consumption during any phase in broadcasting history. Yet radio records proved especially meaningful to customers in the 1940s and 1950s, as they offered a highly convenient way to upend rigid transmission schedules and program ephemerality. Here, I focus on spoken word radio albums that promised listeners important broadcast knowledge stored for ‘posterity’ on disk. Phonograph companies like Columbia banked on consumer interest in replay of these programs to sell radio records as technologies of permanence and documents with unparalleled historical and cultural value. I analyze program-to-record case studies like You Are There (1949) and The Quick and the Dead (1951) to illustrate how producers lay claim to historical authenticity via capturing, recording, or releasing transient moments on records.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the evolution of community radio in postapartheid South Africa where a three-tier broadcasting system—public, commercial, and community—has replaced the monopoly of a state-run behemoth, the South African Broadcasting Corporation. The paper commences with an overview of South Africa's institutionalized culture of exclusion in the broadcasting sector and in other social spheres. A conceptual review of participatory communication precedes and provides foundation for the examination of the operations of two community radio stations located in two of South Africa's previously marginalized and disenfranchised communities. Although South Africa's adoption of community radio answers perpetual questions about the sustenance of community radio, the ongoing experience poses a few challenges.  相似文献   

This research focuses on two decades in the BBC's relationship with religion as an area of programming. The 1960s and 1970s marked a period of massive social change in Britain in which traditional religious institutions were challenged relentlessly and a more religiously diverse society emerged. This makes it a significant time to examine the BBC's response and the impact these changes had on the culture of production within the Corporation. This research asks how did the BBC frame the making of religious programmes within the changing socio-political context and how did their changing religious mission sit within the Corporation's wider strategic aims? Religious broadcasting also offers a unique microcosm within which to view the changing professional culture of the BBC itself. To address these interests this research uses documents from the BBC's written archive and accounts from staff involved with the genre at the time.  相似文献   

Len Kuffert 《Media History》2013,19(3):303-319
In Canada during the pre-television era, the perception of radio as an intimate medium profoundly affected the way people ordered their listening, production, performance and discussion of programming. With evidence drawn primarily from Canadian archival sources, this paper contends that radio's perceived intimacy deeply troubled those who considered themselves responsible for the physical and cultural welfare of listeners, and that Canada's early broadcasting experience provided a particularly good example of how worry could become action. Though thinking about intimacy had helped broadcasters before the mid-1930s to understand the function of radio in relation to other media, it also led the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) after its formation in 1936 to scrutinize and control commercial and unsponsored programming, advertising and public service messages alike. The CBC's self-assigned stewardship role – a reaction to plentiful and popular American programming and an emulation of the British Broadcasting Corporation and European services – pushed it toward protecting children and other listeners thought to be gullible or sensitive from programmes that abused the intimate relationship by stepping beyond established boundaries of taste or threatening the Corporation's ‘civilizing’ role.  相似文献   

For most of the 20th century, international broadcasting was characterized by state-run broadcasts carried over shortwave radio. Such broadcasting was at the core of the Cold War and World War II, as well as the decade leading up to World War II. After the end of the Cold War in the early 1990s, the geopolitical context that had structured international broadcasting for so long dissolved, allowing for the possibility of significant changes in international broadcasting. One of these changes since the end of the Cold War is the development of Web radio. The year 1995 marks the point when broadcasting over the Web began in earnest. Included in this movement were a number of the primary broadcasters who had been, and still were, active in international shortwave broadcasting. Then, in 2001, after gradually reducing shortwave output to North America, Australia, and New Zealand, the BBC World Service terminated official shortwave broadcasts to these areas. In place of shortwave, listeners were directed to receive BBC World Service programming primarily through Web broadcasts and secondarily through local AM/FM rebroadcasts. The announcement of the termination of these shortwave broadcasts provoked a large and vocal opposition to the cuts from shortwave listeners, professionals in international broadcasting, and even the British Parliament. This article documents the BBC World Service's announcement as well as the reaction it generated.  相似文献   

Republican Congressman Louis McFadden and Jehovah's Witness leader Joseph Rutherford promoted a 1934 legislative proposal to open American broadcasting indiscriminately to all who could pay, thus effectively making it a public utility. Debate on the proposed bill illuminates some of the tensions in the construction of network broadcasting's liberal public sphere—not only the intolerance of intolerance at its heart but also the tension between the open pluralism of modern liberalism and the strident defense of truth by fundamentalist religious and populist political crusaders who sought to broadcast their views. Conservative populists astutely identified the intrinsically liberal framework of corporate network broadcasting, specifically its need to present an appearance of fostering diversity under a regime of tolerance.  相似文献   

There is no segment of the broadcasting industry growing as rapidly as Christian Radio has since 1990. The number of radio stations with Christian formats has nearly tripled in this time frame, surpassing all other formats. This remarkable growth is due to a combination of factors, including changes in FCC channel allocation and licensing policies, innovations in software to identify available frequencies and plot coverage areas, the popularity of Contemporary Christian Music, the growth of Evangelical Christianity and conservative political organizations, and the dedicated efforts of many broadcasters who want Christian Radio to happen now.  相似文献   

This essay chronicles the early history of New York radio station WEVDAM. Erected as a monument to socialist leader Eugene Victor Debs, WEVD was an electronic voice for the socialist ideas and causes that Debs championed. This essay examines how WEVD struggled to defend its license to become an early radio pioneer for socialist rhetoric and, through the process, guaranteed access to the airwaves for minority viewpoints. These struggles occurred during the formative years of broadcast regulation, and WEVD played a significant role in defining the public interest standard for American broadcasting.  相似文献   

From 1934 to 1941, three British-governed radio stations were established in the Middle East: Egyptian State Broadcasting (ESB) in Cairo (1934), the Palestine Broadcasting Service (PBS) in Jerusalem (1936), and the Near East Broadcasting Service (NEBS) in Jaffa (1941). These three stations were modeled on the BBC and run as colonial or imperial stations—but they were also considered national stations. As a result, they operated as hybrid entities with overlapping and sometimes conflicting mandates. Through the three case studies—a contentious hire at the ESB, the PBS' ‘Jerusalem Direct News Service’, and the NEBS' Islamic broadcasts—this article charts the evolving relationship between Great Britain and its Arab-world radio stations, examining these three stations in tandem tension between national and regional broadcasting mandates, as well as the challenge that managing each station raised for British officials in the UK and in-country. It moves away from a focus on the disembodied spheres of ideology and propaganda, and toward the messy administrative decisions that reflected British officials' on-the-ground efforts to navigate the administrative control and programming decisions in the perplexing world of semi-independent radio broadcasting stations in the Middle East. It closes by noting that while UK-based British officials saw these three stations as operating under the aegis of British governance and on the model of the BBC, the ESB and the PBS, in particular, reflected and projected not a British imperial identity but an Egyptian and a Palestinian nationalist one.  相似文献   

This article considers the Radio Preservation Task Force’s (RPTF) recruitment efforts and current list of member archives, assessing its success in fulfilling its mandate from the Library of Congress’s National Recording Preservation Board to adequately inventory archival collections throughout the country and facilitate preservation of and educational access to materials within these collections. The RPTF’s membership, it argues, represents significant progress in overcoming initial favoritism toward collections of network broadcasting materials, enabling the creation of alternative forms of cultural memory and production of new histories that can speak to issues and constituencies neglected in traditional histories of radio broadcasting. At the same time, it proposes further attention to nonconventional archives that may not take radio or media as their focus, warns against privileging sound recordings at the expense of contextualizing paper documentation, and stresses the need to consider forms of radio content beyond broadcast programming and to actively preserve born-digital materials within the present as well as recordings from the past. While the RPTF has helped expand existing conceptions of the radio archive, significant challenges and opportunities remain for identifying and preserving the full range of American radio heritage for both current and future generations.  相似文献   

This article explores how Ireland’s first LGBT radio station, Open FM, attempted to offer LGBT radio in a heteronormative media landscape. It uses semi-structured interviews with two of the stations founders as well as posts from online LGBT message bulletin boards to argue how Open FM ultimately became ambivalent about its LGBT status and adopted a dualcasting strategy. Despite its ambitions to be a community-led radio station for Ireland's LGBT community, the dualcasting strategy of the station framed many of its endeavors between the mainstream standards of radio broadcasting and the community of interest that their licence claimed to serve.  相似文献   

This article examines the negotiation of organizational tensions by purpose-driven consultancies, for-profit firms also motivated by social change agendas in their implementation of organizational development for corporate clients. Using two case studies – APCom training ethical corporate leaders, and GreenD communicating environmental sustainability programs – we trace how such consultancies negotiate these tensions, and how their underlying purpose might accordingly transform. Our multi-case study suggests two broad tensions related to purpose and impact that are experienced in context-specific ways by the consultancies. Although members sought to frame these tensions in positive ways, as complementary dialectics or contradicting the dominant capitalist system, they were also at risk of devolving into more paradoxical contradictions and even debilitating double binds, without sustained discussion to ‘repurpose’ the firms. We close by discussing theoretical and practical implications for purpose-driven consultancies, given that their pursuit of social change is often at odds with the status quo.  相似文献   

This article surveys the prehistory of broadcasting in the German Reich. It focuses on wireless telegraphy, where the Telefunken Company succeeded internationally with its quenched spark system on the eve of the war. Telefunken's system was developed as an efficient military technology between 1905 and 1908, and it soon became the core of Telefunken's successful attempt to break Marconi's monopoly in maritime radio communication. Encouraged by this success, Telefunken started to establish wireless transoceanic connections to build a global German radio network. The properties of radio broadcasting as a possible new mass medium only gradually became evident before 1918.  相似文献   


With the domination of broadcasting by television in the 1950s and since, academics of both teaching and research persuasions have tended to ignore the older and larger (in number of stations) medium of radio. Courses in radio announcing and production, usually the oldest in most schools’ curricula, were summarily suspended or simply faded away for lack of student and faculty interest. Meanwhile, of course, radio continued to grow, and with the resurgence of FM and interest in high‐fidelity sound in the mid‐sixties, students in both film and broadcasting courses began to request more audio training and practice. In the following article, the author surveys current practices in radio production based on returns to a nationwide request for data. Throughout, comparison is made with the APBE composite course outline for such a course, published in 1970. Dr. Martin is associate professor in the department of radio‐TV at California State College—Long Beach.  相似文献   

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