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顾乔红 《成才之路》2014,(35):34-35
正小学生的音乐课堂是活泼快乐的,如何让孩子们快乐地学习音乐,积极参与音乐活动呢?作为一种新型、有别于传统的传授式的学习方法,研究性学习强调以学生的自主性、探究性学习为基础。这种新型的学习方式的推出,为音乐教育实践的发展和改革的进一步深化提供了新的生长点,注入了新的活力,是音乐教育育人价值得以实现的切实可行的新形式。一、运用研究性学习的方式以音乐教育课程改革理论为基础,运用研究性学习。它从学  相似文献   

研究性学习是以"培养学生具有永不满足、追求卓越的态度,培养学生发现问题、提出问题、从而解决问题的能力"为基本目标.数学研究性学习是在教师的指导下,以学生所学知识和学生的自主性、探究性学习为基础,采用类似于科学研究的方法,促进学生主动积极发展的一种新型学习方  相似文献   

研究性学习初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究性学习的核心是倡导学生在学习中树立主体研究精神,促进教育以学生的自主性、探索性、创新性为基础,创建符合素质教育思想和要求的新型人才培养模式。研究性学习的实施必将对学校教育教学改革的整体推进产生极大的影响,对学生学习方式的转变产生重要的作用。近几年,研究性学习作为一种新型的学习方式受到了基础和职业教育工作者越来越多的关注,研究性学习有什么特点?如何开展研究性学习?大家都在进行积极思索和实践。下面,笔者就研究性学习谈几点粗浅的认识和见解,供同仁参考。一、研究性学习的内涵和意义一般认为,研究性学习…  相似文献   

<正>研究性学习是一种新型的教学模式,以学生的探索性和自主性学习为基础,在数学教师的指导下,从社会生活或者学习生活中确定以及选择有关的研究课题,通过科学研究的方式从中主动习得知识的一种学习方式。由此可见,研究性学习不仅能够突出学生的主体地位,还能培养学生的创新能力,这对学生今后的全面发展具有一定的帮助和促进作用。  相似文献   

研究性学习是转 变学习方式的有效手 段之一,这是一种科学 的、先进的、高层次的 学习方式。研究性学习 以学生的自主性、探索 性学习为基础,学生从 社会科学、自然科学以 及身边的许多小事入  相似文献   

让研究性学习进入课堂教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张桂珍 《化学教学》2003,(12):17-18
研究性学习应以课堂教学为基础。它是一种新型方式的学习 ,它的重点在学习 ,而不在研究。笔者认为 :中学生进行的研究性学习应紧紧围绕中学教学实际 ,以课堂教学为主渠道 ,让研究性学习进入课堂教学 ,实施“研究性地教”和“研究性地学” ,才能实现研究性学习的主要功能目标。1  相似文献   

研究性学习是倡导以学生的自主学习为基础的一种崭新的学习模式,基于网络技术的研究性学习是以网络技术为媒介和手段,改变传统的学习理念和学习方式,充分调动学生学习的主动性和积极性。  相似文献   

新课改以加强综合实践教育为方向,强调改革学生被动接受性学习的单一的教与学的方式,改变过于集中学科本位的做法,培养学生学会学习、学会合作、学会创造和终身学习的能力。面对课程改革的新形势,全面实施新新课程方案已成为学校和教师的使命,全面落实新课程方案要求,实施综合实践教育乃是课改的必由之路。为了做好研究性学习课程的实施工作,以达成该课程目标,我们提出了下列设想:一、指导思想研究性学习课程是在继承传统的综合性课程和活动性课程的基础上发展起来的一种新型课程,它以“研究性学习”为基础,以培养学生的创新精神和综合实践…  相似文献   

综合实践课是一门新型学科,主要是指以学生的兴趣和直接经验为基础,以学生学习生活和社会生活密切相关的现实性、综合性、实践性的问题为内容,以研究性学习为主导方式,来培养学生的创新精神、实践能力、以及体现知识的综合运用为主要目标的一门新型课程。那么,怎样上好小学综合实践课也就成为我们研究的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

卢杰 《考试周刊》2011,(10):140-141
研究性学习是倡导以学生的自主性学习为基础的一种崭新的学习模式。开展研究性学习,可以提高学习效率,培养学生的创新和实践能力。高中信息技术课程是一门操作性、实践性较强的工具性课程。本文通过举例说明在高中信息技术教学过程如何渗透研究性学习,让信息技术研究性学习简单、轻松地走进师生的教学互动中。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the concepts of new product development (NPD) and discusses the change of traditional lectures into an action learning approach of teaching NPD in universities. It explains the design and delivery of an action learning NPD course, drawing upon the experience from an engineering department at the University of the West Indies, Trinidad. The course stresses student participation, teamwork, group decision-making and learning process evaluation. Despite classroom lectures and tutorials, it incorporates group learning activities and a competitive management workshop into a NPD curriculum for undergraduates. The workshop has been implemented with encouraging results in student learning and development.  相似文献   

分析传统评价观念存在的主要问题,重新构建高校科学、合理的体育课程学习评价体系,提出以形成性评价来建构新的评价方法,使体育课程的学习对在校大学生的素质和能力有更多的导向作用,并具有较强的可操作性.  相似文献   

从2010年贵州高中引进了化学新课程改革,新的理念、新的课标、新的教材对高中学生和高中化学老师带来一次新的挑战。本文从教师、学生的教与学的角色的转变,及教学案例的分析,论证了新的课改必定对传统的教学模式带来一场变革,极大地促进教学的发展。  相似文献   

Although students in Introductory Information Systems courses are taught new technology concepts, the complexity and constantly changing nature of these technologies makes it challenging to deliver the concepts effectively. Aiming to improve students’ learning experiences, this research utilized the five phases of design science methodology to develop an experiment to solve a real‐world problem, and then implemented it in an undergraduate classroom. As part of their classwork, students participated as subjects testing new information technologies to solve a real‐world problem. They were asked to complete a questionnaire and answer questions in a focus group to assess the effectiveness of the technologies tested and determine whether the experience had added to the learning they gained from the course. The results revealed that the students were able to use the new technologies effectively and provide useful feedback to the company sponsoring the study, contributing to the release of a new commercial product line. Students also reported that participating in this research project improved their satisfaction with the introductory MIS course. These results encourage educators to conduct hands‐on experience involving real‐world research projects since they provide valuable additional learning opportunities in introductory MIS courses.  相似文献   

In the modern working environment it is essential for a structural engineer to have an understanding of abstract concepts in structural behaviour and an ability to use them qualitatively. This paper presents the findings of a study on how effectively students acquire such conceptual understanding within a new project/design focused degree course. The new degree programme is described. The first-year students experience a mixture of learning opportunities, including model building/testing, laboratories, workshops/tutorials, and lectures. In the second year there are two design exercises but no formal structural theory course. Specific concepts-based learning material was introduced into the first-year course at mid-semester and the effectiveness of this examined by tests and interviews. The performance of the first-year students is compared to that of the second-year students. The findings show that there is good student engagement and satisfaction with the course and that basic skills are successfully being acquired throughout both years. However, the study highlights areas where concepts are not being adequately developed in the first year and subsequently show little enhancement in the second year.  相似文献   

Designing collaborative multiplayer serious games   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The idea of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) is being investigated for more than twenty years. Since a few years, game-based approaches like video games for learning (Serious Games) offer new fields of application. The combination of game-based learning concepts and collaborative learning may enable new, game-based application areas of CSCL, like collaborative multiplayer Serious Games. Designing such games, however, is very challenging as it requires to take into account traditional single player game design concepts, concepts for multiplayer game design, and concepts for Serious Game design simultaneously. Only very few examples of such games exist today. In this paper we describe an approach for the design of game-based collaborative learning scenarios using multiplayer Serious Games. Our approach aims at combining design concepts from the fields of collaborative learning and (multiplayer) game design. Our approach takes into account the requirements of traditional single player games (fun, narration, immersion, graphics, sound), challenges of multiplayer games (concurrent gaming, interaction) and Serious Game design (seamless inclusion of learning content, adaptation and personalization). Furthermore, requirements of collaborative learning are considered, like group goals, positive interdependence, and individual accountability. Our design concept was used to create a collaborative 3D multiplayer game fostering collaborative behavior as a foundation for game-based collaborative learning in small teams. We performed a user study with eight gaming sessions and a total of 23 participants. Results showed that the game enables a collaborative gameplay and fosters collaborative behavior. This may allow us to use a game-based CSCL approach to combine the advantages of game-based learning with those of collaborative learning in future.  相似文献   

从造型基础训练到图形创意设计是设计专业学生的一个重要学习转型。由于先前美术学习所形成的观念、习惯和方法的影响,学生难以适应新课程的学习。本文在分析学生学习图形创意中所出现问题的同时,提出了“更新观念,培养创造意识”、发掘图形创意思维的切入点”、“改进学法,提高学习效率”等三项对策,以帮助学生适应新的学习。  相似文献   

创知学习就是创造新知识、新思想、新理论、新方案、新活动、新方法、新技术的学习,它不仅是人的本质和人的自身生存与发展的需要,也是社会发展的需要;它与传统学习有本质区别;创知学习和以创知为基础的终身学习是人类学习的新境界;要搞好这两种学习,就必须改变观念,营造良好的学习环境,掌握新的学习方法和完善终身学习制度。  相似文献   

在观念飞速更新,信息泛滥的现代社会,对于当代大学生而言,他们正处于众河流的入海口。在这种情况下,文明对人格的完善问题日渐成为人们思考的话题。作为东方文明璀璨之珠的中国传统文化自然而然也是思考的焦点。因此,分析、了解什么是传统文化,其基本精神如何,明了传统人格的优缺点。同时,阐述了吸收传统文化的精髓用以完善自身人格的重要性,这不仅是大学生学习的文化课,也是人格修养的必修课。  相似文献   

高校课程管理是高校课程实施效果与人才培养质量的重要保证。鉴于传统课程管理中存在着诸多弊端,不能适应新时期人才培养的要求,有必要进一步更新观念,积极探索高校课程管理的有效机制。  相似文献   

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