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头顶球射门是足球比赛中仅次于脚的主要得分手段,如何将球准确地顶入球门是长期以来人们期待解决的一个问题。本文通过对影响头顶球射门准确性力学因素的初步分析,揭示了一些基本力学原理与头顶球射门准确性之间的关系。这对提高头顶球射门的教学与训练水平有着一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

娴熟的技术是高水平足球运动员所必备的素质。完善无缺的头顶球技术对足球运动员来讲,不仅在防守中是必需的,而且在组织进攻和结束进攻时也同样需要。国际比赛的实践证明,最近一个时期,在車有成效的进攻配合中,运用头顶球技术的百分比有着明显的增长,准确有力的头顶球射门成为现代足球运动中一种强有力的武器。正如其它任何一种复杂的足球技术一样,足球运动员应该在训练初期就掌握头顶球射门和传球的技术。西德“足球教练员”杂志上发表的一些资料,可以在这一方面给青少年运动员及其教练员们一定的帮助。这些资料介绍了一些综合练习方法,这些方法旨在发展青少年足球运动员的头顶球技术并使之全面发展日臻成熟完善。  相似文献   

头顶球是一项重要的基本技术,它在比赛中运用比较广泛,用它可以进行传球、射门和断抢高球等。人们经常把足球运动员的头称之为“第三条腿”。头顶球在进攻与防守中都起着重要的作用,它是争夺空中球的有效手段,是快速直接射门的锐利武器,因此一个优秀的足球运动员应该熟练地掌握头顶球技术。  相似文献   

一、鱼跃头顶球在足球比赛中的作用头顶球技术是足球运动中控制和处理高空球的主要手段,用以传、接、抢截和射门。鱼跃头顶球技术不仅具有上述效用,而且还能在比赛中争取时间和距离上的优势和主动。是进攻时破门得分的锐利武器;又是防守时拦截抢断的有效方法。随着现代足球运动的发展,比  相似文献   

通过对1995年全国少年足球联赛延吉赛区参赛队射门特点与规律的统计分析,发现边路进攻传中射门是最有效的得分手段;利用远射来达到玻门得分的目的,是这次比赛中又一新的特点,反映出少年运动页积极的进攻意识和强烈的射门欲望。同时,头顶球射门得分在比赛中得以充分体现,因而身高应是选材重要指标之一.  相似文献   

头顶球是有目的地运用头的前额部位直接处理空中球的基本技术。正确运用头顶球技术,可以争取时间,抢占空间,取得空中优势。在目前的足球比赛中,进攻时已可直接传递、摆渡或射门;而防守时又可通过它阻截、抢断或解围排险。正因如此,所以“头顶球”被称为是足球比赛场上的“第三只脚”。一、头顶球技术分析头顶球的方法有原地、跳起和鱼跃三种,顶球的部位有正额和侧额。正额顶球时,两眼应注视来球,做到上体后仰前摆,跳起顶球时身体应成虾反弓形,待球运行到身体垂直部位刹那间迅速收腹,折体前屈,用前额将球顶出上体随球继续前摆,…  相似文献   

通过对2012年第14届欧洲杯足球赛决赛阶段31场比赛76个进球的统计研究,结果表明:下半场进球数高于上半场,第1时段进球数最少,第4时段进球数最多;进球的区域主要是大禁区和小禁区;抢点直接射门是进球最多的,其次是接球调整射门和运球突破射门,其中抢点直接射门中有一半多来自于头顶球;前锋进球是最多的,其次是中场队员,最少的是后卫队员。  相似文献   

G843.19 9410920浅谈头顶球[刊,中]/张光莹//辽宁体育.—1993(5).—31(XY)足球//基本技术//头顶球//训练//应用//方法G843.19 9410921优秀足球运动员射门活动结构特点的研究[刊,中]/赵宗跃,王崇喜//上海体育科研.—1993(2).—19—22图1表5参5(SML)足球//射门//技术分析G843.19 9410922现代足球边路进攻打法浅探[刊,中]/刘言和,李向东//浙江体育科学.—1992.14(2).—31—34图1表3(SML)足球//边线进攻//技术分析  相似文献   

头项球技术程序教学结合声像技术教学,教学过程符合运动技能形成规律,有利理论与实践融为一体,加速学生头顶球技能的形成,是提高头顶球教学训练效果的有效途径。根据头顶球技术,一般特点和教学特殊性,探讨程序法结合声像技术的头顶球教学法。  相似文献   

本文通过对第15届男子世界杯足球决赛阶段比赛中的射门统计分析,发现此次世界杯的比赛中运动员在完全摆脱(弱对抗)和未摆脱(强对抗)状态下的射门效果要优于半摆脱(次对抗强)状态下的射门效果;快速运动状态下的射门在比赛得分方面起着主要作用;射门队员得球前发动进攻的”奔袭距离”很短;射门队员得球前的个人战术行动以突然起动前插和包抄抢点头顶球这两种手段的效果最好.提示人们在今后的射门训练方法与手段的选用时应考虑这些方面的特点.  相似文献   

头顶球技术在当今足球比赛中愈来愈受到教练员和运动员的重视,高速度、强对抗的整体型现代足球打法,使得比赛中激烈的争夺由地面发展到高空,头顶球技术是争夺高空的主要手段.本文拟对头顶大力踢出的足球时颅骨、颅脑的受力情况进行分析和研究,找到其不受损伤的理论依据,使初学者消除顾虑,结进行教学训练的教研者提供一些可靠的数据,以利于足球运动更广泛的开展和提高。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the role of background texture on an interception task during self-motion. Twenty-six participants modulated tricycle speed along one arm of a V-shaped track so as to intercept a ball approaching horizontally on the other arm of the V. Either a plain or a textured background (consisting of contrasting vertical stripes) was used. Velocity modulations occurred so as to keep the angle beta between the direction of heading and the line head-ball constant (constant bearing angle, or CBA strategy), indicating that this observer-environment relation might regulate the approach phase. In the textured condition, participants initially drove faster than predicted by the CBA model and compensated by slowing down in the second half. This is in line with the texture-induced overestimation of the ball velocity and implies that absolute velocity information is also used.  相似文献   

Three soccer header types (shooting, clearing and passing) and two heading approaches (standing and jumping) were manipulated to quantify impact forces and neck muscle activity in elite female soccer players. The 15 participants were Division I intercollegiate soccer players. Impact forces were measured by a 15-sensor pressure array secured on the forehead. The electromyographic (EMG) activity of the left and right sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles was recorded using surface electrodes. Maximum impact forces and impulses as well as the EMG data were analysed with separate repeated-measures analyses of variance. Impact forces and impulses did not differ among the header types or approaches. Higher values were found for jumping versus standing headers in the mean normalized EMG for the right sternocleidomastoid. In addition, the integrated EMG was greater for the right sternocleidomastoid and right and left trapezius (P < 0.05). The sternocleidomastoid became active earlier than the trapezius and showed greater activity before ball contact. The trapezius became active just before ball contact and showed greater activity after ball contact. The increased muscle activity observed in the neck during the jumping approach appears to stabilize the connection between the head and body, thereby increasing the stability of the head-neck complex.  相似文献   

Three soccer header types (shooting, clearing and passing) and two heading approaches (standing and jumping) were manipulated to quantify impact forces and neck muscle activity in elite female soccer players. The 15 participants were Division I intercollegiate soccer players. Impact forces were measured by a 15-sensor pressure array secured on the forehead. The electromyographic (EMG) activity of the left and right sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles was recorded using surface electrodes. Maximum impact forces and impulses as well as the EMG data were analysed with separate repeated-measures analyses of variance. Impact forces and impulses did not differ among the header types or approaches. Higher values were found for jumping versus standing headers in the mean normalized EMG for the right sternocleidomastoid. In addition, the integrated EMG was greater for the right sternocleidomastoid and right and left trapezius (P < 0.05). The sternocleidomastoid became active earlier than the trapezius and showed greater activity before ball contact. The trapezius became active just before ball contact and showed greater activity after ball contact. The increased muscle activity observed in the neck during the jumping approach appears to stabilize the connection between the head and body, thereby increasing the stability of the head-neck complex.  相似文献   

This study develops a dynamic model of head acceleration, which incorporates physiologically related neck muscle contributions, to further the understanding of the mechanical behaviour of the head-neck system during soccer heading. An inverted pendulum is combined with a linear visco-elastic element to model the head-neck system following a half-sine input force. Model parameter values were varied to obtain agreement with previously published experimental data (Naunheimet al., 2003), and were subsequently compared to literature values. The model predicted the same mechanical angular kinematics as observed experimentally both during and post impact. The greatest acceleration was in the anterior direction at the instant the ball left the head, attributed to the elastic stiffness of the neck musculature. The head-neck stiffness and damping coefficients determined from the model (350 N m rad-1 and 4 N m s rad-1, respectively) were similar to those reported elsewhere when subjects were asked to resist maximally. The model may be subsequently used to investigate differences in technique and ability with respect to the salient model parameters to further our biomechanical understanding of soccer heading.  相似文献   

郭惠先 《体育学刊》2007,14(4):98-100
对第18届世界杯足球赛16强的16场比赛的铲球技术进行统计分析,探讨高水平球队铲球技术运用的规律。结果显示,随着比赛的进行,铲球次数递减,提高体能储备,才能保证在全场的强对抗中有充沛的体能进行抢截,保证铲球动作的合理性和准确性。后卫、前卫球员讲究铲球的准确性和有效性,前锋球员追求抢点铲射的意识和铲球技巧。提高正面铲球的成功率,方能减少铲球犯规而给对方制造机会。  相似文献   

To assess ball impact force during soccer kicking is important to quantify from both performance and chronic injury prevention perspectives. We aimed to verify the appropriateness of previous models used to estimate ball impact force and to propose an improved model to better capture the time history of ball impact force. A soccer ball was fired directly onto a force platform (10 kHz) at five realistic kicking ball velocities and ball behaviour was captured by a high-speed camera (5,000 Hz). The time history of ball impact force was estimated using three existing models and two new models. A new mathematical model that took into account a rapid change in ball surface area and heterogeneous ball deformation showed a distinctive advantage to estimate the peak forces and its occurrence times and to reproduce time history of ball impact forces more precisely, thereby reinforcing the possible mechanics of ‘footballer’s ankle’. Ball impact time was also systematically shortened when ball velocity increases in contrast to practical understanding for producing faster ball velocity, however, the aspect of ball contact time must be considered carefully from practical point of view.  相似文献   

浅谈“香蕉球”的力学原理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
你经常观看足球比赛的话,可以看到球绕过了“人墙”,眼看要偏离球门飞出,却又沿弧线拐过弯来直入球门,让守门员措手不及,眼睁睁地看着球进了大门。这就是颇为神奇的“香蕉球”。那么“香蕉球”是怎样踢出来的呢?本论文将对此进行研究。目的:怎样才能踢出“香蕉球”和“香蕉球”是如何形成的。分析方法:运用基础的物理知识——流体力学和动力学对球的运动和受力进行分析。结论:当人给球力的有个角度(0〈α〈90),就可以让球发生旋转,经过一定的位移后在风力的作用下球会呈弧线运动,而产生了“香蕉球”。在足球运动中,通过这样的球能让守门员防不胜防,达到进球的目的。  相似文献   

Oblique impact of a tennis ball on the strings of a tennis racket   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Measurements are presented of the friction force acting on a tennis ball incident obliquely on the strings of a tennis racket. This information, when combined with measurements of ball speed and spin, reveals details of the bounce process that have not previously been observed and also provides the first measurements of the coefficient of sliding friction between a tennis ball and the strings of a tennis racket. At angles of incidence less than about 40° to the string plane, the ball slides across the strings during the whole bounce period. More commonly, the ball is incident at larger angles in which case the ball slides across the string plane for a short distance before gripping the strings. While the bottom of the ball remains at rest on the strings, the remainder of the ball continues to rotate for a short period, after which the ball suddenly releases its grip and the bottom of the ball slides backwards on the string plane. The bounce angle depends mainly on the angle of incidence and the rotation speed of the incident ball. Differences in bounce angle and spin off head-clamped and hand-held rackets are also described.  相似文献   

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