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中国文艺进入新时期后,文艺思潮大体上可以概括为“三头推进”:一是现实主义的拓展和深化;二是以现代主义为代表的各种新思潮此起彼伏;三是通俗文艺势不可挡。文艺的多元和繁荣是一把“双刃剑”,在“三头推进”的文艺思潮裹挟下,新时期创作和评论也存在诸多令人忧虑的现象。  相似文献   

邓小平的文艺思想,是邓小平建设有中国特色的社会主义理论的重要组成部分。十一届三中全会以后,对于文艺工作,邓小平作了系统的论述和阐发,提出了许多重要的观点,这些思想和观点,是邓小平同志把马克思主义理论同中国社会主义文艺实践相结合的产物,是邓小平同志在新的历史条件下对毛泽东文艺思想的继承和发展,也是新时期党的文艺政策的集中体现。  相似文献   

十一届三中全会前后,邓小平多次强调指出,知识分子是我国社会主义现代化建设的一支重要依靠力量,并据此重新制定了党的知识分子工作的方针和政策,实现了新时期党的知识分子政策的重大转变。回顾这一转变,有助于我们做好知识分子工作,落实科教兴国战略  相似文献   

新时期中国电影的内容题材、思想主题、叙事技巧都显现出依附于文学的倾向;而作为时代文化主流的电影也使文学的思想观念和表意策略得到深刻的转变.与文学从内容到形式全方位的"并轨",成为了新时期中国电影从荒芜走向繁荣的主要动因.而文学、电影二者在"寻根"上的契合则展现了新时期的中国文艺追寻民族特性、反映民族时代特征的探索轨迹,并预示着中国民族文艺的光明前景.  相似文献   

邓小平同志的文艺思想是建设有中国特色社会主义理论的重要组成部分,他对新时期社会主义文艺的一系列问题的精辟论述。为我国社会主义文艺的繁荣发展指明了正确的方向。邓小平同志从建设有中国特色社会主义的总体构想出发,从两个文明建设不可偏废的高度,从文艺的特殊性和重要性为其他部门所不肥代替的高度充分肯定了新时期文艺的重要地位和作用。我们应当把促进社会主义文艺的繁荣作为文艺工作的出发点。  相似文献   

毛泽东文艺思想是马克思主义基本原理与中国革命文艺实际相结合的产物,是对文艺规律特别是中国无产阶级文艺特殊规律的理论概括,是我们党制定文艺路线方针政策的理论基础,是我国革命文艺工作的科学的指导思想,是毛泽东思想体系的重要组成部分。在它的指引下,我国革命文艺走过了半个多世纪的辉煌历程,取得了举世瞩目的成就,培养了一代又一代的革命文艺工作者。  相似文献   

在新时期文学争鸣中,戴厚英是一个值得研究的现象。在文化转折中,她主动转换自己的角色,从文革时期的“文艺哨兵”到新时期的“人道主义宣扬者”,再到艰难的“业余作家”,最后终于成文体制内作家。通过对戴厚英角色转变的过程的分析,显示出是新时期文学秩序重建的过程。  相似文献   

近些年来,我国当代文艺中出现了一股唯美主义的文艺思潮。它片面强调文艺的审美作用,否定文艺的认识、教育功能,鼓吹文艺要远离生活、淡化政治。在这股思潮影响下,理论和创作都出现了混乱。本文指出,文艺是不能脱离生活、远离政治的。本文还认为对唯美主义必须用历史唯物主义进行分析、评价。而在新时期,鼓吹唯美主义则是十分有害的。  相似文献   

黄卉 《焦作大学学报》2002,16(4):30-31,43
毛泽东文艺思想诞生于中国的民族革命和解放战争时期,形成于50年代,对解放区和新中国的文艺建设起过巨大的作用,它接受了列宁的文艺思想,它的哲学基础是辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义,政治依据是无产阶级专政学说,基本理论是科学的,但是毛泽东文艺思想还不是完备系统的理论,对艺术本体问题,艺术创造的主体问题很少涉及。特别是在执行过程中,由于教务主义影响,实际上已变为一个阶级的文艺政策和法规,在新的历史时期,它必须要被突破和被冷落,因此,我们必须对毛泽东文艺思想作深入细致的研究,坚持基合理方面,改进补充其不足和欠缺,促进新时期文艺和毛泽文艺思想的发展,使其成为文艺理论建设的基础。  相似文献   

本文以邓小平理论及十四届六中全会为指导,重新审视了社会主义文艺的性质及方向存在的一些模糊的问题;强调正确把握社会主义文艺在市场经济中的位置及文艺在新时期的使命,提出锻铸灵魂唱反映时代主旋律的一些新的规律。  相似文献   

外汉魏六朝时期文学存在一个"自觉"的过程,学界持较为肯定的态度,但帝王(侯)在"文学自觉"进程中的推动作用并没有得到广泛注意.其实他们或实行积极的文学政策,或组织文人们一同进行身体力行的创作,或提出最前沿的理论批评,都有效地推动了文学走向"自觉的时代".相较于对"文学自觉"这一提法的质疑,溯源这一说法的本意,并正视帝王在其中所起的特异作用显得更重要.  相似文献   

我国少数民族当代文学始于1949年,是我国少数民族现代文学的继承和发展。随着新中国的诞生,社会主义制度的建立,党的民族政策和文艺方针的贯彻落实,50多年来全国范围内已经形成老中青相结合的多民族、多语种、多梯队的少数民族作家队伍,创作出一批百花齐放、百家争鸣、反映时代主旋律、表现民族特色和时代变革的好作品。  相似文献   

Although there is now a considerable literature on gender inequality in education and employment, there is virtually no research on the Careers Service which provides a bridge between the two. Based on a national survey of all Careers Services conducted in 1987, this paper explores the significance afforded to gender discrimination and the nature and content of equal opportunities policies designed to counter it. It draws attention to the differences in meaning which the term ‘equal opportunities’ can have and to the changing context in which equal opportunities policies now operate.  相似文献   

从1957年反右运动到1966年文革之前是中国当代文学发展的一个重要转型期。这个时期的文艺政策进行了一系列调整,但“两结合”等创作观念的实施在根本上是与“双百”方针背道而驰的。以50年代的创作积淀为基础,这个时期出现了一批优秀小说作品,但由于文艺政策的失误和文艺批判运动的扩大化,致使60年代初小说创作在整体上走向概念化和模式化。  相似文献   

变音器是手风琴的装置之一,变音器的转换在手风琴演奏中起着极其重要的作用。通过变音器的转换可以模仿各种乐器的音色、控制音量、扩大音域、增强音乐色彩。演奏中根据乐曲表达思想内容的需要,通过变音器变换达到完美的音响效果。本文通过手风琴独奏《随想曲》变音器的运用,阐述变音器在该作品中的作用。  相似文献   

The research reported in this article contributes new understandings of systemic change by studying the form of system redesign known in England as academisation. The data illuminate tensions within the neoliberal policy complex that are surfaced in a single secondary school. Although several studies have described academy conversions retrospectively, there has been little research that both analyses the complex month-by-month realities of decision-making and investigates the changing views of policy actors. Drawing on data from documents, observations and interviews, we argue for academisation to be understood, not as a policy or a complex of policies, but as system redesign. Academisation is not simply a legal process: a school can be academised without officially becoming an academy. The new knowledge from this research speaks to a global audience, because the political, economic and cultural processes on which it reports are under scrutiny in other systems with experiments in school autonomy as a form of publicly funded but ‘independent’ schooling.  相似文献   


This paper reports some experiences of teaching a university third year degree level option paper on Equal Opportunities to students on an Applied Social Studies degree programme. It examines the social context in which courses on equal opportunities have developed, issues of course design and assessment, teaching materials, and the students and their response to the course. Among the observations drawn from the first year of teaching are the importance (and difficulty) of conveying to students the variety of concepts of equal opportunities, and the need to recognise an age gap in both knowledge and also often attitudes of staff and students, which meant that younger students tended to take equal opportunities for granted, as being simply the law, while lecturers started from the perspective that equal opportunities policies had come about as a result of struggles for equality by social movements such as the Civil Rights movement in the USA, the feminist movement and the disability rights movement. Experience of teaching the course also indicated, as anticipated, the importance of maintaining academic standards of objectivity in teaching and assessment of controversial social issues. There were also important presentational issues which emerged in teaching literature critical of the operation of equal opportunities policies in practice, since this literature can be misunderstood by students to imply that equal opportunities policies are ineffective and therefore not worth maintaining and defending.  相似文献   

The Web has become an integral part of postsecondary education within the United States. There are specific laws that legally mandate postsecondary institutions to have Web sites that are accessible for students with disabilities (e.g., the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)). Web accessibility policies are a way for universities to provide a general guide to action for faculty and staff that serve as Website developers for the organization. The purpose of this study is to examine the extent and effectiveness of Web accessibility policies at land-grant universities in the United States. To that end, this paper presents a conceptual foundation for the study, ranging from an overview of Web accessibility studies, to legal mandates, to literature on organizational policies. Data collection consists of a content analysis of the Web accessibility policies of land-grant universities. Results show that while most universities have a Web accessibility policy, most policies have serious deficiencies. The deficiencies are of sufficient magnitude that many schools are likely in violation of the ADA and at risk for a law suit from a disabled person unless these policies are strengthened.  相似文献   

“三个代表”的思想是总揽各项事业包括文艺工作的纲领.落实“三个代表”精神,是当代文艺发展的必由之路.应当把学习贯彻“三个代表”的思想与贯彻执行党的其他文艺方针政策结合起来;唱响主旋律,发展多样化;倡导艺术创新,勇于在文坛领跑;加强文艺队伍建设,不断提升主体素质.  相似文献   

政策执行是一个重要环节,一项政策制定出来以后,只有通过执行才能真正发挥其对现实的指导作用,体现其价值目标。从我国近年来的政策实践过程来看,许多原本科学的政策方案,由于上下级政府利益导向不同,下级政府因势利导,在政策执行中故意曲解其本意,简单地说,就是政策执行主体围绕着不同利益取向进行博弈。通过对相关文献的梳理,针对我国当前政策执行中出现的各种博弈现象,分析了其原因,最终提出了克服政策执行中利益博弈的几点对策建议。  相似文献   

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