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李璇 《考试周刊》2011,(35):233-234
随着社会的发展进步,双性化人格已经成为一种性别角色发展的新趋势。幼儿时期是进行双性化人格培养的关键期,本文借"伪娘"现象的热议之机来探讨有关幼儿的双性化人格的培养。在幼儿双性化教育中,家庭、幼儿园和社会应该充分发挥合力作用,在幼儿性别教育中要根据男女两性心理发展的规律,用正确的性别角色观念、理想的性别模式标准来实施性别教育,促进不同性别幼儿身心健康的和谐发展。  相似文献   

实施“双性化教育”不能忽视“因性施教”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对儿童实施“双性化教育”势在必行,但是实施“双性化教育”不能忽视“因性施教”。理想的教育模式是“双性化教育”与“因性施教”相结合,应重视在儿童性别同一性形成前提下从两性差别的角度来培养双性化人格。  相似文献   

社会的发展对儿童的性别角色的发展提出了新的要求,即形成兼具男女优势人格的双性化性别人格,在儿童双性化人格的形成中,父母教养方式有着很大的影响,本研究通过父母教养方式与儿童性别双性化发展的关系的量的研究来探讨父母教养方式对儿童性别双性化发展影响的程度,从而推动儿童双性化人格的塑造和培养研究.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,双性化人格教育已经被认定为较为理想的性别教育模式。双性化人格是一种集男性和女性优点于一身的性别模式,更符合现代社会对人才素质的要求。家庭作为儿童早期成长的重要环境,家长及家庭环境对儿童双性化人格的形成起着至关重要的作用,在家庭中实施双性化人格教育势在必行。要求家长摆脱性别角色刻板印象的束缚,因性施教,鼓励儿童向异性学习,增加父亲参与教育的时间,为儿童营造一个幸福平等的家庭氛围。  相似文献   

欧阳秋琼 《中国教师》2014,(Z1):165-166
随着社会的发展,传统性别人格教育的种种弊端日益显露出来,而双性化人格教育对传统性别人格教育方式提出了挑战,双性化人格教育不仅受到父母家庭性别教育的重视,成为未来性别教育的发展趋势,将来还有可能成为正规的学校课堂教育。因此,本文就成功塑造孩子的双性化人格,提出了一些途径和方法;同时,也对双性化人格教育存在的质疑和困境也进行了探讨。  相似文献   

双性化人格已被证实是一种客观存在的最佳性别角色模式.幼儿双性化教育应尊重幼儿的生理性别特征,遵循其心理发展的规律.同时,幼儿教师应该具有双性化的人格特征和教育期望,教育部门和幼儿园也要重视双性化教材的编写和幼儿游戏活动的开展.另外,它也需要社会和家庭的重视和配合.  相似文献   

李玲玲 《文教资料》2009,(7):153-155
双性化人格是一种综合的人格类型,即在一个人身上同时具备男性与女性的兴趣、能力和爱好,尤其是心理气质方面具备男性与女性的长处与优点,它被认为是最合适的性别角色模式、理想的人格模式与最佳的心理健康模式.幼儿期是性别角色形成的关键期,因此也是双性化人格培养的关键期.本文从家庭教育、幼儿园教育与社会教育三个方面探讨了幼儿双性化人格的培养途径.  相似文献   

采用BSRI和"大五"人格问卷,对169名一年级大学生的人格特征、性别特质进行的研究。发现,在男女大学生中存在着双性化、男性化、女性化和未分化这样四种不同的性别特质类型,双性化特质类型者较之其他三种,具有更高的适应性和道德感。在人格发展及适应水平上,双性化是一种较为理想的性别角色模式。  相似文献   

苏雅婕 《教师》2021,(8):119-120
双性化教育以培养双性化人格为目标,为社会的发展提供优质人才。幼儿自小接受双性化教育有利于形成良好的个性。幼儿园环境会对幼儿的身心全面发展产生潜移默化的影响。以研究双性化教育为起点,尝试创设具有双性化教育特征的幼儿园内部环境,为推动幼儿双性化教育发展、扩大双性化教育研究领域、推进社会发展创造了条件。  相似文献   

近年来,双性化人格特质成为教育学、心理学关注的热点。研究者基本认为双性化人格对个体事业发展具有一定的优势,是一种理想的人格模式。本文使用修订后的美国贝姆性别角色量表,对部分院校大学生的双性化人格特征进行分析,运用SPSS软件统计,通过性别、是否独生、年级、学科四个变量因素分析了当前大学生双性化人格水平的差异,并根据研究结论提出开展大学生思想政治教育的相关建议。  相似文献   

调查研究发现,中小学学生语言能力的性别差异日益明显,其成因与家庭教育、学校教育等教育者潜在的、传统的性别意识、性别期待和性别偏见有关,也与学生在传统性别偏见影响下形成的性别意识和心理暗示有关。为此,教育者应该具备科学、觉醒的性别意识,摒弃性别偏见,身体力行地进行正确的性别教育,鼓励学生学业上无性别差异的发展。  相似文献   

This study investigates the contribution of personality traits (HEXACO traits and Schizotypy) and social status dimensions (sociometric and perceived popularity) in understanding boys’ and girls’ respective academic achievement. The sample included 163 elementary school students from Serbia, aged 14–15 (87 girls and 76 boys). Regression analysis reveals that personality traits explain a similar amount of academic achievement variance in two gender groups (22% vs. 20% in girls’ favor), but social status proves to be a better predictor of academic achievement for boys (27% vs. 4% in boys’ favor). High Conscientiousness, perceived popularity as well as low extraversion turned out to be related to girls’ academic achievement. Low Schizotypy and Honesty‐Humility, as well as high openness, sociometric, and perceived popularity turned out to be related to boys’ academic achievement. Conscientiousness appears not to be related to boys’ academic achievement. The results are discussed and recommendations for improving educational practices are offered.  相似文献   

This article examines gender gaps in academic performance (grades in mathematics and reading) between boys and girls of ninth-grade elementary schools in the Czech Republic. Our analysis is based on 2003 data from the Programme for International Student Assessment, encompassing the academic performance and family background of ninth-grade pupils. Similar to research on other countries, we find that girls strongly outperform boys in grades in Czech language, but that this gender gap is not explained by measured ability in reading nor on family background or student attributes. We also find gender bias in mathematics grades, after controlling for measured ability and other factors. Girls are also substantially more likely than boys to apply to secondary grammar schools, as well as aspire to a college education, even after controlling for measured ability. We put forward a number of theoretical perspectives that shed light on the possible causes of these empirical findings.  相似文献   

Research has highlighted the importance of early literacy development. In light of this, there has been a growing concern around boys’ underachievement on language and literacy assessments. Given the recent mandate for play-based learning in Ontario kindergartens, this paper examines children's literacy integration during play from a gender perspective. An analysis of 380 minutes of children's play revealed that girls and boys often played separately across the 12 kindergarten classrooms in this study. Importantly, the centres at which girls and boys played offered different literacy support. Our findings showed that gender played a salient role in children's play choices affecting the types of academic skills children practiced in their play. In this paper, we shed light on the need for gender awareness and sensitivity in policy mandates and teacher practice.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the gender stereotypes endorsed by elementary and high school students regarding mathematics and language. We developed a questionnaire allowing students to rate mathematics and language as either male or female domains and administered it to a sample of 984 elementary and high school French‐speaking Canadian students (Grades 6, 8, and 10). Results showed that, with the exception of Grade 6 boys, students did not believe that mathematics was a male domain, or even conceived of mathematics as a predominantly female domain, suggesting that the traditional stereotype favouring boys in mathematics might have changed over the past few years. Moreover, language was clearly viewed as a female domain. Overall, our findings suggest that boys seem to be in need of encouragement in school, especially regarding language, where the advantage given to girls is particularly salient.  相似文献   

Gendered expectations are deeply embedded within the fabric of a society and the classroom is no exception; binaries habitually pervade attitudes, practices and pedagogies. This small-scale qualitative-interpretive study, undertaken in one rural primary school in North Wales, explores how the learning of gender is constructed, enacted and challenged by participants functioning within Key Stage 2 (children aged 8–11 years), issues experienced by, both girls and boys, to cogitate implications for gender equity and for teachers' work. The fieldwork revealed that many school participants continue to draw upon essentialist binary discourse, predominantly based on biological theories, to explain differences between boys and girls relating to classroom behaviour, subject attainment, curricular preferences and career pathways. Constant reference was made to acceptable ways of ‘doing masculinity’ and the ‘high-achieving, conforming school girl culture’. Children recognised gender binaries used by teachers and were aware of societal advances in gender equity. Despite decades of research and policies, we are still some way to ameliorating gender binaries and stereotypes in this phase of schooling. Therefore, there is an urgent need for practitioners to become more reflexively aware about the complex ways in which gendered dualisms and hierarchies perpetuate and dictate relations and pedagogical practices, which constrain experiences and opportunities for girls and boys and, to incorporate multiple ways of thinking and doing gender in classrooms.  相似文献   

Concern has been raised that segregation of girls and boys into separate classes leads to increased gender stereotyping. We tested this in a sample of 365 seventh-grade students attending a junior high school that offers both gender-segregated (GS) and co-educational classes. It was found that for both boys and girls, the more GS classes they took in the fall, the more gender stereotyped they were in their responding in the spring (controlling for initial levels of gender stereotyping). We concluded that GS likely heightens the salience of gender in the classroom thereby reinforcing and increasing gender stereotypes. As such, we argue that GS is a misguided approach to addressing any educational difficulties girls and boys might be having.  相似文献   

Some of the most male-dominated science, technology, engineering and mathematics occupations and degree programmes are found in the world’s most affluent societies. This article assesses whether gender gaps in attitudes follow similarly surprising patterns. Multivariate analysis of eighth-graders’ affinity for mathematics and aspirations for mathematically related jobs in 53 countries shows that the attitudinal gender gap is indeed larger in affluent ‘postmaterialist’ societies. Moreover, both girls and boys view mathematics more negatively in these societies. The authors suggest that cultural ideals of individual self-expression, highly prevalent under conditions of broad-based existential security, operate to reduce girls’ and boys’ interest in pursuits thought to be economically practical but personally non-expressive. Girls may be particularly susceptible to this negative effect, because taken-for-granted cultural beliefs about core female personality traits (and girls’ gendered understandings of their own authentic inner selves) are often at odds with dominant representations of mathematical and technical work.  相似文献   

高中生人格特征与学业成绩的相关研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用卡特尔十六种人格因素测验量表(16PF),分析高一学生的人格特征与学业成绩的关系。发现:高一学生的学业成绩与独立人格特征正相关显著;高中男生和女生在非智力因素方面存在性别差异;高中男生具有比女生更高的心理健康水平。  相似文献   

阅读是人类一项重要的终生技能,影响着人们的学习和工作。调查研究指出,大部分男学生对阅读课缺乏兴趣和热情,阅读能力也较女学生低。本文讨论了其中一些原因,包括性别角色、阅读习惯、兴趣搭配等,并提供了教师如何提高男学生阅读兴趣的一些方法,从而最终协助男学生赶上阅读进度,平衡学校男女学生阅读能力的性别差异。  相似文献   

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