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全国政协委员、陶瓷专家叶宏明用时两年调研发现,《新闻联播》10多年没有出现新面孔,在2007年的"两会"上,叶宏明递交提案,建议《新闻联播》注入新鲜血液.递交提案9个月后收到央视回复,自12月6日开始,即将迎来30岁生日的《新闻联播》节目接连推出了4位"新人".  相似文献   

最近,《新闻联播》出现了几位新面孔,引起了人民群众和媒体的广泛关注,大家议论纷纷,品头论足。这是中央台其他节目主持人变脸所没有的现象,这充分说明《新闻联播》在人民心中的分量。  相似文献   

点评: 《新闻联播》中每次出现新面孔都能在公众中激起一阵舆论涟漪。一档新闻节目因为出现了两个新的主持人,就引发全国各家媒体的关注,网上随即出现热烈的讨论,不用说,只有中央电视台的《新闻联播》才有这个效应。  相似文献   

曾鸿 《新闻知识》2006,(11):50-52
2006年6月,开播3周年的中央电视台新闻频道开始全面改版。与此同时,在6月5日晚上19:00的《新闻联播》中,推出了两位被称为“熟悉而又陌生”的新主播:李梓萌和康辉。两张年轻的新面孔的出现,立即引来大批观众的关注,一时间,对于两位新人以及《新闻联播》节目的评价纷纷涌现,其中有一种观点尤为引人注目:即众多观众认为,《新闻联播》换播音员不如风格创新。事实上,尽管长期以来有着号称是极高的收视率,由于风格上的陈旧等诸多原因,《新闻联播》正在日益失去它的领土。且不说凤凰卫视这种境外传媒的冲击,就是在国土之内,众多的上星卫视在激烈的…  相似文献   

杨帆 《新闻窗》2006,(5):68-69
今年是中央电视台《新闻联播》开播30周年,6月5日,该栏目17年来首次试换播音员,两个年轻的新面孔在屏幕上亮相,引起了公众对其革新的关注。  相似文献   

2007年12月10日,《京华时报》报道:"昨晚,《新闻联播》主播再次出现新面孔,《新闻30分》主播郭志坚与李瑞英搭档主持节目。郭志坚被认为‘以冷峻严肃为主要面部表情的央视播音员中笑容最多的一个’,昨晚他的笑容赢得不少好评。"  相似文献   

钟荣华 《新闻实践》2012,(12):52-53
案例2012年10月19日晚,央视《新闻联播》播出了一则寻人启事:桂林一位患有老年痴呆症的母亲走失以后,4个儿子在车站贴满寻人启事,驾车寻找,用尽各种办法仍没有找到走失的母亲。《新闻联播》在播出这则寻人启  相似文献   

央视《新闻联播》是全国各个电视台必播的新闻节目,反映了国家发展趋势。随着时代的进步,央视《新闻联播》也在逐渐发生改版,改版后的央视《新闻联播》改变了过去千篇一律的呆板形象,焕然一新,更加具有亲和力,被称为央视新闻"变脸"。央视新闻"变脸"成功的改变了传统的《央视新闻》的形象,增加了收视效率。  相似文献   

中国有个CCTV,CCTV有个《新闻联播》,这两样东西对中国人日常生活的影响之大,非一般人所能想象.很难想象,没有CCTV和《新闻联播》的中国是什么样子?没有CCTV和《新闻联播》,我们的生活又是什么样子?更难想象的是,CCTV没有《新闻联播》,又该是什么样的?生活不相信假设.好在,CCTV和《新闻联播》一直留在中国人的生活中,你见或者不见,它们就在那里.每晚7点,打开CCTV,与《新闻联播》面对面,看到熟悉的面孔,听着熟识的声音,没有什么大惊小怪,感觉《新闻联播》就应该是这个样子的.“不变”才是它的常态,变化则成了意外.它以不变应万变,人间沧海桑田,《新闻联播》自岿然不动.世界在变,新闻在变,CCTV也在变,但不变的是《新闻联播》.三十多年来,中国遭遇千年未有之大变局,媒体牌局被洗了一遍又一遍,新闻生产方式发生了革命性的变化,新闻语法和新闻语态也被深度颠覆,但是,在万变之中,《新闻联播》依然如故.我们甚至会产生一种错觉:这个世界除了《新闻联播》不变,其他都在变.  相似文献   

新年以来,曾被称为"铁板一块"的央视《新闻联播》进行了改版,发生了诸多变化:头条新闻增加民生内容,推出关于雾霾、曹家巷拆迁等的连续报道,连线特约评论员……您怎么看这些变化?您将如何关注《新闻联播》?您对《新闻联播》还有怎样的期待?本刊在问卷星网站发布调查问卷,截至1月27日,共回收有效问卷62份,以下为调查结果。  相似文献   

本文首先阐述了档案强国的本体意义和比较意义,说明了档案强国的人才结构、业务建设、国家宏观体系建设和思想意识四大标志,强调了建设档案强国的目的是与实现中华民族伟大振兴的中国梦相匹配的,分析了建设档案强国的历史档案资源、档案工作体系与基础等已具备的优势,还分析了建设档案强国的人才队伍不足、部分地区和部门业务基础薄弱、转型期面临新问题、档案开放度低与社会档案意识弱等问题,并提出了主要解决办法。  相似文献   

Perhaps nothing strikes more fear into the hearts of all tenure-track professors than the process itself. Are four papers in this journal good enough? Are eight papers in another okay? What if someone doesn’t like me or my area of research? These issues have plagued academia since the first essay was penned by the first researcher hundreds of years ago. While personal bias and journal preference continue to infect honest tenure reviews, solutions exist. This does not mean we have a magic bullet to solve issues of bullying or elitism. However, if we are honest in our desire to improve the Academy, we should avail ourselves of every possible tool for improvement. This essay is based on a survey sent to 2,500 mass communication educators. Of the almost 500 respondents, roughly 10% took the time to express emotions that ranged from fear and confusion to outright rage and anger, all because what ought to be clear is not. The author offers 10 ideas of how academia can improve its evaluation of new faculty, as well as a few suggestions regarding the unnecessary inclusion of personal issues in a process that ought to be about creating better researchers and teachers.  相似文献   


Are we as art librarians truly in a new world? Or are we seeing the evolution of a profession as it learns to use and take advantage of new tools? Are we answering new questions, or the same questions but with new resources? This paper moves from a brief overview of the history of art librarianship up to the present day, and offers thoughts about where we may be headed in the future, as we ponder what is new and what is not in the world of art librarianship.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(51-52):105-120
As students grapple with new and often confusing information technologies, librarians must be able to adapt their teaching methods to address student anxieties, while simultaneously enhancing student learning. The development of activities which allow students to both confront and think critically about new material and concepts is one way to accomplish this. This article considers student apprehension when encountering new information technologies (CD-ROM technology in particular) and proposes a variety of active learning exercises within the framework of four questions that Abigail Loumis and Deborah Fink ("Instruction: Gateway to the Virtual Library," in The Virtual Library: Visions and Realities, ed. Laverna M. Saunders, Westport, CT: Meckler, 1993, p. 48) suggest researchers in the virtual library should be taught when learning how to search electronic sources: (1) Where am I? (2) How do I do it? (3) What am I trying to do? (4) What do I do with it? The use of student journals as an effective tool for gauging student learning and encouraging critical thinking is also detailed.  相似文献   

The work practices of the professional photojournalist are currently undergoing rapid change in the digital era. New technologies, new platforms and new methods of visual storytelling are exerting a range of pressures and influences that require photojournalists to adapt and respond in different ways. The changes provoke a number of questions that are critical to the future of professional photojournalism: What are the new risks being faced by photojournalists? How are the transformations in the media economy affecting photojournalists’ employment? What does this mean for image quality? How do photojournalists think about the manipulation of images or the staging of events? Given the rise of citizen journalism, digital technology and social media, will there even be professional photojournalists in the future? This paper presents some of the results and new analysis from the first international study into the current state and future of professional photojournalism, with a specific focus on risk and on perceptions of risk among photographers. The results indicate a high degree of risk is experienced among professional photographers with a very strong correlation to the country in which they are based.  相似文献   

The development of digital technologies for the production, processing, dissemination and use of information is leading to the emergence of a new society based on a far reaching transformation in the relationship between people and institutions and on a radical change in many professional, economic, educational or cultural practices. The crucial question facing us today is whether our traditional societies are ready for such a shift in ways of thinking, communicating and acting. Are people sufficiently aware and adequately equipped to become citizens of this new information society? Are they prepared to be active, efficient and responsible participants in the new communities living on information exchange? Are we really ready to be part of a new culture based on a swifter and broader flow of information, ideas and knowledge? The development of that special culture, or infoculture, depends first and foremost on education, both general and vocational, and on initial and continuing training as well as on raising awareness among the public at large. Achieving a real infoculture calls for full-scale mobilization of all those who in their various ways are involved in the information society. Partnerships must be encouraged; national, regional or world projects must be given support; there is more than ever a need for a new form of solidarity to develop the infoculture.  相似文献   

赵屹 《北京档案》2015,(1):19-22
从元数据的定义、元数据的作用、元数据与电子文件和背景信息的关系、元数据在电子文件管理中的使用四个方面对电子文件管理元数据进行研究和阐述。力求将研究性、知识性与易读性结合,有助于档案工作者了解元数据,进而依据元数据标准在实际工作中进行应用。  相似文献   

As new media technologies and platforms emerge and take hold in our society, traditional publishers are wondering: What’s in this new content climate for me? The simple answer is: a lot. The digital world, mobile content delivery mechanisms and the public’s increasing comfort—even preference for—a media menu from which they can pick and choose what they want and how they want to receive it, brings exciting and potentially lucrative opportunities. For publishers who understand how to leverage their brand and create authentic, identifiable value in the eyes of the customer, risk can be reduced and new revenue streams built. Here are four best practices to position your publishing company for growth.  相似文献   

关于国家档案资源优化配置的对话   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文对于国家档案资源建设问题,从四个方面进行了深入探讨:1.国家档案资源是否应该包括非国有档案?2.国家档案资源建设是否应该面向公众?3.档案馆(室)如何实现合理布局?4.国家档案资源配置如何实现整体优化?  相似文献   

Conclusion Unfortunately, for all four types of museums surveyed, the amount of digitized object offerings is not as robust as one would hope or expect. And, it is not entirely clear as to why this is the case. Copyright concerns? Cost issues? Unclear benefits? While museums may have sound justifications at this point in not offering a wide assortment of images, there is no clear reason why documentation was found to be so often lacking. Documentation is one of the crucial areas in the networked digital environment. It can help ensure that issues such as authenticity and ownership are well-managed in the digital realm. The WWW would also appear to provide an ideal mechanism through which to host non-current exhibitions, providing over future years rich collection tools of continuously available highly structured content.  相似文献   

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