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深生态学:一种新的环境价值理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深生态学是西方环境伦理学的一种新的范型。文章分析了深生态学产生的社会思想背景,浅生态学运动和深生态学运动的区别;论述了深生态学的最高规范和基本原则,深生态学对现代环境价值观念的贡献及其认识局限。  相似文献   

本论文旨在运用阿恩·奈斯的深生态理论分析休斯在《乌鸦》诗集中对人与自然关系的探究,以及他为乌鸦角色所建构的深生态的自我实现之路。休斯认为,人类只有摒弃以人类为中心的妄自尊大,并将深生态思想内在化,才有可能与所有其他生物建立牢固的身份认同。这种身份认同意味着人类精神世界与外在世界的重新统一,是唯一能解救当前西方文明正遭遇的环境与社会危机的出路。  相似文献   

This qualitative study used a deep ecology lens and the New Environmental Paradigm to investigate anthropocentrism and ecocentrism in 30 secondary school environment club students from three schools in Victoria, Australia. The work repositions the deep ecology philosophy as a posthumanist/relational ideology, providing novel perspectives based on kinship with the earth. Open-ended interviews assessed the alignment of attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors along a Deep Ecology Spectrum. Key aspects of deep ecology were confirmed through the study findings including biospherical egalitarianism, limits to growth, wildlife preservation, anti-consumerism, environmental activism, and ecological identity.  相似文献   

The present study explores the relationship between students’ views of the nature of science (NOS) and their views of the nature of scientific measurement. A questionnaire with two‐tier diagnostic multiple‐choice items on both the NOS and measurement was administered to 179 first‐year physics students with diverse school experiences. Students’ views on the NOS were classified into four NOS ‘profiles’, and views on measurement were classified according to either the point or set paradigms. The findings show that students with a NOS profile dominated by a belief that the laws of nature are to be discovered by scientists are more likely to have a view of the nature of scientific measurement characterised by a belief in ‘true’ values. On the other hand, students who believe that scientific theories are inventions of scientists, constructed from observations that are then validated through further experimentation, are more likely to have a view of the nature of scientific measurement that is underpinned by the uncertain nature of scientific evidence. The implications for teaching scientific measurement at tertiary level are discussed.  相似文献   

环境危机的深层根源在于人类失去了终极关怀和信仰,而这曾经是宗教精神的灵魂.环境伦理重拾对自然的爱,是传承着这种宗教的情怀.生态危机不仅是一个经济与科技发展的问题,而且涉及到人性的内容.宗教对我们心灵的教育可以为彻底的生态关怀提供精神资源.  相似文献   


Social work's notion of environment has always been unnecessarily restrictive. The profession has tended to either ignore the natural environment or accept a shallow ecological conceptualization of nature as something other, quite separate from human activity. Deep ecology offers social work an essentially different view of the person/environment construct and argues for a fundamental shift in the way humanity views its relationship with nature. This article traces the conceptual development of deep ecology and sketches its key value premises, assumptions about the nature of the human experience, beliefs about how knowledge is acquired and its social action methodology. It offers key insights and concrete examples for incorporating a deep ecological awareness into teaching courses on human behavior and the social environment.  相似文献   

At first glance, a refuge proposed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) appeared to be an effective approach for protecting the habitat of migratory waterfowl. Under careful scrutiny, the proposal was predicated on false assumptions about development pressure and affected landowners exhibited a lifestyle reflecting environmental values. Residents promoted wildlife and utilized renewable resources on their land; they practiced ecological sustainability through private stewardship. Ecological sustainability is a long‐term strategy based on deep ecology and bioregionalism. Technological sustainability is a short‐term strategy based, on centralized bureaucracies, high technologies and economic markets. USFWS engages technological sustainability through acquisition and ecosystem management. While technological sustainability is urgently needed where habitat is disappearing rapidly, it can preempt ecological sustainability elsewhere, as illustrated in this case study. Environmental educators should teach concepts of ecosystem management and sustainability carefully. Private stewardship for ecological sustainability is not part of the anti‐environmental ‘wise use’ movement.  相似文献   

本文分析了生态脆弱区“脆弱化”的原因,指出不适当的环境管理是造成“脆弱化”最主要的人为因素,认为从系统的角度重构生态脆弱区的环境管理是生态环境重建的重中之重。本文探讨了脆弱区生态重建的环境管理的内涵及作用,并提出在进行生态重建时,环境管理工作应抓住以下几个环节:(1)健全环境管理机构;(2)完善环境管理工作系统;(3)大力推广各种生态重建模式;(4)积极制定相关的环境经济政策和措施。  相似文献   

2011年5月至7月间,生态社会主义内部引发了一场关于人口是否是环境破坏的原因的论辩。论辩源起于在生态社会主义内部出现一股企图把深生态学融入生态社会主义的趋势,把人口视为环境破坏的原因和减少人口数量作为解决之道,并力图捍卫马尔萨斯人口原理的观点。萨拉.萨卡就是这一观点的代表。而生态社会主义的其他代表人物,如伊恩.安格斯等人则认为马克思恩格斯当年对马尔萨斯的批判仍然有效,萨卡的观点是反人类的,不可避免地导致种族排斥、不利于团结社会运动等恶果。这场论辩的实质在于这是一场关于生态环境问题的成因是工业主义还是资本主义的论辩。尽管双方的观点都有失偏颇,但从这次论辩中,我们既要认识到人口的数量是环境破坏的一个重要因素,也要注意资本自身所具有的反生态本性,在控制人口的数量时,更应采取措施优化人口的结构。  相似文献   

马克思主义生态观以其深邃的思想和卓越的前瞻性,为我们进行生态文明建设提供了重要的理论基础。生态民生是基于人们的生存权和发展权两方面有机统一的概念。生态民生理念内涵在于将生态文明建设不仅仅看作是环境保护,还是一项具有基础性的重要民生问题。在马克思主义生态化中国化、具体化过程中,涌现出来了生态民生的创新实践,这是对马克思主义生态观的继承和创新发展,为我们解决生态问题开辟了一条新道路。  相似文献   

大地伦理立足于生态整体主义,在"万物同源论"和"弹性生物链论"的原则基础上,强调非生命体在生态系统中的基础地位,从学理上把"浅生态学"推向了"深生态学",极大地拓展了环境伦理学的研究视域;大地伦理把生命体和非生命体在生态系统中的作用有机统一起来,呼吁人类对非生命体诉诸应有的道德关怀,从而为实现人与自然的和谐共生、推进生态文明建设提供了重要的理论参照。  相似文献   

文庙延续至今,显示了其顽强的生命力。它如同自然界的生物一般,因受多种自然、人文环境因素的影响,而形成了自身特殊的生态。从生态的角度认识、考察、解读文庙,是当前进行“文庙”及“文庙学”研究的一个新尝试。通过对湖南现存规模最大、保存最完整的宁远文庙发展历程的考察可知,自然生态是文庙生成的土壤;人文生态是文庙存在的灵魂;社会生态是文庙延续的动力。文庙与各种因素不断地交织和交融后,所形成的既具国家意志又具地方特色的“庙学合一”的生态教化空间,是文庙生命力的根基和保障。同时发现,文庙生态的存在对当代文化教育发展及学校建设也具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

比较教育学家阿什比以生态学的方法研究世界高等教育,提出了著名的"大学生态学"、"遗传环境论"等高等教育发展新理论,这给我在思考高等教育问题时提供了一个全新的思路,本文针对高等教育在发展过程中遇到的遗传和面临的环境问题展开论述,深刻理解高等教育的遗传变异和环境创新的重要性,并着眼高等教育的遗传变异和环境创新,探索高等教育内部调整的新途径和新方法。  相似文献   

中国自古就十分重视生态环境保护,这从《周礼》中的大量资料可以得到证实。《周礼》的生态环保思想博大精深,涵盖广泛,从生态环保机构和环保职官的设置,到森林的保护和更新、野生动物的保护、川泽水产的保护等等,内容非常具体。在贯彻生态思想的过程中,既有法令的强制,又有专门职官的管理和指导,从而使生态环保思想得到较好的推广,其经验教训值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

自然价值理论是环境伦理学的两大理论之一。建立在自然价值观基础上的环境保护是一种新的价值观范式。它有利于拓展人们的环境保护视野,有利于推动环境保护法的革命,使环境保护事业在道德与法律两个领域中都取得令人满意的结果。  相似文献   

This study was conducted in order to identify the intensity of Turkish students’ views with regard to environmental issues presented in the national curriculum and to determine how these views differ by gender, grade level, previous science achievement, socio‐economic status (SES), and school location. For this project, a 51‐item Attitude Toward Environmental Issues Scale (ATEIS) was created and utilized. In total, the scale involved 30 distinct environmental issues. These environmental issues are emphasized in the current Turkish science education curriculum. A total of 458 students in grade 4–8 classrooms completed the scale. Rasch analysis results indicated that, in general, the students felt environmental problems should be confronted in Turkey. But when students were presented with a range of survey items stating that a particular environmental issue should take precedence over economic growth, it was often very difficult for students to agree. On the other hand, when students were simply presented a range of survey issues concerning environmental problems in Turkey, it was easy for them to agree with the presence (or importance) of these environmental issues in Turkey. Subsequent analysis suggested that the set of ATEIS survey items were understood and functioned in a similar measurement manner for male and female students, as well as elementary and middle school students. Results of ANOVA analyses indicated that recent high achievement in science courses resulted in more positive attitudes toward environmental issues. T‐test analyses revealed that the older female students of this data set exhibited more support for environmental issues than did male students. Students with high family income, and those students living in urban areas, displayed more positive attitudes toward environmental issues than did students with low family income, and those living in suburban areas.  相似文献   

深层生态学是西方环境伦理学界提出的一个与浅层生态学相对应的非人类中心主义流派之一。它强调不仅仅从人出发,而应该从包括人与自然关系在内的整个生态系统角度,把人—自然作为统一整体来认识、处理和解决生态问题。其理论宗旨是批判和反思现代工业社会在人与自然关系上的种种失误及其背后的深层根源,目的在于寻找人类生活的真正价值及现代社会的合理构建。  相似文献   

School improvement, as Ruth Jonathan (1990, p. 568) has said, is not merely a matter of 'rapid response to changing market forces through a trivialised curriculum', but a question of dealing with the deep structures of school and the habits of thought and values they embody. To manage school improvement we need to look at schools from the pupils' perspective and that means tuning in to their experiences and views and creating a new order of experience for them as active participants.  相似文献   

与备受关注并深得好评的新闻学和报告文学研究相比,埃德加.斯诺独特的生态思想及其作品中所蕴含的现代生态观念尚未得到应有的研究。因此,在自然生态和人文生态被严重误读的今天,重新发掘并认真检析埃德加.斯诺的自然生态观、人本生态观和宇宙生态观,对于构建和谐社会以及人类的永续发展或许有着别一种鉴知意义。  相似文献   

洛林·汉斯贝利是第一个将黑人戏剧搬上百老汇剧院的黑人女剧作家。从生态批评的角度重新研读《阳光下的葡萄干》,能够从中解读出汉斯贝利本人强烈的生态关怀意识。通过自然生态的描写,反映了汉斯贝利对城市化进程带来的环境污染的深恶痛绝以及对融于自然的渴望;通过社会生态的描写,汉斯贝利旨在呼吁人们不要只顾自己利益而使社会关系淡漠化;通过精神生态的描写,表明了汉斯贝利对人们内在的精神状态的关注。  相似文献   

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