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社会资本与大学毕业生就业绩效关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对中国大学毕业生社会资本对就业绩效影响的系统分析基础上,建构的大学毕业生社会资本与就业绩效的概念模型,主要选取社会网络资源和实际使用的社会资本的两个维度来研究大学生社会资本,同时使用就业成本和就业质量的两个维度来研究大学生就业绩效。研究发现,社会资本已成为影响大学毕业生求职的显性因素。大学生毕业在求职过程中如果能够有效地使用社会资本,会对就业机会和就业质量产生显著影响。这说明社会资本与就业绩效的提升有显著的关系,同时,还能够相应的缩减就业成本。社会资本对就业绩效影响研究可以为大学毕业生有效利用社会资本取得良好的就业绩效提供理论参考和政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the adoption of an integrated approach to children’s services. The paper opens by introducing the Scottish policy statements that recommend that it is at the level of the school and community that integrated services need to be effective for the aims of social justice and inclusion to be achieved. The policy discourses are analysed to reveal a number of potential issues of contention between the different practitioner groups involved in children’s services relating to the relocation of the space of integration and the nature of practitioner‐, practice‐ and governance‐level relations. The social capital theory is then introduced, and a multi‐level conceptual framework of sub‐types of social capital is proposed to chart and analyse intersections and potential points of disjuncture in the work of the different practitioner groups in schools. The concept of human capital is used to explore questions of practitioner knowledge, expertise and research practices. It is suggested that mapping the capital resources used by the children’s sector practitioners provide a framework to analyse how inter/transprofessional relations currently operate and to identify interstices where practitioners’ social and human capital need to be reconstructed to better serve children and young people, and their families.  相似文献   

This work presents a conceptual framework rooted in social capital theory which can be utilized to guide future research of new teacher induction, as well as inform school and district leaders about important elements of a school’s social context which may mediate the effects of new teacher induction. Specifically, this work elaborates on the elements of a school’s social context which impact teacher socialization, including: (a) levels of relational trust and collective responsibility, (b) characteristics of novices and their colleagues, (c) alignment amongst novices and colleagues, and (d) the frequency and content of their interactions. Recommendations for future research (e.g. social network analysis) and improved practice are provided given the elements of the conceptual framework.  相似文献   

This paper explores whether and in what ways young people's perceptions and experiences of higher education (HE) can facilitate the transmission within their social networks of social capital both upwardly (from child to parent) and horizontally (from sibling to sibling), and thus can potentially provide bridging capital to family members, especially in families with little or no prior experience of HE. It utilises data from a project that explored the embedded nature of decision‐making about HE amongst a group of ‘potentially recruitable’ adults and their wider networks. The study researched 16 networks, and the resultant sample of 107 individuals included six teenagers and 15 young people in their twenties. The paper concludes that, despite the general emphasis within existing theoretical approaches to network capital on the downward transmission of social capital, the educational experiences of younger generations can be critical in shaping the perceptions of other (including older) network members, albeit not always in ways that encourage formal educational participation.  相似文献   

社会资本计量研究面临三重困境:是否可计量的争议、计量指标体系的争议和数据信息采集的困难。本文借鉴舒尔茨人力资本初始研究过程中使用的剩余法思想,尝试通过间接计量的方法展开测度,结合调查数据,探索社会资本的计量方法和家庭社会资本与高等教育参与的关系。  相似文献   

In Australia, the Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) remains a popular program but considerable anguish persists within the university sector over just what it is offering students. In this article, we use the process of postgraduate socialisation to understand how candidates, supervisors and administrators navigate pathways to successful completion and offering of a DBA program. We identify four modes of knowledge applicable to the DBA and suggest that universities and candidates may draw on one another's cultural capital to determine which mode(s) can be offered. We also illustrate how candidates exercise agency through their cultural and social capital as they move through the program. We present a conceptual framework to help guide future research, and resource allocation on the DBA.  相似文献   

本文应用人力资本和社会资本理论,探讨了中国高等教育需求中的城乡差异。研究表明:在控制其他因素以后,城乡高中生对高等教育有着同样强烈的需求,但学生的城乡背景与影响高等教育需求的人力资本和社会资本因素之间存在交互作用:(1)当高等教育预期收益率较低时,农村学生比城市学生更希望接受高等教育;当高等教育预期收益率较高时,城市学生比农村学生更希望接受高等教育。(2)当家庭网络资源较少时,农村学生比城市学生更希望接受高等教育;当家庭网络资源较多时,城市学生比农村学生更希望接受高等教育。农村低社会经济地位的学生对高等教育的旺盛需求表明,接受高等教育几乎是他们改变其不利社会地位、实现流动的惟一渠道。扩大农村学生的高等教育机会,是改善城乡差异的重要手段。政府应该在教育财政和招生等方面进行制度创新以回应此类教育需求。  相似文献   

社会资本的缺失是造成女性贫困的一个重要原因。当前我国贫困女性的社会资本的特点是社会网络规模相对狭小、社会网络差异小、社会资本存量匮乏、初始位置低。从社会资本的视角来看,对贫困女性的反贫困治理需从三方面着手,即:提高贫困女性的社会地位;扩大贫困女性的社会支持网络;增加贫困女性的社会资本存量。  相似文献   

This study seeks to investigate the importance of life course capital on the educational aspirations of 40 social work undergraduates who were predominantly visible ethnic minority, immigrant descendants or non-traditional students in the mainstream US. Applying the resource perspective in this context, minority students’ academic successes hinge on their ability to acquire valuable resources needed for academic success over their life course (e.g. economic capital such as parental financial investment, scholarship and financial aids; cultural capital such as educational aspirations and values; and social capital such as parents’ involvement and social networks). Overall, minority social work students in this study face a multifaceted array of challenges associated with family financial strain, poor quality of early education, work obligations and economic constraints. Despite the fact that the participants exhibited a remarkable range of educational resilience, the diversities in their journeys to social work were influenced by a number of life course resources and varied systematically by personal experience as well as age cohort.  相似文献   

高校贫困生社会网络资本由两部分构成:一是以家庭为中心的社会网络资本;二是以贫困生本人为中心的社会网络资本。教育是高校贫困生提升其社会网络资本的重要方式之一。在接受教育的过程中,高校贫困生不断对自己的社会网络资本进行拓展与重构:一是扩大原有的社会网络;二是建立新的社会网络。新的社会网络资本的建立对高校贫困生职业地位获得具有显著作用。  相似文献   

成人弱势群体是社会资本匮缺的群体,主要体现在社会关系网络窄、社会信任程度低和社会规范意识弱等方面,这成为成人弱势群体职业发展和社会交往的障碍。弱势群体是成人教育的重点关怀对象,成人教育是提升成人弱势群体社会资本的有效途径。通过开展形式多样的社区教育活动,拓宽社会关系网络;推进文化素质教育,加强社会认同;构建学习型团体,培养社会规范意识,能够有效提升成人弱势群体的社会资本。  相似文献   

Drawing on the findings from in-depth interviews with Vietnamese international students studying at Australian universities, this article presents insights into the sociological influences that stem from international students' social networks, at home and abroad, and how they impact on students' aspirations and engagement in international education. Underpinned by Bourdieu's social capital framework, this article critically challenges human capital ideology for its assumptions of individualism and utilitarian function of education as economic goals. The implication for international education providers is to create learning and living opportunities that consider students' social and cultural conditions so as to develop their capacity, self-determination and citizenship.  相似文献   

社会资本对当代教育的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
20世纪90年代以来,社会资本已经成为当今社会科学领域最前沿和最具影响力的概念之一。学术界从重视人力资本转向重视社会资本,这是理论上的超越和升华,对于教育而言,将打破人力资本理论在教育领域的霸权地位,给教育带来深远影响。对社会资本本身的研究将凸显教育者与受教育者之间关系的主体间交往的本质;社会资本使传统的智力观受到了挑战;促进了知识的新生产;知识传授过程既受社会资本的影响,同时本身也生产社会资本;学校、家庭、社会之间的网络以及学生、家长、教师之间的关系在学生学业成就和学校发展方面具有极其重要的作用。  相似文献   

本文从社会资本理论的视角,探讨了我国民办高等教育的社会公益性。首先,通过剖析相关理论,阐述了民办高等教育社会公益性的内涵;其次,通过分析社会资本在民办高等教育发展中的作用,论证了我国民办高校坚持社会公益性的必然性;第三,通过国际比较,探讨高等教育的公益性与公共财政投入之间的内在联系;最后,在相关论证的基础之上,阐明无论客观环境与主观条件如何变化,坚持社会公益性,必将是我国民办高等教育永恒的主题。  相似文献   

This article draws upon data from semi‐structured interviews with Australian Indigenous teachers to explore the role their mothers played in shaping their decisions to become teachers. The findings suggest that their mothers’ emotional involvement and investment in their sons’ and daughters’ education generated significant reserves of emotional capital upon which the teachers drew. Such capital, expressed by their mothers in a variety of ways, including encouragement, coercion and anger, motivated and inspired them to complete their schooling, to consider teaching as a profession and to take out teaching degrees, often in the face of enormous challenges and barriers. They understood teaching as presenting opportunities for their own upward class mobility as well as the chance for them to bring about social change for Indigenous people in general. I conclude by arguing the need to reconsider the dominant discourses in Australia around the aspirations of Indigenous mothers in regards to their children’s education and I also raise issues for further consideration and research.  相似文献   

近年来,科技企业在创造就业机会和促进经济发展中起了重要的作用,国内外学者从各个角度纷纷展开研究,但是关于科技企业创业者的社会资本的研究还比较少.本文根据对福建沿海厦门、福州、泉州三地的41家科技企业的调研数据分析科技型创业者的社会资本的构建与维护,并提出了需要进一步展开研究的问题.  相似文献   

社会资本具有增殖的功能。个人的社会资本构成包括三个方面:关系网络资本、组织资本、社会环境或制度资本,即个人的社会资本分别来自个人的关系网络、个人所属的组织或群体以及国家的政策和社会大环境。  相似文献   

This paper sets out an argument and approach for moving beyond a primarily arts‐based conceptualization of cultural capital, as has been the tendency within Bourdieusian approaches to date. We advance the notion that, in contemporary society, scientific forms of cultural and social capital can command a high symbolic and exchange value. Our previous research [Archer et al. (2014) Journal of Research in Science Teaching 51, 1–30] proposed the concept of “science capital” (science‐related forms of cultural and social capital) as a theoretical lens for explaining differential patterns of aspiration and educational participation among young people. Here, we attempt to theoretically, methodologically, and empirically advance a discussion of how we might conceptualize science capital and how this might be translated into a survey tool for use with students. We report on findings from a survey conducted with 3658 secondary school students, aged 11–15 years, in England. Analysis found that science capital was unevenly spread across the student population, with 5% being classified as having “high” science capital and 27% “low” science capital. Analysis shows that levels of science capital (high, medium, or low) are clearly patterned by cultural capital, gender, ethnicity, and set (track) in science. Students with high, medium, or low levels of science capital also seem to have very different post‐16 plans (regarding studying or working in science) and different levels of self‐efficacy in science. They also vary dramatically in terms of whether they feel others see them as a “science person.” The paper concludes with a discussion of conceptual and methodological issues and implications for practice. © 2015 The Authors. Journal of Research in Science Teaching Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 52: 922–948, 2015.  相似文献   

在高等教育收益的分析中,人力资本理论以人力资本和物质资本的相互转化的框架进行分析,将高等教育收益货币化。而社会资本理论是从物质资本、人力资本、社会资本三者之间的相互转化、相互促进的分析框架分析了高等教育投资的收益,补充了高等教育的社会化收益。通过人力资本与社会资本的比较,为现阶段中国经济社会协调发展提供了一定的启示:在实践中需要进一步完善高等教育的贫困资助政策;促进就业,提升高等教育收益预期;在高等教育中,注意培养学生积累、运用社会资本的能力;为人才向上流动提供通畅的通道,保障劳动力市场的健康运转。  相似文献   

高校德育社会资本生成是社会资本被运用到具体德育活动而产生一定效益的前提。当前我国高校德育社会资本生成存在一系列问题,主要表现为高校德育主体生成社会资本的动力不足、质量不高,以及作为社会资本生成机制的社会信任缺失。针对存在的问题,有必要采取一定的措施促进我国高校德育社会资本的生成,主要包括:树立正确的社会资本生成目标、促进良好社会关系网络的生成、采取合适的信任建设策略、为高校德育争取较高的社会地位和较好的社会声望等。  相似文献   

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