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从收视调查的发展历史与现状来看,传统电视、数字电视与网络视频、移动视频的收视调查在测量方法、测量理念等方面并不相同.多屏时代的收视调查除了要对不同终端受众收视行为进行准确测量外,还要将这些收视数据进行整合.但不同阶段的收视调查也有其相同点,即都是基于媒介产业产生.当电视媒介与广告商、广告主的交易日益频繁,几方都迫切需要有一种可以评判广告投放效果的简单快速有效的标准,这种标准就是收视调查数据.基于这一特点可以预测出多屏时代收视调查发展的几点趋势.  相似文献   

大众传播媒介本属于公共空间,但随着传播技术的变革,在多媒体时代,"公"与"私"的界线开始模糊。借助网络平台私人议题开始进入媒介公共空间,媒介空间也变得越来越私人化。本文试结合"富二代砸六位数在《北京青年报》寻女友事件"和"毕福剑不雅言论视频事件",分析多媒体时代媒介空间的私人化和私人空间的媒介化带来的问题,以期引起大众传播的重视和注意。  相似文献   

赵程 《东南传播》2018,(3):119-120
麦克卢汉曾提出"媒介即信息"的观点,移动互联网时代的到来,有学者提出"媒介即场景"的观点,一种新媒介的长处,将导致一种新文明的产生,移动短视频正在悄然改变着人们的生活和行为习惯,并且在移动互联网时代生成一种新的文明现象。本文基于场景理论视角从时代背景、建构方式、社交氛围、场景适配等四个方面,探求以"火山小视频"为代表的移动短视频应用的场景建构,反思其在场景建构中需注意的问题和移动短视频的发展之路。  相似文献   

黄琴 《东南传播》2020,(1):113-116
移动短视频社交是不同于图文社交的一种新型富媒体社交方式,它使现实生活更多介入到媒介虚拟情境中来,虚拟与现实的边界打破,构成媒介生活日常化,媒介形象现实化,现实形象媒介化。本文以抖音App为例,从移动短视频社交这一新的网络现象出发,以媒介情境理论为基础,借助拉康的凝视理论以及弗洛姆的异化理论,试图揭示在移动短视频社交这一新的媒介情境中,用户在"他者"的凝视下凭借技术赋权进行自我建构与呈现,从而实现自我的彰显;当用户无法恰当地看待其他用户的目光及评价时,其自我建构与认同过度依赖他者,自我逐渐异化,在这个过程中用户从行为层面到理念、精神层面逐步丧失主体性,自我在其中悄然消逝。  相似文献   

新媒介对社会行为的影响与传统媒介相比产生了很大差异。新媒介突破了传统媒介的局限.打破了印刷媒介文字阻隔所带来的信息屏障,促进了电视媒介“前台”与“后台”场景区隔的融合。模糊了私人空间与公共领域的界限,削弱了信息控制力度,消解了等级制度蓄意制造的神秘性和权威感。这一系列开放性特征使传统行为模式发生了很大变化,促使新的社会...  相似文献   

雷歌珊 《视听》2022,(5):141-143
成都作为一座包容性极强的人文城市,在短视频的发展下迎来了新的城市传播机遇.抖音作为定位媒介,弥合以往媒介城市传播中的地方感缺失,塑造的城市意象与以往媒介建构略有不同.抖音的城市意象主要从符号地点、制造地点、标志地点三重实践来建构.由于空间的社会属性极强、社会关系复杂,抖音平台的媒介空间建构的城市意象具有碎片化、商业化、...  相似文献   

“后区前置”媒介情境下新媒体传播的伦理失范与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
媒介技术的发展促成了新的媒介情境,打破了不同信息系统的分离状态,出现"公共情境"合并"私人情境"的现象,极大拓展了媒介的"前区"空间。伴随着信息处理、接受方式的变化,人们的生存方式、思维价值取向、文化认同等一系列要素都在经历深刻变化。本文结合媒介情境理论,探析新媒体传播过程中日益严重的伦理失范现象,分析媒体传播伦理失范的表现和成因,以期构建新媒体传播伦理体系。  相似文献   

关于城市和媒介,在"媒介表征"范式的研究中,大众传播媒体是再现城市的最重要的工具,城市实体空间与大众传播媒体建构的虚拟空间却是二元对立的,城市传播长期存在着缺乏连接、轻沟通的问题。媒介实践研究为理解空间与传播关系提供了新思路,基于该理论视角,采用理论分析、文献分析质化研究方法,将短视频传播成为一种媒介实践行为,得出结论:这种实践已内化于人们的日常生活,并激活了城市空间,实现实体空间与虚拟空间的回流与连接,重筑了新的社会关系,进一步体现出政治、经济、文化之间的博弈关系。  相似文献   

在媒介融合环境下,随着电视节目播出模式的变化,电视受众的收视方式、收视行为、收视需求和互动方式都相应发生了变化。文章在受众分化和媒介融合两个维度对受众媒介接触行为进行了研究。针对电视受众的流变,提出电视媒体应利用网络平台的互动性加强优质内容的传播,促使电视受众的回流,产生实际观看行为,并以网络平台优势,融合更多的视频用户,完成其传统观众经营方式的升级。  相似文献   

全球化的冲击导致建筑设计和城市创作的雷同,城市公共空间也因此变得规范化和标准化;移动媒介更是直接取代了公共空间在信息交换、社会交往中的角色。但电子大屏幕在公共空间的出现改变了城市空间的秩序和样态,并将人们重新召回到街道。本文结合有关公共空间的理论,并以深圳本地大屏幕为例,通过简单的实地考察发现大屏幕通过公开展示的方式形成了城市居民中多数人可识别的城市景观,并促成日常生活图景中的"集体记忆";同时其支持新形态的社会交往,提供了增强公共参与和提高城市公共性的机会。大屏幕为城市公共空间发展带来了新的机遇。  相似文献   

TikTok, a social media platform that focuses on short form videos, has gained a high level of popularity, particularly among young adults. Because libraries are always looking for ways to engage with their patrons, the popularity among this demographic provides an opportunity for college and university libraries to do so. This study analyzed and categorized the videos within 15 academic library TikTok accounts in order to answer two questions: 1) How do academic libraries use TikTok? and 2) Is there a correlation between content category and user interaction on academic library TikTok accounts? The results show that humanizing or fun videos were most utilized by academic libraries, followed by videos including or highlighting collections and spaces. Results also demonstrated that humanizing and fun videos received the highest amount of user engagement. This differs from previous studies on other types of social media wherein news and announcements or events were often the dominant categories.  相似文献   

抖音APP的走红给科技馆的科学传播方式带来新的机遇与挑战。本文基于抖音作品的特征,分析了科技馆开发抖音作品的意义,并对国内科技馆抖音平台应用现状进行了调查和分析,提出利用抖音进行科学传播的发展思路和策略。  相似文献   

大学生移动学习需求的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在阐述移动学习需求理论框架的基础上,从移动学习内容与服务需求两个方面,对我国大学生移动学习需求的特征进行抽样调查与分析发现:大部分大学生需要移动学习服务;其移动学习的内容需求包括课堂内外与学习相关的即时性内容,长短适中,以文本形式为主,其次是图片、视频、音频;移动学习终端以智能手机与平板电脑为主;移动学习软件以客户端、WAP、短信息为主;大多数学生既需要自行订阅或查询学习内容,也需要个性化的移动学习推送服务;需要配套的学习网络社区;希望移动学习服务是免费服务。在此基础上,提出基于大学生移动学习需求特征的服务对策。  相似文献   

This article covers the use of Quick Response (QR) codes to provide instant mobile access to information, digital collections, educational offerings, library website, subject guides, text messages, videos, and library personnel. The array of uses and the value of using QR codes to push customized information to patrons are explained. A case is developed for using QR codes for mobile delivery of customized information to patrons. Applications in use at the Libraries of the University of Utah will be reviewed to provide readers with ideas for use in their library.  相似文献   

This article covers the use of Quick Response (QR) codes to provide instant mobile access to information, digital collections, educational offerings, library website, subject guides, text messages, videos, and library personnel. The array of uses and the value of using QR codes to push customized information to patrons are explained. A case is developed for using QR codes for mobile delivery of customized information to patrons. Applications in use at the Libraries of the University of Utah will be reviewed to provide readers with ideas for use in their library.  相似文献   

Academic libraries are spending considerable time and study on redesigning spaces. The use of technology is often an important part of these redesigned spaces. The space redesign goals at F.D. Bluford Library focus on creating open, activity-promoting, colorful spaces that are designed to be attractive to students. The goals also focus on implementing hybrid spaces that allow students to work alone or in groups, with support for mobile technologies like laptops or tablets. The space redesign goals focus on upgrading the quality of desktops available but reducing the number of desktops. This study examines the question “Does our library renovation significantly change computer use in the redesigned area?” Key findings include that, in defiance of expectations, there is no significant decrease in desktop usage despite the decreased number of computers. However, findings show there is a significant difference in tablet use, despite tablet-friendly spaces and charging options. Surprisingly, our students use fewer tablets. Laptop usage shows no significant difference. In summary, our research shows desktop computing—especially high-quality desktop computing—appears to still have a role in academic libraries even in the mobile technology age.  相似文献   

Libraries have become increasingly interested in studying the use of spaces within their buildings. Traditional methods for tracking library building use, such as gate counts, provide little information on what patrons do once they are in the library; therefore, new methods for studying space usage are being developed. Particularly promising are mobile technologies, which make it possible to directly observe and track user behaviors throughout library spaces. We found that observation combined with mobile technologies enabled the library to assess user study behaviors and space usage patterns anywhere in the library. Observations were tracked using an iPad with two different types of mobile apps, CloudOn and Counter+. The results were compared to the more traditional statistics gathered by the study room reservation system. The findings showed that the mobile observations more accurately reflected actual library usage and provided additional details on specific study behaviors such as studying in groups and using technology while studying.  相似文献   

We investigate the ways young children’s use of mobile touchscreen interfaces is both understood and shaped by parents through the production of YouTube videos and discussions in associated comment threads. This analysis expands on, and departs from, theories of parental mediation, which have traditionally been framed through a media effects approach in analyzing how parents regulate their children’s use of broadcast media, such as television, within family life. We move beyond the limitations of an effects framing through more culturally and materially oriented theoretical lenses of mediation, considering the role mobile interfaces now play in the lives of infants through analysis of the ways parents intermediate between domestic spaces and networked publics.

We propose the concept of intermediation, which builds on insights from critical interface studies as well as cultural industries literature to help account for these expanded aspects of digital parenting. Here, parents are not simply moderating children’s media use within the home, but instead operating as an intermediary in contributing to online representations and discourses of children’s digital culture. This intermediary role of parents engages with ideological tensions in locating notions of “naturalness:” the iPad’s gestural interface or the child’s digital dexterity.  相似文献   

As tinkering and making spaces proliferate in museums, many researchers, practitioners, funders, and policy‐makers seek to understand what constitutes learning‐through‐tinkering. To support discussion of tinkering‐based learning, the Exploratorium sought to articulate and refine a valid, evidence‐based definition of learning in its permanent on‐floor Tinkering Studio. We studied and made videos of fifty learners and their companions in one of three tinkering activities in the Tinkering Studio. A team of researchers and practitioners used the videos to refine frameworks for learning and facilitation (initially developed in a prior project), leading to the identification of four Dimensions of Learning and three broad Facilitation Moves. We created a Tinkering Library of Exemplars that categorizes over one hundred video clips according to these frameworks. The Library may help articulate important aspects of learning and facilitation, give voice to practitioners’ values in defining learning‐through‐tinkering, and lay a methodological foundation for gathering evidence for such learning. The Library is available for download.  相似文献   

The domestication of mobile phones and a changing articulation of academic libraries as collaborative spaces present an opportunity for digitally-mediated collaboration—or do they? The intersection between the academic library's dynamic space and governing policies and guidelines, and the omnipresent mobile phone user is examined. Data was collected through document analysis and 46 ethnographic observations and interviews. How historical precedents, communication incongruence, and a lack of user studies can result in inconsistencies between academic libraries' visions and users' information practices is illustrated. Recommendations for policy-makers and managers of hybridized information centers are made. Specifically, guidelines regarding mobile phones should be revised to reflect a more in-depth understanding of mediated collaboration through mobile phone use.  相似文献   

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