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老龄化程度的持续加深对失能老人的照护决策造成了一定的影响。本文基于CHARLS数据,从机构照护和保姆看护两方面,考察失能老人经济收入对正式照护选择的影响。研究表明,受经济收入限制,绝大多数失能老人不使用正式照护。失能老人经济收入对使用正式照护有显著的正向影响,但这种影响仅限于保姆看护的使用。老年人失能程度不仅约束其经济收入对正式照护的使用,也制约非正式照护对正式照护的替代效应。具体来看,轻度失能情况下存在这种替代效应,中重度失能情况下,非正式照护与保姆看护则呈现补充关系。经济收入和社会支持的差异性导致城乡失能老人对正式照护的使用不同,城市失能老人倾向于使用正式照护,而农村失能老人倾向于使用非正式照护。因此,要通过政府购买、长期护理保险等手段构建多元化照护模式,拓展正式照护的途径,同时构建农村互助养老网络。  相似文献   

我国已步入老龄化社会,家庭小型化、核心化和空巢化,传统的家庭养老功能快速退化。武陵山片区农村失能老人经济上极度贫困,长期照护问题更为严重。面对庞大的武陵山片区农村失能老人群体,单纯依靠家庭、政府、市场都无法满足失能老人的长期照护服务需求,需将传统的家庭照护、社区照护与机构照护有机结合,创建社区居家照护模式,培育政府、社区、社会组织和家庭等多元化的照护服务供给主体,是对传统家庭养老模式的有力补充与更新,能很好地解决传统的家庭养老功能弱化带来的一系列问题。  相似文献   

高龄老人的照护问题给家人造成了压力与负担,老人照顾包括正式与非正式资源两者的协助,从家庭照顾的角度探讨高龄老人所处的特殊地位及所需要的社会支持。  相似文献   

人口老龄化是人口发展过程中的一个必然阶段。老年人随着年龄的增长,身体状况的改变,独立能力逐渐减弱而依赖性开始增强。我国老年人口较多,且进入老龄化国家行列时经济基础薄弱,社会保障体系不健全,老年人群长期照护服务需求较大,目前我国老年人养老仍以居家养老为主,而对于失能老人,居家养老的质量则令人堪忧。建立适合我国国情的城镇失能老人照护模式已迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

在人口老龄化的各种矛盾中,最难解决的问题之一是失能老人数量迅速增长,失能风险积聚增大,对家庭与社会的负担愈来愈重,致使失能老人长期照护服务的压力和矛盾日益突出。通过对青岛市城乡失能老年人的基本情况进行评估,分析目前失能老人照护服务的现状、问题,从实际出发提出加快青岛市失能老人长期照护服务体系建设的对策建议。  相似文献   

在人口老龄化的各种矛盾中,最难解决的问题之一是失能老人数量迅速增长,失能风险积聚增大,对家庭与社会的负担愈来愈重,致使失能老人长期照护服务的压力和矛盾日益突出。通过对青岛市城乡失能老年人的基本情况进行评估,分析目前失能老人照护服务的现状、问题,从实际出发提出加快青岛市失能老人长期照护服务体系建设的对策建议。  相似文献   

人口老龄化浪潮下失能老人数量的逐年递增,对我国老年人生活福利体系提出了挑战:快速城市化背景下农村家庭保障功能逐渐弱化、经济贫困与福利不足使得农村失能老人生活照料问题更加凸显。笔者通过对国内外学者关于失能老年人社会照护制度、模式等的研究,剖析当前农村失能老年人的福利困境,为完善农村失能老年人社会照护体系提供对策。  相似文献   

老龄化与少子化的叠加出现,监护权缺失的高龄孤寡、失能失智等困境老人的增多,需要政府和社会机构组织的支持和帮助。借鉴美国的特殊需要信托,日本的意定监护契约,以及我国台湾地区的安养信托等监护模式,结合我国国情,提出建立失能失智老人的政府强制信托和孤寡失独老人的意定监护信托。政府履行监护职责,社会承担监护责任,加强人身照护和财产信托管理,提升社会养老供给能力,推进我国老年事业发展。  相似文献   

随着人口老龄化、高龄化和失能老人的不断增加,河北省老龄化呈现出规模大、增速快、负担重的显著特点,老年抚养比不断攀升,长期照护服务的需求日益增加。河北省长期照护保障资源存在严重的错配问题,主要表现为养老金不足,长期照护制度碎片化,长期照护设施空置率高,照护人力资源严重匮乏。因此,应尽快建设以长期照护支付体系为保障、以长期照护人力资源为核心、以长期照护机构为支撑、以长期照护评估机制为基础的长期照护保障制度,推动智慧养老的发展,探索共享养老新模式,以满足未来超老龄化和重度老龄化社会的需求。  相似文献   

随着各国不断进入社会老龄化,需要为一些行动不便或失能的老年人提供长期服务,以满足其生理和心理需求,老年人已成为长期照护的主要对象。本文研究了发达国家利用不同筹资模式应对老龄化社会服务需求,从中借鉴以发展我国老年长期照护服务,满足我国老年长期照护服务的资金需求。  相似文献   

People with dementia (PWD) and their family caregivers need an increasing number of diverse health and social services. A multidisciplinary person-centered approach to dementia services is required to meet the complex needs of PWD and their family caregivers. However, educational programs struggle to prepare health and social work students to meet the complex needs of PWD and their family caregivers. This study aimed to assess the self-efficacy, competence, target complaints, and attitudes regarding interactions with PWD and their family caregivers among healthcare and social work students who participated in a large community dementia-outreach research project. A one-group pretest and posttest design was used to collect data from 23 undergraduate students studying nursing, public health, or social work. Students participated in a community dementia-outreach research project as an extracurricular activity. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected using a pre- and post-participation self-report questionnaire. Students showed increased self-efficacy and competence after project participation. Students’ perceived barriers to interacting with PWD and their family caregivers decreased. In answering open-ended questions, students showed enhanced understanding of PWD and their family caregivers, positive attitudes toward dementia care, and a career preference for dementia care. Findings provided evidence of the benefits of community-research-project participation as an experiential learning tool to enhance dementia care among health and social work students.  相似文献   

The study aims to examine the effectiveness of a life story program on reducing Chinese American family caregivers’ stress due to the burden of caregiving. This study conducted a quasi-experimental pre-posttest research design. A simple one-way ANOVA was performed to test the significance of the intervention on caregivers’ burden. The life story was not found to be directly statistically significant on reducing burden. However, through the life story intervention, it was discovered that among Chinese American family caregivers their perceived lower dependency of the care receiver, fewer needs of the care receiver and unknown time frame of continuation of care were statistically significant on the burden scale. The life story intervention improved family caregivers’ insight and judgment on the effect that care receivers’ needs and demands had on their continuation of caregiving.  相似文献   

With the growing trend in population aging, declining birthrates, and changing patterns in living arrangements, aging in place has become a primary choice for elderly people after retirement (Hooyman & Kiyak, 2010). Home care service has become a key aspect of successful aging so that recent studies started to examine how to serve the dailyneeds for the elderly by adopting new home care services, in particular technology-enabled services for better living. This study applied Maslow’s theory to conduct an in-depth assessment on elders need and examine the factors that influence their satisfaction.Based on the concept of the social change process model (Glofia 1983), the “social awareness” on seeking external (societal) help to solve the problem was proposed and tested on its moderating effects in satisfying elder’s needs. The results from the empirical testing reveal that that elderly people rely on assistance from others and home-care service providers mediating the service to satisfaction when they are in less favorable health and economic conditions.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between the institutionalization of a dependent elderly relative and the family caregiver’s mental health, quality of life and caregiving satisfaction. We present data from 140 family caregivers caring for elderly family members, of whom 77 continued to live with family members and 63 had been institutionalized. We evaluated the factors influencing the decision to institutionalize the dependent relative, the effect of institutionalization on the caregiver’s psychological well-being and quality of life and the impact of strategies to find the meaning and cope with the relative’s placement on the caregiver’s emotional health and quality of life. Care does not end after institutionalization, but the stressors the caregiver faces change. Our results suggest that finding meaning increases satisfaction and reduces feelings of overload. They show that after institutionalization, stressors affecting caregivers are partly relieved, and that finding meaning increases the caregiver’s satisfaction, while decreasing the degree of overload. Our data, further, indicates that a good relationship and cooperation between the staff of the institution and the family are important to improve the caregivers’ emotional health and quality of life, and consequently, the quality of life of the dependent elderly relative.  相似文献   

This article describes an online course developed and currently offered at Middle Tennessee State University. Considering the statistics of family caregivers, their needs, and students’ and human service professionals’ education, the author demonstrates the necessity of such courses and their benefits. The author also considers the standards for online Social Work education. Because there are more than 54 million family caregivers providing 80% of all home health care, recommendations for further study into caregiving courses, their content, and usefulness are given. The article includes student testimonials, course objectives, and links to course websites and the WebCT system that provides the course's platform.  相似文献   

为了解北京市0~6岁残疾儿童家长教育需求的状况及其影响因素,本文采用问卷调查法对313名北京籍智力残疾、听力残疾、肢体残疾、精神残疾、多重残疾共5类残疾儿童家长进行问卷调查。结果发现:北京市0~6岁残疾儿童家长教育需求广泛而迫切,在各维度都呈现出高需求。其中,残疾儿童家长对法律政策需求、专业指导与专业合作需求显著高于其他教育需求。填表人身份、家长文化程度、家庭收入、儿童残疾程度和接受康复训练情况对家长教育需求有显著影响。建议尽快建立残疾儿童家庭服务支持体系,多形式、多渠道满足0~6岁残疾儿童家庭的需求,开展有效家长教育服务。  相似文献   

Most health care and social service providers are routinely required to work with elderly clients and clients’ aging family members. Research suggests that students entering these professions have knowledge deficits and lack positive attitudes toward older people. Few prefer to work with aging clients. Professional curricula are not providing students with adequate training to serve the current needs of this population, much less to meet projected increases in demand for services. To examine this issue, 67 master's students in nursing and social work completed questionnaires assessing (1) knowledge about aging, (2) attitudes toward old people, and (3) perceived barriers to gerontological education. Results confirmed the existence of knowledge deficits among respondents. Attitudes tended to be neutral rather than strongly positive or negative. Knowledge scores were related to attitudes, to respondents’ ages, and to their having lived in households with older relatives. Nursing students identified the greatest barriers in gerontological education as insufficient curriculum time and lack of academic role models. Social work students perceived lower status of work with the elderly and limited experience with healthy older people as the greatest barriers. The two groups agreed that fragmentation of services contributes to inadequate gerontological preparation. Findings suggest a need for didactic and experiential learning opportunities, reinforced by appropriate academic role models, for students in service professions.  相似文献   

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