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大众传播媒介本属于公共空间,但随着传播技术的变革,在多媒体时代,"公"与"私"的界线开始模糊。借助网络平台私人议题开始进入媒介公共空间,媒介空间也变得越来越私人化。本文试结合"富二代砸六位数在《北京青年报》寻女友事件"和"毕福剑不雅言论视频事件",分析多媒体时代媒介空间的私人化和私人空间的媒介化带来的问题,以期引起大众传播的重视和注意。  相似文献   

论融合媒介使用空间的私人化及影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章主要讨论融合媒介使用空间的私人化特征,认为私人化不仅是融合媒介的内在规定,也是空间精细化的必然结果。融合媒介使用空间的私人化也导致了大众传媒阅听空间的私人化,以及媒介内容产制的公私融合的趋势。  相似文献   

本文从当代中国语境出发对哈贝马斯公共领域兴起的历史分析做了再思考。论文分析认为,公共领域是一个构成中的历史现象,媒介与私人性的关系是理解公共领域之可能的重要路径。这体现在:媒介是私人从私人领域中进入公共交往的重要平台和纽带,在国家一社会相分离和独立的体制下,独立的私人能够在这一平台上,通过自由、公开、平等的理性讨论获得自身主体性,从而形成公众、公共舆论也即公共领域。论文就此指出,在当代中国语境下以此视角理解并实践"公共领域之可能"的问题,将为媒介与民主、国家与社会之间的关系变革提供更深刻的洞察。  相似文献   

自媒体传播在解构传统媒体线性传播下的传受者关系和话语权体系的基础上,所建构的媒介传播空间呈现出现实空间与虚拟空间混淆、公共空间私人化与私人空间公共化、道德空间紊乱等新特点。借助自媒体平台,主体彰显了自己的价值和尊严,促进了道德自主性的发展,但在文化、网络技术和外部环境的多重影响下,主体也面临诸多伦理困境。从伦理层面规避自媒体传播乱象、规范主体行为,需处理好自律与他律、自由与责任、现实与虚拟三对关系。  相似文献   

袁雪渊 《东南传播》2016,(10):96-99
自媒体传播在解构传统媒体线性传播下的传受者关系和话语权体系的基础上,所建构的媒介传播空间呈现出现实空间与虚拟空间混淆、公共空间私人化与私人空间公共化、道德空间紊乱等新特点.借助自媒体平台,主体彰显了自己的价值和尊严,促进了道德自主性的发展,但在文化、网络技术和外部环境的多重影响下,主体也面临诸多伦理困境.从伦理层面规避自媒体传播乱象、规范主体行为,需处理好自律与他律、自由与责任、现实与虚拟三对关系.  相似文献   

冯娟 《东南传播》2016,(12):75-77
中国家庭文化在现代媒介环境中日益受到冲击,手机的广泛使用加剧了这一冲突。目前在传播学领域,学者对此项议题的研究较少,多采取批判的观点,强调手机对家庭文化的消解。本文区别于以往将手机视为纯粹私人媒介的研究视角,在一家一户的语境中分析手机,而是将其置于个人领域、日常家庭生活与公共领域交织而成的网络中进行考察,探讨手机作为家庭文化传播新载体的必要性和可行性,重新审视手机对家庭文化的塑造和重构作用。  相似文献   

本文从社会学家哈贝马斯的公共领域概念出发,研究公共领域从精英文化向大众文化、消费文化转变,私人领域与公共领域的边界消解并逐渐融合,从而发现大众媒介在这一剧烈的嬗变中所扮演的角色以及所承担的功能变化,并探讨了在新媒体出现后,新的传播方式对公共领域的影响。  相似文献   

吴颖 《新闻世界》2012,(3):36-37
近年来,电视情感节目在荧屏上形成了一道亮丽的风景线。以私人情感为主要内容的电视节目的风行,凸显的是公共领域与私人领域的危机,即传媒在构建公共领域的过程中,不恰当地将私人领域放入公共领域。本文以电视情感节目为切入点,探讨在当今社会媒介环境下公、私领域的变化以及这一变化对传媒的影响,并阐述如何正确发挥传媒在构建公共领域中的作用。  相似文献   

本文旨在以葛兰西文化霸权理论为基础,在媒介霸权的语境下,分析个体如何通过统治阶级适度妥协的外部形式.以及构建相应的心理素质防御体系的内部形式,抵御大众媒介非法侵入私人领域。  相似文献   

廖媌婧 《今传媒》2012,(9):78-80,87
《幸福魔方》是东方卫视自主品牌的情感谈话类节目,讨论都市人情感话题,为都市日常生活私人领域话题提供了公开呈现的空间。本文借用哈贝马斯的"公共领域"和戈夫曼的"拟剧"理论,解析电视节目《幸福魔方》的社会学意义,并讨论媒体公共领域私人化现象以及对日常生活的景观呈现。  相似文献   

2007年的"华南虎事件"成为年度舆论热点。这一事件中所体现的具有理性批判能力的公众基础以及平等参与性、批判性、公共性、观点多样性等公共领域要素都使之成为研究中国公共领域发展现状的最新案例,该事件中传统媒体和新媒体的互助相长也为中国公共领域的发展提供了前景之路。  相似文献   

高建国 《新闻界》2007,(6):78-79
媒体与区域历史有千丝万缕的联系,区域历史是传媒挖掘不尽的文化财富,既可丰富传播内容,又能赢得受众的广泛欢迎.但媒体在传播区域历史的过程中,需要解决承接与传达这一对矛盾,让历史文化体现当代性、现代性、应用性、多样性和普及性.  相似文献   

This article explores some of the dilemmas and difficulties encountered by academic researchers (and specifically those who work on media audiences) in presenting their work in the public domain. It considers some examples of media coverage of debates about media audiences, raising questions about academic authority, research evidence and public knowledge. It points to the limitations of a view of such debates as “moral panics” and proposes a different approach based on social constructionist analyses of “social problems.” It concludes by considering some of the ambivalence and uncertainty that surrounds the increasingly common requirement for academics to become engaged with the public at large.  相似文献   

Social media have become a common organizational resource of governments and public administrations in different contexts. Previous authors have stated that social media institutionalization encompasses a process including stages from experimentation to complete command of the innovation. However, an understanding of barriers to social media institutionalization in public administration needs to be developed. In this article we focus on exploring what factors operate as barriers of the social media institutionalization process. Methodologically, we use a mixed-methods strategy combining different sources of data for triangulation purposes, including a survey on social media conducted to Spanish largest local governments. Based on this data, and following the literature on social media institutionalization, we construct a Social Media Institutionalization Index (SMI). Our SMI is founded on a set of variables measuring to what extent social media have been embedded in public sector organizations. Also, we conducted a case study in a city council based on semi-structured interviews. Our results suggest that social media institutionalization has not been fully developed in our sample of local governments. In addition, different variables (including security, lack of resources for maintenance, control and evaluation, organizational culture, or absence of governance framework) are perceived by public managers as institutionalization barriers, whereas the governance scheme of social media seems to be the critical variable. At the same time, we emphasize that some inhibitors might be overvalued by public employees. This article encourages future avenues of comparative research and practical recommendations to public managers leading social media in the public sector.  相似文献   

When societal elites seem to be in consensus about a political issue, journalism traditionally takes on a more conservative role in organising public discussion. For an issue to become controversial in mainstream media, a crisis of some kind is often needed, followed by lack of consensus among the different elites. This article uses coverage of globalisation in Finland’s most influential newspaper to see if the theory of the spheres of public discussion can be applied to a particular journalistic culture. The model is used to see how media treat elite and non-elite actors who wish to participate in public discussion. In order to draw conclusions about how the media operate regarding giving voice to dissent or upholding the status quo in society, it is necessary to take into account the historical and social context of the relationship between a country’s media and the state.  相似文献   

Governments are increasing digital communication with citizens, yet little is known about how the public sector influences communicators’ daily social media activities. This ethnographic study uses interviews, documents, and participant observation to offer a rare emic view of the US Coast Guard (USCG) social media program. Breaking up the monolithic public sector communication context, influences on social media communication were nested within five contexts: organization, military, parent agency, federal government, and the US public sector. By observing how the contexts and related attributes influence personnel and the program, the study provides insights related to social media communication processes rather than merely content products. Findings extend theoretical and practical applications by identifying enablers and challenges to government social media communication within an applied context. USCG's culture and history of transparency and engagement drive the strategy, while resource constraints and a devaluing of social media within the decentralized organization constrain program effectiveness and real-time engagement.  相似文献   

中国的媒体娱乐化走到今天,不得不思考这样一个问题,即如何定位自己的价值取向。笔者以为,当前媒体娱乐的价值取向应该在于:摆脱过度大众化的困扰,淡化神话式英雄情结,向平民化路线靠拢;在通往平民化的途中,媒体绝不可忽略所肩负的民族价值重构的重任。基于此,在当前社会转型期,媒体娱乐应走以下路径:在追求创新理念的引领下,既要从传统文化中汲取营养,也要从大众文化中吸取快适、轻松的要素,使媒介在提供娱乐的同时,重塑起易于被民众接受的精神的崇高。  相似文献   

王莉 《兰台世界》2020,(5):62-64
作为社会公共文化重要组成部分,公共档案馆更应该顺应现代新媒体技术发展要求,做好两者融合,发挥其社会公共文化服务功能,展现信息服务优势。本文分析了新媒体环境下的公共档案馆信息服务的网站、微博、微信公众号、档案科普栏目等具体形式,针对新媒体环境下的公共档案馆信息服务中存在的信息资源利用不足、数据资源整合和共享不足、新媒体技术应用层次不高等问题,提出了要把馆藏资源和新媒体技术在信息服务中进行有效融合、建立和完善数字档案资源的整合和分享机制、不断提升公共档案信息文化传播影响力等相关措施和建议。  相似文献   

文章通过对71篇我国公共数字文化政策文本的归纳总结,回溯了我国公共数字文化政策发展历程,将我国公共数字文化建设划分为共建、共享、融合三个阶段,并从宏观管理、建设实践、运行保障三个方面分析解读了我国公共数字文化共建共享阶段的政策内容。文章从融合创新的视角为公共数字文化政策制定的未来方向提出了鼓励数字资源价值挖掘与语义融合、重视移动平台建设与移动新媒体渠道推广、提倡多语言资源建设与发现等建议。  相似文献   

大众媒介的飞速发展使人类社会步入媒介化时代.如今,媒介已经成为人们社会政治生活和日常生活中不可缺少的东西,人们对大众传媒的依赖性越来越大.大众媒介具有巨大的影响,它缔造了人们所处的大众文化环境,制约了人们的认知与行为,这种无形的影响力被认为是产生媒介化的主要原因.伴随着媒介对社会无孔不入的渗透,受众对媒介的依赖也愈发增强,突出地表现为人对媒介的工具性依赖和内容依赖.  相似文献   

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