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图书馆持续发展字画馆藏的5个理由是:字画本应属于图书馆的收藏范围,圈忙靖收藏字画有相关法规支持,字画在图书馆可得到专业保护,字画藏品可满足读者的读图需求,字画数字化足数字化复制保护工作的难点。延缓字画损耗的保护工作实际是维护、发展这一特色馆藏。  相似文献   

人类的文化活动日益趋向交融与互补,雕塑语言与绘画艺术的结合必将是一种趋势.科学技术的发展是装饰绘画立体化的根本原因.思想禁锢则艺术滞后,思想开放则艺术发展.达达主义,它是促成装饰绘画立体化的感性原因.构成主义,它是促成装饰绘画立体化的理性原因.  相似文献   


The church of San Diego de Alcalá, located in Pitiquito, Sonora , in Mexico, lies on a missionary road founded by the Jesuit Eusebio F. Kino, which, with the expulsion of the Jesuit order in 1767, passed into the care of the Franciscans. It contains wallpaintings which presented deterioration problems whose cause was not easy to determine, since the damage appeared to be inconsistent with the techniques used and the environmental conditions. With an interdisciplinary team, a methodology was designed for a combined study of the environment of the church and its wallpaintings. Thermal imaging of the exterior and interior walls indicated that the building was made up of different materials, and the junctions between them explained the different deterioration pathologies between one zone and another. Hydrological maps for groundwater in the locality were studied, to elucidate the presence of water in a desert zone; abundant sources of water in the subsoil were identified, which, because of overexploitation of the land, have been diminishing over time. This allowed the elaboration of a plan for site management, through the identification of those deterioration factors that can be mitigated by simple maintenance actions that are inherent to the environment and the materials, which enabled a scheduled maintenance scheme to be implemented. This improved the condition of the building and its wallpaintings, while reducing the resource invested to achieve this goal.  相似文献   

本文从大量文物实例中得到启示,提出用碳素环境保护字画,通过对保护前后字画所用纸张及颜料的加速老化,测定纸张机械强度及颜料色差,得出碳素环境可以有效地延长字画寿命.  相似文献   

装饰画表现出图书馆的艺术风格与文化品位。适当挂置装饰画可以提高图书馆室内整体的和谐度。现代化图书馆选择装饰画应从装饰画的主体颜色、内容、形式、风格、图案、样式及形状等方面考虑,选择与所处空间环境相呼应、与图书馆的功能相匹配、与图书馆的文化积淀与地域特色的个性化相融合的装饰画。  相似文献   


Conservation of an oil painting on a zinc support is a complex challenge that has not been covered in the literature. Oil paint and zinc support rarely form a working combination because of their chemical properties. This article discusses the conservation of an oil painting on a zinc support that was found in extremely bad condition due to harsh environmental conditions it had been exposed to. The object had to be consolidated due to flaking paint and cleaned of surface dirt and support corrosion products. Finally, the object had to be physically strengthened due to the weakness of the support. This process required conservators to combine methods from several different fields of the conservation discipline. Methods employed in the conservation process came less from the literature, due to the lack thereof, and more from the everyday experience of the department and vernacular working practices. The overall methodology of the process has been reconstructed and critically evaluated in the broader field of conservation ethics and the discipline as a whole.  相似文献   

中国画的"程式化"因素,是中国画的组成元素和表现形式,由它形成的"抽象美"因素,是中国画审美上的一个重要特征,是历代文人画家所追求的目标.也是区别于西方写实绘画的一个主要特点.  相似文献   

对图书馆美术藏品CNMARC著录的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从中国画原作的特征出发,探讨其CNMARC格式著录与普通书刊的不同,及著录时应注意的事项,以其使这一宝贵的文献资源得到标准化著录的目的。  相似文献   

本文旨在通过对水墨形式和意境的分析、对中国艺术精神的理解,籍以了解中国水墨动画的特点长处。在新的创作环境和条件下,我们对水墨的追求和再体现需要发展这些特点和长处,应该注重形式与意境的融合而不仅仅拘泥水和墨的形式。  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the study and conservation of the gods painted on the doors of traditional temples in Taiwan. These paintings are continually exposed to poor environmental conditions (especially sunlight, rain, and pollution) and human factors, such as continuous ritual activities. After reviewing the technical characteristics of these paintings and their origins, traditional views and contemporary practices followed in the restoration of temples are explored. Since preventive conservation is a key issue in the preservation of cultural heritage, some solutions that have already been carried out, as well as suggestions for others that could be put into practice in order to improve the situation and extend the life expectancy of these paintings, are considered. Finally, while it is inevitable to try to preserve some of the most outstanding pieces, the possibility of considering these works as ephemeral is contemplated. This may seem contradictory, but it is, in fact, a relatively common situation when addressing the conservation of religious heritage in use. Undoubtedly, the preservation of this heritage still raises many questions and exposes a number of contradictions.  相似文献   


The tomb of Tutankhamen in the Valley of the Kings, Egypt, one of the major attractions of the World Heritage Site of Ancient Thebes and its Necropolis on the West Bank of modern day Luxor, is today a destination for mass tourism. Visitors to the tomb increase relative humidity, elevate carbon dioxide levels, and encourage natural ventilation which facilitates entry of dust into the tomb. These conditions negatively impact the wall paintings and remaining artifacts in the tomb and create an uncomfortable environment for visitors. The deposition of dust inside the tomb collects on uneven wall painting surfaces, obscures their legibility and necessitates cycles of cleaning, which in turn leads to further damage. Developing environmental management strategies in the tomb to counter the effects of visitors and mitigate dust entry is an important component of the collaborative project between the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) and Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities (MoA) to conserve the tomb. These included implementation of a filtered-air supply and exhaust ventilation system to stabilize the interior microclimate and reduce dust in order to improve visitor comfort and contribute to the long-term preservation of the tomb.  相似文献   

明清以来,扇面书画之风大兴,一大批杰出的书画艺术家以极大的热情投入到扇面书画的创作之中,绘制书写了大量的扇面书画作品,极大地丰富了我国传统书画艺术宝库。多年来,甘肃省图书馆的历任领导与专家十分重视包括书画作品在内的传统文献的收藏,书画扇面也是甘肃省图书馆收藏体系中重要的组成部分。文章介绍了甘肃省图书馆收藏的部分扇面作品,以飨读者。  相似文献   

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