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There are many influences on how assessors grade themselves and others. Oral presentations are useful for exploring such factors in peer, self‐ and tutor marked assessments, being rapidly completed and assessed, commonly used in HE and very difficult to anonymize. This opportunistic study examined the effects of gender and level of attainment on the triangulation of marks awarded to student presenters. Grades generated by peer assessment were associated more strongly with tutor‐awarded marks than those from self‐assessment. For self‐assessment there was a strong effect of gender (female students undervalued their performance compared with tutor grades). Peer assessment produced higher marks than from tutors, perhaps because of the close‐knit community developed during residential courses. For tutor marks, the greatest variability was at the lower end of the scale, whereas peer assessors were most variable when marking students who self‐evaluated or peer assessed highly. Students awarded a narrower range of marks to peers compared with tutors, but when self‐assessing used a larger range. Presentations by students who admitted to little sleep the night before received lower grades from both peers and tutors, but this was not reflected by self‐assessments, suggesting they were unaware of their poorer performances. Sessions with fewer talks (four rather than seven) reduced the ‘dip’ in marks previously observed in the middle of sessions. Findings are discussed in the context of bias in this mode of assessment.  相似文献   

Peer assessment of long written tasks poses particular problems as these tasks typically involve complex learning and solving ill‐structured problems which require divergent responses. Marking reliability of this kind of writing task is difficult to achieve. The author illustrates this through an evaluation of two implementations of peer assessment, involving 81 students, in a UK university. In these implementations, all peer assessor grades were returned to students (not just mean grades). In this way students were exposed to subjectivity in marking. The implementations were evaluated through questionnaires, focus groups, observations of lectures and tutor interview. While students reported a better understanding of quality in student writing as a result of their experience, many complained that peer assessors’ marks were not ‘fair’. The article draws on recent research on the reliability of tutor marking to argue that marking judgements are subjective and that peer assessment offers the opportunity to explore subjectivity in marking, creating an opportunity for dialogue between tutors and students.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken in order to evaluate the use of students as peer assessors, in collaboration with academic tutors, in the assessment of second-year viva examinations as part of a problem based learning occupational therapy curriculum. Data were collected from three consecutive cohorts of second-year students (N = 93), and an assessment was made of the reliability of the academic tutor marking, and the reliability of peer marking against the tutor marks. Results demonstrated that overall ratings of the viva examination performances given by the panel of assessors (two peer assessors and one academic tutor), were significantly correlated. On some occasions, such as the assessment of a borderline student, the ratings given were not as closely correlated. Some modifications of the examination process are suggested in order to optimise the reliability of the outcomes, but the study results lend support for the practice of peer assessment.  相似文献   

To encourage increased student attendance and engagement in a third-year economics unit, the curriculum was redesigned to incorporate continuous assessment throughout the semester. A component of group project marks were allocated to peer assessment, in an attempt to address concerns about free-riding colleagues sharing a common mark. This study investigated the consistency of marks awarded to peers within teams, and the acceptance by students of marks awarded by peers. Students were asked to provide ratings and explanatory comments for each of their group peers. Focus groups were conducted to determine students’ acceptance of this strategy. Eighty student ratings were compared to determine consistency of assessment. Within groups, students who received higher marks from their peers generally awarded marks to their peers across a wider range, whereas students who received lower average grades often awarded the same mark to all team members. These results might indicate that students who were attending class regularly and/or contributing at a higher level were more discriminating in the marks awarded to their peers. Similarly, non-contributors (as identified by their peers) assigned the same or similar grades to each of their peers, possibly due to a lack of knowledge about their peers’ contributions.  相似文献   

The performance of a group of third‐year higher diploma students from the Department of Hotel & Tourism in a simulation training exercise was assessed separately by the tutor and peer group, using an identical checklist. Ninety‐six pairs of tutor and peer group assessment marks were obtained and compared. Results showed that there was some degree of agreement between tutor and peer group markings, although the level of congruence was somewhat less than reported in earlier studies. However, when the tutor and peer group average marks were converted to grades, agreement was found in only 46.9% of the cases and the level of agreement between the two gradings was not statistically significant. Significant differences were also found in the variability of tutor and peer group markings. Furthermore, there were indications that peer group markings tended to be more stringent than tutor markings in the higher mark range, but relatively more lenient in the lower mark range. This trend was particularly obvious when the tutor and peer group marks were converted into grades. Implications of the findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

This report describes a small study that analysed module marks of one cohort of science undergraduates from one academic year. It explored how group summative assessment marking affected the overall marks in comparison with individual assessment. A tutor allocated students to mixed ability project groups. Individual marks for the group work component were derived by tutor‐, peer‐, and self‐assessment weighting. The results showed that students with high individual marks obtained lower marks in the group component. Similarly, students with low individual marks obtained higher marks in the group component. Study limitations, results and conclusions are reported.  相似文献   

Feedback is a key element in effective teaching and learning. The issue of how teachers perceive the role of feedback will impact significantly their feedback approaches, the amount of the detail of their feedback and the time and effort expended on the feedback provision. This research was designed with the purpose of exploring how a group of over 50 tutors who were supporting an online university English course perceived, understood and interpreted the processes of assignment feedback. A factor analysis study based on questionnaire data revealed three sets of tutor beliefs towards assessment and tutor feedback: traditional–autonomous–global (TAG), student‐centred (SC) and traditional‐local (TL). Follow‐up in‐depth interviews were conducted with tutors. The TAG tutors saw scores as the most important feedback to students, but doubted the value of detailed feedback. SC tutors maintained that good tutor feedback should offer more than mere scores, and that students needed feedback in order to improve. TL tutors tended to underline all the errors and provide detailed feedback. They were negative towards the idea of their feedback being monitored. The authors identified some differing and converging tutor perceptions on assessment feedback, the understanding of which could arguably play an important role in introducing changes in tutor feedback culture.  相似文献   


Peer assessment was introduced into the assessment strategy of two marketing modules on two undergraduate programmes at Manchester Metropolitan University. A questionnaire was used to elicit responses from a sample of 80 students concerning their attitudes to and experience of, the peer assessment exercise. Students felt that the benefits of peer assessment were: the increase in personal motivation as a result of their active involvement in the assessment process; the opportunity to compare and discuss the assignment, and the opportunity to gain knowledge and develop a greater understanding of the assignment content and assessment process. Criticisms included the effects of personal bias on the marks awarded, the interpretation of criteria and the ability of the students to assess. Some students regarded peer assessment as an incentive to perform, while others saw it as an unfair system that lacked objectivity. Over half the sample regarded assessment as solely a role for the tutor. The research found that peer assessment made a valuable contribution to the variety of assessment and it enabled students to better understand the assessment process, however, it was a time consuming process for tutors  相似文献   

Peer assessment can be important in developing active and independent learners, as well as providing more and faster feedback in large classes, compared to marking done by tutors. In addition, the evaluative, critical stance required by students in order to assess their peers' work encourages the development of higher-order cognitive skills. Changing roles from being assessed to being an assessor can also improve students' ability to judge and improve on their own work. However, peer assessment does have potential problems and there is some debate as to the appropriate academic level at which to implement it, the kinds of feedback that are given and the ways in which students respond. In addition, there is little evidence that peer assessment has an impact on academic performance. This research reports the results of an online peer assessment exercise for a macroeconomics essay conducted in a large Economics 1 class at Rhodes University. Of the 800 students, about half participated in the peer assessment exercise. Data were collected from students via a formal course evaluation. In addition, a sample of 50 essays was evaluated in terms of the relationship between peer marks and final (tutor) marks received and the impact that peer assessment had on the quality of the final essay submitted. An Ordinary Least Squares regression was used to investigate the impact of peer assessment participation on marks. Results showed that peer marks tended to ‘bunch’ in the 60–68% range, indicating the reluctance of peers to give very high or low marks. In general, peers gave more useful feedback on technical aspects, such as presentation and referencing (which were also the categories in which students most often made improvements), than on content. Regression analysis showed that peer assessment participation was not a significant determinant of final essay mark, but that economics ability and English language proficiency were.  相似文献   


Overcoming the potential dilemma of awarding the same grade to a group of students for group work assignments, regardless of the contribution made by each group member, is a problem facing teachers who ask their students to work collaboratively together on assessed group tasks. In this paper, we report on the procedures to factor in the contributions of individual group members engaged in an integrated group project using peer assessment procedures. Our findings demonstrate that the method we used resulted in a substantially wider spread of marks being given to individual students. Almost every student was awarded a numerical score which was higher or lower than a simple group project mark would have been. When these numerical scores were converted into the final letter grades, approximately one-third of the students received a grade for the group project that was different from the grade that they would have received if the same grade had been awarded to all group members. Based on these preliminary findings we conclude that peer assessment can be usefully and meaningfully employed to factor individual contributions into the grades awarded to students engaged in collaborative group work.  相似文献   

We describe and evaluate an approach to student learning that aims to instil a culture of formative assessment based on peer-assisted learning. The idea is for suitably qualified undergraduates to assist in the running of weekly first-year tutorials. They mark submitted work, provide written and verbal feedback and lead problem-solving discussions during tutorials. However, contrary to normal practice, the marks they award do not contribute to the students’ end-of-year total; all tutorial work becomes essentially voluntary. We report results from a pilot implementation of the scheme over a 12 month period in an engineering department at a leading academic institution. The scheme was such that a comparative and triangulated assessment was possible among the students and tutor team. Results show no discernible degradation in student attendance, submission rates and performance in either the weekly exercises or end-of-year examinations. Important benefits to the peer tutors are also found.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study which implemented and evaluated a method of student self and peer assessment involving student constructed marking criteria. The theme of the importance of marking criteria (Orsmond et al ., 1996, 1997) is developed. Pairs of first-year undergraduate biology students were asked to complete a poster assignment. The study was designed to allow the comparison and evaluation of (1) student self and tutor marking for individual marking criteria; (2) student self and peer marking for individual marking criteria; and (3) student and tutor marking for student constructed and tutor provided individual marking criteria. The present study shows that: (a) students may be less able to discriminate between individual marking criteria which they have constructed compared to marking criteria that have been provided; (b) asking students to construct their own marking criteria in discussion with tutors or fellow students does not enhance agreement between student/tutor or student/student marking; and (c) allowing students to construct their own marking criteria may lead to different learning outcomes compared to providing students with a marking criteria.  相似文献   

Fieldwork training is a key component of several practical disciplines. In this study, students’ peer assessment of fieldwork is explored as a method to improve their practical training. Peer assessment theories are first discussed. A framework for peer assessment of fieldwork is proposed, and the steps taken for preparation of students for this task are discussed. A developed marking, feedback and moderation tool of assessment are presented. Application of peer assessment in the field was investigated over a period of two years in one undergraduate unit in the geospatial discipline as an example. Reliability of peer assessment was estimated by measuring the difference between assessments carried out by groups of peer assessors, and its validity was measured by comparing students’ marks with those given by tutors. Results show that students have gained from the peer assessment process, mainly as a formative form of assessment, by better understanding and endeavouring to achieve the objectives of field tasks. Tutors use differences among assessments made by groups of students compared to tutors’ assessments to identify field components that need better explanation of their content and assessment criteria.  相似文献   

It is shown here that a grade distribution scheme commonly used to moderate peer assessments where self assessment is excluded is based on a false premise and will give an erroneous ranking in the situation where the best performer in a student group ranks the second best performer much higher than the other group members. An alternative to normalisation is proposed based on the idea that the rank order of peer grades should be preserved and should as far as possible be consistent between assessors. It is shown that the method correctly recovers the rank order of students within the group for all cases examined, while still eliminating biases that can result from differences in marking standards in the group. It is suggested that the approach could also be used to check for bias when self assessment is included.  相似文献   

Group work can form a substantial component of degree programme assessments. To satisfy institutional and student expectations, students must often be assigned individual marks for their contributions to the group project, typically by mapping a single holistic group mark to individual marks using peer assessment scores. Since the early 1990s, various mapping methods that use self- and peer ratings have been developed. They are based on (normalised) individual weighting factors, partial scaling of the group mark, inter-rater agreement corrections or parabolic functions. We show that no single existing method can be successfully applied to most practical peer assessment scenarios such as different marking scale interpretations, intra-group ranking errors, biased free-riders and marks exceeding 100%. We present a combined analytical mapping method that incorporates the benefits of existing mechanisms, but alleviates their weaknesses with minimum computational effort and tutor input. The robustness of the method is illustrated through problematic assessment examples and empirically evaluated in multiple group work environments involving a total of 243 students and five different disciplines.  相似文献   

Despite the popularity of peer assessment (PA), gaps in the literature make it difficult to describe exactly what constitutes effective PA. In a literature review, we divided PA into variables and then investigated their interrelatedness. We found that (a) PA's psychometric qualities are improved by the training and experience of peer assessors; (b) the development of domain-specific skills benefits from PA-based revision; (c) the development of PA skills benefits from training and is related to students' thinking style and academic achievement, and (d) student attitudes towards PA are positively influenced by training and experience. We conclude with recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

In the continuing concern about academic standards in the higher education sector a great deal of emphasis has been placed on quality assurance procedures rather than on considering how university tutors learn to grade the quality of work produced by students. As part of a larger research project focused on how tutors grade student coursework, this paper offers a new metaphor for such tutor learning, based on a sociocultural perspective. The research project used think‐aloud protocols recorded as university tutors graded student coursework, and this was followed by semi‐structured interviews. The voluntary participants consisted of 25 lecturers in four contrasting domains—humanities, art and design, medicine and teacher education—in three universities, two teaching‐led and one research intensive. We developed a metaphorical framework that helps to understand the work and learning of the lecturers and tested it by applying it to analysis of the tutor interview data. Grading, writing feedback, second marking and moderation are important situated professional learning opportunities for tutors to debate and reach agreement on the academic standard demonstrated by student coursework. The metaphor considers professional learning as interplay between the vertical domain of public knowledge and the horizontal domain of teachers' practical wisdom. The metaphor presented in this paper is proposed for critical consideration and wider use by academics, teachers, academic developers and teacher educators as an aid to better understanding of teacher's professional learning.  相似文献   

Online peer assessment: effects of cognitive and affective feedback   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study reports the effects of online peer assessment, in the form of peer grading and peer feedback, on students’ learning. One hundred and eighty one high school students engaged in peer assessment via an online system—iLap. The number of grade-giving and grade-receiving experiences was examined and the peer feedback was coded according to different cognitive and affective dimensions. The effects, on both assessors and assessees, were analyzed using multiple regression. The results indicate that the provision by student assessors of feedback that identified problems and gave suggestions was a significant predictor of the performance of the assessors themselves, and that positive affective feedback was related to the performance of assessees. However, peer grading behaviors were not a significant predictor of project performance. This study explains the benefits of online peer assessment in general and highlights the importance of specific types of feedback. Moreover, it expands our understanding of how peer assessment affects the different parties involved.  相似文献   

Following the introduction of a National Curriculum for Science, all secondary science teachers in England need to be prepared to teach all aspects of a broad and balanced science curriculum. This is the second paper in which we explore science student teachers’ subject knowledge development during a one‐year postgraduate teacher preparation course. In this qualitative study we explore the role of university tutors and school‐based subject mentors in science student teachers’ subject knowledge development as perceived by student teachers, school‐based subject mentors and university tutors. The findings reveal that student teachers are reluctant to use university tutors and school mentors for subject knowledge development because they are aware of their assessment roles. The role of the university tutor in subject knowledge development is perceived as one of facilitation and of developing student teachers’ sense of professionalism. School mentors perceive that they do provide support for subject knowledge development and they are largely unaware of any potential conflict arising from their assessment role. The findings of the study are discussed in terms of the nature of student teachers’ professional learning in communities of practice. The implications for mentor training programmes are considered.  相似文献   

Formal diplomas and certificates have been accepted as proof that students may receive exemption for parts of their educational programme. Nowadays, though, it is socially desirable that informal and non-formal learning experiences are also recognised. Assessment of prior learning (APL) addresses this issue. In APL, the candidate's knowledge, skills or competences required in informal and non-formal learning are measured against a standard to determine whether they match the learning objectives. Although APL is frequently used in workplaces and vocational education, it is practised less in universities, and research is lacking in this context. This study aims to evaluate the first APL procedure in an academic computer science programme, and an adjusted APL procedure in an educational science masters programme. This is done from the perspective of the APL candidates, tutors and assessors, using the theoretical framework by Baartman et al. (2006). The computer science participants comprised 23 candidates from a police software company, four tutors and four assessors. From educational science, nine candidates, two tutors and two assessors participated. The results show that the APL procedure in educational science is viewed significantly more positively than that in computer science; further, the computer science assessors differ considerably from the other participants in their perceptions relating to the quality criterion ‘cognitive complexity’. Explanations for the difference between the two programmes are discussed in this article and assessor and tutor training highly recommended.  相似文献   

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