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This essay analyses the media narrative in the coverage of the Brazilian team during the 2002 World Cup. The corpus of our work is concentrated on the sports supplements of Jornal do Brasil during the 2002 World Cup from two days before the event until two days after its end, reaching the total of 32 supplements. We focus on the hypothesis that the qualification ‘Brazil: the soccer country’, usually even more intense and singular during this worldwide event, has been decreasing and the journalistic narratives about the Brazilian soccer team do not approach soccer homogeneously as a metonym for the nation. The reflection about the role of the sports press as cultural builder is fundamental to observe how newspapers confirm and construct mythologies and identitary discourses, in spite of the journalistic objectivity, one of the pillars of the profession.  相似文献   


Getúlio Vargas’ dictatorship (1937-1945) attributed to sports a key role to foment the formation of a ‘new Brazil’, using football as a crucial element to promote the state nationalist policy. A propitious moment for this attempt would be an international event, a space in which Brazil could demonstrate to the civilized nations – especially to the European countries – the best qualities of ‘the Brazilian race’. This arena was the 1938 World Cup, played in France. This essay presents some aspects of the relationship between football and the construction of Brazil’s national identity in the early twentieth century. My focus on the 1938 World Cup is due to the fact this was a quintessential event not only for the history of Brazilian sports but also for the debates on scientific racism and the construction of national identity. This event shaped, more than eight decades ago, the ways through which football articulated the core commonality of the Brazilian society, becoming one of the key elements to understand contemporary Brazil.  相似文献   

This essay describes some of the legendary accomplishments of the Netherlands football team in the World Cup and other international tournaments. It focuses on the Dutch teams led by Johan Cruyff and affectionately known as ‘The Clockwork Orange’ because they introduced a modern style of play with precision passing that was referred to as ‘total football’. The Netherlands advanced to the World Cup final in 1974 and 1978, only to lose the championship each time. The study also explores the role of the Dutch coach Rinus Michels and some of Cruyff’s teammates such as Johan Neeskens and Rob Rensenbrink. Looking at the Netherlands’ performances in the European championships and World Cups in the last three decades, the essay attempts to bring out the transformations in Dutch football in post-Cruyff age. Finally, it discusses the team’s rabid and energized fan base, and the ambush marketing scandal that took place during the 2010 World Cup.  相似文献   

This essay delineates a brief history of Brazil’s soccer stadia, focusing on some of the most significant in the countries’ soccer history, namely Laranjeiras stadium; São Januário and Pacaembú stadiums; Maracanã stadium; and Arena da Baixada and Olímpico João Havelange stadiums. It aims to draw attention to the relationship between the State and soccer right from the game’s beginnings in Rio de Janeiro and the importance of the Brazilian State in building of the aforementioned soccer arenas, as well as its use of soccer stadiums in state propaganda and politics. The arrival of novel concepts in stadium building from the year 2000 on still points to the heavy hand and loose purse of the state, as can be seen in the construction of João Havelange Stadium and the other arenas constructed for the 2014 World Cup in twelve Brazilian cities.  相似文献   


This essay follows up on an article published in Soccer & Society prior to the 2018 World Cup in Russia. There it was argued that this edition of the World Cup served as particularly interesting for the academic field focussed on sport-mega events (SMEs) and ‘security’, because of its uniquely securitized climate. Written immediately after the 2018 World Cup, the present essay reflects upon the event’s ‘security’ and mega-event security more broadly. It revisits some ‘security-related’ episodes. Then, special attention will be given the media discourse vis-à-vis ‘hooliganism’. The essay argues that the media discourse took an unorthodox ‘turn’ with regard to English ‘hooligans’, who, compared to past events, were portrayed as being ‘in risk’ – rather than being the group generating ‘the risk’ of football-related violence and public disorder.  相似文献   

This study analyzes media coverage of the two Stanley Cup hockey challenges played by the Winnipeg Victorias and the Montreal Victorias in February and December 1896. First presented in 1893, the Stanley Cup symbolized the national hockey championship of Canada. The essay argues that newspaper reports and telegraph reconstructions of early Stanley Cup hockey matches brought Canadians into both local and national communities of interest centred on sport, while helping to create a mediated Canadian ‘hockey world’ in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The 1896 Stanley Cup contests were likely the first two games in which the technology of telegraphy was applied to the sport of hockey in such a way that large crowds in distant cities could experience matches as they were being played. In addition, this study examines the regional and interurban rivalries that were expressed through Stanley Cup competition. Newspapers depicted Montreal and Winnipeg hockey teams as representatives of east-west conflict and difference, as well as embodiments of community identity and civic pride.  相似文献   

This essay examines media coverage of five Stanley Cup hockey championship series played between hockey clubs based in Winnipeg and Montreal from 1899 to 1903. Coverage of the Winnipeg–Montreal challenges contributed significantly to the growth of a Canadian ‘hockey world’ – and a broader ‘world of sport’ – during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. First, press reports and telegraph re-enactments linked fans in Winnipeg and Montreal together. At the same time, newspapers in other Canadian centres provided coverage of Stanley Cup matches. As the media constructed a shared sports information system throughout Canada, people were drawn into a wide-ranging community of interest centred on sport. Telegraph bulletins, in particular, gave fans a strong sense of participation in games that were being played in other places. By 1903, Stanley Cup hockey challenges had become ‘national’ Canadian events, followed by audiences across the country through news stories and ‘live’ telegraph reconstructions.  相似文献   

With global media attention and a global reach, mega-sporting events play a crucial role in sports communication. Although the audience of these events has traditionally been overwhelmingly male, in recent years they have attracted an increasing number of women. The present paper therefore explores women’s and men’s motives for watching three mega-sporting events – FIFA World Cup 2006, the UEFA European Championship 2008 and FIFA World Cup 2010 – and compares the intensities of the three central motives of thrill, entertainment and information, especially as they relate to participants’ levels of general interest in sport. The results indicate that as their interest in sport increases, the differences between the motives of women and men decrease. This finding provides valuable initial insights into the increasing popularity of mega-sporting events among women.  相似文献   

Soft power is a two-step process. First, countries need to possess national cohesion and international credibility. Second, they can then project certain marketable images to other countries. When transferred into a discussion of sports, it can be argued that sporting mega-events have become important arenas through which to exercise aspects of this soft power matrix. This article considers Brazil’s hosting of the 2014 FIFA World Cup and 2016 Olympics Games. I seek to understand whether they successfully promoted national cohesion by renewing a Brazilian national identity and healing social divisions. The result, I argue, is largely negative. Neither the World Cup nor the Olympics spread the message of national cohesion hoped for by the political establishment that successfully bid for the events. Instead sporting mega-events in Brazil provided a unity of protest and only the hope, that in time, the periphery can be heard over the centre.  相似文献   

The aim of this essay is to map out the racial discourses of the 1950s, particularly those pertinent to the 1958 Soccer World Cup, in order to better understand the main ideas about race, which were in vogue at the time when Edson Arantes do Nascimento (Pelé) became (inter)nationally famous as a great sports star. The essay argues that Pelé’s statements regarding race and race relations in Brazil were inherently based on the discourses prevalent among academics and Brazil’s black activists during the 1950s. Pelé’s professional asceticism and his belief in individualism, cultivated during his youth in the city of Bauru, were further reinforced by the racial discourses of the 1950s. These views led him to believe that any discrimination he might encounter due to his colour and class could be overcome with a disciplined and professional attitude. Today, this sort of ascetic view of the world has been accused by certain segments of Brazil’s black movements as being insufficient to overcome the supposedly irresolvable inequalities that exist between Brazil’s black and white populations. Pelé, however, has not changed his position regarding anti-black discrimination, choosing to continue to emphasize professionalism and discipline as the two most formidable tools in the fight against racial discrimination and inequality.  相似文献   

The FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) World Cup is the world’s biggest soccer tournament and is one of the largest international sporting events. In 2014, Brazil will host the quadrennial FIFA World Cup for the second time in its history. Since this premier global mega-event involves much of the world and Brazil is a major nation that seeks to assert its position internationally, the situation is optimal for exploring various issues. Scholars have examined various aspects of the ongoing preparations. Researchers have several options worthy of exploration including, but not limited to, relevant social phenomena, the social, cultural, economic and educational impact, as well as the cultural practices related to this mega-event. The aim of this literature review is to present some key areas that should be considered in regards to the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil.  相似文献   

全球性重大体育赛事电视转播权开发状况的解析与思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法对全球性重大体育赛事电视转播权开发状况进行了分析研究,研究结果表明,世界杯收视规模要稍高于奥运会,但奥运会收视人群分布范围更广,F1赛车的收视规模和收视人群分布范围较小。世界杯和奥运会电视转播收入相近,F1电视转播收入不如世界杯和奥运会。奥运会电视转播权销售中坚持了“公益性”的原则,最有利于世界上最广泛的观众观看奥运会,而世界杯转播权存在开发过度的问题。F1电视转播权销售采用的是彻底商业化方式,且转播权销售的透明度很低。我国三大赛事转播权销售价格近年大幅攀升,其中F1的上升幅度最大,世界杯次之,奥运会的上升幅度较平稳。中央电视台是三大赛事中国大陆转播权的唯一拥有者,这种垄断性地位还会保持一段时期。随着我国新闻管理机制改革和体育传媒市场的开放,最终将会形成众多体育媒体争夺三大赛事转播权的局面。  相似文献   

Broadcast commentary of sport contests is often seen as biased or “one-eyed” for the “home team”. This study sought to determine if this labelling was correct. Two different broadcasts of the national Dutch team's games during the 2006 Federation Internationale de Football Association's (FIFA) World Cup in Germany were compared. Both the Dutch Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (NOS) and Australian Special Broadcast Services (SBS) networks each televised this team's matches, together providing eight matches for analysis. First, the framing strategies used by each broadcaster were identified through a fourteen category thematic scale derived from the data. Secondly, a Chi-square analysis of the results revealed significant associations for the types of themes employed by the home network (NOS) and those of a neutral broadcaster (SBS). Results also revealed associations for the use of nationalistic themes in the commentary. These results have salience for sport management and sport media studies as audience size and therefore revenue generation is of import.  相似文献   

俄罗斯世界杯上,最终获得冠军的法国队是防守反击打法的典型代表。作为当今世界足坛水平最高的赛事,每一届世界杯都有不同的技战术打法赢得最终的冠军。俄罗斯世界杯的主流战术为防守反击战术。该文运用文献资料法、录像观察法、数理统计法对世界杯8强球队参加的38场比赛进行战术分析,总结世界杯8强球队在比赛中运用防守反击战术特征,旨在为我国足球训练及发展提供理论参考。  相似文献   


Although US goalkeeper, Hope Solo, had guided the women’s national soccer team to the semi-finals of the 2007 Women’s World Cup, head coach Greg Ryan benched Solo in favour of 1999 World Cup winning goalkeeper, Briana Scurry. The US lost, 4 – 0, the worst loss ever in World Cup play. The loss did not capture news headlines; rather, Hope Solo’s post-game comments about Ryan’s decision to bench her went viral. I contend that Solo’s outburst interrupted the historical narrative of the US women’s national soccer team. Solo’s action revealed an oppressive team culture of female containment. In a 30-second sound bite, Solo disrupted the discourse of power on the team and in the media, temporarily producing a space for various conceptions of the female athlete to be recognized.  相似文献   

Hosting sporting mega-events involve considerable investment in and significant engagement with local communities. This paper contributes to the burgeoning literature about sporting mega event’s socio-geographical impacts on tourism, employment, urban regeneration, and socio-economic and cultural benefits. Within the context of 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil, we assess, utilizing interview data from local communities, the impact of the construction of the 2014 World Cup’s opening venue, ‘Arena Corinthians’ soccer stadium, in Itaquera, as well as other infrastructure developments more widely in the East Zone of São Paulo. The results point to the diversity of opinions among the resident community about the real legacies resulting from this sport mega-event.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of qualification for the 2006 World Cup on football participation in Australia. Australia’s qualification for the 2006 World Cup created widespread media coverage across the country, and this was amplified by the fact that it was only the second time the nation had qualified for the event. Contrary to a number of studies that have examined sport participation legacy and major events, this research presents data that suggest an overall positive trend in Australian football participation post Australia’s successful World Cup qualification. Three of the four demographic categories examined in the study had witnessed increased football participation across the examined period.  相似文献   

The popularity of women's soccer has increased in Germany since the inauguration of the sport in 1970 by the German Football Association. The purpose of this study is to analyze the current image of women's soccer in general and the pre-event image of the World Cup 2011 in particular, as well as the key drivers and indicators that trigger interest in attending women's soccer matches. The study sample consists of sport-interested individuals who were questioned concerning their attitudes and actions related to the attendance at women's soccer matches at different leisure facilities and sport events in Germany in 2009 (n = 1284). Additive image indexes were created in order to evaluate the respective images of women's soccer and the Women's World Cup. Regression analyses were applied to test the key drivers for interest in attending matches. The results suggest that age is important in determining the perceived image of women's soccer and the Women's World Cup and gender influences the perception of the pre-event image of the Women's World Cup. Moreover, various image indicators influence future behavior which applies as well to age. No differences were found regarding an effect of gender on future behavior. Regarding women's soccer it can be said that the more interesting, exciting and cheerful it is perceived to be, the higher the interest in attending matches. These attributes can be used in marketing communications to foster game attendance.  相似文献   


This paper tells the history of the Borroloola Tour to the 2014 Brazil World Cup, when eight Aboriginal adolescent footballers from the remote town of Borroloola in Australia’s Northern Territory were selected to be part of a tour to Brazil. In Brazil they followed the Australian team from the stands, socialized with football idols such as Tim Cahill, and visited a Brazilian Indigenous tribe. John Moriarty, the first Aboriginal Australian to be selected to Australia’s national football team executed this excursion. Considering that race relations within the Australian sporting arena have historically, been tense and contested, this paper brings to light an under-explored aspect of football in Australia. It is timely too, given the insertion of Australian football within the Asian Football Confederation. The paper examines the historical meanings of the Borroloola Tour through the lens of its key participants; as well as by unveiling John Moriarty’s history as the first Aboriginal person to be selected to play for the Socceroos. In conclusion, it reveals that both the past and contemporary history of Aboriginal people’s involvement in Australian football has an emerging face that will shape football in Australia and in Asia in the coming years.  相似文献   

篮球世界杯是各国篮球技术与文化交流的一场盛会,第18届在中国召开,作为东道主,中国队小组赛1胜2负惨遭淘汰,排位赛因净胜分劣势,未能获得直通东京奥运会的资格。为了探索中国队失利的表象与深层因素,通过反复观看本届世界杯中国队比赛录像,分析了失利的原因,发现兵败本土对中国篮球的发展起到负面影响,并深入探讨了改革联赛、发展中国风格篮球、改革人才选拔机制、挖掘本土优秀教练等方面的问题。  相似文献   

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