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韩国电视娱乐节目故事化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年底,北京领先文化发展有限公司花巨资买下了韩国大型综艺节目《情书》的内地播出版权,韩国电视娱乐节目将通过国内电视台走进人们视野。而在此之前,网络已经为韩国娱乐节目的流行提供了平台,并在网民中掀起了一股不小的热潮。与我国内地的娱乐节目相比,韩国娱乐节目无论在节目构思和设置,还是明星参与程度上,都有着丰富鲜明的个性,“一方面用明星吸引观众、创造欢笑,另一方面以教育和公益感化观众、创造感动。娱乐性与人文性交融形成了韩国娱乐节目的独特风格。”  相似文献   

电视媒体管理,就是通过有效的文化管理,制造和传播好优秀文化,实现文化本身所内蕴的综合价值。其核心是文化管理,也涉及新闻传播学、产业经济学、政治学、管理学等各个学科的理论。对电视娱乐节目进行媒体管理,首先应该以可持续健康发展为根本目标,求取社会效益与经济效益的统一。娱乐节目的公益性是不能被忽视的,媒体在进行自身管理时,应突出强化正面效果,寻求更符合市场规律的管理举措。  相似文献   

田瑶 《今传媒》2014,(7):166-167
本文通过对2006年至2013发表在新闻传播学术期刊、学报及高校学位论文对关于电视娱乐节目研究的论文进行整理、分析,发现国内学者对娱乐新闻的研究话题主要集中在:电视娱乐节目的问题、创新、未来发展策略;娱乐节目品牌策略;探讨电视娱乐节目文化价值等方面。同时,经过分析得出问题,针对问题提出解决策略。  相似文献   

2006年底,北京领先文化发展有限公司斥巨资买下了韩国大型综艺节目《情书》的内地播出版权,韩国电视娱乐节目将通过国内电视台渐渐走进人们视野。而在此之前,网络已经为韩国娱乐节目的流行提供了平台,并在网民中掀起了一股不小的热潮。与我国内地的娱乐节目相比,韩国娱乐节目无论在节目构思和设置,还是明星参与程度上,都有着鲜明的个性,“一方面用明星吸引观众、创造欢笑,另一方面以教育和公益感化观众、创造感动。娱乐性与人文性交融形成了韩国娱乐节目的独特风格。”  相似文献   

郑稳稳 《视听界》2007,(2):89-91
2006年底,北京领先文化发展有限公司花巨资买下了韩国大型综艺节目《情书》的中国大陆播出版权,韩国电视娱乐节目将渐渐走进人们视野。在此之前,网络已经为韩国娱乐节目的流行提供了平台,并在网民中掀起了一股不小的热潮。  相似文献   

前言在电视媒体的传播中,娱乐节目的竞争日趋激烈,作为娱乐休闲定位的电视节目形式,娱乐节目的主持特色对形成节目的传播效果产生重要影响。在当前媒介市场化环境下,电视娱乐节目为提升传播效果、形成节目的竞争优势,在节  相似文献   

综艺娱乐节目和新闻、电视剧,是当今电视节目的三大主力板块,是电视媒体发挥引导力、彰显影响力、提升竞争力的重要组成部分。近年来,浙江广电集团秉持以精英的实力创造大众文化的基本理念,在坚持新闻立台、做大做强新闻宣传的同时,大力推进综艺娱乐节目的创新创优,着力打造彰显主流价值和文化内涵的公益性综艺娱乐节目,探索走出了一条以主流价值为导向、以受众需要为目标、以社会责任为使命、以公益诉求为己任的综  相似文献   

近年来,我国电视娱乐节目存在格调不高、媚俗味重、缺乏创新的传播模式、忽视和误读观众的主体性等问题。本文认为:电视娱乐节目应强化文化内涵,提高文化品位,注重以人为本,加强节目的互动传播,实行立体化、本土化、分众化的传播策略。  相似文献   

综艺娱乐节目和新闻、电视剧,是当今电视节目的三大主力板块,是电视媒体发挥引导力、彰显影响力、提升竞争力的重要组成部分。近年来,浙江广电集团秉持以精英的实力创造大众文化的基本理念,在坚持新闻立台、做大做强新闻宣传的同时,大力推进综艺娱乐节目的创新创优,着力打造彰显主流价值和文化内涵的公益性综艺娱乐节目,探索走出了一条以主流价值为导向、以受众需要为目标、以社会责任为使命、以公益诉求为己任的综艺娱乐节目之路,赢得了社会各界的广泛关注和好评。特别是浙江卫视精心打造具有鲜明公益特色的娱乐  相似文献   

冉杰 《中国传媒科技》2014,(12):118-118
在注意力经济高度发达的今天,电视娱乐节目异军突起,收视纪录不断被刷新,形成众多影响力巨大的娱乐事件。仪式化传播的观念深刻影响着电视娱乐节目的制作以及传播效果。仪式的重要作用即在"唤起和重申社会的基本价值并提供共同的关注焦点"。  相似文献   

The morning news programs provide an excellent forum for television broadcast networks to benefit from “corporate synergy,” but do they simultaneously compromise the intent of the social responsibility theory of the press? This study measured the entertainment content of the three network morning shows and correlated that to the ownership of the programs and the products being promoted. Results show the morning programs fill their daily news hole at least 20% of the time with entertainment and sports topics, that the entertainment products covered are more likely to have been produced by the networks' parent companies, and that the coverage of entertainment topics is almost certain to be favorable. The results are further evidence in support of calls for revision and update of the Social Responsibility Theory of the Press. The authors suggest that the adoption of the concept of stakeholder theory, applied in the business literature, offers a framework for making responsible editorial decisions in an atmosphere of corporate synergy.  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative analyses of entertainment television programs depicting public meetings demonstrate that, while citizens are often shown having substantial opportunity to impact local government, authorities are often portrayed negatively. In particular, they are often shown as rude and in a conflict of interest. The categories for this content analysis represent an initial attempt to draw on social psychological theories of justice for communication research into entertainment television content. The research is also meant to demonstrate how fan-generated computer databases of entertainment television content can be used in conjunction with content analysis to fill a gap in political communication research.  相似文献   

Little is known about entertainment acquisition and production, especially the international format trade, although its worldwide market volume adds up to about 2.4 billion. Format trade is a process along the stages of creating, distributing, producing or reproducing, and broadcasting entertainment programs. Findings of a current empirical research project conducted by means of in-person interviews with managers in Germany and the United Kingdom reveal a phenomenon by which the particular organizations involved (creators, distributors, producers, and broadcast stations) establish structures that are called “flowing organizational networks.” Depending on situational requirements and the respective stages of the format trade process, actors tend to activate different organizational structures.  相似文献   

In mapping out the structures of representation surrounding a popular talent show in China, this study supports the idea that aesthetic evaluations and discussions more often than not extend into areas of broader concerns. By discussing a popular entertainment program, cultural critics have helped nurture public spheres in which civic issues can be enthusiastically and creatively talked about. The aesthetic public sphere essentially provides an extension of the formal Habermasian public sphere, thus suggesting a more significant civic role for entertainment programs.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the measurement invariance of media users’ entertainment experiences as conceptualized by two-process models of entertainment (i.e., enjoyment and appreciation) across different media formats. With this purpose, the present research relates to the recent rise of entertainment research, embracing more and more media types and formats with which entertainment experiences may occur. At the same time, it addresses a methodological issue that has rarely been addressed in communication research. Focusing on one of the most often used measurement instruments in entertainment research, on three different media formats (political talk shows, comedies, and dramas), the study finds evidence for configural, metric, and scalar invariance for the scale. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

宋永琴  刘萍 《新闻界》2008,(2):95-97
本文从娱乐传播理念入手,把脉我国电视娱乐节目生产实践,探讨电视娱乐文化编码及视觉设计的缺失,由此构建电视娱乐节目"新生态",促动娱乐与人、娱乐与文化的深层和谐。  相似文献   

Media may serve as important sexual socialization agents for lesbian, gay, or bisexual (LGB) adolescents who often have limited interpersonal resources from which to garner sexual information. A content analysis was conducted on a sample of television programs, films, magazines, and music popular with LGB youth to quantify the sexual messages LGB youth encounter in the media. Results suggest that heterosexuality is overrepresented and LGB sexualities are underrepresented in media popular with LGB adolescents. When depicted, LGB sexual talk was often talk about stereotypes or insults/jokes related to sexuality and rarely about relationships or sex. LGB sexual behaviors were nearly nonexistent. LGB sexual talk seems to be increasing in entertainment television, but LGB sexual behaviors have remained relatively rare over time. Findings are discussed in terms of the possible effects of exposure on LGB youth relying on media for information about sex and sexuality during sexual socialization.  相似文献   

从知识经济时代休闲、娱乐生活的变化入手,对图书馆的休闲、娱乐职能进行了新的诠释。  相似文献   

李建秋 《新闻界》2008,(2):42-45
以网络传播和手机传播为代表的新媒体具有信息与娱乐两种重要的功能,它们既是信息传播的平台,又是娱乐游戏的平台。  相似文献   

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